Recent content by abdo375

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    Wireless USB to USB: Can It Be Done?

    Actually it's just starting to take over, and if I recall correctly it's has a much faster data-transfer rate to be compared to bluetooth.
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    Engineering: Intelligence and Skill Required?

    I don't think that being good engineer has anything to do with your IQ level. Last summer I applied for a summer job at a RnD center here in Egypt and there was this simple IQ entrance exam that I had to take for the interview and let's just say that I manged to score an IQ just above mental...
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    When to use Laplace & Fourier Series/Transforms

    Hey MtPiNoY welcome to physics forum I hope you enjoy it here. About your question Fourier series has many application in electrical engineering a lot of which fall under signal processing, see the great thing about Fourier series is that it can represent signals as a summation of cosine and...
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    News Ahmadinejad Interview | 60 Minutes | CBS News

    Ivan, I'm from the ME and I believe when it comes to homosexuality, women, freedom of speech and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict our views differ a lot. but that wasn't the point I was aiming at, what I was saying is that sometimes we have to accept each others culture as it is. We will never...
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    News Ahmadinejad Interview | 60 Minutes | CBS News

    It's amazing that most people here are upset about his views on Homosexuals, Women and The Holocaust and not his nuclear program, although this is a good sign that a lot of people aren't seeing him as an actual threat it shows how much of a cultural differences appears to be between us, although...
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    News Ahmadinejad Interview | 60 Minutes | CBS News

    Moridin, It's funny that you'd quote CNN when the title of the site I gave you was "NEWS YOU WON'T FIND ON CNN", I believe that his words were intentionally misinterrupted by the US media.
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    News Ahmadinejad Interview | 60 Minutes | CBS News

    Please read this...
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    News Ahmadinejad Interview | 60 Minutes | CBS News I wanted to know what people thought of his interview, I'm from Egypt which had it's share of problems with Iran but I believe he's a reasonable man and I definitely give him more credibility than bush and his administration.
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    Exploring the Mysteries of EM Waves

    As an Engineer, and I'm assuming your are one since you asked your question in the engineering section not in the physics one, there is a very simple answer to your question we don't know and we don't care, see the structure of EM waves can not be explained to us fully because we don't have the...
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    An introduction to signals and systems

    I'd definitely go with the Oppenheim book, the book is organized with tons of examples and tries to link theory to application whenever possible, one catch though, the book assumes solid background in differential equation and complex numbers, also I'd suggest asking your instructor what book...
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    Understanding Logic Comparators with Negative Feedback: Sam's Confusion

    If you have a couple of hours on your hands, may I suggest that you take a look at these videos, the explanation is simply beautiful PS there are two lecture about op-amps, the First one is about the basic theory and application, and the other one is about Positive feedback.
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    Can I make a closed source Linux derivative ?

    I've seen a lot of people bash Linux for being hard to use, but to hate Linux for ideological reasons for being free this is very strange. Why wouldn't you use the proprietary software, open source programmers might be against proprietary software but if the alternative is not available it's...
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    Assembly Language for electrical engineering

    I must say that I have to disagree with most of the answers above, Learning assembly has a lot of benefits for anyone interested in programming or computer architecture, see learning assembly maybe the goal but on your way to do so, you will pickup a few good skills, some of which are numbering...
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    Stupid Mistake: Measuring Body Resistance with a Multimeter

    Emicro, but that's straight to your heart not to your limbs, which have a very large resistance, thus protecting your heart.
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    Comprehensive explanation of Aliasing?

    Aliasing is a form of distortion that happens when you sample a signal with a frequency less than the nyquist rate, the sampling theory simply states that if we take a number of samples of a signal at double the rate of it's highest frequency, the original signal can be reconstructed using these...