Recent content by 220205

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    What are the Eigenvectors of the Integration Operator with Cosine Kernel?

    Homework Statement Find the eigenvalues and a corresponding system of eigenvectors of the operator Af(x) := Integration from 0 to 1 K(x; y)f(y) dy where K(x; y) = cos (2pi(x - y))
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    Prove Lim N→∞ of Rudin Fourier Series 8.19

    Rudin 8.19 f is a continuous function on R, f(x+2Pi)=f(x), and a/pi is irrational. Prove that lim N goes to infinity (Sum n=1,...,N f(x+na)) =(1/2pi) * \int f(t)dt from -pi to pi for every x. Hint: do it first for f(x)=exp(ikx) THANKS!
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    How Do You Calculate the Homology of Spaces in Algebraic Topology?

    Hey guys, i am studying cohomology by hatcher's. Could anyone provide me some ideas on these problems? Thank you all! Let f : S2n-1 -> Sn denote a continuous map. Let Xf = D2n union f Sn be the space obtained by attaching a 2n-dim cell to Sn using the map f. i). Calculate the integral...
  4. 2

    How Do You Calculate Homology in Algebraic Topology Problems?

    Hey guys, i am studying cohomology by hatcher's. Could anyone provide me some ideas on these problems? Thank you! Let f : S2n-1 -> Sn denote a continuous map. Let Xf = D2n union f Sn be the space obtained by attaching a 2n-dim cell to Sn using the map f. i). Calculate the integral...