"Women's March" around the world

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  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary, the Women's March on Washington was a sea of pink-hatted protesters who vowed to resist Donald Trump. The event was notable for its large turnout in Washington, D.C., as well as in sister cities around the world. Trump is expected to react to the pressure exerted by the march by hypocritically claiming to respect women.
  • #1
Women’s Marches: Millions of protesters around the country vow to resist Donald Trump

I must say I am really surprised (in a good way) to see such massive numbers in the Women's March in DC and all over the world (100k in just my small state capitol). There are marches in what must be thousands of sister cities and all the photos I've seen show impressive numbers. Could this start a "Women's Spring"?

My goal for this thread is to discuss what might come from the start of the movement for Women's rights (and marginalized groups) in general. Also how Trump will deal with this pressure.

ps. the election is over, so let's cut the heat out of our words and try to be analytical.
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  • #2
Greg Bernhardt said:
I must say I am really surprised (in a good way) to see such massive numbers in the Women's March in DC and all over the world.
Me too. I knew there was going to be a DC event, but the sympathetic events everywhere else surprised and gratified me.

I don't know where it might go from here. I hope it continues and gathers strength.

I assume Trump will react by hypocritically claiming he respects women, as he's already done.
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  • #3
  • #4
Given that there are far more radical*, and interantional in outlook, womens groups than women in the US it would not surprise me if there will be significant linkups. If so it will likely radicalise the womens groups in the US (and other relatively comfortable nations.) Should be an interesting International Womens Day this year.

eg the Kurds, Cubans.
  • #5
Astronuc said:
As far as I can remember, there has been a movement for women's rights.
I am young, but in my life I haven't seen numbers like this.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
Could this start a "Women's Spring"?

My goal for this thread is to discuss what might come from the start of the movement for Women's rights (and marginalized groups) in general. Also how Trump will deal with this pressure.
What are the goals of those who organized the marches? And I don't mean to get people to show up to the marches, I mean what "women's rights" issues are they protesting for/against and what "pressure" are they trying to put on Trump?
  • #7
russ_watters said:
What are the goals of those who organized the marches? And I don't mean to get people to show up to the marches, I mean what "women's rights" issues are they protesting for/against and what "pressure" are they trying to put on Trump?
I think in general it was a march of solidarity, but here are the beliefs of the organization
  • #8
I couldn't attend but I signed the petition. I received a "Thank you" mass e-mail from several senators.

Of course a huge part for the US is the defunding of Planned Parenthood which helps low income women get their gynecological exams, including breast exams, and helps sponsor events for free mammograms, family planning, etc...

Also a part is

  • accessible health care and make sure women don't lose the protections offered by the Affordable Care Act.
  • a woman's right to choose.
  • pay equality for women and for policies like paid family leave that help working families thrive.
  • bold action against climate change, from expanding renewable energy to keeping our air and water clean.
And then there is childcare, there are many issues, many of which also benefit men.
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  • #9
Greg Bernhardt said:
I think in general it was a march of solidarity, but here are the beliefs of the organization
Thanks. Though it has a bit of a women's spin on it, it mostly reads like a generic liberal political platform, touching on most of the hot topics of today for Democrats (immigrants, the environment, the Dakota Access Pipeline, BLM, etc). So I'm not sure I see a "Women's Spring" potential there; just maybe a potential for the Democratic party to start to recover and stop its losses...which, given that a Republican (sorta) is now President, one would expect the pendulum has swung as far to the right as it is going to go and will start swinging back in the next election.

So I guess we'll have to see if this is the start of something or just a generic "we don't like Trump" march with a better than average (if overly broadly) written platform.
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  • #10
Though my last post was intended to convey that I don't think generic/vague protest movements are very useful, I do see this as a key issue:
Evo said:
Of course a huge part for the US is the defunding of Planned Parenthood which helps low income women get their gynecological exams, including breast exams, and helps sponsor events for free mammograms, family planning, etc...
This is an issue I agree with, but in either case I think that a coherent hammering of it might have an impact and if they want to get something accomplished rather than just cast a wide net and hope they get something, this is the issue to go after.

That said, I think enough people feel strongly enough about Planned Parenthood that it might just survive getting its funding cut. Google tells me it costs $500 million a year, which is a lot, but I could see private citizens showering it with money if it gets defunded. The Ice Bucket Challenge yielded $115 million in two weeks.
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  • #11
  • #12
Interesting. I see generic/vague protest movements as revolutionary.

If they come from a general unformulated discontent shared by many people there will be many who will try to come up with a common generic focus. There will be a few that many will identify as common and rally around that. So, out of large scale generic/vague protests come very strong movements for change. Naturally there will be reactionary forces at play that try to take control of the direction of protest but revolutionary participants learn from that which contributes to future revolutionary actions.
  • #13
russ_watters said:
Though my last post was intended to convey that I don't think generic/vague protest movements are very useful, I do see this as a key issue:

This is an issue I agree with, but in either case I think that a coherent hammering of it might have an impact and if they want to get something accomplished rather than just cast a wide net and hope they get something, this is the issue to go after.

That said, I think enough people feel strongly enough about Planned Parenthood that it might just survive getting its funding cut. Google tells me it costs $500 million a year, which is a lot, but I could see private citizens showering it with money if that happens. The Ice Bucket Challenge yielded $115 million in two weeks.
I agree a key focus needs to be on Planned Parenthood and the good it does and dispel the crazy lies about it.

That's MY main concern, I have been campaigning for Planned Parenthood since the 70's. I've seen how much good it has done.

I also have been the victim of being a single female parent with 2 kids being number one in my job and finding out that I was making $15k a year less than a mediocre male employee with one kid and a working wife. I went to my "male" manager and was told, well, he has a family to support. :eek: :bugeye: :oldconfused: :headbang::headbang:
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  • #14
russ_watters said:
it mostly reads like a generic liberal political platform, touching on most of the hot topics of today for Democrats (immigrants, the environment, the Dakota Access Pipeline, BLM, etc)

If you read the right-wing commentary, you will see a number of women writers pointing this out. Some organizations have been "disinvited" as sponsors for this. I personally think demanding ideological purity is a mistake. If you tell people who support, e.g. the Dakota Access Pipeline that they are unwelcome, how exactly does that help Planned Parenthood?

russ_watters said:
Women's Spring

Holy Lysistrata, Batman! :eek:
  • #15
Vanadium 50 said:
If you read the right-wing commentary, you will see a number of women writers pointing this out.
I am speculating, but I think it could be to draw as many people out as possible. From what I could tell about the actual marches (my wife went to one) the message was mostly in regards to women's rights and equality with some anti Trump and LGBT stuff thrown in.
  • #17
I went to the one with Atlanta with my wife. John Lewis spoke so that was nice. The Atlanta one was mostly bent towards civil liberties and staying vigilant towards any possible threat protections in place for minorities. Also this nice lady was handing out donuts and I ate 10 :D.
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  • #18
My daughter took part in the one we had here in Portland. We couldn't go because my wife's mother is in the hospital, and my wife wanted to be able to get there if needed.
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  • #19
I have no problem with this but I think as usual the media is trying to distract us. There is a lack of coverage of violent anarchist protesters vandalising buildings and terrorising people. Distract everyone from the chaos.

To get back to the post, I would like to think Trump will see the good in Obamacare and try to improve it without sacrificing the cover it provides. Not just women's specific health issue's but all health issues. Trump is hard to read and has flip flopped on many occasions so who knows.
  • #20
I understand that there was no ONE idea that unified all these people, but just a general insecurity that comes from an unknown entity i.e. "the Donald"
Let's be honest, it is not Equal Rights that Groups "fight for" It is the Unequal Rights or the Status of a Protected Cl;ass Designation!
Voltaire was concerned about the Tyranny of the Majority. Perhaps we should be just as concerned about the Tyranny of the Minority (even though they outnumber the men) For me, I am still waiting to experience that White Male Privilege thing.
As Technical or Science types, shouldn't we observe how this experiment progresses and then draw our conclusions instead of prejudging the outcome?
In other words, Give the Guy a Chance to make good on his promises?
  • #21
Mike Bergen said:
I am still waiting to experience that White Male Privilege thing.

I grew up in a dominant white middle class suburb. Since then I have traveled to over 65 countries and now live a mere 8 blocks from some tough inner city areas. I have absolutely no question that I benefited from being a white middle class male. That was not something I worked for. I was born into it.

Mike Bergen said:
In other words, Give the Guy a Chance to make good on his promises?

His promises are exactly what worry women, minorities and marginalized groups.
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  • #22
gvlr96 said:
Yes, I too don't see my 'white male privilege'.
Volunteer at a nearby women's organization. Inner city is best. You can't understand until you are in that world, walk in their shoes and listen to their stories.
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  • #23
Evo said:
I also have been the victim of being a single female parent with 2 kids being number one in my job and finding out that I was making $15k a year less than a mediocre male employee with one kid and a working wife. I went to my "male" manager and was told, well, he has a family to support.

Well you have a family too, so what was his point? Unjustified discrimination can hold a company back and as an investor I am appalled at such a management attitude. Could it be that the other employee is overpaid?

Huge inequalities of pay exist on the topside. In Europe we have massive overpayments of salaries which male employees get because of their age. If we had more payment for the economic value of work done, the released huge sums could be used to attract and motivate the underpaid, such as women and other disadvantaged.

It really is a very big problem and I look forward to more protests demanding more rationality in society. If we paid working people according to their economic output, this would be a very big revolution! A lot of people would lose out of course.[/QUOTE]
  • #24
gvlr96 said:
Domestic violence is not limited to violence against women
Yes, but your whole post reminds me of people that say "All Lives Matter". That is to disregard the point of the movement. Women march for their rights. If you want to march to end men to men or women to men violence go ahead, but don't try to disregard what women are marching for.
  • #25
Dr_Zinj said:
Study after study show that women on average are already paid equitably.
Please show some studies

"The latest data from the United States Census Bureau shows that women only make 79 cents to every dollar a man earns. Even worse for women of color."
  • #26
Greg Bernhardt said:
Yes, but your whole post reminds me of people that say "All Lives Matter". That is to disregard the point of the movement. Women march for their rights. If you want to march to end men to men or women to men violence go ahead, but don't try to disregard what women are marching for.

BLM is about issues which are systemic uniquely or disproportionately affect the black community. Domestic violence is gender neutral and not systemic. In societies where men are open to talk about being victims, they are about 50% of the victims. Campaigning for only half the victims based on gender is sexist. It would be like raising awareness about the dangers of using your phone while driving because it women can die from it. If an organised government department was specifically targeting women, like some police officers may specifically target minorities, you could compare this to BLM, but this is not the case with domestic violence or rape.
  • #28
Here's an interesting article by a poor white person about white privilege:


The problem in seeing white privilege is much like the problem of the fish who can't grasp the concept of water. The author, however, makes a good point that many things called "white privilege" are actually "class privilege."
[Mod note: good article, but language warning]
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  • #30
  • #31
gvlr96 said:
Domestic violence is gender neutral and not systemic. In societies where men are open to talk about being victims, they are about 50% of the victims. Campaigning for only half the victims based on gender is sexist. It would be like raising awareness about the dangers of using your phone while driving because it women can die from it. If an organised government department was specifically targeting women, like some police officers may specifically target minorities, you could compare this to BLM, but this is not the case with domestic violence or rape.
I think this is the relevant part of the march goals here:

Women have the right to live full and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against our bodies. One in three women have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime; and one in five women have been raped. Further, each year, thousands of women and girls, particularly Black, Indigenous and transgender women and girls, are kidnapped, trafficked, or murdered. We honor the lives of those women who were taken before their time and we affirm that we work for a day when all forms of violence against women are eliminated.

And this is the relevant "government department" specifically targeting women:

"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the kitty. You can do anything."

Trump creates psychological breathing space for that kind of behavior toward women by his example. It almost, and should have, cost him the election. That "hot mike" tape was a massive blow to his campaign. A large part of what this march was about was to remind people of his actual attitude toward women. It has fallen out of the news headlines, but not out of women's memories.
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  • #32
Greg Bernhardt said:
I grew up in a dominant white middle class suburb. Since then I have traveled to over 65 countries and now live a mere 8 blocks from some tough inner city areas. I have absolutely no question that I benefited from being a white middle class male. That was not something I worked for. I was born into it.
Just to be clear, "white priveledge" is specifically about being white (and sometimes male). So the important distinction to be made is: how much of your "priveledge" came from being a middle class American and how much truly came from being white/male?
  • #33
russ_watters said:
Just to be clear, "white priveledge" is specifically about being white (and sometimes male). So the important distinction to be made is: how much of your "priveledge" came from being a middle class American and how much truly came from being white/male?
I acknowledged I benefited from all three privileges. I did not work to pick my parents, skin color or gender. How each contributed specifically to my general success, I can't say, but it's not hard to visualize. If I were a poor black female, the chances PF exists become slim.
  • #34
gvlr96 said:
You're first paragraph does not address my point. And to be clear, Trump is not a government department.
The part of your post I quoted questions what occasion there could be for a specific protest against men's aggression toward women, and I'm pointing out that such an occasion exists with Trump's behavior toward women. I do think I addressed your point.

I'm not sure what you're trying to convey by saying Trump is not a government department. He is the head of the executive branch.
I do my no means approve of him or what he said in the leaked tape, but the question is will this affect his policies - and I think not. I do not predict will do anything either positive or negative when it comes to civil rights. He has even said he will not repeal the legalisation of abortion.
I'm glad to hear you don't approve. What you're missing, it seems to me, is that giving him the keys to the White House after he said those things amounts to saying it's an unimportant issue.
  • #35
Greg Bernhardt said:
So it's possible the gap is less, but that doesn't mean equitable.
No, but it is important to have a clear understanding of a "problem" before labeling it a "problem" and proposing action. The commonly cited 79cents (up recently from 78cents) is hammered by activists, the media and some government sources (administration dependent) that a lot of people accept as true something that is basically fake news/a lie. It should be obvious to anyone that pointing out that an engineer makes more money that a teacher (for example) has nothing to do with gender discrimination and everything to do with choices. The point being, since almost all of "the problem" has nothing to do with workplace gender discrimination, the ACTUAL "problem" of women choosing high competition/low pay jobs has an entirely different solution.
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