What is the best power supply for a peltier-based water cooling unit?

In summary, you can buy a ready-made peltier beverage cooler at a department store or online. The coolers have a heat sink and are sealed. The only difficulty is getting to the cooling side without tearing up the seal. You can also use a wall wart to power the coolers.
  • #1

I'm new here so I apologize if my question isn't composed appropriately.

I’m currently designing water cooling unit, which is a component of a larger project, that utilizes peltier plates as a heat pump to displace the energy from the water. To cool the peltier plates themselves I want to employ heat sinks and CPU fans, as to prevent the plates from over heating and damaging themselves.

The problem I’m encountering with this system is finding the appropriate power supply. I know all the components consume DC power but I was hoping to be able to plug this into a standard US outlet. I lack the electrical skills to actually make an appropriate selection for this purpose, but I was thinking that I could use a computer Power Supply since that converts AC power to DC power but I’m unsure as how to connect the peltier coolers to those P-type connectors.

Any suggestions or ideas regarding this? I’ve listed the specifications of the peltier coolers below but I haven’t made a decision on heat sinks and cooling fans.

168 W Peltier Cooler 12V
At 50 C
Qmax = 120 W
Imax = 10.9 A
Vmax = 15.4

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  • #3
Hello Double-D,

It sounds like a good time to visit Digikey.com. Type in power supplies and go from there. you should be looking at $100-$200.
The computer switchers have very little output capability at 12 volts. They're designed to supply the vast majority of their power to the logic chips (3.3 volts?).

Oh, one other thing. If your running your junction below the dew point, you need to seal it up to protect from condensate.

- Mike
  • #4
You can buy fairly cheap ready-made peltier food coolers at your local department store or online. they run on 12V automobile supply, so you could replace that with a battery charger.
  • #5
Fleem's got a good point about the food coolers - They're sealed, and already have a heat sink. The only difficulty I can see is getting to the cooling side without tearing up the seal. The two heat sinks are most likely sealed together, and machining down one heat sink without dis assembly would be a hassle.

I'd look for a better power supply though. I suspect you'll get much better efficiency from a steady DC source than a pulsating source like a battery charger.
  • #6
And, just as a general safety rule when beginning to work with high frequency switching power supples (which frequently are not fullly isolated from the mains), is an isolation transformer for your work bench. Not needed in the final system, but a safety item during the 'open' design and construction phases.
  • #7
I understand that it is pertinent to protect the peltier cooler from condensation if I am running it below the dew point, but how would you suggest I seal it. The reason I chose to use peltier coolers for this project specifically is due to the fact I already have some laying around, so I was hoping to employee those rather than purchasing new ones.
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  • #8

I've only had mixed results when attempting to make air-tight seals with RTV, but it seams to be the only game in town. I've seen military seals that used some tough, pink rubber, and then the everyday seals that they use for food coolers, which are a white rubber that's also tenacious.

I guess I would attempt to clean the surface very-very thoroughly and stick with RTV. I think I might even go so far as to go after the surface with some heat-sink compound (or better yet, a water-based polish) and a rag before hitting it with some lighter fluid and then IPA. The heat sink compound is pretty good at polishing. You just need to clean the grease out afterwards... That should help with the porosity and scratches.
  • #9

I acctually found this link to an older forum post that addresses the creation of a peltier beverage cooler. I understand that he didn't appropriatly account for condensation from operating below the due point, but my attention was drawn to the power set up he created using Molex connectors. Outside of constructing a computer, I haven't encountered this use for Molex connectors, and I believe he used them so that a computers power supply could power the peltier plates. Is that inference correct? Could anyone elaborate on implementing molex connectors in this manner with "loose" wires?

Also what about using a wall wart? I'm disregarding efficiency.
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  • #10
If you're needing many amps at 12 volts, you're not going to get it from the 12 volt supply on a computer PC or a wall wart. You could get considerable current (10's of amps) at lower voltages (3.3 or 5) using computer supplies.
If you can run with lower voltages (lower temperature change), than the PC supply will work, otherwise you need something a little more dedicated - A 12V switcher
  • #11
there are a few projects about, that show you how to convert to high current winding and power supply components of a standard PC power supply, to change the high current supply part from the 5Volts for the digital logic, to the 12Volt supply for just such a purpose.

look up "silicon chip" magazine or the like.

"converting PC power supply for high current 12 volts".
  • #12
also if you need high current 12V, and it does not have to be super "clean", you can use a car battery and a bar battery float charger, then you can even claim "green" and put a solar panel on it.
  • #13
TORR SEAL is a polymer high vacuum sealant.

Related to What is the best power supply for a peltier-based water cooling unit?

1. What is a power supply?

A power supply is an electronic device that converts the available power from a source, such as a wall outlet, into a form that is suitable for use by other electronic devices. It typically provides a stable and regulated output voltage or current to power the internal components of these devices.

2. What are the main components of a power supply?

The main components of a power supply include a transformer, rectifier, capacitor, and regulator. The transformer steps down the input voltage to a lower level, the rectifier converts the AC voltage into DC, the capacitor smoothes out any fluctuations in the DC voltage, and the regulator maintains a constant output voltage or current.

3. How do I choose the right power supply for my device?

To choose the right power supply for your device, you need to consider the required output voltage and current, as well as the input voltage and type (AC or DC) that your device can accept. It is also important to consider the maximum power output and the efficiency of the power supply.

4. What are the different types of power supply?

There are several types of power supply, including linear power supplies, switching power supplies, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). Linear power supplies use a linear regulator to provide a stable output voltage, while switching power supplies use a switching regulator to efficiently convert the input voltage into a regulated output. UPSs include a battery backup to provide power in case of a power outage.

5. How do I properly install and maintain a power supply?

To install a power supply, you should carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure that all connections are secure. It is also important to regularly clean and check the power supply for any signs of damage or wear. If any issues are found, the power supply should be replaced or repaired by a professional. Additionally, it is important to regularly inspect and replace any damaged or worn cables or connectors that are connected to the power supply.

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