What does Computer Science and Engineering involve ?

In summary, Computer Science and Engineering is a field that combines the principles of computer science and engineering to design, develop, and maintain computer systems and software. It requires strong analytical and problem-solving skills, proficiency in programming languages, knowledge of algorithms and data structures, and the ability to work in a team environment. The job prospects for graduates in this field are very promising, with opportunities in various industries. While it can be a challenging field to study, with dedication and preparation, anyone can succeed in it. To prepare for a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, it is important to have a strong background in mathematics, science, and computer programming, and gaining hands-on experience through internships or personal projects can also be beneficial.
  • #1
Hi guys. I'm finally finishing with high-school and jumping into engineering college world. I've wanted to be an engineer. I've always known that. I love to figure out how stuff works. I automatically get attracted to look if a repairman is repairing some kind of machine at home. My computer repairman has never had to repair the same thing twice (which was because I just kept learning stuff, until the time when I did not need him. I have had my computer for 7 years, and it has not been touched by a technician for the last four). I'm attracted towards stuff like Arduino and what to do with it. Sorry for lack of my modesty, but I'm some kind of a computer legend in my school and friends (partly because this is India, and a lot of people don't have any clue of anything related to technology, and partly because I'm not that bad.) Sorry for the rant, I was just ensuring that I do want engineering as a career after all.

I'm inclined towards Electronics Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering as my undergraduate program. Here's an example of the curriculum followed in my country.


Could you provide me brief description of what I'll be studying in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and what are the primary differences between these two ? And what are the 'strengths' required for each of them ?

Just answer what you can, and familiarise me with both, especially CSE, the best you can. Thanks a lot


PS : What do the credit figures A-B-C-D mean ? I know you get a credit for each course, and a minimum number of credits is required to get a degree. But what do 4 numbers mean ?
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  • #2
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is a field of engineering that focuses on the design, implementation, and maintenance of computer software and hardware systems. CSE graduates are typically well-versed in programming languages and software engineering principles. They are also knowledgeable in topics such as operating systems, computer architecture, computer networks, and databases.Electrical Engineering (EE) is a field of engineering focused on the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. EE graduates are typically well-versed in topics such as analog and digital circuits, power systems, control systems, signal processing, communication systems, and embedded systems.The primary difference between CSE and EE is the focus of each field. CSE focuses on the design, implementation, and maintenance of computer software and hardware systems, while EE focuses on the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.The strengths required for each field are also different. For CSE, a strong background in mathematics and computer science are helpful. In addition, knowledge of programming languages and software engineering principles are beneficial. For EE, a strong background in mathematics, physics, and electronics are helpful. Knowledge of analog and digital circuits, power systems, control systems, signal processing, communication systems, and embedded systems is also beneficial.The credit figures A-B-C-D refer to the number of credits awarded for each course. Each course typically has an A-B-C-D breakdown which describes how many credits are awarded for passing the course. A is the highest level of credit and D is the lowest. In order to graduate, students must accumulate a certain number of credits in total.

Related to What does Computer Science and Engineering involve ?

1. What is Computer Science and Engineering?

Computer Science and Engineering is a field that combines the principles of computer science and engineering to design, develop, and maintain computer systems and software. It involves both the theoretical foundations of computing as well as the practical applications of those theories.

2. What skills are required for a career in Computer Science and Engineering?

Some of the key skills required for a career in Computer Science and Engineering include strong analytical and problem-solving skills, programming proficiency in languages like Java, C++, and Python, knowledge of algorithms and data structures, and the ability to work in a team environment.

3. What are the job prospects for graduates in Computer Science and Engineering?

The job prospects for graduates in Computer Science and Engineering are very promising. With the rapid advancement of technology, there is a high demand for professionals in this field. Graduates can find employment in various industries such as software development, information technology, engineering, research, and academia.

4. Is Computer Science and Engineering a difficult field to study?

Computer Science and Engineering can be a challenging field to study, but it is also a highly rewarding one. It requires a strong foundation in mathematical and logical thinking, and the ability to adapt to new technologies and programming languages. With dedication and hard work, anyone can succeed in this field.

5. How can I prepare for a degree in Computer Science and Engineering?

To prepare for a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, it is important to have a strong background in mathematics, science, and computer programming. Familiarizing yourself with programming languages and staying updated with the latest developments in the field can also be beneficial. Additionally, gaining hands-on experience through internships or personal projects can help you develop practical skills and stand out to potential employers.

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