What Do You Do If You Were a Rock Star?

  • Thread starter Zargawee
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a game where users ask and answer hypothetical questions starting with "What do you do if". The topics of the questions range from being a rock star, to being able to see the future, to living on Mars, and having control over the world. The conversation also includes some jokes and off-topic comments.
  • #176
I'd keep traveling forward through time

What would you do if you found out you were the only person with free will?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #177
Tease all the non free will having sheep.

What would you do if you had 45 minutes left at work and you really need to get some work done but you found this crazy thread on the PF and couldn't will yourself away from it until you got to the end and posted something nice and witty?
  • #178
**** that work i will leave it and come to post...

what do you do if you come and post and your manger fired you because you didn't do that work?
  • #179
Quit!...before he could fire me.

What do you do if you find yourself on fire, at the local refineries storage tank, site busy repairing leaks in the tanks?
  • #180
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What do you do if you find yourself on fire, at the local refineries storage tank, site busy repairing leaks in the tanks?

you dive into the tanks, obviously!

what do you do if a certain someone is changing his avatar and title everyday now? (Mr. Robin Parsons)
  • #181
Originally posted by maximus
you dive into the tanks, obviously!

what do you do if a certain someone is changing his avatar and title everyday now? (Mr. Robin Parsons)

Learn to live with it (or find out where he lives, sneak into his house at night, and... ).

What do you do if your pants fall off in the middle of a public place?
  • #182
Originally posted by Mentat
What do you do if your pants fall off in the middle of a public place?

balance it out by taking off your shirt.

what do you do if you zipper is down and you don't realize it for hours?
  • #183
Originally posted by maximus
balance it out by taking off your shirt.

what do you do if you zipper is down and you don't realize it for hours?

Nothing until you realize it, duh!

What do you do if a genie comes to you and wishes for three things?
  • #184
Agree to grant the wishes, but stipulate that he must prove that he "does unto others as he would have done unto him", and he must go first proving that!

What do you do if the genies first wish is to have sex with your wife?
  • #185
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Agree to grant the wishes, but stipulate that he must prove that he "does unto others as he would have done unto him", and he must go first proving that!

What do you do if the genies first wish is to have sex with your wife?

Then you make your first wish (which you would get after following Mr. Parson's previous advice) that the genie undergo unimaginable testicular pain, every time he even thinks of your wife... .

What do you do if you are in the midst of very serious/heated debate, and you find a large flaw in your own reasoning, that no one else seems to have found?

Note: This has never happened to me (why do birds always like to land on my nose when it gets this big?) :wink:.
  • #186
Originally posted by Mentat
What do you do if you are in the midst of very serious/heated debate, and you find a large flaw in your own reasoning, that no one else seems to have found?

edit your posts!

what do you do if your you are exposed to gamma radiation, and you become the HULK?
  • #187
Go lookin for breakfast! a really BIG breakfast!

What do you do if you find yourself falling in love with something that you are not "legally allowed" to fall in love with?

(not in my life!)
  • #188
Buy a remote island so me and beassy can live in peace we will eat coco nuts and drink milk all day long

Your legs and arms whave swithc but your hands and feet are in their normal postion.
  • #189
Join the ministry of Funny Walks.

What do you do if everytime you stand up you fall over again, landing on your nose everytime that you do it, whilst bouncing backwards and forwards because you nose is made from rubber and the back of your head is also made from rubber?
  • #190
side show...definetly i would pay to see that

what would you do if you could make 1 thing...anything but only 1 of it
  • #191
Make a replicator!

What would you do if you had a replicator?
  • #192
replicate gold then flood the markets sprialing the world econmy into a down fall...then replacte a burrito

What would you do if u had 2 burrito's..
  • #193
Eat them, wait for the gas, then blast off!

Can you achieve escape velocity using only self propelled methane exhaust?
  • #194
Perhaps, if you could find away to contain it long enough. I once heard that if you could Fart for 8 years strait you would have released enough energy to rival the most powerful nuclear weapons.

So if a way of containing and controlling the gas could be devised, and safe ignition, perhaps.

What would you do if Jesus showed up at the next Ozzfest (Ozzy Ozbourne's yearly tour) and stole the microphone, only to ask who was bogarting the Bong?

I could be reffering to a beer bong, so nothing illegal going on.

  • #195
except Jebus stealing the mic...i would defently ask him to crowd surf with me and walk on bong water...beer bong...water...sir. Then watch as he mashes and cures people of their vomiting alements
  • #196
Originally posted by The Grimmus
except Jebus stealing the mic...i would defently ask him to crowd surf with me and walk on bong water...beer bong...water...sir. Then watch as he mashes and cures people of their vomiting alements.

Then I would wonder why!

What would you do if you found yourself in the arms of your least favorite person, and they were just about to give you a slobbering tongue probbing?
  • #197
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Then I would wonder why!

What would you do if you found yourself in the arms of your least favorite person, and they were just about to give you a slobbering tongue probbing?

In the immoral words of Butt-head, "Is she hot?". I mean, come on! "Least favorite person" could just mean that their personality irritates you...

What do you do if you have get a massive tumor in the brain, and it gives you abilities like in "Phenomenon"?
  • #198
Change your responce to something a little friendlier (And give you an "Avatar")

What would you do if you could put words into other peoples mouths, such that, it appeared to be them speaking only what you wanted them to say?

EDIT "parenthetically spoken"
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  • #199
I would get them to say really stupid things and argue pointless arguements so that everyone else would think that they are really really sad.

What would you do if you where trapped inside a Poke Ball?
  • #200

Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
What would you do if you could put words into other peoples mouths, such that, it appeared to be them speaking only what you wanted them to say?

EDIT "parenthetically spoken"
Nothing... I prefer peace & quiet.

What do you do if the only words you know only contain 4 letters?
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  • #201
Originally posted by Andy
What would you do if you where trapped inside a Poke Ball?
Get out of course.

What do you do if all the words you know only contain 4 letters?
  • #202
**** **** crap!

What do you do if your mind gets trapped inside a computer programme for ever!
  • #203
Originally posted by Andy
What do you do if your mind gets trapped inside a computer programme for ever!
Think logically.

What do you do if someone turns off the computer running your mind/program?
  • #204

What would you do if you were trapped at the bottom of the Marianus trench, in a bathysphere, with two of the most beautiful people you could have ever wished having down there with you. ('good personalities' too, Mentat)

  • #205
battle what trench of where...and what is people?

Well i would do the obvious eat them to stay alive

what would you do if i asked this: what woudl you do if you were buried alive with a match and some lighter fluid
  • #206
I would get so high on the lighter fluid that i would float out of the ground!

What do you do if your looking for wood but can't find any?
  • #207
Originally posted by Andy
I would get so high on the lighter fluid that i would float out of the ground!

What do you do if your looking for wood but can't find any?

plant some trees and wait.

what do you do if you don't know what to do?
  • #208
Ask someone what to do!

What would you do if you couldn't find someone to ask? (your mom went home!)
  • #209
Simplify the problem by considering the question to be a sphere, then pushing it down a frictionless hill.

What do you do if you're not old enough to drive, and the nearest frictionless hill is in Nebraska?
  • #210
Start Walking!

What do you do if you need to walk a million miles and you have no legs?

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