What are the different decay processes shown in this Feynman diagram?

In summary, the leading-order Feynman diagram for the decay process of a Higgs boson into an electron-positron pair is described by the interaction vertex in the diagram with the Lagrangian term ##-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}##. Other decay processes of the Higgs boson are possible depending on the Lagrangian used, but they will be suppressed due to containing more vertices and requiring the sum of the outgoing particle masses to be smaller than the Higgs boson mass.
  • #1
Consider the following momentum-space Feynman diagram


This Feynman diagram is the leading-order contribution to the any of the following processes:

1. ##e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} + \gamma##
2. ##e^{+} \rightarrow e^{-} + \gamma##
3. ##\gamma \rightarrow e^{+} + e^{-}##

The process in 3 is clearly the decay of a photon to an electron-positron pair.

Why can't the processes in 1 and 2 be considered to be decay processes of the electron and positron respectively?
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  • #2
  • #3
What if I replace the photon by a massive scalar boson?
  • #5
Ok, so why is the process ##h \rightarrow h + h## allowed?

In the rest frame, the total energy is the rest energy of ##h##, but the outgoing particles have twice the rest energy, so energy is not conserved.
  • #6
failexam said:
Ok, so why is the process ##h \rightarrow h + h## allowed?
Sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me, I better let the pros take this one.
  • #7
failexam said:
Ok, so why is the process ##h \rightarrow h + h## allowed?

In the rest frame, the total energy is the rest energy of ##h##, but the outgoing particles have twice the rest energy, so energy is not conserved.
It is not allowed for free Higgses.

Neither is any of your reactions listed in the OP.
  • #8
Ah! I see!

But consider the following Lagrangian

$$\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_{e}(i\gamma^{\mu}{\partial_{\mu}}-y_{e}\nu)\psi_{e}-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}h)(\partial^{\mu}h)-\frac{1}{2}\left(2|\kappa^{2}|\right)h^{2}-\frac{\lambda}{6}\nu h^{3}-\frac{\lambda}{24}h^{4}$$

which has the intreaction term ##-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}##. This term leads to an interaction vertex of the form given in the diagram:


This diagram describes the leading-order Feynman diagram of the process ##h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+}##.

Can we have a process like ##h \rightarrow h##, where the electron and anti-electron are in a loop? Can we call this process the decay of ##h##?
  • #9
failexam said:
Ah! I see!

But consider the following Lagrangian

$$\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_{e}(i\gamma^{\mu}{\partial_{\mu}}-y_{e}\nu)\psi_{e}-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}h)(\partial^{\mu}h)-\frac{1}{2}\left(2|\kappa^{2}|\right)h^{2}-\frac{\lambda}{6}\nu h^{3}-\frac{\lambda}{24}h^{4}$$

which has the intreaction term ##-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}##. This term leads to an interaction vertex of the form given in the diagram:


This diagram describes the leading-order Feynman diagram of the process ##h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+}##.

Can we have a process like ##h \rightarrow h##, where the electron and anti-electron are in a loop? Can we call this process the decay of ##h##?
No, the ##h## can decay to the electron positron pair if its mass is large enough. The ##h \to h## diagram is not a decay, it is a contribution to the self energy of the ##h##.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
No, the ##h## can decay to the electron positron pair if its mass is large enough. The ##h \to h## diagram is not a decay, it is a contribution to the self energy of the ##h##.

Ok, so (assuming that the mass of ##h## is greater than the mass of ##e^{-}##) apart from ##h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+}##, what other decays of ##h## are possible?
  • #11
failexam said:
Ok, so (assuming that the mass of ##h## is greater than the mass of ##e^{-}##) apart from ##h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+}##, what other decays of ##h## are possible?
The mass needs to be greater than two electron masses for the decay to occur.

What other decays that will occur depends on what else you stuff into your theory.

As given, none (apart from possible higher order decays to several electron-positron pairs, but those are suppressed).
  • #12
Why are higher-order decays suppressed?
  • #13
Because they contain more vertices and are therefore only available at higher order in perturbation theory. If the total mass of the decay products is close to that of the decaying particle, you will also get additional phase space suppression.
  • #14
But you can't deny that these higher-order decay processes still exist!

It's just that they are suppressed since they contain more vertices, right?
  • #15
failexam said:
But you can't deny that these higher-order decay processes still exist!
Where did I do that?

Also, they will not exist unless the sum of the masses of the outgoing particles is smaller than the ##h## mass.

failexam said:
It's just that they are suppressed since they contain more vertices, right?
This is what I said.
  • #16
Is the image in the following link the leading order Feynman diagram for the (higher-order) decay process ##h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+} + e^{-} + e^{+}##

  • #17
No. It has three electrons and three positrons in the out state. Also, there are several different diagrams contributing.
  • #18
How do I understand that there are several different diagrams contributing?

By several different diagrams, do you mean several interaction vertices?
  • #19
failexam said:
How do I understand that there are several different diagrams contributing?
Because you can draw them while respecting the Feynman rules.

failexam said:
By several different diagrams, do you mean several interaction vertices?
  • #20
Okay, so if instead, we had the Lagrangian

$$\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_{e}(i\gamma^{\mu}{\partial_{\mu}}-y_{e}\nu)\psi_{e}-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}+\bar{\psi}_{\mu}(i\gamma^{\nu}{\partial_{\nu}}-y_{\mu}\nu)\psi_{\mu}-y_{\mu}\bar{\psi}_{\mu}h\psi_{\mu}+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}h)(\partial^{\mu}h)-\frac{1}{2}\left(2|\kappa^{2}|\right)h^{2}-\frac{\lambda}{6}\nu h^{3}-\frac{\lambda}{24}h^{4}$$

we can write down processes like

$$h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+}, \qquad\qquad h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+} + e^{-} + e^{+}, \dots$$

$$h \rightarrow \mu^{-} + \mu^{+}, \qquad\qquad h \rightarrow \mu^{-} + \mu^{+} + \mu^{-} + \mu^{+}, \dots$$

$$h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+} + \mu^{-} + \mu^{+}, \dots $$

I was wondering if a particle (e.g. muon) must always be produced with its corresponding antiparticle (e.g. antimuon).

Also, I was wondering if there are only a finite number of processes for this reaction.
  • #21
failexam said:
I was wondering if a particle (e.g. muon) must always be produced with its corresponding antiparticle (e.g. antimuon).
if Lepton number and charge is conserved, the muon will be produced with an antimuon...
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  • #22
ChrisVer said:
if Lepton number and charge is conserved, the muon will be produced with an antimuon...

1. Can we have the Higgs decay into an electron-positron pair and a muon-anti-muon pair?

2 .Can we have the Higgs decay into a muon and a positron?
  • #23
failexam said:
1. Can we have the Higgs decay into an electron-positron pair and a muon-anti-muon pair?
yes... However the Yukawa couplings to electrons or muons are small... From dilepton channels, the Higgs has only been observed in the ditau ones (by combination of CMS and ATLAS results).
The dimuon as far as I know is the next promising one.

failexam said:
2 .Can we have the Higgs decay into a muon and a positron?
Not in the Standard Model, because this violates the lepton flavor... There are models which predict such decays (not only for Higgs but for Z as well) and they are studied in experiment.
  • #24
ChrisVer said:
yes... However the Yukawa couplings to electrons or muons are small... From dilepton channels, the Higgs has only been observed in the ditau ones (by combination of CMS and ATLAS results).
The dimuon as far as I know is the next promising one.Not in the Standard Model, because this violates the lepton flavor... There are models which predict such decays (not only for Higgs but for Z as well) and they are studied in experiment.

The questions were asked relative to this Lagrangian

$$\mathcal{L} = \bar{\psi}_{e}(i\gamma^{\mu}{\partial_{\mu}}-y_{e}\nu)\psi_{e}-y_{e}\bar{\psi}_{e}h\psi_{e}+\bar{\psi}_{\mu}(i\gamma^{\nu}{\partial_{\nu}}-y_{\mu}\nu)\psi_{\mu}-y_{\mu}\bar{\psi}_{\mu}h\psi_{\mu}+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}h)(\partial^{\mu}h)-\frac{1}{2}\left(2|\kappa^{2}|\right)h^{2}-\frac{\lambda}{6}\nu h^{3}-\frac{\lambda}{24}h^{4}$$
  • #25
failexam said:
The questions were asked relative to this Lagrangian
do you see any [itex]\bar{\psi}_\mu h \psi_e[/itex] in tat lagrangian?
What would the Feynman diagram for the production of emu look like, and would the vertex correspond to any of those terms' couplings?

Also your Lagrangian doesn't look too different to the SM one (to suggest that you don't have some symmetries)
  • #26
So, Higgs decay into electron and anti-muon not possible.

Is Higgs decay into four particles: an electron-positron pair and a muon-anti-muon pair possible?
  • #27
as far as I can see, yes...? what is your question?
  • #28
I was wondering if tree-level diagrams are not possible with the process

$$h \rightarrow e^{-} + e^{+} + e^{-} + e^{+}$$

Consider the following attempt to draw a tree-level Feynman diagram for this process:

I end up with a Higgs in the final decay product, which is not allowed:

  • #29
Why are you adding that line then? There is no reason for it to be there.
  • #30
I am adding that line, because each interaction vertex must have three lines popping out of it, with the Higgs for one line and the fermion and anti-fermion on the other two lines
  • #31
failexam said:
I am adding that line, because each interaction vertex must have three lines popping out of it, with the Higgs for one line and the fermion and anti-fermion on the other two lines
But without having that extra higgs you still satisfy that! You just have one vertex less.
  • #32
Got it!

Is this the only tree-level Feynman diagram for this process?
  • #33
No. You have two diagrams. One where the electron of the initial vertex is external and one where the positron is.
  • #34
I see! So, for a process like

$$h \rightarrow e^{+} + e^{-} + \mu^{+} + \mu^{-}$$

you have only the following two tree-level Feynman diagrams, right?


  • #35
No. You also have the diagrams where the initial vertex is with the electron line.

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