What are Some Recommendations for User-Friendly Project Management Software?

In summary, Microsoft Project is a good tool for planning, estimating, and predicting, but it is not the best tool for managing a project.
  • #1
Hi, I'm currently in the progress of preparing gantt charts for a project, timelines etc and microsoft project is an OK tool. Can anyone reccomend some visually appealing or more user friendly project management software? I'm working on a 200 room mine site expansion and although its not big I would like to produce a semi impressive and flexable timeline for my client to follow. Our company has only 5 engineers and I'm a mechanical engineer, the rest are civils/mechanical and so we don't really do much work on the management side however it is becoming more and more obvious that it is a critical part in the process from design to construction and we need a better management system than the one we have. Any help at all would be great. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I have used WRIKE in the past. Pretty nice. It integrates with email well.
  • #3
Cheers will look into it thanks hutoon
  • #4
I am now looking into Autodesk 360. $75/user. Looks very interesting.
  • #5
We're using Latitude project management software. Good for job estimation, costing, billing, tracking tasks, timesheets, client information, quotes, invoices, and reports. Easy to manage and maintain, I recommend that you look into it.
  • #6
I know this is a bit of a necro, but someone may find it useful one day

MSProject is the easiest to pick up and actually has a very decent resource levelling algorithm for the price - better than some more expensive packages
  • #7
MSProject is not bad, quite powerful in fact. For gigantic projects, I know companies that have used Primavera (is it still on the market?).

But any vehicle is only as good as the driver. If all you want is a static pretty Gantt chart, then use pencil & paper. Most folks fail to realize that MSProject (or other project management software) is simply a planning, estimation, & prediction tool. It really is "you get out of it what you put into it."

After running dozens of projects in the crazy, chaotic, constantly changing, utterly unstable manufacturing engineering arena, I've come to these conclusions:
  • I set up my projects as if I had 100% time efficiency to do the tasks. After building the project tasks, I divide the "perfect" times by a realistic efficiency. At one particularly chaotic company, I performed a 3-week duration self-time study that resulted in conclusive proof that I was only 35% efficient with my time. Meetings, potty breaks, jawboning, more meetings, and bad-manager-defense tasks took up the rest. I divided task durations by the efficiency, then I started actually hitting my target dates.
  • The schedule was dynamic because we did not have infinite resources, nor were the resource levels static or predictable. The schedule accuracy was 100% to 90%-ish for about three weeks out. Then it fell off precipitiously after that.
  • The schedule required updates & re-levelling daily, it was never static. It's a tool to be used by the project manager every day. Reports had to be issued every day to keep everybody on track, and to communicate to managers the current status.
  • MSProject has some nice graphical capabilities, some require a little deeper programming. Example 1: The department ran multiple concurrent projects which followed a generalized template. I made a Master Project of all projects, then levelled, then charted resource levels. It showed a resource deficit at a specific time. Bosses ignored it, it happened, they got burned badly for it. Example 2: A fab shop wanted to be able to track a specific function within the project, but common to all projects. I was able to program MSProject so that Gantt Chart task bars associated with that particular resource were displayed in a particular color under certain resource loading percentage.

But I have been lectured to by my friends who've been through "Certified Project Manager" training that "Project management is not as simplistic as building a project schedule in MSProject." Perhaps that's true, I don't have CPM. I think CPM training addresses issues such as risk assessment and mitigation in project schedule and other such more advanced concepts. If you want to get serious about this stuff, CPM is worth investigating.

Related to What are Some Recommendations for User-Friendly Project Management Software?

1. What is Project Engineering Software?

Project Engineering Software is a type of computer program that is designed to assist engineers with planning, designing, and managing various projects. It typically includes features such as project scheduling, resource allocation, budget tracking, and collaboration tools.

2. What are the benefits of using Project Engineering Software?

There are many benefits to using Project Engineering Software, including increased efficiency, improved organization, better communication among team members, and the ability to track and analyze project progress. It can also help to reduce errors and costs, and provide valuable insights for future projects.

3. How do I choose the right Project Engineering Software for my needs?

When choosing Project Engineering Software, it's important to consider your specific project requirements, the size and complexity of your project, and your budget. You should also research the features, user reviews, and customer support of different software options to determine which one best fits your needs.

4. Is Project Engineering Software user-friendly for non-technical team members?

Many Project Engineering Software options offer user-friendly interfaces and require little to no technical knowledge for team members to use. However, it's important to choose a software that offers training and support for non-technical users to ensure they can fully utilize the features and functions of the software.

5. Can Project Engineering Software integrate with other tools and systems?

Yes, many Project Engineering Software options offer integration with other tools and systems such as accounting software, project management platforms, and document management systems. This allows for seamless data transfer and improved collaboration between different teams and departments.

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