Transferring for Aerospace Engineering: Is it Worth It?

In summary, Aerospace Engineering is a highly desirable field that combines elements of mechanical and electrical engineering and offers opportunities to work on cutting-edge technologies and projects. Transferring into an Aerospace Engineering program can provide a specialized education and skillset, access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, and opportunities for internships and research projects. While it can be challenging due to the competitive nature of the field, with a strong academic background and preparation, it is possible to successfully transfer. As with any major or career path, there are potential risks, but an Aerospace Engineering degree can lead to a variety of career opportunities in the aerospace industry and related fields.
  • #1
Full title: I am in a school with a concentrated aerospace engineering degree. Should I transfer to a school that has an full aerospace engineering major?

Outline of situation:
- Rutgers University (New Brunswick Campus).
- In-state student.
- Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace.
- Sophomore.
- 3.6 GPA as of Fall 2011.
- Have done research in engineering department regarding high speed flows and energy deposition.
- Want to work in propulsion systems for NASA or a defense/aerospace company.
- I am thinking of U. of Maryland (College Park) and U. of Illinois (Urbana Champaign) for transfer.

Here's the thing, Rutgers University is right next to big pharma companies like Johnson and Johnson and big bank firms... so we get a lot of recruiters from there. I barely (if ever) see any aerospace recruiters around here. I think I've seen one but that's it.

I applied to NASA, Boeing, etc. internships for this summer and am waiting to hear replies, so I can't absolutely depend on that.

So, my question: Is it worth transferring to a higher ranked school that has a lot of recruiters from the aerospace companies coming in? Or should I just stick to Rutgers University?

I live off-campus, cook my own food. I paid $900 for this semester for my tuition and I pay $400 a month for rent (shared) and I work enough to pay off the rent. I think going to a higher ranked school is worth the debt I will have by the time I come out since I will be able to pay it off easily and have a better chance of fulfilling my professional goals.

But, I am a student and don't have much experience as you guys and girls, so I really need your insights because this is a very big decision for me.

Thank you.
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  • #2

Dear student,

Thank you for sharing your situation with us. As a scientist in the field of aerospace engineering, I can understand your dilemma and the importance of making the right decision for your future career.

First of all, I want to commend you for your dedication and hard work in pursuing your degree in aerospace engineering. Your research experience in high speed flows and energy deposition is definitely a valuable asset and will be beneficial in your future career.

Now, to address your question about transferring to a higher ranked school, I would say that it ultimately depends on your personal goals and priorities. While a higher ranked school may have more recruiters from aerospace companies, it is not a guarantee that you will get a job in that field. On the other hand, staying at Rutgers University and excelling in your studies can also open up opportunities for you in the aerospace industry.

I would suggest that you do some research on the job market and opportunities for aerospace engineers in your current location and potential transfer schools. Look at the companies and organizations that you are interested in working for and see if they have a presence in those areas. This will give you a better idea of the potential job opportunities available to you.

Additionally, networking is key in any field, including aerospace engineering. Take advantage of any networking events or career fairs at your current school and also consider reaching out to alumni who are working in the aerospace industry. They may be able to offer valuable insights and advice on your career path.

Another factor to consider is the financial aspect. As you mentioned, transferring to a higher ranked school may result in more debt. Make sure to weigh the potential increase in job opportunities against the cost of transferring and the potential debt. It may also be worth considering other options, such as internships and co-op programs, to gain experience in the aerospace industry while staying at your current school.

In the end, the decision is yours and it is important to weigh all factors carefully. I would also recommend speaking with your academic advisor or a career counselor at your current school for additional guidance and support.

Best of luck in your decision and in your future career as an aerospace engineer. Keep working hard and never stop pursuing your passion for science and engineering.

Related to Transferring for Aerospace Engineering: Is it Worth It?

1. What is Aerospace Engineering and why is it a desirable field to transfer into?

Aerospace Engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, development, and construction of aircraft and spacecraft. It is a highly desirable field because it combines elements of both mechanical and electrical engineering, and offers opportunities to work on cutting-edge technologies and projects that push the boundaries of human exploration.

2. What are the benefits of transferring for Aerospace Engineering?

Transferring for Aerospace Engineering can provide you with a specialized education and skillset that is in high demand in the aerospace industry. You will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, as well as opportunities for internships and research projects that can enhance your career prospects. Additionally, the field offers competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement.

3. How difficult is it to transfer into an Aerospace Engineering program?

Transferring into an Aerospace Engineering program can be challenging due to the competitive nature of the field. However, with a strong academic background in math and science, as well as passion and dedication, it is possible to successfully transfer into a program. It is important to research the specific requirements and prerequisites for the program you are interested in and work closely with your academic advisor to create a strong application.

4. Are there any risks associated with transferring for Aerospace Engineering?

As with any major or career path, there are potential risks associated with transferring for Aerospace Engineering. It is important to consider the financial investment required for the program, as well as the potential for job market fluctuations. Additionally, the coursework can be challenging and may require a significant time commitment. However, with proper preparation and dedication, these risks can be mitigated.

5. What can I do with an Aerospace Engineering degree?

An Aerospace Engineering degree can lead to a variety of career opportunities in the aerospace industry, including roles in design, research and development, testing, and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. Graduates may also find employment in related fields such as defense, transportation, and renewable energy. Furthermore, the skills and knowledge gained through an Aerospace Engineering degree can be applicable to other industries, providing versatility and flexibility in career options.

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