Taking Honors Diff eq after shaky Calc III and Linear Alg courses

In summary, the speaker took Calculus III and Linear Algebra over the summer, but due to the short duration of the courses, they did not cover all of the material. The speaker is now worried that this lack of knowledge may affect them in future advanced courses. They are considering self-studying the topics they missed using textbooks and online resources. Another speaker agrees that the missed material is important and suggests self-studying it. The speaker is currently a psychology and economics major but is changing economics to math. They are starting their third year and are taking a Differential Equations course that requires knowledge of Calculus III and Linear Algebra. Some speakers mention that the missed material may be covered in other courses, but it is still important to understand
  • #1
Hi. I took Calc III and Linear alg over the summer. The course was 6 weeks and we did not cover everything in each chapter. From Calc III, we didn't cover things like curl, divergence, and Green's Theorem. In Linear Algebra, we didn't do orthogonal functions, diagonalization, Eigenvectors, or Cramer's rule.

I'll be taking a honors diff eq class at my local community college (taking a medical leave of absence) and I'm afraid that having a rather shoddy base can screw me over later as I get into more advanced classes. I've just finished the courses, so I don't even want to look at numbers for a week or so, but should I review some of the topics I didn't get to cover at my summer school using the textbooks and MIT OCW?

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  • #2
Wow, I think you missed the most important stuff of calc III and Linear algebra. Now, this won't bother you in Diff eq (except perhaps the diagonalization), but it will become important in the long run. I suggest you self-study these topics as they are really important.
  • #3
I agree with micromass, you really missed a lot of material. In my Differential Equations class, we used eigenvectors like crazy, but that was more towards the end of the class. You can however take differential equations with only knowing calculus 2 in most cases.

What is your major exactly?
  • #4
I'm beginning my third year and I started as a psych and econ major, but I decided to change econ to math.
  • #5
My school required Calc III and suggested LA as prereqs for DE. I think the stuff your class left out of Calc III might be covered in a Vector Calc class, but I'm not sure. I wouldn't be worried about missing those topics for DE, but you're probably going to encounter eigenvectors and diagonalization in a DE course. You may be taught them as you go, though.
  • #6
I'm glad somebody else asked this, as I'm facing a similar situation. I'm taking Applied Linear Algebra right now, and its looking like the prof will leave out eigenvectors, but will cover eigenvalues (so covering the first part of the chapter, but not the second part). Hopefully your LA class with provide you with enough to work with that studying on your own won't be too laborious.
  • #7
deekin said:
I'm glad somebody else asked this, as I'm facing a similar situation. I'm taking Applied Linear Algebra right now, and its looking like the prof will leave out eigenvectors, but will cover eigenvalues (so covering the first part of the chapter, but not the second part). Hopefully your LA class with provide you with enough to work with that studying on your own won't be too laborious.

Not really even sure how you could make sense of an eigenvalue without the eigenvector...
  • #8
I have no idea, we haven't gotten there yet, so I don't know what either of them are. And it also turns out that I got it mixed up. Turns out we cover "Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues","The Characteristic Equation","Diagonalization" but he is leaving out "Eigenvectors and Linear Transformations" and "Complex Eigenvalues." Sorry, that was my fault for trying to explain from memory. I think I was just a little nervous about the prof leaving out some essential information from the course that I may need in later math and physics courses.
  • #9
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues are important in Diff Eq, sure you can learn how to do it mechanically, but you are going to use it. In Boyce's book you start using them in the Fourier series chapter I think.

Related to Taking Honors Diff eq after shaky Calc III and Linear Alg courses

1. What is the difficulty level of Honors Diff eq compared to Calc III and Linear Alg?

Honors Diff eq is typically considered more challenging than Calc III and Linear Alg, as it builds upon the concepts learned in those courses and introduces more complex mathematical techniques.

2. Will taking Honors Diff eq after shaky performance in Calc III and Linear Alg be too overwhelming?

It may be more challenging, but it is not impossible. It is important to review and solidify the foundational concepts from Calc III and Linear Alg before diving into Honors Diff eq. It may also be helpful to seek additional resources or tutoring to improve understanding.

3. How can I better prepare for Honors Diff eq after struggling in Calc III and Linear Alg?

Reviewing key concepts from Calc III and Linear Alg, seeking additional resources or tutoring, and practicing with sample problems can all help improve understanding and prepare for Honors Diff eq.

4. Is it worth taking Honors Diff eq after struggling in Calc III and Linear Alg?

It ultimately depends on your goals and interests. If you are passionate about mathematics and want to challenge yourself, then taking Honors Diff eq may be worth it. However, if you are only taking it to fulfill a requirement, it may be more beneficial to focus on improving your understanding in Calc III and Linear Alg before moving on to Honors Diff eq.

5. Are there any specific study tips for success in Honors Diff eq after struggling in Calc III and Linear Alg?

Aside from reviewing key concepts and seeking additional resources, it is important to stay organized and keep up with class material. It is also helpful to actively participate in class, ask questions, and seek help when needed. Additionally, practicing with sample problems and seeking out challenging problems to solve can also improve understanding and prepare for exams.

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