Solving Smell Problems with After Shave, Hair Gel, Moisturizer & Deodorant

In summary: I can smell it on me for hours.Stop shaving and grow a beard, and then you can skip the aftershave. That's what I've been doing for about forty years.
  • #1
I'm wearing after shave, hair gel, moisturizer and deodorant. Each of these gives off its own odor. Although they smell nice individually, they smell odd when worn together. I wouldn't say they smell bad, but it smells funny. What do I do? I don't want to stop using one of these. Is there any way I could suppress a few smells? I'm searching for light after shave lotions and hair gels, but I can't find any that solve the problem.
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  • #2
try each of these search terms with each product:

fragrance-free, scent-free, perfume-free

there should at least be moisturizers that have no added odor.
  • #3
Stop shaving and grow a beard, and then you can skip the aftershave. That's what I've been doing for about forty years. :smile:

Actually, even when I did shave, I never used aftershave.
  • #4
jtbell said:
Actually, even when I did shave, I never used aftershave.
Same here. I think it's a hideous product.
  • #5
WiFO215 said:
I wouldn't say they smell bad, but it smells funny.

Your coworkers / friends / teachers might think different. :biggrin:

The next few strips continue the saga. See for more.Go easy on the stuff. Some of us don't like it. And please, please, please, never apply your Axe (or whatever you use) while you are in an elevator.
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  • #6
WiFO215 said:
I'm wearing after shave, hair gel, moisturizer and deodorant. Each of these gives off its own odor. Although they smell nice individually, they smell odd when worn together. I wouldn't say they smell bad, but it smells funny. What do I do? I don't want to stop using one of these. Is there any way I could suppress a few smells? I'm searching for light after shave lotions and hair gels, but I can't find any that solve the problem.

I have the rare ability to smell things over the internet. Yeesh!
  • #7
Eeek! If you are a woman, you shouldn't be "fragrant" to another unless you are in an embrace. If you are a man, you shouldn't be fragrant at all.
  • #8
I remember my classmate's older sister selecting me for the Freshman/Senior dance. She was cute and curvy as all get-out, but what I still remember to this day is the texture of her sweater and the faint scent of Right Guard. One can make memories with a scent (even a subtle one), but there is no excuse for assaulting ones' friends and co-workers with bottles of that stuff. I have an aunt that is nice enough, but I have to avoid her (Shalimar attack!).
  • #9
Shave your head and grow a beard. Men should not use any hair gel.
  • #10
My neighbor's daughter's friend is a gay metrosexual. If there is any scented cosmetic product that he doesn't use, I'd be surprised. I have to stay at least 20' up-wind of him to avoid getting sick. Luckily, he doesn't come around too often.
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  • #11
WiFO215 said:
I'm wearing after shave, hair gel, moisturizer and deodorant. Each of these gives off its own odor. Although they smell nice individually, they smell odd when worn together. I wouldn't say they smell bad, but it smells funny. What do I do? I don't want to stop using one of these. Is there any way I could suppress a few smells? I'm searching for light after shave lotions and hair gels, but I can't find any that solve the problem.
Better to smell natural, imo. If you shower/bathe more or less regularly, then that should be enough. People who wear all the stuff that you mentioned must not be aware of how offensive/repulsive those artificial odors are. At least try going without applying them for a few days ... just as an experiment. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that you really don't need any of them and are less olfactorily off-putting, and therefore more attractive, without them.
  • #12
jtbell said:
Actually, even when I did shave, I never used aftershave.
It's a generational thing. The new batch of young adults is a more clean-cut, clean-shaven, clean-this, and clean-that than their predecessors. Unilever certainly caught on to this trend. All those AXE commercials are aimed straight at the OP and his cohort. Note: I'm assuming that WiFO215 is a typical young male between 15 to 30, maybe 35 tops, and is interested in typical young male pursuits. If I'm wrong, sorry about that.
  • #13
D H said:
It's a generational thing. The new batch of young adults is a more clean-cut, clean-shaven, clean-this, and clean-that than their predecessors. Unilever certainly caught on to this trend. All those AXE commercials are aimed straight at the OP and his cohort. Note: I'm assuming that WiFO215 is a typical young male between 15 to 30, maybe 35 tops, and is interested in typical young male pursuits. If I'm wrong, sorry about that.


Even though I am in that age group, I only use Nivea Creme
Days I forget to put it on, my face skin feels too dry!
  • #14
D H said:
It's a generational thing. The new batch of young adults is a more clean-cut, clean-shaven, clean-this, and clean-that than their predecessors. Unilever certainly caught on to this trend. All those AXE commercials are aimed straight at the OP and his cohort. Note: I'm assuming that WiFO215 is a typical young male between 15 to 30, maybe 35 tops, and is interested in typical young male pursuits. If I'm wrong, sorry about that.
I have been assaulted in fragrance-attacks by older men, though it is probably a more generational thing. My neighbor works in the paper mill where I once worked, and he complains about the fragrances there. "Why does a papermaker have to slather himsef in AXE when he is working on a crew that is almost all males?"' No good answer for that one. Spend 12 hours in 100 deg+ heat working your butt off? You're not come out of there smelling too sweet. Hit the locker-room, take a good long shower, put on clean clothes and go home.
  • #15
turbo said:
I have been assaulted in fragrance-attacks by older men, though it is probably a more generational thing. My neighbor works in the paper mill where I once worked, and he complains about the fragrances there. "Why does a papermaker have to slather himsef in AXE when he is working on a crew that is almost all males?"' No good answer for that one. Spend 12 hours in 100 deg+ heat working your butt off? You're not come out of there smelling too sweet. Hit the locker-room, take a good long shower, put on clean clothes and go home.
It's maybe a more urban thing. Urban males tend to have more male beauty products than those from outside and phobic of sweat or body odor.
  • #16
rootX said:
It's maybe a more urban thing. Urban males tend to have more male beauty products than those from outside and phobic of sweat or body ordor.
Could be. Around here, if you wore much of that fragranced crap (at least a few years back) people might look at you askance and keep their kids away.
  • #17
rootX said:

Even though I am in that age group, I only use Nivea Creme
Days I forget to put it on, my face skin feels too dry!
I eventually learned that drinking more water, and getting plenty of exercise and sleep was all I needed to do to look and feel good -- after suffering through a misguided period (when I was about 20) of creams, lotions, etc.
  • #18
turbo said:
Could be. Around here, if you wore much of that fragranced crap (at least a few years back) people might look at you askance and keep their kids away.

That was also the case when I was in my rural area. Most men who had fragrances were one who were attached to city lives and had too much time on their hands.

My friends who grew up cities think fragrances are must.

I got a list of products that men need from a girl and I tried to get them but I wasn't willing to spend +20 dollars on those products :smile:
  • #19
Soap and water are not that expensive. Get some Scent-Away and give it a shot. It's an antibacterial, liquid, non-fragranced body-soap and shampoo, and it lasts forever. Put half of the contents of the bottle into a storage container, or mix some with some water to use it as a pump-bottle hand-soap in your kitchen. Dilute the remaining soap with water and put that bottle in your shower. You won't be sorry.
  • #20
Girls like guys that "smell good". In deference to that, one good smelling thing, used lightly, is fine. Girls tend to have sensitive noses, so more than that is risking overkill.
  • #21
Haha. You guys are watching too much TV. I'm not talking about that extreme where I'm killing everyone around me with too much of everything. I'm conscious of myself smelling like that. People I talk to tell me that they don't even notice the smells; some notice the aftershave, but no one is complaining about it. No one except me.
The reason why I'm using some of this stuff is because I stay in a region that's hot and humid for the most part. I have a bath twice a day. There is no way I am growing a beard in this weather. My skin and scalp tend to get very dry, and fast, and these products help prevent that. I was told that aftershave was useful after shaving as it acts as an anti-septic. Perhaps it's time to go for the gusto and dump it.
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  • #22
WiFO215 said:
I was told that aftershave was useful after shaving as it acts as an anti-septic. Perhaps it's time to go for the gusto and dump it.
I would. Sounds like all you need is the moisturizer. You can probably find some non-scented hair gel.
  • #23
zoobyshoe said:
I would. Sounds like all you need is the moisturizer. You can probably find some non-scented hair gel.
Stop it, Zooby! Don't feed the smell-monsters,
  • #24
I live in a log house in the woods. Your shelter of brush and twigs should be OK for a while, unless you feel the need to "occupy" someplace. I should mention that Russia (under Putin) is not rounding up and jailing all that many protesters.
  • #25
No you don't always smell bad but in a humid area, parts of your body that are in close contact will become odorous and if you get stressed and are over puberty, you will become VERY MALODOROUS. And there is nothing more disgusting that wearing after shave and no deodorant. Bathing with water is fine. Bathing with soap and things like that actually destroys the good bacteria on your skin that kills the bad bacteria so you are much more likely to get infections, fungus and so on if you bathe with soap. Yes you use soap when you get dirty but water will get rid of most "dirt" just fine.

Deodorant works by simply blocking the very disgusting strong smelling fear and stress liquids from getting airborne so it doesn't have to be fragrant and you can buy unscented deodorant. You can actually use regular unflavored gelatin for hair - much cheaper although the women in our family and friends much prefer a natural look they can run their fingers through. glycerin can be used as after shave and it's not drying and no odor but you don't really need it. You can use a scentless or herb scented soap and just rinse it off.
For a special date, a couple of drops of a nice subtle after shave that you can only smell when you're really close is usually appreciated by the ladies.

So just buy scentless. They are out there.

It is somewhat generational but all the geezers I know use scentless stuff for the most part. Too many people are allergic to scents. My sister can't even go into one of those candle shops without having a sneezing attack.
  • #26
rootX said:
It's maybe a more urban thing. Urban males tend to have more male beauty products than those from outside and phobic of sweat or body odor.

But there is a big difference between having body odor and smelling funny because you use tons of lotions.
Use scent-free deodorant and some real light perfume for a special occasion. After shave is useless in my opinion.
And by perfume I don't mean the strongest concentration that is marketed simply as perfume(that will make you smell like a transvestite prostitute) but some of the eau's, like eau de toilette or eau de cologne.
  • #27
Keep in mind that "scent-free" probably means that the cosmetics contain masking fragrances. Buy fragrance-free, and you'll be fine.
  • #28
Cuauhtemoc said:
But there is a big difference between having body odor and smelling funny because you use tons of lotions.
Use scent-free deodorant and some real light perfume for a special occasion. After shave is useless in my opinion.
And by perfume I don't mean the strongest concentration that is marketed simply as perfume(that will make you smell like a transvestite prostitute) but some of the eau's, like eau de toilette or eau de cologne.

A simple shower with soap for body and shampoo for hairs is good for regular days at least. Some lotion is also must for winters because skin gets dry too easily.
  • #29
turbo said:
Keep in mind that "scent-free" probably means that the cosmetics contain masking fragrances. Buy fragrance-free, and you'll be fine.

I see, I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm just translating things in my mind, I don't really know what you would find in the US market(how they brand it)
  • #30
rootX said:
A simple shower with soap for body and shampoo for hairs is good for regular days at least.

Oh but I need to use a deodorant, where I live it's very hot so we sweat a lot...but that's it, soap, shampoo and deodorant. I can't understand men that use things like moisturizers, conditioners, lotions...
Damn, when I shave I just use hot water
  • #31
turbo said:
I live in a log house in the woods. Your shelter of brush and twigs should be OK for a while, unless you feel the need to "occupy" someplace. I should mention that Russia (under Putin) is not rounding up and jailing all that many protesters.
I don't get this. Are you saying I should move to Russia? Why?
  • #32
Do you have an STD?

According to this article, maybe that's why you smell funny.
  • #33
BobG said:
Do you have an STD?

According to this article, maybe that's why you smell funny.
You got to wonder about where they found gonorrhea infected men willing to take part in the study though. Skid row alcoholics paid off with a glass of vodka are bound to fail smell contests.
  • #34
Brrr it's cold in here (I wouldn't equate funny and putrid)

One more totally fascinating fact - a urinary tract infection from coliform bacteria produces a really really vile odor (nothing like the strange food caused odors like asparagus - totally disgusting according to a friend who had one that was antibiotic resistant. she said it was so bad she would almost throw up when she peed)
  • #35
netgypsy said:
Bathing with soap and things like that actually destroys the good bacteria on your skin that kills the bad bacteria so you are much more likely to get infections, fungus and so on if you bathe with soap. Yes you use soap when you get dirty but water will get rid of most "dirt" just fine.
Can you provide any sources for that claim?
netgypsy said:
Deodorant works by simply blocking the very disgusting strong smelling fear and stress liquids from getting airborne so it doesn't have to be fragrant and you can buy unscented deodorant.


What the hell are "fear and stress liquids "?
<h2>What are the benefits of using after shave, hair gel, moisturizer, and deodorant to solve smell problems?</h2><p>Using these products can help eliminate unpleasant odors caused by bacteria on the skin. They also provide a fresh, clean scent that can last throughout the day.</p><h2>How do these products work to solve smell problems?</h2><p>After shave, hair gel, moisturizer, and deodorant all contain ingredients that help kill bacteria and neutralize odors. They also contain fragrances that can mask any remaining odors.</p><h2>Can these products be used together or should they be used separately?</h2><p>It is recommended to use these products together for maximum effectiveness. After shaving, apply after shave and moisturizer to the skin. Then, use hair gel to style your hair and finish with deodorant to keep you smelling fresh all day.</p><h2>Are there any potential side effects of using these products?</h2><p>While these products are generally safe to use, some people may experience irritation or allergic reactions to certain ingredients. It is important to patch test these products before using them on a larger area of skin.</p><h2>Is it necessary to use these products every day to solve smell problems?</h2><p>It is recommended to use these products daily for best results. However, if you are not experiencing any smell problems, you may choose to use them less frequently.</p>

Related to Solving Smell Problems with After Shave, Hair Gel, Moisturizer & Deodorant

What are the benefits of using after shave, hair gel, moisturizer, and deodorant to solve smell problems?

Using these products can help eliminate unpleasant odors caused by bacteria on the skin. They also provide a fresh, clean scent that can last throughout the day.

How do these products work to solve smell problems?

After shave, hair gel, moisturizer, and deodorant all contain ingredients that help kill bacteria and neutralize odors. They also contain fragrances that can mask any remaining odors.

Can these products be used together or should they be used separately?

It is recommended to use these products together for maximum effectiveness. After shaving, apply after shave and moisturizer to the skin. Then, use hair gel to style your hair and finish with deodorant to keep you smelling fresh all day.

Are there any potential side effects of using these products?

While these products are generally safe to use, some people may experience irritation or allergic reactions to certain ingredients. It is important to patch test these products before using them on a larger area of skin.

Is it necessary to use these products every day to solve smell problems?

It is recommended to use these products daily for best results. However, if you are not experiencing any smell problems, you may choose to use them less frequently.

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