Solving a colour puzzle programmatically

In summary, the conversation is about a color-matching puzzle app on a phone and how to solve it programmatically with the least number of moves. The participants discuss identifying the initial configuration, finding and sorting neighbors, and using polynomials to make predictions for correct tile positions. They also mention the minimum-move challenge and the use of cycles and loops to solve the puzzle efficiently.
  • #1
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
How complex might the algorithm end up being to solve this colour-matching puzzle in an ideally minimal number of moves?
Just for fun (read as: staring at the ceiling trying to sleep), trying to figure out if there is a programmatic way to solve this colour-matching puzzle app on my phone.

It's called...

Here is a partially solved puzzle:

The dotted tiles are immovable, and serve as references. The undotted tiles can be swapped two at a time.
This is not a time challenge; it is a minimum-move challenge. i.e.: the fewer moves the better.
I was idly wondering whether there is a theoretical "perfect" game, by solving it with the minimum possible moves for a given starting configuration with no wasted moves. (Note that every move you make involves the displacement of two tiles, but normally only one is put in its final location).

A couple steps are involved - some are more engineering that logic - although much of it can be easier done in one's head than with physical automation.

0. Establish conventions:
Columns: A-G, Rows:1-9.

1. Identify the initial configuration.
Capture the colour of tile A1, tag it with its unique RGB value. Repeat 62 times (for this puzzle) all the way to G9.
[A1:000,000,255], [B1:000,060,255], ...
[A2: 060,000,255], [B2: 060,060,255], ...
... [G9: 255,255,0]

2. Find neighbours.
At first I did not see a problem here. I assumed that a neighbour could be identified by subtracting the RG and B values to two tiles. A small reminder means close neighbours. The smallest remainder of all means this is a neighbor. But it doesn't yet tell us which neighbour it is. It could be one of four.

Notice too, that - depending on the difficulty of the puzzle - the difference in tint between neighbours can be arbitrarily small. The whole puzzle might be cool pastels - and that means the RGBs might be so close that neighbours might be arbitrarily hard to distinguish mathematically.

I think there's a lot more logic here than I first thought.3. Sort.
Use a sorting algorithm that minimizes the number of swaps in the 63-cell dataset. Output a sequence of move instructions.
[F2 > E2],
[E3 > E9],
[E2 > ??]

I see a problem here too. In step 3, E2 is supposed to move - but its on longer there. It was inadvertently moved in step 1, to make room for F2.Hope I don't fall asleep too quickly tonight or I'll never figure this out.
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  • #2
I'd observe that you have three functions, ##R(x,y)##, ##G(x,y)##, and ##B(x,y)## and you've got the values of those functions at specified points (your dotted tiles). So I'd try to find simple polynomials that fit those fixed points - least-squares will probably do. Each polynomial model will provide predictions of the colours of the movable tiles. See how well the set of predicted colours matches the set of available tiles and pick the model that gives the best match for the lowest order polynomial (there are tools like the Akaike Information Criterion for controlling over-fitting).

Now you've got your predictions for the correct tile positions you first swap any pairs of tiles that are in each other's correct places. Then you swap triplets that are in each others' correct places, then quadruplets, etc.
  • #3
Ibix said:
Now you've got your predictions for the correct tile positions you first swap any pairs of tiles that are in each other's correct places. Then you swap triplets that are in each others' correct places, then quadruplets, etc.
Assuming only two tile swaps are permitted.
First identify and tabulate the initial position, and the destination for each movable tile.
Identify cycles by following the linked loops in the list. An example of a cycle of three is; 1 → 5, 5 → 19, 19 → 1.

For n random placed tiles I would expect LOGe( n ) cycles or loops in the list. There may be one loop, there may be n loops if the problem is solved.

The problem requires solving the loops individually, in any loop order. Any departure fuses two economic loops into a more expensive loop.

The worst case is a single loop, one tile correct for one swap, cost = 100%.
The optimum swap sequences will be, for a cycle of;
1. Do not touch tiles that are correct.
2. Look for simple swaps = a cycle of two. Cost is 1 swap / to get 2 correct = 50%
3. Look for cycles of three, where two swaps set three tiles in correct positions. 2/3=66%.
4. Look for cycles of four, where 3 swaps correct 4 tiles. 3/4 = 75%.
5. 4/5 = 80%
6. 5/6 = 83% etc
Note that for a cycle of n, requires n-1 swaps. After the first swap it becomes a cycle of n-1.
This problem is akin to an indirect linked list, a shuffle order problem, or a cyclic cryptographic lookup table.
  • #4
Ibix said:
I'd observe that you have three functions, ##R(x,y)##, ##G(x,y)##, and ##B(x,y)## and you've got the values of those functions at specified points (your dotted tiles). So I'd try to find simple polynomials that fit those fixed points - least-squares will probably do. Each polynomial model will provide predictions of the colours of the movable tiles. See how well the set of predicted colours matches the set of available tiles and pick the model that gives the best match for the lowest order polynomial (there are tools like the Akaike Information Criterion for controlling over-fitting).

Now you've got your predictions for the correct tile positions you first swap any pairs of tiles that are in each other's correct places. Then you swap triplets that are in each others' correct places, then quadruplets, etc.
Wow. I am super out of my depth**. I might have learned about polynomials in HS, but I merely reading the definition of a polynomial, and I'm going cross-eyed.

a function that involves only non-negative integer powers or only positive integer exponents of a variable in an equation

Waitaminnit - this simply saying 'equations that only use positive integer powers', i.e. y=2x^0, y=2x^1, y=2x^2, y=2x^3, etc. OK.
**But I knew I would be as soon as I started writing my post here.
  • #5
Baluncore said:
2. Look for simple swaps = a cycle of two. Cost is 1 swap / to get 2 correct = 50%
Yeah. I assumed this would be fairly rare.

Baluncore said:
3. Look for cycles of three, where two swaps set three tiles in correct positions. 2/3=66%.
I figured this would be exceedingly rare, hardly worth considering. Still, you're right, in that this is the right way.

And that means a lot of additional logic.
  • #6
DaveC426913 said:
Waitaminnit - this simply saying 'equations that only use positive integer powers', i.e. y=2x^0, y=2x^1, y=2x^2, y=2x^3, etc. OK.
Yes. So you could guess ##R(x,y)=R_0## (only terms like ##ax^0##) and estimate ##R_0##. If that's a poor match (because the ##R## channel isn't actually a constant) you could try a linear model, ##R(x,y)=R_0+R_{x}x+R_{y}y## (only terms like ##ax^0## and ##bx^1##). If that doesn't work too well either, try a quadratic one, ##R(x,y)=R_0+R_{x}x+R_yy+R_{x2}x^2+R_{xy}xy+R_{y2}y^2## (only terms like ##ax^0##, ##bx^1##, ##cx^2##). Etcetera. There's a standard technique called least-squares for estimating the constants ##R_0##, ##R_x## (etc) if you have a few data points.

The more terms you add the better your fit will be. If you have as many terms in your model as data points then it will fit perfectly - but it's likely to be a force-fit rather than a natural one. Actually, though, you have an independent test in that you can use your model to predict the colours of the scrambled tiles. So there's not much need to worry about things like the information criterion I mentioned. You fit your fixed tiles as best you can and stop adding to the model when the predicted colours of the scrambled tiles are "close enough" to the actual ones.
  • #7
I'm quite puzzled by the rules of the game and solution. Can any two movable (non-dotted) titles be swapped? Or is there some restriction (i.e. adjacency). If so, isn't it just a sort?
  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
I'm quite puzzled by the rules of the game and solution. Can any two movable (non-dotted) titles be swapped? Or is there some restriction (i.e. adjacency). If so, isn't it just a sort?
Fewest moves?
They may be using gods algorithm @suremarc may be able to elaborate!
  • #9
pinball1970 said:
They may be using gods algorithm
That is not needed since the subsets of tiles linked in each closed chain, lead directly to an obvious minimum solution. You need only follow each link once for each shuffled tile to identify the loops. It is a trivial list.
  • #10
If I understand it correctly - and I probably don't - any non-dotted tile can be swapped, and the proper final locations can be determined before swapping anything.

You have N tiles. M are dotted or already in the correct position, so you need N-M-1 swaps.
  • #11
Vanadium 50 said:
so you need N-M-1 swaps.
That is a maximum. There will be less because of the economy gained from short chains. Until you see the discrete chains in the shuffled data you will not see the economy.
  • #12
Thanks. By short chains you mean 1 & 2 need to be swapped, but then (by happenstance) 2 is in position, so I can swap 3 & 4, and again by happenstance 4 is in position, etc? So the answer is (N-M-1)/2 at best and (N-M-1) at worst?
  • #13
Yah, it's a straight sort. The trickiness lies in the fact that the only criteria is colour, and the colour gradients get more and more subtle.

It is confounded by contextual perception - eg. a yellow tile will look peach or green depending on context. And you have no way to compare them before committing to a swap.

eg: these discs are both the same yellow:
  • #14
Baluncore said:
That is a maximum. There will be less because of the economy gained from short chains. Until you see the discrete chains in the shuffled data you will not see the economy.
My experienced opinion (having solved several hundred of these) is that - while this may work for a computer that can directly compare two colours in virtual space before committing - it is, by any practical measure, impossible for a human. It is at the human capacity to do no more than simply place a single tile in its correct location without error - never mind two at a time.

IOW: it's harder than you think.

(Anyone is invited to try it. It's a free downloadable app on Google Play and presumably Apple Store).
  • #15
Vanadium 50 said:
Thanks. By short chains you mean 1 & 2 need to be swapped, but then (by happenstance) 2 is in position, so I can swap 3 & 4, and again by happenstance 4 is in position, etc? So the answer is (N-M-1)/2 at best and (N-M-1) at worst?
I think the minimum is ## \left\lceil \frac{N - M}{2} \right\rceil ## which is 1 more than you have for e.g. ## N - M = 3 ##.
  • #16
DaveC426913 said:
eg: these discs are both the same yellow:
Actually they are not because of the resolution/compression (I guess the image has been reduced from its original size): the magenta/green bars 'bleed' into the yellow. But I take your point.
  • #17
DaveC426913 said:
It is at the human capacity to do no more than simply place a single tile in its correct location without error - never mind two at a time.
I don't think it matters: as long as you are not actually making a mistake then aren't the lengths of the chains fixed?
  • #18
pbuk said:
(I guess the image has been reduced from its original size)
Yeah. I just posted the thumbnail.
  • #19
pbuk said:
I don't think it matters: as long as you are not actually making a mistake then aren't the lengths of the chains fixed?
If all humans had to do was "not actually make mistakes", this would be a very different world.

I think you need to try it to understand what you're asking of a human.
  • #20
The interesting thing about n shuffled links is that there will probably be Ln( n ) loops.
Each loop saves one swap, which suggests statistically; n – Ln( n ) swaps will be needed.

Consider an array indexed from 0 to 11.
Initialise each element with it's index, so it points to itself.
Shuffle the contents of the array.

Then start at 0, and follow the links along the chain until it returns to 0.
Then select the lowest untouched, and follow that new chain until it must also close.
Repeat until all elements have been identified as members of a chain.

A link that points to itself is resolved.
If a chain contains two elements, then a single swap will resolve two tiles.
If a chain contains three elements, then two swaps resolve three tiles. Etc.

Now think of the array as a chain locker that begins with a single loop of n links.
Randomly select two links and swap them. If the links are in the same loop, the loop is split into two smaller loops. If the links are in different loops, those two loops are fused into one. Continue the shuffling process.

Shuffling by random swaps will result most often in Ln( n ) loops.
The chance that there will be only one loop is 1 / n
The chance that there will be n loops is 1 / n!

Here is a random example for n = 12.
  • #21
I guess that's the key. A computer has the ability to:
1] store all its work virtually, and only make a move once it's processed all the options it sees fit.
2] know exactly what colour a tile is - and therefore an exact index as to where it belongs - without requiring any contextual comparison.

A human could use a pencil notebook for 1] but could not do 2] without artificial accessories.
  • #22
pbuk said:
which is 1 more than you have

To be fair, it's only 1/2 more. :wink:

In the words of my old gunnery sergeant "You three guys - half of you come with me!"
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Likes pbuk
  • #23
DaveC426913 said:
I guess that's the key. A computer has the ability to:
1] store all its work virtually, and only make a move once it's processed all the options it sees fit.
But you don't need to process all the options, as soon as you know exactly where a tile goes you lose nothing by swapping it into that place straight away.
  • #24
pbuk said:
But you don't need to process all the options, as soon as you know exactly where a tile goes you lose nothing by swapping it into that place straight away.
1] You don't know exactly where a tile goes - because human colour perception is subjective. That's the real trick to the puzzle*.

*(And, incidentally, why I originally thought it would be trivial for a program to solve. If you have processed every tile and obtained absolute values for every one, the puzzle is 3/4ths solved.)

2] If you "swap [a tile] into place straight away", then you are only solving chains of length one - i.e. the second tile in a given swap is not solved at all.

To solve chains of length two or more, a solver would need to try many permutations before even finding a single valid swap-pair. It might quite likely go through every permutation of a given puzzle and not find a single pair of mutually-swappable tiles.
  • #25
DaveC426913 said:
1] You don't know exactly where a tile goes - because human colour perception is subjective. That's the real trick to the puzzle*.

Yes I think we are all agreed on this.

DaveC426913 said:
2] If you "swap [a tile] into place straight away", then you are only solving chains of length one - i.e. the second tile in a given swap is not solved at all.

First let's sort some terminology: @Baluncore's post #21 called a tile that was already in the right place a chain of length 1: I prefer to call that a chain of length 0 and it seems that you do too so let's go with that.

Now when we swap the first tile into the correct place then there are only two possibilities:
  1. We complete a chain of length 1
  2. We start a chain of length > 1.
DaveC426913 said:
To solve chains of length two or more, a solver would need to try many permutations before even finding a single valid swap-pair.
No, this is not the case. You don't have to search for chains because you can never break them by making a 'wrong' swap.

DaveC426913 said:
It might quite likely go through every permutation of a given puzzle and not find a single pair of mutually-swappable tiles.
It may well be the case that there are no chains of length 1, but there is nothing to be lost or gained from searching for them.
  • #26
pbuk said:
No, this is not the case. You don't have to search for chains because you can never break them by making a 'wrong' swap.
@Balancore's picture demonstrates this clearly: each arc (except for the degenerate arc at 12 o'clock) must be traversed exactly once in order to complete the puzzle; it doesn't matter where you start traversing each arc, or even whether you complete each chain before starting another one (as long as you resume the previous chain in the same place).
  • #27
pbuk said:
Now when we swap the first tile into the correct place then there are only two possibilities:
  1. We complete a chain of length 1
  2. We start a chain of length > 1.
OK. That's different again (For me.)
At first, we were suggesting step 2 was resolving any two tiles that- when swapped - are both solved.
So, we are always looking for chains of length 2 before moving on to 3-chains and n-chains.

Now I think you're suggesting any move at all is the start of a chain you can solve immediately, - it may simply have an arbitrary length.

I don't think that's functionally different from discarding chains completely. You just solve each tile. You might say it's an n- chain, where n is the total number of moveable tiles.
pbuk said:
It may well be the case that there are no chains of length 1, but there is nothing to be lost or gained from searching for them.
Right. Which means solving the puzzle using chains at all is fruitless.

So we're back to discrete, single-tile solving. Yes?
  • #28
DaveC426913 said:
doesn't ?
Thanks, edited.
  • #29
DaveC426913 said:
Right. Which means solving the puzzle using chains at all is fruitless.

So we're back to discrete, single-tile solving. Yes?
Hmmm, I'm not sure this is working out right...
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  • #30
pbuk said:
@Balancore's picture demonstrates this clearly: each arc (except for the degenerate arc at 12 o'clock) must be traversed exactly once in order to complete the puzzle; it doesn't matter where you start traversing each arc, or even whether you complete each chain before starting another one (as long as you resume the previous chain in the same place).
My intuition tells me this is entirely academic. Any tile that is not in the correct place can become the head of a chain - whether it is a half-solved chain or a new unsolved chain (since they're closed loops).

So it does not help the solver to solve the puzzle. Just be sure you are always moving unsolved tiles. Which is the obvious tactic anyway.
  • #31
DaveC426913 said:
My intuition tells me this is entirely academic. Any tile that is not in the correct place can become the head of a chain - whether it is a half-solved chain or a new unsolved chain (since they're closed loops).

So it does not help the solver to solve the puzzle. Just be sure you are always moving at least one unsolved tile into the correct place. Which is the obvious tactic anyway.
I agree (with my highlighted amendment). Chains don't help you solve the puzzle, they just prove the minimum number of swaps you need.
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  • #32
pbuk said:
DaveC426913 said:
My intuition tells me this is entirely academic. Any tile that is not in the correct place can become the head of a chain - whether it is a half-solved chain or a new unsolved chain (since they're closed loops).

So it does not help the solver to solve the puzzle. Just be sure you are always moving at least one unsolved tile into the correct place. Which is the obvious tactic anyway.
I agree (with my highlighted amendment). Chains don't help you solve the puzzle, they just prove the minimum number of swaps you need.
If you have a bunch of items you need to rearrange and you know where they need to go then this is the optimal thing to do.

I am not sure about the terminology people are using here but if you want to rearrange objects to their correct locations (and you know what that is in advance) then you want to apply a permutation, which you can decompose into swaps of two elements, and the question is what is the minimum number of swaps needed. The answer is just the number of objects you have minus the number of cycles there are in the permutation you have to apply. (Objects that are already in the right place count as cycles of one element).

For example, let's say you have objects [B G F A E C H D] and they need to be put in order [A B C D E F G H]. This means you want to apply the permutation $$\sigma = \begin{pmatrix}
\mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} &\mathrm{C} &\mathrm{D} &\mathrm{E} &\mathrm{F} &\mathrm{G} &\mathrm{H} \\ \mathrm{B} & \mathrm{G} &\mathrm{F} &\mathrm{A} &\mathrm{E} &\mathrm{C} &\mathrm{H} &\mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix}$$ (meaning A needs to go where B is, B needs to go where G is, C needs to go where F is, etc.). Like any permutation, this one can be decomposed into disjoint cycles; in this case $$\sigma = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} & \mathrm{G} & \mathrm{H} & \mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix} \circ
\begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{C} & \mathrm{F} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{E} \end{pmatrix} \,,$$ i.e., there are three cycles with five, two, and one elements. Each cycle of ##n## elements can be done with ##n - 1## swaps, so we know that we can get all the objects in the right place with $$\text{number of elements} - \text{number of cycles} = 8 - 3 = 5$$ swaps. Furthermore, any swap that puts an object in the right final place will simply reduce the length of one of the cycles by one. For example, swapping G and H to put G in the right place just changes the first cycle to $$\begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} & \mathrm{G} & \mathrm{H} & \mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix} \mapsto \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} & \mathrm{H} & \mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{G} \end{pmatrix} \,,$$ and subsequent swaps, regardless of the order in which they are done, as long as they are always putting one object in the right place, will progressively reduce the original permutation until the permutation left to apply is $$\begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{B} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{C} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{E} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{F} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{G} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{H} \end{pmatrix} \,,$$ i.e., nothing.

(Actually, the above also shows that swapping any objects in the same cycle will also work in the same number of steps, since this breaks a cycle at each step. E.g., if we swapped A and G in the original list, which doesn't put either object in the right place, it would still break the first cycle into $$\begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} & \mathrm{G} & \mathrm{H} & \mathrm{D} \end{pmatrix} \mapsto \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{A} & \mathrm{B} \end{pmatrix} \circ \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{D} & \mathrm{G} & \mathrm{H} \end{pmatrix} \,.$$ But this isn't very useful since its the objects that are adjacent to each other in a cycle that are the easiest to determine share a cycle.)

Implementation (for fun):
(defun rearrange (objects target &key (test #'eql))
  (setf objects (copy-seq objects))
  (format t "   ~s~%" objects)
  (let ((count 0)) 
    (dotimes (k (length target))
      (let ((p (position (aref target k) objects :test test)))
        (unless (= k p)
          (rotatef (aref objects k) (aref objects p))
          (format t "=> ~s~%" objects)
          (incf count))))
CL-USER> (rearrange #(b g f a e c h d)
                    #(a b c d e f g h))
   #(B G F A E C H D)
=> #(A G F B E C H D)
=> #(A B F G E C H D)
=> #(A B C G E F H D)
=> #(A B C D E F H G)
=> #(A B C D E F G H)
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  • #33
That's just what I was about to say.
  • #34
wle said:
Furthermore, any swap that puts an object in the right final place will simply reduce the length of one of the cycles by one.
A swap between cycles is then precluded because it cannot put any object in the correct place.
It also reduces the economy by joining the two cycles, making one cycle.
  • #35
Interesting. I am playing around with ore or reflected light microscopy and the colours of ores in reflected light are often very faint and, as in this game, the appearance depends on the surrounding material. However, apparently, as with sound, there seem to exist people who have kind of an "absolute" colour vision, like persons having an absolute pitch.