Should I Switch My Major from Electrical Engineering?

In summary: EE would be a good major to choose. While the curriculum may be difficult at first, the field of EE is very practical and there are many opportunities for you to get a good job. Changing to a material science or condensed matter physics major would be more appropriate for you if you are not interested in nanotechnology and biomedical engineering.
  • #1
I need some advice for what engineering major to choose as an undergraduate. I understand that it is ultimately my decision, but a little advice would be extremely helpful.
A little about me:
Right now I am a freshman in electrical engineering.
I do not find my introductory EE class particularly interesting (not because of the instructor but because of binary, encryption, and other computer engineering related stuff), and I am not sure if I made the right decision in picking my major.
I declared my major because I was interested in semiconductor physics, nanotechnology, and MEMS in application to biomedical engineering.
The professor I want to research for is an electrical engineer professor researching in nanomedicine and nanotechnology.
I am particularly interested in the application of materials (not just semiconductors) and how they change properties at the nanoscale level, and I want a job that focuses in this research area. This is the primary reason why I am interested in semiconductor physics.
I do not care about the difficulty of the curriculum.
Should I stay in the EE department or should I change majors to material science or condensed matter physics? Any advice?
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  • #2
EE will be more employable and practical towards your goals. A physics BS would be nearly useless towards these goals IMO, but you probably could still do research in the EE dept. Chemistry might be a smidge more applicable than physics in this case. Does your university actually offer a degree in material science? Usually that is a field, not a degree.

Why can't you do the research you want to do with the professor you want to do it with as an EE student?
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  • #3
Since the professor you want to do research in is an EE prof, and all of the subjects you are interested in are part of EE, you are probably in the right department. It is unlikely that you would love every course in any department that you were in, that is just life. And it ultimately is about the career you can get - school is just a handful of years compared to the decades of work in the real world.

I am an EE and I didn't like my intro course either. It was all circuits and basic transistor electronics. I didn't like circuits - I did EE because I was interested in electromagnetics. I still love electromagnetics, but also find that I really enjoy signal processing and other sub-fields a lot now that I am in industry and see how all of the stuff I learned can help me design an interesting and useful system.


Related to Should I Switch My Major from Electrical Engineering?

1. What undergraduate major should I choose?

Choosing an undergraduate major can be a daunting decision. It's important to think about your interests, strengths, and career goals when making this decision. Consider taking classes in different subjects to see what you enjoy and excel in. You can also talk to academic advisors, professors, and professionals in different fields for guidance.

2. How do I know if a major is right for me?

It's important to choose a major that aligns with your interests and strengths. Ask yourself if you enjoy learning about the subject, if you have a natural talent in that area, and if it can lead to a career you are passionate about. You can also talk to students who are currently majoring in the field to get a better understanding of the coursework and career opportunities.

3. Can I change my major?

Yes, you can change your major if you find that the one you initially chose is not the right fit for you. However, keep in mind that changing majors may delay your graduation and may require you to take additional courses. It's important to carefully consider your decision and consult with an academic advisor before making any changes.

4. How important is my major in my future career?

While your major can provide you with specific skills and knowledge, it is not the only determining factor in your future career. Many employers value transferable skills such as critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, which can be developed in any major. It's important to gain experience through internships, research, and extracurricular activities to make yourself a well-rounded candidate for any job.

5. What if I'm unsure about my major?

It's normal to feel unsure about your major, and it's okay to take some time to explore different options. Consider taking classes in different subjects, participating in internships or research opportunities, and talking to professionals in various fields. You can also seek guidance from academic advisors and career counselors to help you make an informed decision.

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