Self-Study vs Honors Calc 3 for High School Senior

In summary, the conversation is about a high school student considering whether to take a university course or self-study in math. They mention taking a calculus course and wanting to explore other topics like linear algebra and number theory. They also discuss the benefits of taking a university course, such as having a professor to guide and provide resources, but also mention the limitations of such courses in terms of depth and focus on practical applications rather than theoretical understanding. Ultimately, they suggest that self-study may be the best option for truly deepening their understanding and preparing for higher math.
  • #1
Brandon BW
I'm a senior in High School, and took BC Calculus as a Junior and this last semester a 1-semester Calc 1&2 honors class, mainly for those those who took AB in High School at the University of Utah. (It's surprising how bad you can do on the AP test and still get a 5). I'm signed up for the next semester of the course which is basically Honors Calculus 3, but after a trip to the Math section of the University Library today, I found there are so many books I would like to try and go through. I thought that instead of taking that class, which can wait, I could have several study periods at school and work on a variety of topics, or just one if it interests me enough. Any advice - Class vs Self Study? I may want to make a career in math or something related, so would there be some topics to work on over others to prepare me for higher math? Specific books?
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  • #2
Well if you want a break from the calculus, which you will eventually need to take, you can try learning some Linear Algebra.
  • #3
you could learn some number theory on your own. It may not help you too much later on in your studies with the exception of learning to do proofs. It isn't very hard to learn on your own if you have a good book. I can't really recommend a good book, the one I used in class was Elementary Number Theory by Rosen, it wasn't great but not bad.
I second G01 in studying Linear Algebra, again it shouldn't be too tough on your own, and it gives you a good basis for Abstract Algebra and Differential Equations
  • #4
You have a whole life when you can self-study, but only a limited time when you can take university courses from university professors (for the most part). I'd take a university course. It'll also free you up/satisfy prerequisites for other classes once you are a full-time college student.
  • #5
self study. most university calc classes are engineering major feeders. not rigorous and filled with lots of people who are doing the math cause they have to not cause they enjoy it or are good at it. self study and get a professor/teacher to check your work.
  • #6
Wouldn't it make more sense to take the university course and go more in-depth with the material, asking the professor/gsi for guidance?
  • #7
ebaywannabe said:
Wouldn't it make more sense to take the university course and go more in-depth with the material, asking the professor/gsi for guidance?

he won't have time to go through the material in greater depth because the professor will be making him jump through hoops with the dumb stuff.

Related to Self-Study vs Honors Calc 3 for High School Senior

1. What is the difference between self-study and honors Calc 3 for a high school senior?

Self-study refers to an individual studying a subject on their own, without the guidance of a teacher or structured curriculum. Honors Calc 3 for a high school senior is a course that is typically offered within a school setting, with an instructor and a set curriculum.

2. Which option is better for a high school senior interested in math and science?

This ultimately depends on the individual and their learning style. Self-study may provide more flexibility and the ability to move at your own pace, while an honors course may provide more structure and the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from an instructor.

3. Is self-study for Calc 3 a suitable option for college preparation?

Self-study can be a great way to prepare for college, as it allows for independent learning and critical thinking skills. However, it is important to also have a strong foundation in the subject and seek guidance and support from a teacher or tutor if needed.

4. How can a high school senior decide which option is right for them?

It is important for the individual to assess their own learning style, time management skills, and academic goals. They may also want to speak with their school counselor or a math teacher for guidance and advice.

5. Can a high school senior take both self-study and honors Calc 3?

This may be possible, but it is important to consider the time commitment and workload of taking on both options. It is also important to make sure that the individual has a strong understanding of the material and is not overwhelming themselves. It is best to consult with a teacher or counselor before making this decision.

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