Sci-Fi Story Idea: Avatar Autonomy & Black Hole Singularity

In summary, the summary is that there are fundamental weaknesses in the support conjectures for the idea that consciousness arises from increased complexity in technology. For one, consciousness could easily arise from something as simple as a computer program, which is not a given within the scientific community. Secondly, if a program were situated close to a black hole, the strong gravity would cause a huge time difference, meaning the program would run in a much shorter amount of time.
  • #1
I was thinking of idea for a sci-fi story and not being a physicist wanted to know if there are any fundamental weaknesses in the support conjectures. First I allow for some givens, which of course are far from "givens" within the scientific community. The first given is that consciousness arises as the result of increased complexity whereby as the technology increases computer "avatar" characters, (the beings which inhabit a virtual world), may achieve autonomy and actually believe themselves to exist within their virtual world. The next "given" is that if such a program were situated in close proximity to a singularity, say a constructed mini black hole that while from the time view of the inhabitants of this virtual world time would appear to run quite normally, it would be in sharp contrast to the program observers. I might include the "dark matter" anomaly as a clue to one of the virtual characters of the unreal nature. I would also place this program close enough to the black hole construction whereby the strong gravity would cause a huge time difference so that a 15 billion year program could be run in say 3 hours. (I have a bit more on this but I have to leave for a while and will return to this post later.)
Physics news on
  • #2
As with all these threads, it's sci-fi. Do what you like.

One note, the gravity of a black hole increases time, not decreases it. The higher the gravity, the more time dilation occurs.
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  • #3
Thanks jaredandjames, actually I thought about that after I posted this sci-fi conjecture. I was trying to resolve this and I thought that perhaps if the simulation program was run close to light speed could it perhaps then be slowed down by situating it close to a black hole? I would really appreciate any feedback you could provide as I try to rethink this.
  • #4
What do you mean "run close to light speed"?

Do you mean when a ship is at lightspeed?

Note, a computer doesn't work at lightspeed, it can't, so I'm not sure what you're going for here.

Travelling at lightspeed doesn't increase the speed of a computer.
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  • #5
Yes, I realize the program could not be run at light speed. I was trying to use what is now known about time dilation to form a possible method for a future advanced civilization to use in creating and recording a universe like simulation. I recently watched on yahoo a video of this 13 year old college physics teacher, Jake Barnett, who seemed to be indicating there were some expansions possible in Einstein's relativity equations. I would also like to develop the scenario within which an inhabitant of this virtual realm comes to realize, perhaps in exploring some inconsistency, such as dark matter for example, that the universe he or she inhabits cannot be the true universe. I would like to explore some questions, such as if it would really matter if one was living in a simulation?
  • #6
Then I suggest you request this be moved to philosophy. There's no basis for it in science.

I'd also recommend you read through this:

It's a thread on that boy you mentioned and he's been flagged as making some obvious mistakes.

Related to Sci-Fi Story Idea: Avatar Autonomy & Black Hole Singularity

1. What is the premise of this sci-fi story idea?

The sci-fi story idea, "Avatar Autonomy & Black Hole Singularity," explores a future where humans have developed advanced technology that allows them to control their own avatars and explore the mysteries of a black hole singularity.

2. How do the avatars in this story achieve autonomy?

In this story, the avatars achieve autonomy through a combination of advanced artificial intelligence and mind-mapping technology. This allows them to function independently from their human controllers.

3. What role does the black hole singularity play in this story?

The black hole singularity serves as a central plot point in this story as it is both the source of immense power and the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. The avatars are sent on a mission to explore the singularity and uncover its mysteries.

4. Are there any potential dangers or consequences to controlling avatars and exploring a black hole singularity?

Yes, there are potential dangers and consequences in this story. The avatars may develop their own consciousness and desires, leading to conflicts with their human controllers. Additionally, exploring a black hole singularity is extremely dangerous and could have catastrophic consequences for both the avatars and their human creators.

5. What themes or ideas does this sci-fi story idea explore?

This story idea explores themes of technology, artificial intelligence, autonomy, and the human desire to push the boundaries of science and exploration. It also delves into the consequences of playing god and the potential dangers of delving into the unknown.

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