Recommendation Letters and Internships

In summary, to get good letters of recommendation for an internship, you should build relationships with professors, get involved in related activities, and demonstrate your commitment and abilities. It is also important to communicate your interest in internships and ask for letters of recommendation directly.
  • #1
I am an EE undergraduate currently going into my junior year. I transferred from the Computer Science department after completing freshman and sophomore CS courses with a poor GPA. I transferred to EE because I hated CS, and was basically taking the classes because I thought it would be a road to money. I got my GPA up to a 3.38 after transferring to EE. Since I have transferred to EE, I am mostly a straight A student, (I unfortunately got a B in Chemistry). The classes I am currently taking are much harder than what I took in CS; I just have a new found passion for the work, and have now found mathematics to be exciting, so my current grades are reflecting that.

I do have a point to all this jabber. My point is that I am on a new road, and I want to continue this road by setting goals for myself. I want to look further than the present so that I have a successful future. Part of a goal I have set for myself is to land an internship for this upcoming summer. I am assuming that in order to get this I need good grades (which I am working on, and will continue to get higher) and some letters of recommendation.

I understand how to get good grades, but I really do not know what I should be doing to get good letters of recommendation. I’m guessing I should talk with professors, or get involved in clubs, but I would like to hear from someone. So if someone could give me advice on getting an internship, and getting good letters of recommendation I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance :)
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  • #2
The best way to get good letters of recommendation is to build relationships with your professors. This means going to office hours, asking questions in class, and staying engaged in the material. You should also make sure to let your professors know that you are interested in internships and getting letters of recommendation. It is also helpful to get involved in clubs or research projects related to your field of study so that you have more opportunities to interact with and impress your professors. Additionally, it is important to make sure that you are completing all assignments on time and to a high level of quality, as this will demonstrate your commitment and ability to your professors. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask your professors directly for letters of recommendation – this shows initiative and confidence, and can go a long way towards helping you get the internship you want.
  • #3

Dear student,

Congratulations on finding your passion in electrical engineering and improving your academic performance! It takes a lot of courage to change majors and it is clear that you have made the right decision for yourself. I can attest to the fact that having a genuine interest and passion for your field of study is crucial for success in any scientific career.

In terms of your goals for the future, landing an internship is a great step towards building a successful career in electrical engineering. Internships provide valuable hands-on experience and allow you to apply your knowledge in a real-world setting. They also give you the opportunity to network and make connections in your field, which can be helpful in securing future job opportunities.

To increase your chances of landing an internship, it is important to have a strong academic record, as you mentioned. However, it is also important to have relevant experience and skills. This can include participating in extracurricular activities related to electrical engineering, such as clubs or projects, or completing personal projects on your own. These experiences can demonstrate your passion and dedication to the field and make you stand out as a candidate.

In terms of letters of recommendation, it is important to have a good relationship with your professors and mentors. This can be achieved by actively participating in class, asking for help when needed, and showing interest in their research or projects. It is also helpful to attend office hours and engage in discussions with them outside of class. This will allow them to get to know you better and write a more personalized letter of recommendation.

Additionally, it is important to communicate your goals and aspirations to your professors and mentors. Let them know about your interest in securing an internship and ask for their advice and guidance. They may also be able to provide you with opportunities or connections in the field.

Overall, my advice is to continue working hard in your courses and also take advantage of any opportunities to gain experience and build relationships with your professors and mentors. With determination and a proactive approach, I am confident that you will be successful in securing an internship and achieving your goals in the field of electrical engineering.

Best of luck to you in your academic and professional journey.

Related to Recommendation Letters and Internships

What is a recommendation letter?

A recommendation letter is a document written by someone who knows you well and can speak to your character, skills, and achievements. It is typically used to support your application for a job, internship, or educational program.

Who should I ask to write a recommendation letter for me?

You should ask someone who knows you well and can speak positively about your skills and character. This could be a professor, employer, mentor, or volunteer supervisor. It is important to choose someone who can provide specific examples and speak to your strengths.

How should I request a recommendation letter?

You should request a recommendation letter in a professional and polite manner. It is best to ask in person or through a personalized email, and provide the person with all the necessary information such as the deadline, instructions, and your resume or CV. Be sure to give them enough time to write the letter, at least two weeks in advance.

What should be included in a recommendation letter?

A recommendation letter should include an introduction that explains the relationship between the writer and the candidate, a description of the candidate's skills and accomplishments, and specific examples to support these claims. It should also conclude with a strong endorsement and contact information for further questions.

How important are recommendation letters for internship applications?

Recommendation letters are an important part of internship applications as they provide insight into your character and abilities from a third-party perspective. They can also help distinguish you from other candidates and strengthen your application. It is important to choose recommenders who can speak highly of your skills and work ethic.

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