Plotting Carnot Engine Cycle on PV Diagram

In summary, you have made good progress in solving the problem, but you need to use the correct equations for each process and take into account the information given in the problem. I hope this helps you in finding the solutions for points d and a. Let us know if you have any further questions. Good luck!
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am tasked to create a PV Diagram of a Carnot Engine Cycle. I must find pressure, volume, Q, W, ΔU, and ΔS on all four points. This is what has been given to me by my teacher:

a to b : Isothermal
b to c: Adiabatic
c to d: Isothermal
d to a: Adiabatic

TC = 300 K
TH = 1700 K
pc = 1.01*105 Pa
vc = 0.01 m3
Qa to b = 300 K
γ (gamma) = 1.40

Homework Equations

(1) p1v1=p2v2
(2) W=nRT ln(V2/V1)
(3) p1v1γ=p2v2γ
(4) W= p1v1=p2v2 / (γ-1)
(5) T1V1(γ-1) = T2V2(γ-1)
(6) W = nRT ln(V2/V1)
(7) pv = nRT

The Attempt at a Solution

Using the above equations I managed to get point b's pressure and volume. What I got for point b:
vb = 0.028 m3
pb = 2.389*104 Pa
First, I used the gas law equation (7) to get moles. This came out to n = 0.405 moles. Then, I used equation (5) to get volume, solving for Vb(y-1). I then used equation (3) to get pressure, solving for pb. I then got W = -852.7 J for the path b to c using equation (4). This seems kind of odd to me and I'm not sure if its correct because it's doing more work than the amount of heat it is providing. I assume Qa to b = is QH ? It seems so low though.

I'm trying to figure out how am I going to get points d and a without knowing pressure or volume on those points. A class mate had suggested I used equation (5) for a to b and c to d, but those paths are isothermal. Isn't equation (5) adiabatic only? I don't know if I can even use the gas law because I'd need pressure or volume and I don't have that.

There is also the idea that I have to use equation (6) and solve for volume that way. The problem is I don't know where to start. I'm a little rusty on my calculus (it's been about 4 years). I tried to break it down to W = nRT(ln (V2) - ln (V1))= nRT( 1/V2 - 1/V1), but this doesn't seem to help and I may have done it wrong.

I'd be grateful for any kind of help.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. It seems like you have made some progress in solving the problem, but you still have some questions and uncertainties. Let me try to provide some guidance and clarification.

Firstly, let's review the Carnot engine cycle and its key principles. A Carnot engine is a theoretical engine that operates between two heat reservoirs at different temperatures (TC and TH). It follows a specific cycle consisting of four reversible processes: two isothermal processes and two adiabatic processes. The efficiency of a Carnot engine is given by the Carnot efficiency equation: η = (TH - TC)/TH. In order to calculate the efficiency, we need to know the temperatures of the two reservoirs.

Now, let's address your specific questions and concerns:

1. Qa to b = 300 K: This is not the heat provided to the system, but rather the temperature at point a. In order to calculate the heat provided to the system, we need to know the temperature difference between the two reservoirs (TH and TC). Without this information, we cannot calculate Qa to b.

2. W = -852.7 J for the path b to c: This seems correct. Remember that in an adiabatic process, there is no heat exchange (Q=0), so all the work done is due to the change in internal energy (ΔU = W). Also, keep in mind that work is done by the system when the volume decreases (negative work).

3. Points d and a: In order to calculate the properties at points d and a, we need to use the equations for the isothermal processes (a to b and c to d). These equations are different from the adiabatic equations, as you correctly pointed out. For isothermal processes, we use the ideal gas law (pv = nRT) and the equation W = nRT ln(V2/V1). In order to solve for the unknown variables at points d and a, we need to use the information given in the problem (TC, TH, pc, vc) and the fact that the two isothermal processes are reversible (which means that the pressure and volume remain constant throughout the process).

4. Equation (6): This equation is correct, but you need to use it for the isothermal processes, not the adiabatic ones. Also, keep in mind that you need to use the natural logarithm

Related to Plotting Carnot Engine Cycle on PV Diagram

1. How do you plot a Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram?

To plot a Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram, you will need to first understand the basic principles of the Carnot cycle. This includes knowing the four stages of the cycle - isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression. Then, you can plot each stage on the PV diagram by plotting the pressure and volume values at each point in the cycle. Make sure to label each stage and indicate the direction of the cycle.

2. What is the significance of plotting a Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram?

Plotting a Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram allows us to visualize the thermodynamic processes involved in the cycle. It also helps us understand the efficiency of the Carnot engine, as the area enclosed by the cycle represents the work done by the engine. Additionally, it allows us to compare the Carnot cycle with other thermodynamic cycles and understand the limitations of real-world engines.

3. How does temperature affect the shape of the Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram?

The shape of the Carnot engine cycle on a PV diagram is affected by the temperature of the working fluid. As the temperature increases, the slope of the isothermal expansion and compression stages becomes steeper, resulting in a larger area enclosed by the cycle. This also leads to a higher efficiency of the Carnot engine. On the other hand, a decrease in temperature will result in a flatter slope and a smaller area, leading to a lower efficiency.

4. Can the Carnot engine cycle be plotted on other thermodynamic diagrams?

Yes, the Carnot engine cycle can also be plotted on other thermodynamic diagrams such as the temperature-entropy (TS) diagram or the pressure-entropy (PS) diagram. However, the PV diagram is the most commonly used diagram for plotting the Carnot cycle as it directly shows the relationship between pressure and volume, which are the main parameters involved in the cycle.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Carnot engine cycle?

The Carnot engine cycle is a theoretical model, but its principles are used in many real-world applications. One example is in power plants, where the Carnot cycle is used as a benchmark for comparing the efficiency of the plant. It is also used in refrigeration and heat pump systems, as well as in gas turbines. It serves as a theoretical basis for understanding the limitations and potential efficiency of these systems.

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