Math major - computer science minor or add computer science 2nd major?

In summary, the individual is currently a junior working on a math major and computer minor. They have discovered the option to earn a second BA by taking four more classes in computer science, but are unsure if they should pursue it or just finish with a minor. They are interested in attending grad school for math and their dream job is cryptanalysis at the NSA. They are considering a second degree for more employment opportunities and are open to developing programming skills. They are advised to take basic courses and work on projects, as well as take advantage of resources like open-source libraries and the NSA's REU program.
  • #1

I am currently a junior working on a math major and a computer minor. I just found out that if I take four more classes in comp. sci, I can earn a 2nd BA (not a dual major - a second degree). This would mean at least one more semester full time or another year part time.

I am interested in attending grad school for math when I am done but it is very important that I am employable. My dream job would be cryptanalysis at the NSA.

Should I pursue the 2nd degree or just get done earlier with a minor?

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  • #2
Why do you want a second major? A degree alone is not necessarily going to make you a better software engineer (it might get you an interview though). If you have no intention of further developing your programming skill, I would say that you shouldn't bother.

(I'm not entirely sure what crypt-analysts do by the way.)
  • #3
I am interested in a second degree because it might provide more employment opportunities. I suppose I don't know how much I want to develop my programming skills but it doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Thanks for the advice!
  • #4
Hey tsmithers and welcome to the forums.

If you want to learn programming, then I'd recommend taking a few basic courses and teaching yourself the rest.

Work on projects and if you can get some team projects going (even if that includes open-source ones) then do that.

In terms of cryptography, you can download open source libraries that do a lot of the cryptography for you like number theory calculations, one way functions, and all the rest. I'd recommend getting this because it will do a lot of the stuff that is non-mathematical but none the less is critical for cryptography.

Also the NSA has things like REU's so find out what they expect and how you can get into these along with becoming employed. Check the website and if you have a question, then email them: they have people who can answer these questions so take advantage of that.
  • #5

I believe that both options have their own merits and it ultimately depends on your career goals and personal preferences. If your ultimate goal is to work in cryptanalysis at the NSA, having a strong background in both math and computer science will definitely make you a more competitive candidate. Pursuing a second major in computer science would not only provide you with a deeper understanding of the subject, but also give you a wider range of skills and knowledge that could be beneficial in your future career.

However, it is important to consider the time and resources required to complete a second major. If you are already on track to graduate with a math major and computer science minor, it may be more efficient for you to focus on completing your current degree and gaining practical experience through internships or research opportunities. This could also help you stand out in the job market and make you more employable after graduation.

Ultimately, I would suggest weighing the pros and cons of each option and considering your long-term career goals before making a decision. It may also be helpful to speak with a career advisor or someone in the field of cryptanalysis to get their perspective and advice. Good luck with your decision!

Related to Math major - computer science minor or add computer science 2nd major?

1. What is the difference between a math major and a computer science minor?

A math major focuses on mathematical concepts and theories, while a computer science minor introduces students to programming and computer science principles.

2. Can I major in math and minor in computer science?

Yes, many universities offer the option to major in math and minor in computer science. This allows students to gain a strong foundation in both subjects.

3. Is it better to add a computer science second major or minor?

It depends on your career goals and interests. Adding a second major in computer science will give you a more comprehensive understanding of the subject, while a minor will provide a basic understanding.

4. What are the benefits of having a computer science minor as a math major?

A computer science minor can enhance a math major's problem-solving skills and make them more marketable in the job market. It can also open up opportunities for careers in fields such as data analysis and computational mathematics.

5. How many additional courses will I need to take for a computer science minor?

The number of additional courses required for a computer science minor varies depending on the university and the specific courses offered. Generally, it ranges from 4-6 courses.

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