MAE major considering Software Engineering

In summary, In order to become a software engineer, it is important to have a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. It is also important to have a strong interest in software engineering and to be familiar with basic programming.
  • #1
I am a Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering major in my senior year and I enjoy it but I'm starting to think that I might be happier doing Software Engineering.

as a note: I'm not really that interested in a career as computer programmer because they seem to make half the income as SE and I think software engineers get to use more brain-work/creativity.

I will be 25 when I get my B.S. in MAE. At that point I should have a full-time job, so if I go back for another bachelor's degree, it would take probably 4 more years.

does anyone have any general advice? should I pursue a bachelor's degree more related to software engineering? I'd like to go to graduate school at some point but I don't know what major to go for.

say I go and learn everything on my own about software engineering. Is it likely or even possible that I could skip the B.S. courses and go straight to graduate school for software engineering?

my college offers Electrical and Computer Engineering. Honestly, I'm not that interested in electrical engineering. How important is it for software engineers? I'm most interested in making useful business applications. I enjoy making programs for my girlfriend/friends/family.

thanks for any help

I should probably also ask: what majors could translate to a career in software engineering? my college offers:
-computer science (but isn't this more for computer programmers?)
-electrical and computer engineering (I don't like the electrical part)
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  • #2
Software engineering and programming aren't very different, so to become a software engineer you will end up doing a lot of programming. The best degrees to get a job as a SE are SE or computer science. Computer science is totally fine and most software engineers actually have a CS degree not a SE degree because CS degrees are offered everywhere. The main difference between CS and SE is that SE is actually a branch of CS. CS is more general and you have the option to pursue different fields (e.g computational complexity, numerical analysis, computational mathematics, artificial intelligence, hardware) not covered in a typical SE degree. But you can also take courses in software engineering within you CS degree which is what you want to do.

If you don't want to do another 4 years of B.S, you should look for places that offer graduate degrees in applied computing, they are 1 or 2 year programs without research and only require you to be familiar with basic programming (material covered in 1 or 2 programming courses). They roughly cover the following topics which should prepare you for a software engineering position.
Data Structures & Algorithms, Systems Programming, Programming Methodology, Software Engineering I, II, III, plus some more advanced topics.

Also, you can start taking CS courses in your college and delay your graduation for another 1-2 years. However, I don't think it is a good idea to take up a double major in CS because then you have take a lot of theory courses that aren't very useful for a SE job.
I should emphasize that you don't need to go back to school for another 4 years.
  • #3
Thanks! that was very informative.

so, do you think it is possible for me to just take a few important CS courses and get into a graduate program more related to SE such as CS?

by the way, all the courses you mentioned I am definitely interested in taking. spring semester, I'm taking Numerical & Computation Analysis (CS course). I am currently studying all topics covered in Programming Methodology I (ECE course) on my own and hoping to override into Programming Methodology II in fall 2011 (my last semester)
  • #4
By all means Yes, if you are already taking numerical analysis and learning programming methodology on your own you might even be able to get into grad school for software engineering. However, you should spend at least 1 more semester taking a few more CS/SE courses. Most people think that it is very difficult to get into a graduate program different from what you studied as an undergrad. This couldn't be more wrong. Graduate programs are very specialized as opposed to undergrad programs that are meant to give you a broad education. For example, in a CS undergrad degree you probably have to take courses in all fields of CS and the truth is that although a course in graph theory or Computational Complexity or advanced natural language computing might come handy to you as a software engineer you can do very well without.They are not even pre-requisites for for any graduate course in SE. Bottom line is that, with only a few courses you can get into a SE program even at a top school (if you have the grades and everything).
  • #5
(I'm not sure how this could relate to software engineering)Hello,

It's great to hear that you are considering a career in software engineering. I understand the importance of finding a career that truly interests and fulfills you. While there may be some overlap between mechanical and software engineering, they are two distinct fields with their own unique challenges and opportunities.

In terms of pursuing a bachelor's degree in software engineering, it ultimately depends on your personal goals and interests. If you feel that software engineering is a better fit for you and will bring you more satisfaction, then it may be worth considering switching majors. However, keep in mind that you can still pursue a career in software engineering with a degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Many companies value diverse backgrounds and skill sets, so your MAE degree could still be an asset in the software engineering field.

In terms of graduate school, it is possible to go straight into a graduate program for software engineering without a bachelor's degree in the field. However, it may be more challenging as you may need to take additional courses to catch up on any foundational knowledge. It's important to do your research and see what the specific requirements are for different graduate programs.

As for the importance of electrical engineering in software engineering, it really depends on the type of software engineering you are interested in. Some areas, such as embedded systems or robotics, may require a strong understanding of electrical engineering. However, for business applications, it may not be as crucial.

In terms of other majors that could translate to a career in software engineering, computer science is definitely a popular choice. However, as you mentioned, this may be more geared towards computer programming. Other majors that could be relevant include mathematics, statistics, and even psychology (for user experience design).

In conclusion, my advice would be to explore your options and see what truly interests you. If you are passionate about software engineering, then it may be worth considering switching majors or taking relevant courses. However, keep in mind that you can still pursue a career in software engineering with a background in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Good luck with your decision!

Related to MAE major considering Software Engineering

1. What is the difference between a MAE major and a Software Engineering major?

A MAE (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) major focuses on the design and development of physical systems, such as machines, structures, and vehicles. On the other hand, a Software Engineering major focuses on the design, development, and maintenance of software systems and applications.

2. Can a MAE major pursue a career in Software Engineering?

Yes, a MAE major can pursue a career in Software Engineering. Although the two majors have different focuses, there is overlap in skills and knowledge, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and programming. A MAE major can also take additional courses or internships in software development to gain more experience in the field.

3. Are there any specific skills or courses that a MAE major should have to become a Software Engineer?

In addition to the core MAE courses, a MAE major considering Software Engineering should have a strong foundation in computer science and programming. Some recommended courses include data structures and algorithms, programming languages, and software engineering principles. It is also beneficial to have experience working on software projects and familiarity with relevant software tools and technologies.

4. What career opportunities are available for a MAE major with a specialization in Software Engineering?

A MAE major with a specialization in Software Engineering can pursue a variety of careers, such as software engineer, software developer, systems analyst, or quality assurance engineer. They can also work in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, robotics, and defense.

5. What is the future outlook for the job market in Software Engineering for MAE majors?

The job market for Software Engineering is expected to continue growing in the coming years, with a projected 22% increase in employment from 2019 to 2029 (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics). This growth is driven by the increasing demand for software and technology in various industries, making it a promising career path for MAE majors.

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