Is Randomness in Quantum Mechanics Truly Non-Deterministic?

In summary, the conversation touches on the concept of determinism and non-determinism in nature, specifically in relation to probability and randomness. The conversation explores a thought experiment involving two black boxes, one containing a natural emitter of random numbers and the other containing a computer running a random number generator. The question is raised whether there is a mathematical test that can distinguish between truly random and pseudo-random processes. The conversation also touches on the concept of superdeterminism and references John Bell's Theorem. The conversation concludes with a detailed explanation of how determinism can be used to explain the results of an EPR experiment, with the caveat that the two measurements must take place far enough apart to avoid the possibility of faster-than-light influences.
  • #71
Boing3000 said:
A local event is different from a non-local event.

There is no such thing as a "non-local event". An event is a point in spacetime. Go look at a relativity textbook.

Boing3000 said:
All quantities are perfectly defined and Lorenz covariant.

You can define Lorentz covariant quantities that involve multiple events (multiple points in spacetime): for example, the invariant arc length along a particular spacelike curve. But these quantities do not describe "non-local events". They describe multiple events.

Boing3000 said:
that simple logic is vindicated by experiment

What experiments are you talking about?

Boing3000 said:
Don't you agree that non-local is per definition something that happens once (thus an event) but across a wide range of place ?

No. See above and go look at a relativity textbook.
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  • #72
Boing3000 said:
Don't you agree that non-local is...

Wikipedia is not a valid source, and in any case that Wikipedia page is not talking about what the term "non-local" refers to in this discussion.
  • #73
Mentz114 said:
I have to agree with that. Some people find the following fact interesting and significant [..]
Thanks for posting! I now also saw that you hinted at this already in post 12,
Mentz114 said:
I don't think Bells theorem has anything to say about randomness.

Stephen Tashi said:
The paper linked by @atyy ( Acin and Masanes, Certified randomness in quantum physics, ) has a title suggesting it accomplishes this. (I don't see how - can someone summarize?) The discussions in this thread of Bell's type experiments seem to have similar goals.
Thanks for posting this! I'm reading the paper now, and I may have some comments about it, so I will likely return to this thread later. I think this topic is very fascinating, so I pray that the thread stays open... :smile:
  • #74
I've read the paper ( quickly one time, and I have comments on it, which I will post later when I have thought it through more.

But I wanted to post a link to another paper which I found as a link in the paper @atyy posted in his post.
It's pretty funny, since it seems this paper examines what I was talking about in post 68, that is, sequences of measurements on the same system:

Unbounded randomness certification using sequences of measurements (F. J. Curchod et al.)
Unpredictability, or randomness, of the outcomes of measurements made on an entangled state can be certified provided that the statistics violate a Bell inequality. In the standard Bell scenario where each party performs a single measurement on its share of the system, only a finite amount of randomness, of at most 4log2d bits, can be certified from a pair of entangled particles of dimension d. Our work shows that this fundamental limitation can be overcome using sequences of (nonprojective) measurements on the same system. More precisely, we prove that one can certify any amount of random bits from a pair of qubits in a pure state as the resource, even if it is arbitrarily weakly entangled. In addition, this certification is achieved by near-maximal violation of a particular Bell inequality for each measurement in the sequence.

I think I will have very interesting stuff to read and think about this weekend. :smile:
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  • #75
PeterDonis said:
There is no such thing as a "non-local event". An event is a point in spacetime. Go look at a relativity textbook.
Sadly you keep confusing event with non-local event. I don't think I am going to find in a relativity textbook a definition of non-locality (**) But maybe you have a precise reference in mind ?

PeterDonis said:
You can define Lorentz covariant quantities that involve multiple events (multiple points in spacetime): for example, the invariant arc length along a particular spacelike curve. But these quantities do not describe "non-local events". They describe multiple events.
I am more interested in basic worldline although I know how you hate wikipedia reference even in a B thread level. Upon entanglement two perfectly defined word line forked, and every two event pair with the same proper time value can also be name a non-local event.Because ...

PeterDonis said:
What experiments are you talking about?
... all experiment based on Bell's inequalities do show that the correlation behave practically like there is only one value at anyone time.

PeterDonis said:
No. See above and go look at a relativity textbook.
See above (**) I won't follow that red herring.
Although, again, I would welcome a precise reference on the relativity definition on "non-locality"
  • #76
Boing3000 said:
Sadly you keep confusing event with non-local event.

No, you keep using the term "event" incorrectly. There is no such thing as a "non-local event" in relativity. An event is a point in spacetime.

Boing3000 said:
Upon entanglement two perfectly defined word line forked, and every two event pair with the same proper time value can also be name a non-local event.

I don't know where you are getting this from, but it is not correct. To the extent you can model a particle that is entangled with another particle using a worldline from classical relativity, there is no "forking" of worldlines as a result of entanglement.

Boing3000 said:
all experiment based on Bell's inequalities do show that the correlation behave practically like there is only one value at anyone time

Standard QM says that when you make a measurement, you observe one value, yes. But you can't predict in advance which value it will be; you can only predict probabilities.

Boing3000 said:
I would welcome a precise reference on the relativity definition on "non-locality"

There isn't one. I told you to look in a relativity textbook for the correct definition of "event", not "non-locality". Go do it.

A general note: if you make another post along the lines of your previous ones, you will receive a misinformation warning. You really, really, really need to stop posting on this topic until you have taken the time to learn the correct physics. You do not have a good understanding of it now.
  • #77
Boing3000 said:
... all experiment based on Bell's inequalities do show that the correlation behave practically like there is only one value at anyone time.
This is the case because the entangled pair share the same wave-function. But there are TWO particles so if something happens to both that is TWO events. If you assume that there is instantaneous communication between the pair (as a working assumption) then that is the non-locality.

Also, be aware that photons have null worldlines so proper time is undefined.
  • #78
From my point of view I see nothing mysterious about probability or about probability in QM. For start to get a clearer picture, take Geometric probability for instance see this wolfram. You can see that probability is nothing but expression about relations between objects, the easiest is line-line picking. so probability in that sense is just choosing ALL POSSIBLE line lengths( with some weight distribution, usually normal) and relating it to the main line and the many properties and relations can be deduced. So probability just like in such math NO REASON is given other than the possibilities based on the problem at hand. Even when we describe the problem we say for example " pick two points at random on it " NO REASON is given, what we mean is what I have described earlier.

Now for QM, The situation is pretty much the same, the solution for psi is just the constraints in the equation THAT IS THE REASON FOR RANDOMNESS in case you choose to interpret psi square as a probability. I see that as nothing fundamentally different than our mathematical setup. Especially so since we all seem to agree that QM is fundamental and there is no "deeper" underlying theory.
  • #79
ftr said:
Especially so since we all seem to agree that QM is fundamental and there is no "deeper" underlying theory.
Hmm, I agree and don't agree. So you could say my agreement is in a superposition :smile:. For the purpose of this thread and the general policy of this forum I agree that QM is fundamental, since everything else would be hypothetical at best and fringe at worst. But I can not say that there is no deeper underlying theory, since I would consider such a statement unscientific.

But back to the OP, my interest in this thread and exploring the inherent randomness in quantum mechanical processes is not because the idea of a deeper underlying theory nor the idea of hidden variables. I am simply very curious; how random are these processes? Can we quantify the randomness and compare them to pseudorandom processes in order to demonstrate the hypothetical superior randomness of QM? I've never thought about this before, and I got fascinated by the OP question. But I haven't had time nor energy to read the posted papers again, because of the heat wave we have at the moment over here.
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  • #80
DennisN said:
Hmm, I agree and don't agree. So you could say my agreement is in a superposition :smile:. For the purpose of this thread and the general policy of this forum I agree that QM is fundamental, since everything else would be hypothetical at best and fringe at worst. But I can not say that there is no deeper underlying theory, since I would consider such a statement unscientific.

But back to the OP, my interest in this thread and exploring the inherent randomness in quantum mechanical processes is not because the idea of a deeper underlying theory nor the idea of hidden variables. I am simply very curious; how random are these processes? Can we quantify the randomness and compare them to pseudorandom processes in order to demonstrate the hypothetical superior randomness of QM? I've never thought about this before, and I got fascinated by the OP question. But I haven't had time nor energy to read the posted papers again, because of the heat wave we have at the moment over here.
Since the last bunch of posts I did some reading but mainly to see if there is such a thing as a maximally random string of bits.
I came up with this. Suppose we write the n'th order autocorrelation function ##\rho_n## in terms of the probability ##p_n=(2\rho_n+1)/2## then the Shannon entropy is ##S=\sum ((2\rho_n+1)/2)\ln ((2\rho_n+1)/2)## where ##n## is summed from 1 to N. This is maximised when all the ##\rho_n## are zero and is ##S=N##. This is another way of saying that every outcome is independent giving N degrees of freedom. Is it possible to have a less predictable sequence?
  • #81
Aufbauwerk 2045 said:
Consider this a layman's question. I am not an expert on deeper aspects of probability. I simply rely on Kolmogorov's axioms and the calculation methods I learned as a student. To me it's just a bit of mathematics and it makes perfect sense as mathematics.

My understanding is that if there is no such mathematical test, which can distinguish between the two outputs, then we would naturally fall back on Occam's Razor, namely "do not multiply entities without necessity." I know how random number generators work. Why should I believe that whatever is going on in nature's black boxes is something other than this? In other words, why do we introduce this idea of a "non-deterministic" black box in nature? Can we even define "non-deterministic?"

Is there a good explanation of this in the scientific literature? Please provide the reference if possible. Thanks!

See the book by Vitanyi and Li on Kolmogorov complexity. I think most everything you asked about is addressed.
  • #82
stevendaryl said:
...Any truly nondeterministic system that has only local evolution is empirically equivalent to a deterministic system in which the only randomness is from the initial conditions.
Implying likewise that Copenhagen is empirically equivalent to Bohmian Mechanics?
  • #83
Lish Lash said:
Implying likewise that Copenhagen is empirically equivalent to Bohmian Mechanics?
I don't think 'randomness' is necessary for any interpretation of QT. QT only gives us probabilities so if we have a two-outcome situation and we calculate the probabilities to be 1/2 we cannot predict an individual outcome but we have an exact probability. There's nothing random about that. When we do the experiment to test this we get a binary string and now we can apply one or more of many tests of 'randomness'. But those test do not come from QT and are independent of it as they must be . If the last condition is not true we would be using a theory to test itself.

It is probably safe to say that there is no 'randomness' in QT but a lot in Nature.
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  • #84
I don't think that a "truly deterministic operator" and a "truly nondeterministic operator" could co-exist for long in one system because the "truly nondeterministic operator" will influence the "truly deterministic operator". And then the "truly deterministic operator" won't be "truly deterministic" anymore. Thats the reason why i think this question is highly hypothetical and has no "true" answer because either both are "truly deterministic operators" or not.
  • #85
Bell test has nothing to do with the original question in this thread, the original question is that how to distinguish between deterministic random sequence, and non deterministic random sequence.

The correct answer is that you can't tell without:
A- Looking inside the boxes
B- Wait long enough to see if the sequence repeats, because random number generators have finite sequence length.

Regarding the main question:
What is randomness in QM?
QM does not say randomness is deterministic or non deterministic, only different QM Interpretations say that.
The main stream interpretation in QM (Copenhagen interpretation) is non-deterministic. However there are other deterministic QM interpretations such as the Many Worlds Interpretation and the Pilot Wave Theory (Bohmian mechanics).
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  • #86
Deepblu said:
Wait long enough to see if the sequence repeats, because random number generators have finite sequence length.

Well the digits of pi are computeable, generally considered random (but not yet proven - we do not know for example if all digits occur with the same frequency - called the normal property - but passes all current tests of randomness as far as it has been tested), and because its irrational can't repeat.

So basically the whole thing is filled with unanswered questions. A fields medal probably up for grabs to anyone that solves it.

  • #87
bhobba said:
Well the digits of pi are computeable, generally considered random (but not yet proven - we do not know for example if all digits occur with the same frequency - called the normal property - but passes all current tests of randomness as far as it has been tested), and because its irrational can't repeat.

However RNGs do not use irrational numbers, because the point of RNG is to generate a different random sequence when initial conditions (the seed) are changed.
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  • #88
Deepblu said:
B- Wait long enough to see if the sequence repeats, because random number generators have finite sequence length.
As @bhobba pointed out, a mathematically well defined psuedorandom number algorithm need not be periodic.

However, a practical psuedorandom number algorithm implemented by humans with finite resources can be modeled by a "finite state machine", which would have a periodic output.

A- Looking inside the boxes

If it takes more than finite resources for humans to implement a non-periodic random number generator, then is it "expensive" for Nature to implement her work-alike genuine random number generators? Do those black boxes have properties that can be measured externally?

For example if we set out to construct a "white box" random number generator implemented by known Natural processes, then is there a lower limit on the energy required to run it? (That may involve the issue of how fast we want it to run.)
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  • #89
Deepblu said:
However RNGs do not use irrational numbers, because the point of RNG is to generate a different random sequence when initial conditions (the seed) are changed.

They don't? I gave an example of one that did. What is done in practice, and what can be done in principle are not the same thing.


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