Is Democracy Worth the Risk of Electing Terrorists?

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In summary, the conversation revolves around a controversial article from FOX News about the potential consequences of promoting democracy in the Middle East. The article suggests that there is a risk of electing leaders who may hate the US more than their predecessors, and that bombing a country back to the Stone Age may be a necessary solution. The conversation also touches on the biased nature of news sources and the potential hypocrisy of foreign occupation in the region.
  • #316
Manchot said:
You do know that the president of FNC worked as a strategist for the Nixon and Reagan administrations, right?
Bill O'Reilly's in the middle? When did that happen?
So, when certain commentators have both sides on their show, but tell one side to shut up because it's his show and he decides who gets to speak, is that being fair?
I did not once not hear the second part of Bill Bennett's statement not mentioned by the media. In fact, I defy you to find one instance otherwise.
CBS didn't make the document. They obtained it from an outside source, who lied to them as well. Obviously, they didn't do as much fact-checking as they should have. However, as you have just shown, anyone can be guilty of that.

I was referring to Peter Chernin, News Corp president and COO who is a democrat. Roger Ailes? Hey we can all get to know what I personally think, its most likely inline with what Roger Ailes says.

OReilly calls himself an Independent, he tries to be middle of the road on everything, in fact IMO he looks at both extremes of an issue, picks the center and says its the correct opinion. He used to seem more conservative years ago, in 2003 he PROMISED to be upfront and honest about the Iraq war, then went into the center and lied about news events, and again IMO he wants to be in the white house, so to make Bush look bad and say "we are lookin out for you" ? Its a power grab.

Im not sure which show, but if its Hannity/Colmes and one guest rambles on and fillibusters? or won't answer questions? Sean gets to say its his show.

I don't always agree with Sean, sometimes I side with Alan. Once he had the new Black Panther leader on who would use his appearance as a microphone to rattle off some rant and wouldn't "discuss" things. Sean stopped him and stops similar guests who use the airtime for their own purpose and don't participate in discussion. Bill OReilly goes farther, he demands the discussion stay on track, and for this? He is now #1.

People are not stupid, we can listen to a person talk and usually tell if they have a good argument, this is why Foxnews is good. If you don't like interruptions or a biased show? CNN's crossfire typically has 3 democrats and 1 republican. Tucker Carlson is outmatched by Carville OR Begalla...

I heard radio stories on the Bennett story, but its typical of that side. The stories on Nixon/Watergate? Inflated nonsense; Vietnam was a big war crime? John Kerry testifies that he engaged in war crimes?? The Swift boat Vets for truth exposed some falsehoods in Kerrys Vietnam recollection, he wouldn't answer directly if he was a war criminal or if his testimony to Congress was therefore false? Its a sticky situation but they grill president Bush on anything he has said

As for Rathergate? Sorry I cannot accept any "we didnt know" story, because they had reasonable doubt and kept up the fake story, I followed it and their story fell apart, bloggers exposed the CBS fraud. So like at the Superbowl with Janet Jackson? Jason Timberlake rips the velcro attached part of her shirt to expose her naked breast on live TV? And their response? Oh... it was a mistake, it was a "wardrobe failure". What does Dan Rather and CBS say about their fake document and smear tactic on Lt Bush? oh, it was a mistake, a wardrobe failure. Do you believe it?? I dont.
Physics news on
  • #317
Brad_1234 said:
OReilly calls himself an Independent, he tries to be middle of the road on everything, in fact IMO he looks at both extremes of an issue, picks the center and says its the correct opinion.

  • #318
Smurf said:
Also, I wouldn't mind challenging your assertion that a command economy is un-libertarian.

OK, how am I not being coerced when someone else makes economic decision for me? Like what can I buy, at what price, from whom, in what quantity, of what quality, at what time and place...

Let's clear from the start that these are not choices to be measured against limitless options, like not being free to buy a ticket to Proxima Centauri. It means being restricted from choices I would otherwise have, like importing cloth from China when restricted by labor union interests.
  • #319
Brad_1234 said:
OReilly calls himself an Independent, he tries to be middle of the road on everything, in fact IMO he looks at both extremes of an issue, picks the center and says its the correct opinion.

Back on topic, let's be fair and accept O'Reilly is a conservative. However, he goes into greater efforts to present the Leftist point of view in his show than the New York Times in putting a conservative voice in its pages.

I do enjoy watching FNC, specially that O'Reilly dude, but think most people do realize it is a conservative outlet, and that it is only sane to have it counterbalance the rest of the mainstream news which is overwhelmingly Leftist.

And some important subjects that others won't touch, like child abuse, are only brought into the mainstream by O'Reilly, which makes his work valuable to any citizen who wishes to be roundly informed.
  • #320
ron damon said:
And some important subjects that others won't touch, like child abuse, are only brought into the mainstream by O'Reilly, which makes his work valuable to any citizen who wishes to be roundly informed.

You're right, if it wasn't for O'Reilly we'd never hear about Child Abuse.

And I particularly like O'Reilly's opinions on sexual morality and sexual harassment.

Can you just imagine what an awful place society would be if Bill O'Reilly wasn't around to champion women on the issue of sexual harassment?

Perish the thought.
  • #321
TRCSF said:
You're right, if it wasn't for O'Reilly we'd never hear about Child Abuse.
And I particularly like O'Reilly's opinions on sexual morality and sexual harassment.
Can you just imagine what an awful place society would be if Bill O'Reilly wasn't around to champion women on the issue of sexual harassment?
Perish the thought.

Did someone steal your yoghurt?
  • #322
ron damon said:
Did someone steal your yoghurt?

No, but I'm having trouble finding my falafel.

Have you been using it?
  • #323
TRCSF said:
No, but I'm having trouble finding my falafel.
Have you been using it?

Apparently I have :redface:
  • #324
ron damon said:
OK, how am I not being coerced when someone else makes economic decision for me? Like what can I buy, at what price, from whom, in what quantity, of what quality, at what time and place...
Let's clear from the start that these are not choices to be measured against limitless options, like not being free to buy a ticket to Proxima Centauri. It means being restricted from choices I would otherwise have, like importing cloth from China when restricted by labor union interests.
  • #325
ron damon said:
I do enjoy watching FNC, specially that O'Reilly dude, but think most people do realize it is a conservative outlet, and that it is only sane to have it counterbalance the rest of the mainstream news which is overwhelmingly Leftist.
Counterbalance I understand. Unfortunately a more accurate description of Fox News is aggressive-liberal-bashing propaganda. My guess is this is really why people like to watch Fox News.
TRCSF said:
You're right, if it wasn't for O'Reilly we'd never hear about Child Abuse.

And I particularly like O'Reilly's opinions on sexual morality and sexual harassment.

Can you just imagine what an awful place society would be if Bill O'Reilly wasn't around to champion women on the issue of sexual harassment?

Perish the thought.
:smile: Riiiiight! :smile:
  • #326
I heard on Fox News during their winter break when some dork was filling in for Neil Cavuto actually suggest that the 'Canada needs to be bombed by terrorist to realize that we are in this together (war on terror)". ?what?

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