If I want to do cyborg, which courses should I take?

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In summary, there is no specific degree for cyborg engineering, but relevant fields such as bio-mechanics, neuro-medicine, control engineering, and mechanics can provide the necessary knowledge for designing and integrating artificial body parts. While the concept of cyborgs may seem like a far-fetched idea, there is active research being done in this area, particularly for reconstructing lost or defective body parts. It is important to find and study under institutes and scientists who are actively involved in this field.
  • #1
Mechanical engineer? Mechantronics engineer? or Biomedical engineer?

I was always love Physics and Mathematics all the time, so I ever want to become a Physicist. But due to the realistic of life, I decided to work as an engineer to looking for good careers prospect in order to make money.
Furthermore, I could also enjoys study Chemistry or Biology even I don't think I have to specializes them. It depends on which course I taking.
After all, I will be still considered I can be called as a Physicist that was because I have passionate to study it.
So, I think all of you whose like study Physics and Maths so much could called Physicst as well.

In the early time, "Cyborg" is really fascinates me. Although there still were not every countries available to having a careers for it or even for civilian common jobs. However, who knows whether how the future will be? Perhaps it may form several careers like engineering something about it such as Mechanical.
Dont you guys think that you will joining such a great project like this, for here whom yours are whether computer scientist, physicist, engineer, etc?

Back in my case, I just a youth student who doesn't absorbs any much social experience and for the sake of my limited ability will also not considers taking more than one major.

SO, what you guys think about how to study cybernetics just choosing the Bachelor courses as forementionaed above?
(Correct me, if I made any mistakens.)
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'll amuse you, despite how strange your question is.

The term Cyborg belongs to Sci-Fi. But, as we all know, Sci-Fi is where our "dreams" are that we science types go after. Not to mention, that name is as loaded as they come. Mention that term and you're bound to have an argument over relgion, ethics, futurism, etc., etc. probably without ever once mentioning anything technical.

Here are some terms you should educate yourself on;

Those above are mostly philosophical in nature, but there is a good degree of truth involved. The terms in the technical world you're looking for are Man-machine interface and Brain-Computer interface.

As of today, there is no "cyborg engineering degree", but you never know I could be wrong.

The desire for transcendence is as old as the desire to reproduce. It is arguable that they're very closely related. But one must separate one's selfish motives when we look at this "transcendence".

The landscape is full of mines that could turn a good heart scientist engineer, into the proverbial mad scientist. Beware young mind.

There has been and conintues to grow an enormous amount of work on this. I follow it closely. Like you, I'd love to live a long life, but...

Be warned, don't chase the holy grail in vain. (I'm atheist, but that's symbolic).

It's very important you find something you love. IF, the Singularity happens, then you're contribution and mine is mircorscopic. The days of uberminds that could do all are long dead.

I suggest you look up exponential growth in technology. That should humble you sufficiently.

As far as how to be involved. Almost everyone "is" contributing Ray would say, and to a real degree, he's right.

To be directly involved, any of the engineerings would do. It all depends on what you like. Wet-ware? Hardware? Programming? Mathematics? etc. etc. etc... etc.

A name in the EU for you, Kevin Warwick. Read his book, "I, Cyborg".

A name in the US, Matt Negal, and the group Cyberkinetics from Brown University.

Look up the Monkey experiments between Duke, Georgia and MIT in early 2002.

Look up prosthetics, and neurosurgery too.

Indeed I believe that's the future. When? Don't know. But a word to the wise, "Don't don't go mad seeking to live forever" (despite I sincerely want to) or you might taste the worst defeat ever known.

Best to prepare you mind for the most probable, that is, you're going to probably have to die kid. So just find something you love to do, and sit back and enjoy the ride.
  • #3
yes, I appreciates that you really have made a good point for me.
I don't have think that further as which whether can I probably take part in this "dreams". Now realising this question about to shown how naive I was. But it just fascinates me anyway.
I seems to standby to involve in this fantasy. And before that, I could just reconsider to take the most general course suchlike Mechanical Engineer to pursuing a common life as everyone does.
First survive to looking forward whether this dreams will coming off, and see whether is it a good dreams that we ever make.
  • #4
There are people studying the sort of engineering that would be applied to a cyborg so whilst you can't sign onto a cyborg engineering course you can study relevant streams.

Bio-Mechanics and Neuro-medicine would be the key foundations as you need to know how the brain works in order to control artificial implants and how the body can be integrated with mechanical devices.
As side lines then control engineering and mechanics would provide you with the knowledge in designing artificial body parts.

The science of "cyborgs" is incredibly important and a number of forward thinking scientists are looking into this area. not to build a super human in the sci-fi mould but to reconstruct lost or defective body parts that cannot be successfully transplanted. I know of people who are actively working on artificial eyes and ears and the technology whilst a long way from being made available to the general population is moving on a pace.

Don't let people put you off studying Cyborg engineering, It certainly sounds cool at parties, but when looking for posts say your a bioengineer. What I would say is that the field is right on the cutting edge of research so a lot of institutes don't give it serious thought.
Do your research and find out who is doing active bioengineering research along the human augmentation lines, and get into that institute for a postgrad role, otherwise you will never get the opportunity to work with the real forward thinkers.
  • #5
UCLA has an undergraduate "cybernetics" degree program, but they recently changed the name to "Computational and Systems Biology".

It's considered a very tough program. The premajor (prep) courses are here:
And the major courses are here:
  • #6
Number 222838,

No, I think you got me wrong my friend. I'm not saying you shouldn't go after this. I was saying, if, hypothetically you love to write poems and hate math and physics, then spending your life pursuing bioengineering is probably only going to lead to misery.

Indeed, you should go after this, but with a mature mind and realizing that it's the path through life that counts.

Here. Look at UPenn's Neuroengineering Dept. Very impressive.

Here is MIT-Harvard Neuroengineering.

Duke Neuroengineering.

Here is the company formed out of Brown University, Cyberkinetics. They successful implanted a brain-machine interface in Matt Negal some time back.

Here is the article on Wikipedia about Brain Computer Interfaces. There's some good stuff in here.

Another area directly involved is material engineering. Specifically bio-material engineering.

Most schools have something like materials and/or bioengineering. At my school bioengineering is called biomedical engineering.

Like Panda said, this field is on the edge. It's not "here" the way mechanical engineering is here, but it's really close. It will probably be hidden in some PC term, but it's on the way.

So, any of mech, mechatronics, or biomed would work. Heck, you could even become a surgeon and really get involved too.

Best of luck number 222838
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  • #7
Thanks for you guys giving me a lot of supporting comments~~(touching)
I not means that I going to to given up to study about cyborg. Since that I also knew about this course was quite complicated. Which have to applies many of science knowledges such like physics, maths, chemistry, biology, computer science, medicament, engineering stuff, or even arts subject may include etc.
I just considers that my current ability might not afford to engage with a lot tough works where I just have interested and doesn't have much of strong base under other science(eg.Bio) except physics and maths.
Therefore, I think about to go Mechanical Engineer because their syllabus covered more just about physics & maths and while also can specialty in biomedical engineering afterwards.
The opportunities coming after in the future, I can geting into study of cybernetics as well with more fellow friends.
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Related to If I want to do cyborg, which courses should I take?

1. What is a cyborg?

A cyborg, short for cybernetic organism, is a being that combines organic and artificial components to enhance its abilities and functions.

2. What courses should I take to become a cyborg?

There is no specific course for becoming a cyborg, as it involves a combination of knowledge and skills from various fields such as computer science, engineering, biology, and neuroscience.

3. Can I just take courses in robotics or artificial intelligence?

While courses in robotics and artificial intelligence can provide a foundation for understanding cyborg technology, they may not cover all the necessary aspects. It is recommended to also take courses in biology, neuroscience, and human-computer interaction to have a well-rounded understanding.

4. Are there any specific universities or programs that specialize in cyborg technology?

Currently, there are no specific universities or programs that solely focus on cyborg technology. However, many universities offer courses and research opportunities in related fields such as bioengineering and human augmentation.

5. Can I become a cyborg through self-study or online courses?

Becoming a cyborg requires not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills and access to advanced technology. While self-study and online courses can provide a basic understanding, it is recommended to also gain hands-on experience through internships or research opportunities.

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