I applied for master after 3years from graduation almost forgot phys

In summary: Your name]In summary, the forum user is seeking advice on how to overcome challenges in their pursuit of a master's degree in Physics in Japan. They are struggling with the language barrier, forgotten basics, and balancing coursework and exam preparation. The expert suggests reviewing basic concepts, finding resources in English, hiring a tutor, joining study groups, and prioritizing time for exam preparation. The user is encouraged to not give up on their dream and to keep working hard towards it.
  • #1

After three years from graduation, I applied for master degree on Physics in strong University in Japan.
After those three years I almost forgot all basics. Even the parts which I remember I have problems how to deal with its math.
Not to mention that the program witch I graduated from was not that strong in first place.
but its my dream to be strong physicist, so I am willing to do what ever it take to fill the gap in the level.
I need some advice.
in this particular time I am studying as a research student, taking an undergraduate course in statistical physics and master course in computational physics, and I have to prepare seminar every weak from landau book in mechanics.
The first two give me really hard time because the lectures is in Japanese and I really can't fully understand what the professor says. And since what he is teaching is his original work you will not find what he said in any book. I tried all I can do to get over this courses and do the homework's but it seems impossible since I can't find my way. And I am still new student so I could not make friend and have a study group until now.
on top of that the entrance examination for the master program is held in August and I can't find enough time to study for it , because the whole time is wasted fighting with the courses I am taking.

What should I do.
I do not want to give up my dream.
I hope I could find a study group in the internet.
Or could I find a tutor online.
Or how could I make it by myself.
I really need an advice.

sorry for the long story and my bad English.
I really appreciate your time,
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Dear [forum user],

Thank you for reaching out for advice. I understand that you are facing some challenges in your pursuit of a master's degree in Physics in Japan. It's commendable that you are determined to fulfill your dream of becoming a strong physicist and are willing to do whatever it takes to overcome any obstacles. I am here to offer some advice that I hope will be helpful to you.

Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that it's completely normal to forget some of the basics after a few years of not using them. Don't be too hard on yourself for struggling with the math and concepts. It's a good idea to take some time to refresh your memory by reviewing basic concepts and equations. You can find online resources, books, or even ask your professors for help with this. It's also essential to have a strong foundation in mathematics for physics, so investing time in brushing up on your math skills will benefit you in the long run.

As for the language barrier, I understand that it can be challenging to understand the lectures and course material in a foreign language. My advice would be to try and find resources in English that can supplement your understanding of the material. You can also reach out to your professors and classmates for help and clarification. Don't be afraid to ask questions, as it will only help you in your learning process. Additionally, you can also consider hiring a tutor who is fluent in both English and Japanese to help you with the language barrier and course material.

In terms of finding a study group, you can try reaching out to other international students or joining online forums or groups where you can connect with other students who are studying similar courses. This will not only help you with your studies but also provide a support system and a sense of community.

Lastly, it's important to prioritize your time and focus on preparing for the entrance examination. Discuss with your professors about your concerns and ask for their guidance on how to balance your coursework and exam preparation. Remember to take breaks and not overwhelm yourself with too much at once. It's okay to ask for help and take things one step at a time.

I hope this advice helps you in some way. Don't give up on your dream, and keep working hard towards it. I wish you all the best in your studies and future endeavors.


Related to I applied for master after 3years from graduation almost forgot phys

What is the timeline for applying to a master's program after graduation?

It is common for students to apply for a master's program within 1-2 years of graduating from their undergraduate degree. However, some students may choose to wait longer and apply after 3 or more years. It is important to check with the specific program for their application deadlines and requirements.

Will forgetting some of the subject matter from my undergraduate degree affect my chances of getting into a master's program?

Forgetting some of the subject matter from your undergraduate degree may affect your chances of getting into a master's program, as it can make it more difficult to pass the admissions exams or interviews. It is important to review and refresh your knowledge in the relevant subjects before applying.

Should I mention the gap between my undergraduate degree and master's program in my application?

It is recommended to mention the gap between your undergraduate degree and master's program in your application and explain the reasons for the gap. This can show the admissions committee that you have been using your time productively and are still committed to pursuing a higher degree.

How can I overcome the challenges of applying to a master's program after a long gap from graduation?

To overcome the challenges of applying to a master's program after a long gap from graduation, it is important to thoroughly review and refresh your knowledge in the relevant subjects. You can also reach out to previous professors or colleagues for guidance and support.

Are there any advantages or disadvantages to applying for a master's program after a longer gap from graduation?

One potential advantage of applying for a master's program after a longer gap from graduation is that you may have gained valuable work or life experience that can make you stand out as a candidate. However, there may also be a disadvantage in terms of being out of touch with academic material, so it is important to thoroughly prepare for the application process.

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