How best to prepare for QM next semester.

In summary, the conversation revolved around a student's experience in a combined math and physics department at their university. They discussed their interest in physics and their current academic performance, as well as potential challenges in bridging the gap between math and physics courses. The student also requested advice on preparing for a demanding Quantum Mechanics course. Another participant offered suggestions on studying habits and the importance of understanding the application of math in physics.
  • #1
Bobbo Snap
Greetings everyone,

This is my first post although I have referenced this site numerous times. It's a great resource, so many thanks to the admin and participants.

A little background:
I am in my junior year of a physics/mathematics double major at an unremarkable state university. The math/physics department at my school is combined and very small (we only have 8 or 9 tenured faculty) and the focus is strongly on mathematics. There are some very good math professors but physics is lacking I'm afraid. This is too bad because, although I'm a double major, my real interest is in physics. I took the double major because it only requires 3 or 4 more mathematics courses than what is already required for the physics major. So the situation is not ideal but, c'est la vie, I'm a non-traditional student and this university was my only option for my bachelors degree.

Now, I've held straight A's up until this point, but I've sort of hit a bump in the road. I didn't do as well as I would have liked in Theoretical (Classical) Mechanics last semester; grades are not finalized yet but I will most likely be getting a B in the class. There are many factors that contributed to this hiccup and I won't go into all of them. I will say that time and effort are not the problem. In the heat of the semester, I typically spend 70-80 hrs. a week on schoolwork (including attending class). If this isn't sufficient when taking 15 credit hours, there's nothing to be done I guess. I can't devote more time than that.

I think some of the problem is a lack of coordination between the math and physics faculty. I don't feel the prerequisite math courses prepare me well enough for the physics courses that use them. For instance, I've taken O.D.E., multivariable and vector calculus, and linear algebra and I did well in each class but I really struggled applying these concepts in Mechanics. The math courses definitely don't stress application but it could also be that I'm having a hard time bridging the gap. Either way, I want to do better next semester. The grades matter to me but it matters more that I really understand the material as I plan to go on to grad school.

So finally to the question. I'm taking Quantum Mechanics next semester (in about a month) and I want to be sure that I'm prepared. I had a brief intro to QM in the third semester of general physics but this is a full course and the instructor is demanding from what I hear. I'd appreciate any advice you can give on specific mathematics and general physics topics to brush up on. I have copy of "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" by Mary Boas that I plan on studying in the month before school starts up again. I've encountered most of the topics in it but I'm hoping it will help me better apply the math to physics. Are there any other good references you guys can recommend? I'm also open to suggestions on improving my study habits in order to learn material faster and better than I have been, thus far.

I may have left out pertinent info but I feel the post is long winded enough. Thanks in advance for all replies.
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  • #2
I think some of the problem is a lack of coordination between the math and physics faculty. I don't feel the prerequisite math courses prepare me well enough for the physics courses that use them. For instance, I've taken O.D.E., multivariable and vector calculus, and linear algebra and I did well in each class but I really struggled applying these concepts in Mechanics. The math courses definitely don't stress application but it could also be that I'm having a hard time bridging the gap. Either way, I want to do better next semester. The grades matter to me but it matters more that I really understand the material as I plan to go on to grad school.

So finally to the question. I'm taking Quantum Mechanics next semester (in about a month) and I want to be sure that I'm prepared. I had a brief intro to QM in the third semester of general physics but this is a full course and the instructor is demanding from what I hear. I'd appreciate any advice you can give on specific mathematics and general physics topics to brush up on. I have copy of "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" by Mary Boas that I plan on studying in the month before school starts up again. I've encountered most of the topics in it but I'm hoping it will help me better apply the math to physics. Are there any other good references you guys can recommend? I'm also open to suggestions on improving my study habits in order to learn material faster and better than I have been, thus far.

My suggestion would be to really pay attention to the use of 'familiar' mathematics in physics classes. Obviously you know how to solve ODEs and PDEs in general, but you'll notice the technique from math classes doesn't match up to what's done in physics books. Often times in physics you just 'guess' the solution, since you have physical intuition for what the solution must be like. This is a recurring theme in the application of mathematics to physics, and if you look for it you'll see it all over the place.

As long as you have a grasp of linear algebra, the mathematics of QM is fine. The issues tend to be more conceptual.

Also, I obviously know nothing about your study habits but putting 70-80 hrs a week in seems like too much. This means you're spending 55-65 hrs a week on coursework? I can't really say more, but it certainly seems like this could be streamlined a lot...
  • #3
Nabeshin said:
Also, I obviously know nothing about your study habits but putting 70-80 hrs a week in seems like too much. This means you're spending 55-65 hrs a week on coursework? I can't really say more, but it certainly seems like this could be streamlined a lot...

I definitely need to do something different here, I was quite burned out by the end of the semester. I was a bit overzealous taking some courses that were a over my head and they required a lot of self study. It's my junior year and the change to all upper division courses was more difficult than I anticipated too. I lightened my load a little bit next semester so hopefully it won't be as bad.

You mentioned P.D.E.'s which I haven't had a full course on yet, i suspect some review here may be helpful. I remember they appear in Schrodinger's Eqn. which we had to take on faith in Gen. Phys. 3...

Thanks for the advice BTW.
  • #4
you're probably fine I wouldn't worry too much. Any pdes you need are solved in griffiths (if that's the textbook you will be using). I'm almost done with QM right now, and all I did was review a little linear algebra. undergrad qm is pretty basic stuff
  • #5
I suggest that you study linear algebra, particularly eigen-values and -vectors, until you understand them well. Then study matrix methods and, again, how they are used in eigenvalue problems.
  • #7
Thanks for the replies (and the link ahsanxr). I will brush up on my linear algebra. I have Poole's "Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction" that we used in my linear course and Boas' "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences" mentioned above. Does anybody have any opinions on these references? I wasn't overly impressed with Poole the first time through.

Related to How best to prepare for QM next semester.

1. How should I review my notes from the previous semester before starting QM next semester?

It is important to review your notes from the previous semester to refresh your memory and solidify your understanding of key concepts. Start by organizing your notes in a way that makes sense to you, such as by topic or chapter. Then, go through your notes and highlight or make notes on any areas that you feel unsure about. You can also create flashcards or practice problems to help reinforce your understanding.

2. What resources should I use to prepare for QM next semester?

There are many resources available to help you prepare for QM, such as textbooks, online resources, and study groups. It is important to choose resources that align with your learning style and focus on understanding the key concepts rather than just memorizing information. Your professor or teaching assistant may also have recommended resources, so be sure to ask for their suggestions.

3. How should I manage my time when preparing for QM next semester?

Time management is crucial when preparing for QM. It is important to set aside dedicated study time each day, rather than cramming all your studying into one day. Create a study schedule and stick to it, making sure to include breaks and time for self-care. Prioritize your studying by focusing on the most challenging topics first and then reviewing easier material.

4. How can I improve my problem-solving skills for QM?

Problem-solving is a key skill in QM and can be improved through practice. Start by reviewing solved problems from your textbook or class notes, and then attempt similar problems on your own. It is important to understand the steps and reasoning behind each solution, rather than just memorizing formulas. Practice regularly and seek help from your professor or classmates if needed.

5. What should I do if I am struggling with understanding a particular concept in QM?

If you are having trouble understanding a specific concept in QM, don't be afraid to seek help. Attend office hours with your professor or teaching assistant, join a study group, or seek out online resources for additional explanations. It is also important to communicate with your professor if you are struggling, as they may be able to provide extra resources or offer additional support.

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