Has anyone else developed a hate for cosine?

  • Thread starter Nikitin
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In summary, the problem with cosine integration is that there is a sign change, and this causes difficulties for beginners. We could just simplify the rules of integration instead. No more pesky sign changes.

Do you hate cos(x)?

  • yes

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • no

    Votes: 33 84.6%
  • I hate sin(x) more

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters
  • #1
It's always a brat to differentiate/integrate it due to the sign change. Why can't it be more like sine?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
We could just simplify the rules of integration instead. No more pesky sign changes. Why hate cosines when the fault lies in calculus.
  • #3
This has got to be the silliest question I've heard on here. And that's quite an accomplishment considering what has passed through this forum.

  • #4
ZapperZ said:
This has got to be the silliest question I've heard on here. And that's quite an accomplishment considering what has passed through this forum.


Does that get him a medal?
  • #5
Do you hate [itex]\frac{1}{x}[/itex] and [itex]- \frac{1}{x^2}[/itex] too?
  • #6
I don't hate it, but it's annoying.

Kind of how it's annoying to express 1/3 in decimal with base 10.
  • #7
Lol guys i was joking :p
  • #8
I like sin more than cos for same reasons as OP :smile:
  • #9
Nikitin said:
Lol guys i was joking :p

Should have posted this in the "Lame Jokes" thread.

  • #10
Nikitin said:
It's always a brat to differentiate/integrate it due to the sign change. Why can't it be more like sine?
as in cos θ = sin (θ + π/2) = sin (π/2 - θ)?
  • #11
The ones that I hate are sec(x) and csc(x). I can never remember which one is 1/sin(x) and which one is 1/cos(x), and I always have to look it up.
  • #12
The problem is not the cosine, it's the minus sign. I mean how can you have less than nothing? Even the name 'sign' is confusing because it sounds like sine. But it gets worse. They take the square root of -1 which of course doesn't exist even in your wildest imagination and use up a perfectly good index for it. What are we to make of nonsense like this:
No wonder Einstein said he wasn't much of a mathematician.
  • #13
jtbell said:
The ones that I hate are sec(x) and csc(x). I can never remember which one is 1/sin(x) and which one is 1/cos(x), and I always have to look it up.
I remember that in a very silly way. When do 1 over, sin becomes c[STRIKE]os[/STRIKE] and cos becomes s[STRIKE]in[/STRIKE] so we get csc for 1/sin and sec for 1/cos.

But one good thing for cos is that it has even terms in its taylor series and I like even numbers :biggrin:
  • #14
I find the sign change endearing o:).
  • #15
lisab said:
I find the sign change endearing o:).

Agreed. Nothing can beat a change of sign. Except ,perhaps, a toasted cheese sandwich.

(Did you mean change of sin?)
  • #16
Nikitin said:
It's always a brat to differentiate/integrate it due to the sign change. Why can't it be more like sine?

Hating cosine function had been banned since 1848. The fine can reach upto $200 with a one year imprisonment.
  • #17
We live in a free society, come on, every mathematical object should be let to leave its life as it wishes and how it wishes! Don't tell me you also hate odd numbers? Come on, prejudice is bad.

I don't want to see a future where you have cosinetration camps for these 'special objects'.
  • #18
zapperz said:
should have posted this in the "lame jokes" thread.


loool that was epic Zz
  • #19

There you go...
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  • #20
This made me laugh. Thank you.
  • #21
cosine feels like a more interesting of sine to me. Whenever I see one I get a little excited. It may have to do with me liking hard consonants more than fricatives.
  • #22
On the contrary, I love the cosine, because it can convert a purely imaginary argument into a real number!

$$\cos i = \cosh 1$$

  • #23
jtbell said:
The ones that I hate are sec(x) and csc(x). I can never remember which one is 1/sin(x) and which one is 1/cos(x), and I always have to look it up.

Just remember it's about changing the starting letters around. Reciprocal of (s)in = (c)sc, and vice versa.

I'm sure you're joking and it's as automatic for you as it is for most of us by now, but this hint may still help some neophyte out there. :biggrin:
  • #24
ZapperZ said:
This has got to be the silliest question I've heard on here. And that's quite an accomplishment considering what has passed through this forum.


Perhaps a new Guru medal is in order?

jtbell said:
The ones that I hate are sec(x) and csc(x). I can never remember which one is 1/sin(x) and which one is 1/cos(x), and I always have to look it up.

I always liked csc(x). sec(x) is another story however...:devil:
  • #25
History of the names of the primary trig ratios:

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  • #26
I like cosines! I like sines, too!

I'm not sure they their relationship is that healthy, though.

Strangely, while sine's love for cosine is zero, cosine's love for sine is at its maximum, meaning cosine is constantly doing incredible things to woo sine...

Which actually works, except all that wooing is kind of pain, plus, once sine loves cosine, is it really necessary to keep doing all that wooing? In fact, sine is kind high maintenance and and by time sine's love for cosine is at its max, cosine doesn't really care that much for sine.

In fact, sine is kind of high maintenance and whiny. Eventually cosine begins to resent sine and treats sine kind of badly - even very badly, eventually! Which leaves sine confused, wondering if she likes cosine at all.

In fact, she begins to actively hate cosine. And, you know, once the clinginess is gone, cosine begins to realize that sine is pretty good after all and begins to dislike her a lot less.

In fact, once sine's hatred for cosine is at its maximum, cosine finally realizes what he's losing. And once cosine stops treating sine badly, she begins to quit hating him.

In fact, with enough wooing to make up for his insensitivity, sine finally quits hating him at all and thinks maybe they can still be friends.

In fact, she starts to remember why she liked him in the first place. And their relationship starts anew.

Except, you know, sine really is kind of clingy and definitely high maintenance. And cosine begins to remember why their relationship went bad in the first place...

... and on and on they go. They just never learn.
  • #27
I actually find it the easiest of possible problems to solve when concerning differentiating/integrating.
  • #28
BobG said:
I like cosines! I like sines, too!

I'm not sure they their relationship is that healthy, though.

Strangely, while sine's love for cosine is zero, cosine's love for sine is at its maximum, meaning cosine is constantly doing incredible things to woo sine...

Which actually works, except all that wooing is kind of pain, plus, once sine loves cosine, is it really necessary to keep doing all that wooing? In fact, sine is kind high maintenance and and by time sine's love for cosine is at its max, cosine doesn't really care that much for sine.

In fact, sine is kind of high maintenance and whiny. Eventually cosine begins to resent sine and treats sine kind of badly - even very badly, eventually! Which leaves sine confused, wondering if she likes cosine at all.

In fact, she begins to actively hate cosine. And, you know, once the clinginess is gone, cosine begins to realize that sine is pretty good after all and begins to dislike her a lot less.

In fact, once sine's hatred for cosine is at its maximum, cosine finally realizes what he's losing. And once cosine stops treating sine badly, she begins to quit hating him.

In fact, with enough wooing to make up for his insensitivity, sine finally quits hating him at all and thinks maybe they can still be friends.

In fact, she starts to remember why she liked him in the first place. And their relationship starts anew.

Except, you know, sine really is kind of clingy and definitely high maintenance. And cosine begins to remember why their relationship went bad in the first place...

... and on and on they go. They just never learn.

Haha, nice representative story :p

I personally like cosine more than sine. I feel more save with cosine. :biggrin:
  • #29
BobG said:
I like cosines! I like sines, too!

I'm not sure they their relationship is that healthy, though.

Strangely, while sine's love for cosine is zero, cosine's love for sine is at its maximum, meaning cosine is constantly doing incredible things to woo sine...

Which actually works, except all that wooing is kind of pain, plus, once sine loves cosine, is it really necessary to keep doing all that wooing? In fact, sine is kind high maintenance and and by time sine's love for cosine is at its max, cosine doesn't really care that much for sine.

In fact, sine is kind of high maintenance and whiny. Eventually cosine begins to resent sine and treats sine kind of badly - even very badly, eventually! Which leaves sine confused, wondering if she likes cosine at all.

In fact, she begins to actively hate cosine. And, you know, once the clinginess is gone, cosine begins to realize that sine is pretty good after all and begins to dislike her a lot less.

In fact, once sine's hatred for cosine is at its maximum, cosine finally realizes what he's losing. And once cosine stops treating sine badly, she begins to quit hating him.

In fact, with enough wooing to make up for his insensitivity, sine finally quits hating him at all and thinks maybe they can still be friends.

In fact, she starts to remember why she liked him in the first place. And their relationship starts anew.

Except, you know, sine really is kind of clingy and definitely high maintenance. And cosine begins to remember why their relationship went bad in the first place...

... and on and on they go. They just never learn.

Clearly this couple would be happier if they stepped away from each other a bit...a little phase change is good for any relation(ship).
  • #30
BobG said:
... and on and on they go...
...off on a tangent.
lisab said:
.. relation(ship).
Love boat?
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  • #31
lisab said:
a little phase change

Haha. I get the phase constant joke.
  • #32
I like even functions better than odd ones, so cosine gets the nod. It's a pity that the co- prefix makes it sound like a second-class citizen.
  • #33
I think Curious3141 may have already hinted at this, but...

If you don't like the negative sign, you can always embrace the hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine.

[tex] \frac{d}{dx}\sinh (x) = \cosh (x) [/tex]
[tex] \frac{d}{dx}\cosh (x) = \sinh (x) [/tex]
No negative signs there.

Plus, hyperbolic functions come up naturally (a lot) when modeling uniform acceleration* in special relativity.
*(Edit: uniform, proper acceleration, that is.)
  • #34
I just noticed the similarity between the phrases hate cosine and haute cuisine. That can't possibly be a coincidence. Especially with ##\pi## involved.
  • #35
jbunniii said:
I just noticed the similarity between the phrases hate cosine and haute cuisine. That can't possibly be a coincidence. Especially with ##\pi## involved.

+1! :smile:

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