Grad school & getting tied into a field of physics

In summary, it is possible to switch to different areas within quantum mechanics, solid state, or optics during and after graduate school. It is important to thoroughly research potential graduate schools and their research groups to ensure a wide range of options. Some schools offer rotations through research groups in the first year to help students decide on their field of study and assess group dynamics. While switching groups during grad school may result in some lost time, it is better than staying in a group that is not a good fit.
  • #1
If I applied to graduate schools for quantum computing (as a physics major), how easy would it be to switch to some other area in quantum mechanics, solid state, or optics? In particular, how easy is it to change both during and after graduate school, as a grad student and as a post-doc, perhaps?

I go to a small school with no professors specializing in quantum computing, and no graduate physics program - therefore I am basing this decision on online articles and videos for the most part. I'd like to be able to switch if it turns out that going into quantum computing wasn't such a good idea.

Right now it's still a little early in the game for me (I'm starting my 3rd year in the fall), but I still would like to know how this sort of thing works.
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  • #2
My understanding is it is fairly easy to switch early on in grad school (although I am sure a lot of this depends on the school). First of all, when applying to graduate school you don't even need to say a specific field necessarily. Once in a physics program, the first year or two your taking general classes, which allow you to learn what you want to study, and the only point where you lock into a specific field is when you choose your thesis adviser and topic.

Also, generally speaking, I would say as a general graduate school admission strategy not to play up your interest in Quantum Computing too much if your only experience with it is online videos.

It might be good (both in graduate school admissions and education) to try to arrange a formal (if your school has this sort of arrangement) independent study with a physics professor on this topic. Nielson and Chung's book (Quantum Computation and Quantum Information) is really really good, and I highly recommend it.
  • #3
^ great advice for your situation.

2 quick other tips:
1. look for related fields that overlap with quantum computing. It seems a lot of condensed matter fields have applications to quantum comp (things like frustrated magnetism? I've heard some NMR people mention applications to quantum computing) and see if you take those classes at your college.
2. you can do an REU next summer! or if there is a local research university, ask them! you don;t have to be a formal REU student to do research (although you may have to pay for housing or transportation or something).
  • #4
Thanks for the advice, especially the bit about an independent study and condensed matter physics - I'll be looking into both of them.

As for an REU, where I go it's mandatory to do either a physics-related internship or research with a faculty member in order to graduate. Also, in order to get an honors degree, I need to do an undergraduate thesis. I can do research with a prof. at my school during the school year (which I will, since I don't have to pay extra for credits) as well as during the summer (optional).

The three things I have to choose between next summer:
1. An REU at my college in either silcon/transistor defects or quantum dots and solar cells.
2. An internship with a company that I'm receiving a scholarship from - I'll be finding out what openings they have later this year.
3. An REU at some other university (perhaps in condensed matter physics - I still need to look into this)

In any case, I will be applying for both and . However, the only way I'll be certain of being able to attend both (if I get in) is if I do #1 over the summer. Also, if I do an internship #2, I won't be able to do either.

Anyway, thanks!

NOTE: I edited this since originally posting - I accidentally posted before I meant to.
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  • #5
afims123 said:
If I applied to graduate schools for quantum computing (as a physics major), how easy would it be to switch to some other area in quantum mechanics, solid state, or optics? In particular, how easy is it to change both during and after graduate school, as a grad student and as a post-doc, perhaps?

If you're not sure about your field of study, you need to make sure that potential grad schools have a wide range of research groups. You also have to scope out more professors and make sure that they're taking students and that the environment in their research groups is a good fit. Some grad schools let students do rotations through research groups during their first year, which let's them figure out what they want to do after reaching grad school, as well as assessing the group dynamics in the research groups.

Switching groups during grad school can be done, but you do lose time (though losing 6 months to 9 months is better than trying to stay for 4 years in a group that's a bad fit or where you don't like the research).
  • #6
Thanks for the info. :)

Related to Grad school & getting tied into a field of physics

1. What is the purpose of attending graduate school in physics?

The main purpose of attending graduate school in physics is to further your education and research in a specific area of physics. It allows you to gain specialized knowledge and skills that will prepare you for a career in academia or industry.

2. How do I choose a specific field of physics to focus on in graduate school?

Choosing a field of physics to focus on in graduate school can be a daunting task. It is important to consider your interests, strengths, and career goals when making this decision. You can also speak with professors, research different areas of physics, and attend seminars to help you make an informed decision.

3. Can I change my focus or area of research during graduate school?

Yes, it is possible to change your focus or area of research during graduate school. However, it may require additional coursework and research to catch up on any new material. It is important to discuss any changes with your advisor and department to ensure a smooth transition.

4. What are some tips for succeeding in graduate school in physics?

Some tips for succeeding in graduate school in physics include setting clear goals, managing your time effectively, seeking help and guidance from professors and peers, staying organized, and regularly reviewing and practicing concepts and methods learned in class.

5. How can I get involved in the physics community and build connections during graduate school?

There are many ways to get involved in the physics community and build connections during graduate school. You can attend conferences and workshops, join professional organizations, participate in research projects and collaborations, and network with professors and other students in your field.

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