Going into final year. Undergrad thesis and what to do after?

In summary, the person is about to enter their 4th year in an honors physics program and is unsure about their future career path. They are interested in scientific computing but also open to other fields in STEM or non-STEM. They are considering getting a Masters degree but are not passionate enough for a PhD. They are also unsure about their undergraduate thesis and are seeking suggestions for potential fields to focus on. They have some research experience in computational work in astronomy but want to explore other fields. They are also seeking input on course selection for their final year, with the majority of their credits being electives. They are considering taking a senior class in either electromagnetism or quantum mechanics, but are open to suggestions. Overall, they are seeking
  • #1
Hi everyone!

So I'm about to enter my 4th year in an honors physics program (in Canada if that matters) and my biggest concern is that I don't know what to do with my life after, what field to get into, etc.. things like that. and honestly I'm not even sure if I like physics anymore :(! I do know, however, that I find scientific computing pretty neat, (i'm pretty decent with MATLAB,C,C++, Fortran) and of course, Physics makes a lot of use of scientific computing. So I wouldn't mind staying in the field of physics in that regard... if that makes sense. (Also don't mind some hands-on experimental work, but not my strong suite)

I was wondering, what are some fields of STEM (or non STEM) worth getting into/checking out with physics degree? and by this i mean in terms of employment stability, interesting work(of course this is subjective, but hopefully I can get some objective comparisons such as how much if it is 'routine' work versus 'non-routine'.) And of these fields, what would be a good idea to get a Masters in? (as of right now, I don't think I'm passionate enough in anything to pursue a phD, but Masters certainly seems attainable).

Which brings my to my next problem, I have absolutely no clue what to do for my undergrad thesis! so I was hoping, based off some suggestions on fields, I could look for thesis projects as close to the suggested field(s) as possible and do a thesis based on that... I should mention that I do have some undergrad research experience working with a prof doing some computational work in astronomy, but of course I want to do something in a different field for my senior thesis.

Also, might as well ask about input on course selection... so in my last year of my honors, I have 1.5 credits to complete to finish off the honors physics requirement. the rest of my credits are electives (3.5). Undergraduate thesis is 1.0, and 0.5 is one senior physics class. I'm planning on taking either senior EM or QM for that 0.5... does anyone have any input on which to take in this regard? should I take both to keep my options open? (note: I've of course already taken a 3rd year level QM and EM). The rest of my courses are all applied math/programming courses... Should I reconsider and take more Physics instead even though I'm not sure I want to continue pursuing physics?

Thanks a bunch for any input :)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
no one? :(

Related to Going into final year. Undergrad thesis and what to do after?

1. What is the purpose of an undergraduate thesis?

The purpose of an undergraduate thesis is to conduct independent research and demonstrate mastery of a particular subject area. It allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to a specific research question and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in their field.

2. How do I choose a topic for my undergraduate thesis?

Choosing a topic for your undergraduate thesis can be a challenging task. It is important to select a topic that interests you and aligns with your academic goals and career aspirations. You can also seek guidance from your professors and conduct literature reviews to identify current research gaps in your field.

3. How do I manage my time effectively while working on my undergraduate thesis?

Working on an undergraduate thesis requires a significant amount of time and effort. It is important to create a schedule and set realistic goals to manage your time effectively. Start early and break down your work into smaller tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, communicate regularly with your advisor to stay on track.

4. What should I do after completing my undergraduate thesis?

After completing your undergraduate thesis, you can consider presenting your research at conferences or publishing it in a journal. This will help you gain recognition and build your resume. You can also use your thesis as a writing sample when applying for graduate programs or jobs in your field.

5. How can I make the most of my final year as an undergraduate student?

In your final year, make sure to prioritize your thesis while also taking advantage of opportunities to network with professionals in your field, participate in research projects, and gain practical experience through internships or volunteering. It is also important to maintain a balance between your academic and personal life to avoid burnout.

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