Find SEM Tensor from Lagrangian of Temporal Variable

In summary, the field φ(t, xi) could be integrated over all space to form a single temporal variable (which isn't a field anymore, but is just a function of time) as follows:Φ(t) = ∫φ(t, xi)dxi
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
I want to obtain the SEM tensor a from a scalar field that has been integrated over all space.
It seems the field φ(t, xi) could be integrated over all space to form a single temporal variable (which isn't a field anymore, but is just a function of time) as follows:
Φ(t) = ∫φ(t, xi)dxi
Suppose we then assume a Lagrangian from this temporal variable to be:

L1 = -1/2 Φ'(t)2 + 1/2 b2 Φ(t)2
From this we can turn to finding the SEM tensor. From Carroll pg. 164, the SEM tensor for a scalar field with a Lagrangian density of the form

L2 = -1/2 gμν(∇μΦ)(∇νΦ) - V(Φ)

is given by:

Tμν = ∇μΦ∇νΦ - 1/2 gμν gρσρΦ ∇σΦ - gμνV(Φ)
The only difference between the two Lagrangians is the sign and form of the "potential" term. So, substituting in the second term of the first Lagrangian in for the second term of the second Lagrangian, since neither depends on the variation of the inverse metric, we can obtain the following as the SEM tensor for L1
Tμν = ∇μΦ∇νΦ - 1/2 gμν gρσρΦ ∇σΦ + gμνb2 Φ(t)2
That is at least what we get if we change the sign of the last term. However, when I leave it a negative, i.e. (- gμνb2 Φ(t)2), I get an answer that makes more sense for the T00 component (it looks like the hamiltonian total energy when I leave it negative, and has a subtracted term when positive). Am I making a mistake in doing this substitution?
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  • #2
Tertius said:
Summary:: I want to obtain the SEM tensor a from a scalar field that has been integrated over all space.
You can't. The stress-energy tensor is not an integral. There is a different such tensor for every event in spacetime; that's how tensors work. The stress-energy tensor of a scalar field at a given event depends only on the field and its derivatives at that event.
  • #3
Thanks for the response. I suppose I can write the question more clearly: I would like to obtain the SEM tensor from an object that is only a function of time. When computing the SEM tensor for cosmic dust, (w/o pressure terms) the density is only a function of time. I'm just wondering how to do this starting with a slightly more complicated temporal object like from the L1 I listed above.
  • #4
Tertius said:
I would like to obtain the SEM tensor from an object that is only a function of time.
You can't. Tensors are attached to points in spacetime, not times.
  • #5
Tertius said:
When computing the SEM tensor for cosmic dust, (w/o pressure terms) the density is only a function of time.
No, the density is a function of points in spacetime. It just so happens that, in the particular spacetime you are talking about (the FRW spacetimes used in cosmology), the spacetime admits a choice of coordinates for which the density is only a function of the time coordinate. Another way of stating this property is that the spacetime is homogeneous and isotropic.

One can consider a scalar field in a homogeneous and isotropic spacetime that also shares that same property, of being homogeneous and isotropic. In that case, the scalar field will only be a function of the time coordinate in the standard FRW coordinates referred to above. But that does not mean you obtain the SET for the scalar field by integrating over space. You don't. You obtain it for a point of spacetime, just like any other SET; the field just happens to have the property that, for a set of points in spacetime that all have the same time coordinate in standard FRW coordinates, the SET for any point in the set is the same as the SET for any other point in the set.
  • #6
That makes sense. Yes, the FRW metric is built on co-moving coordinates, so yeah it would only represent a single point, but it just happens to be made into a universal point.

This was very insightful. much appreciated.
  • #7
the situation I am imagining is as follows:

1) there is no dark energy, so no spatial expansion
2) the universe is isotropic and homogeneous
3) it is filled with a single scalar field (which, because of condition 2 should appear only as a temporal variable in the stress energy tensor)

Is my approach I outlined in the original question a suitable method to find the stress energy tensor?
  • #8
Tertius said:
1) there is no dark energy, so no spatial expansion

Wrong. There would still be expansion; it just wouldn't be accelerating. Although, with a scalar field, it actually would; a scalar field acts the same as dark energy (aka a cosmological constant) does as far as expansion is concerned. This is how inflation is modeled in cosmology; the inflaton field is a scalar field with a very high energy density, which therefore causes a rapidly accelerating expansion.

Tertius said:
3) it is filled with a single scalar field (which, because of condition 2 should appear only as a temporal variable in the stress energy tensor)

This is still true if you leave out the "in the stress energy tensor" part. In a universe that is homogeneous and isotropic, when you are working in standard FRW coordinates, any variable can only be a function of the time coordinate.

Tertius said:
Is my approach I outlined in the original question a suitable method to find the stress energy tensor?
You already know the stress-energy tensor as soon as you specify a scalar field. The SET of a scalar field is already known; you gave it yourself in the first post in this thread. If you want to simplify the expression, you need to use the FRW metric to find the components ##g_{\mu \nu}## and substitute them into the expression. No integration needed or wanted.

Related to Find SEM Tensor from Lagrangian of Temporal Variable

1. What is a SEM Tensor?

A SEM Tensor, also known as a structural equation modeling tensor, is a statistical model that represents the relationships between multiple variables. It is used to analyze complex systems and can provide insights into causal relationships between variables.

2. How is a SEM Tensor different from other statistical models?

A SEM Tensor differs from other statistical models in that it allows for the examination of multiple variables simultaneously, rather than just one or two variables. It also takes into account the interrelationships between variables, rather than just looking at individual relationships.

3. How is the Lagrangian of Temporal Variable used in finding a SEM Tensor?

The Lagrangian of Temporal Variable is a mathematical equation that is used to describe the dynamics of a system over time. In the context of finding a SEM Tensor, it is used to represent the temporal relationships between variables and is incorporated into the overall model.

4. What are the benefits of using a SEM Tensor?

One of the main benefits of using a SEM Tensor is its ability to handle complex systems and provide insights into causal relationships. It also allows for the testing of multiple hypotheses and can incorporate both observed and latent variables into the model.

5. Are there any limitations to using a SEM Tensor?

Like any statistical model, there are limitations to using a SEM Tensor. One limitation is that it requires a large sample size in order to accurately estimate the parameters. It also assumes that the relationships between variables are linear and that there are no unmeasured confounding variables.

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