Exploring the Stress-Energy Tensor of a Perfect Fluid

In summary, the conversation discusses the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid in geometric units and its components in different frames of reference. The concept of pressure and its transformation under Lorentz transformations is explored, with references to Tolman's book on relativity. The engineering and physics definitions of the stress-energy tensor are compared and clarified.
  • #1
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I believe this thread is sufficiently different from one that was recently closed to not violate any guidelines, though there are unfortunately some similarities as the closed thread sparked the questions in my mind.

If we look at the stress energy tensor of a perfect fluid in geometric units with the minus time sign convention, we find:

$$T^{ab} = (\rho + P) \, u^a \times u^b + P \, \eta^{ab}$$

where ##u^a## is the four-velocity of the frame, ##\rho## and P can be described as the density and pressure in the rest frame of the fluid. and ##\eta^{ab}## is the (inverse) metric tensor.

$$\eta^{ab} = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$In the rest frame of the fluid, ##u^a## has components [1,0,0,0] and we find the stress-energy tensor:

$$T^{ab} = \begin{bmatrix}\rho & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & P & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & P & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & P \end{bmatrix}$$
If we consider a moving fluid, with 4-velocity ##u^a## has components ##[\gamma, \beta \gamma, 0, 0]## where ##\beta=v/c## and ##\gamma = 1/\sqrt{1-\beta^2}##, I get:
$$(T')^{ab} = \left[ \begin{array}{rrr} \gamma^2 (\rho+P) - P & \beta \gamma^2 (\rho+P) & 0 & 0 \\ \beta \gamma^2 (\rho+P) & \beta^2 \gamma^2 (\rho+P) + P & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & P & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & P \end{array} \right] $$

We can extract various components from this stress energy tensor. I want to focus on the component which represents the pressure in the direction of the motion of the fluid, which I'll call ##P'_x##. This is:

##P'_x = \beta^2 \gamma^2 \rho + (\beta^2\gamma^2+1)P##

The first question is, how do we best explain the term ##\beta^2 \gamma^2 \rho## in the pressure? Is calling it the "dynamic pressure" good enough?

The second, related question regards the engineering vs physics defintion of the stress energy tensor. When Wiki talks about the stress-energy tensor, they make the following notes:

wiki said:
In solid state physics and fluid mechanics, the stress tensor is defined to be the spatial components of the stressenergy tensor in the proper frame of reference. In other words, the stress energy tensor in engineering differs from the stressenergy tensor here by a momentum convective term.

I used the physics definition of the stress-energy tensor in my analysis, I'm not sure what answer the engineering definition would give. If I'm reading the wiki right, the engineering definition is only defined in a frame co-moving with the fluid, and is simply not define it in any other frame?
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  • #2
I have a copy of Tolman's Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology[1]. In it, Tolman says that pressure does not change under Lorentz transformation, because ##p=F/A## (eqn 69.3, p154) and the transformation of the force happens to cancel with the transformation of the area. He notes that this also follows from his definition of the transformation of stress:$$\begin{array}{rclrclrcl}
t'_{xx}&=&t_{xx}&t'_{xy}&=&\gamma t_{xy}&t'_{xz}&=&\gamma t_{xz}\\
t'_{yx}&=&t_{yx}/\gamma&t'_{yy}&=&t_{yy}&t'_{yz}&=& t_{yz}\\
t'_{zx}&=&t_{zx}/\gamma&t'_{zy}&=&t_{zy}&t'_{yz}&=& t_{zz}
\end{array}$$...of which he says "[this] definition in terms of force per unit area as measured in either system of coordinates is chosen to agree with the usage of Laue, Das Relativitatsprinzip, second edition, Braunschweig, 1913".

He then defines a new quantity ##p_{ij}=t_{ij}+g_iu_j## (i=1,2,3, j=1,2,3) where ##g_i## is a momentum density and ##u_j## is the velocity (of the material, I suppose?) at the point. Then he uses that as the space-space components of the energy momentum tensor (his name - it looks like the stress-energy tensor to me).

So, if I understand Tolman correctly, the thing you've called ##P'_x## is the pressure plus a momentum flux term, and the engineering definition is minus the momentum flux.

It's more than possible that I'm missing one or more points here.

[1]Side note - my copy has the cover upside down. I haven't yet read it in public, but intend to do so with the cover ostentatiously visible at some point. :smile:
  • #3
Ibix said:
I have a copy of Tolman's Relativity, Thermodynamics and Cosmology[1]. In it, Tolman says that pressure does not change under Lorentz transformation, because ##p=F/A## (eqn 69.3, p154) and the transformation of the force happens to cancel with the transformation of the area. He notes that this also follows from his definition of the transformation of stress:$$\begin{array}{rclrclrcl}
t'_{xx}&=&t_{xx}&t'_{xy}&=&\gamma t_{xy}&t'_{xz}&=&\gamma t_{xz}\\
t'_{yx}&=&t_{yx}/\gamma&t'_{yy}&=&t_{yy}&t'_{yz}&=& t_{yz}\\
t'_{zx}&=&t_{zx}/\gamma&t'_{zy}&=&t_{zy}&t'_{yz}&=& t_{zz}
\end{array}$$...of which he says "[this] definition in terms of force per unit area as measured in either system of coordinates is chosen to agree with the usage of Laue, Das Relativitatsprinzip, second edition, Braunschweig, 1913".

He then defines a new quantity ##p_{ij}=t_{ij}+g_iu_j## (i=1,2,3, j=1,2,3) where ##g_i## is a momentum density and ##u_j## is the velocity (of the material, I suppose?) at the point. Then he uses that as the space-space components of the energy momentum tensor (his name - it looks like the stress-energy tensor to me).

So, if I understand Tolman correctly, the thing you've called ##P'_x## is the pressure plus a momentum flux term, and the engineering definition is minus the momentum flux.

It's more than possible that I'm missing one or more points here.

[1]Side note - my copy has the cover upside down. I haven't yet read it in public, but intend to do so with the cover ostentatiously visible at some point. :smile:

Thanks - I have a copy of that book tucked away - somwhere. If I can find it, I'll definitely look up the section in question.
  • #4
pervect said:
You're welcome.

I didn't reference terribly well above. The derivation of the transformation of ##p## is where I said. The ##t'_{ij}## are defined in equation 34.5, p64, and ##p_{ij}## is defined in equation 36.1, p69, leading to ##T^{\alpha\beta}## in equation 37.3, p71.

Related to Exploring the Stress-Energy Tensor of a Perfect Fluid

1. What is a perfect fluid in the context of stress-energy tensor analysis?

A perfect fluid is a theoretical model used in physics to describe a fluid that has no viscosity or heat conduction. This means that the fluid is incompressible and its particles move without any resistance or energy loss. In the context of stress-energy tensor analysis, a perfect fluid is used as a simplified model to study the behavior of more complex fluids.

2. How is the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid calculated?

The stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid is calculated using the energy-momentum tensor, which describes the distribution of energy and momentum in a given space. The stress-energy tensor takes into account the energy density, pressure, and flow velocity of the fluid to determine its stress and energy distribution.

3. What is the significance of exploring the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid?

Exploring the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid allows scientists to understand the behavior of fluids in different environments and conditions. It also helps in the development of mathematical models and equations that can accurately describe the movement and interaction of fluids in various physical systems, such as in astrophysics and fluid dynamics.

4. How does the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid relate to Einstein's field equations?

The stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid is one of the sources of gravity in Einstein's field equations. It represents the distribution of matter and energy in spacetime, which determines the curvature of space and the motion of objects within it. By analyzing the stress-energy tensor, scientists can gain a better understanding of the gravitational effects of fluids in the universe.

5. What are some current research areas involving the stress-energy tensor of perfect fluids?

Some current research areas involving the stress-energy tensor of perfect fluids include studying the behavior of fluids in extreme environments, such as in black holes and neutron stars, and its implications for astrophysics. Other areas of research include exploring the effects of fluids on the expansion of the universe and developing new mathematical models for understanding the behavior of complex fluids in various physical systems.

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