Energy where does it come from?

  • Thread starter Hypo
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In summary, the conversation discusses the laws of thermodynamics and conservation, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The question of where energy comes from is then raised, with some participants suggesting the big bang theory as a possible explanation. However, it is acknowledged that the big bang theory does not provide an answer to the origin of energy. The conversation concludes with the realization that while we have many laws about energy, we still do not fully understand its origins.
  • #1
Okay... For he last 3 months I've been studying energy back to back with undergoing all the laws that supports it.

Two famous laws "Thermodynamics" + "Law of Conservation" both state that ENERGY CAN NOT BE CREATED OR DESTROYED, ok makes sense because so far everything on this universe follows it. But then I ask my self then where did it come from? Now philosophy is applied to this question to give a reasonable answer.

I do believe in those laws so far they've been the fundamental laws of physics. However, we use physics mostly to answer questions now the BIG question is left un answered where does energy come from?

Since now they believe in the BigBang"Universe from nothingness" then that violates the laws since energy can't come from nothingness?

Im left out here confused in the end of the day wondering why? or how?...

I believe their is something missing from the equation for something not logical at all...

Give me some sense people I'm kinda lost. Have people thought of this before or just choose to neglect it?
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  • #2
Hi Hypo! :smile:
Hypo said:
Since now they believe in the BigBang"Universe from nothingness" then that violates the laws since energy can't come from nothingness?

The big bang theory doesn't say what caused the big bang.

It only says that there was a big bang, with energy.
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
Hi Hypo! :smile:

The big bang theory doesn't say what caused the big bang.

It only says that there was a big bang, with energy.

Okay did energy come along with the "big bang" or was it created by big bang? I am really confused at that point what about you?

I mean what DO ALL OF YOU think about energy and where it came from? Honestly its just mind blowing when you study more about it.
  • #4
Hypo said:
Okay did energy come along with the "big bang" …

with the theory, yes :smile:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
with the theory, yes :smile:

How can they describe energy then? I mean where did it come from? Was it just there?

Or maybe it came with the bigbang "created" before or something because it just dosen't make any sense at all...
  • #6
Hypo said:
I mean where did it [energy] come from.

WE. DON'T. KNOW. (gasp, shock, faint! :eek: : :cry:)
  • #7
jtbell said:
WE. DON'T. KNOW. (gasp, shock, faint! :eek: : :cry:)


We don't know much about energy and its origins and such yet we talk about it as if we know all about it. Really confusing :rolleyes:
  • #8
Why does it matter where it came from?
  • #9
russ_watters said:
Why does it matter where it came from?

Mainly because we have so many laws about energy yet we don't know its origin?
  • #10
russ_watters said:
Why does it matter where it came from?

If this was the attitude towards every question, science would not exist.

From my ignorance, there are theories which allow the existence of our universe's energy out from nothing.
So the point is not so much, "where did the energy come from" but rather "why does something exist rather than nothing"?
  • #11
Gerinski said:
If this was the attitude towards every question, science would not exist.

From my ignorance, there are theories which allow the existence of our universe's energy out from nothing.
So the point is not so much, "where did the energy come from" but rather "why does something exist rather than nothing"?

True, I look at the laws of conservation and thermodynamics and I ask my self this question always. All the laws are true but dosen't make any sense at all! My be there is something missing in this puzzel after all we just now a tear drop of water from a SEA of things.

I believe that energy was created at some point or at least formed from something because BEING there is just not logical to my mind...
  • #12
I was never more confused in my life about a question and unfortunately no one knows the answer I think i'll take this confusion with me to the grave unless they find an answer over at CERN or somewhere...
  • #13
Hypo said:
Mainly because we have so many laws about energy yet we don't know its origin?
Again, so what? The origin doesn't affect the functionality of those laws.
  • #14
Gerinski said:
If this was the attitude towards every question, science would not exist.
True, but as long as it is just the attitude toward the non-scientific ones, science will be fine. :smile:
  • #15
russ_watters said:
Again, so what? The origin doesn't affect the functionality of those laws.

Could be functional under our understanding. Maybe it functions another way in theory because we haven't understood the "OTHER" side of energy since it not completely understood so far.
  • #16
Hypo said:
Could be functional under our understanding. Maybe it functions another way in theory because we haven't understood the "OTHER" side of energy since it not completely understood so far.

Let me ask you this. What is energy? I don't want some mumbo-jumbo about what you think it *might* be, I want to know what it is according to your understanding. No speculating! Just your current understanding of what energy is.
  • #17
Drakkith said:
Let me ask you this. What is energy? I don't want some mumbo-jumbo about what you think it *might* be, I want to know what it is according to your understanding. No speculating! Just your current understanding of what energy is.
My current understanding of energy is that "thing" that is able to do work in a physical system it also that "thing" can not be created or destroyed. Its a constant value that is transferred from one from to another.

That to me is energy.

But between all the things in physics its the most that doesn't make sense... Not created Nor destroyed..?
  • #18
Hi. We find and use hidden or potential energy for our purpose for example:
We use coal for fire. Coal store chemical energy inside. We release and use it.
Energy of light from Sun was stored in coal long time ago.
Nuclei core contains atomic or actually coulomb energy inside it. We use it.

We can find or transform energy but cannot create energy.
  • #19
sweet springs said:
Hi. We find and use hidden or potential energy for our purpose for example:
We use coal for fire. Coal store chemical energy inside. We release and use it.
Energy of light from Sun was stored in coal long time ago.
Nuclei core contains atomic or actually coulomb energy inside it. We use it.

We can find or transform energy but cannot create energy.

That I understood and its the simplest thing about energy honestly... But I can't believe that honestly because so far I believe energy was created at some point and released with the bigbang. That dense heat itself is massive amounts of energy so as matter was created from that energy aslo ani-matter that heat was increasing constantly and before the bigbang there was nothing so I guess energy was created at that point or transferred from a previous source before the bigbang that means there is something before it huh? Everything contradicts the other thing...

If they would understand the bigbang more maybe we could shed some light to this... I believe in the bigbang I believe in energy so as matter but I do believe they were created. Not constant and was "THERE" for all eternity.

Honestly guys do you think energy is like that there no begging and no ending? We don't even understand it properly...
  • #20
Energy "is", and will always be. It is that which drives this universe.
Of course we do not know where it originated from, as we have only been around for a little while, if we knew the answer to that question we would inherently know the answer to the other 1000 questions that boggles us today.
  • #21
Another point! Dark energy is expanding the universe.
Now many physicist agree the the universe will stop expanding now what would happen to all the dark energy? Its transferred or destroyed... But where can all that 73% of the universe go? Maybe transforms into matter.

Its all confusing and lead up to many questions now this motivates me to study energy & matter more and more.
  • #22
FeX32 said:
Energy "is", and will always be. It is that which drives this universe.
Of course we do not know where it originated from, as we have only been around for a little while, if we knew the answer to that question we would inherently know the answer to the other 1000 questions that boggles us today.

That leads me to think about eternity more and more lol...
  • #23
Hypo said:
My current understanding of energy is that "thing" that is able to do work in a physical system it also that "thing" can not be created or destroyed. Its a constant value that is transferred from one from to another.

That to me is energy.

But between all the things in physics its the most that doesn't make sense... Not created Nor destroyed..?

You say it is a "thing", but is it really? Consider that the only time we see energy is when something changes. Particles move, light is radiated away, etc. Have you considered that energy is not a "thing" but merely a property of a system? Perhaps a result of the arrangement of it's parts and the interactions of various forces.

Hypo said:
Honestly guys do you think energy is like that there no begging and no ending? We don't even understand it properly...

We don't? Are you certain? Consider that we've known about energy for over 100 years and only through thorough investigation have discovered that energy is never created nor destroyed. If you imagine energy as the above description then it makes sense. Destroying energy would be destroying part of the system itself, which in our case is the universe.

Also, it is beyond our ability to discuss anything that happened before the big bang, which represents the point in time that our universe came into existence as we know it. Perhaps there was something prior to it, perhaps there wasn't, but we have no way of knowing with any amount of certainty, so we cannot discuss anything but opinions about it.
  • #24
Hypo said:
Another point! Dark energy is expanding the universe.
Now many physicist agree the the universe will stop expanding now what would happen to all the dark energy? Its transferred or destroyed... But where can all that 73% of the universe go? Maybe transforms into matter.

Its all confusing and lead up to many questions now this motivates me to study energy & matter more and more.

Current evidence supports the idea that the universe will not stop expanding but will in fact accelerate, possibly forever.
  • #25
Drakkith said:
Current evidence supports the idea that the universe will not stop expanding but will in fact accelerate, possibly forever.

What current ideas support it?

For every beginning there is an ending in this life this universe is one of them. Since this universe is "Created".
  • #26
I've read a few articles its states that Dark Energy is going to constantly keep the universe expanding.

Im guessing because "energy" can't be destroyed? Or then the fact its covering 73% of the universe.
  • #27
Hypo said:
What current ideas support it?

For every beginning there is an ending in this life this universe is one of them. Since this universe is "Created".

Observations of supernovas has shown us that the rate of expansion is increasing, aka it is accelerating. A Nobel prize was recently awarded to the guys that discovered this.
  • #28
Drakkith said:
Observations of supernovas has shown us that the rate of expansion is increasing, aka it is accelerating. A Nobel prize was recently awarded to the guys that discovered this.

If it is accelerating it will lose that speed and then stop expanding at some point then roll up again form the gravity now maybe this is a theory. Oh yea there is on like that. "Big Crunch"
  • #29
Hypo said:
I've read a few articles its states that Dark Energy is going to constantly keep the universe expanding.

Im guessing because "energy" can't be destroyed? Or then the fact its covering 73% of the universe.

Energy conservation is much more complicated in general relativity, so that one is hard to answer. Part of it is that energy isn't as well defined in GR.
  • #30
Energy + matter is something that should be studied constantly over and over again!
I find there is more to it than what was stated before.

THE Reason for my questioning is it does not make any sense some of you could careless about it because since I can understand energy as it is and it fits my conditions its all good. Maybe there is more about... Could be were missing the "big picture" of it all meh... At the end I'll still read energy + force + matter because all of them play in an amazing role that we still know "not nothing but" a small part of it...
  • #31
Hypo said:
If it is accelerating it will lose that speed and then stop expanding at some point then roll up again form the gravity now maybe this is a theory. Oh yea there is on like that. "Big Crunch"

No, it will not. Not according to recent evidence.
  • #32
Drakkith said:
No, it will not. Not according to recent evidence.

Could you link me you're evidences so I can take a look at it?

You're only support for that argument is that the universe is expanding? Why then(in you're opinion)?
  • #34
Hypo said:
If it is accelerating it will lose that speed and then stop expanding at some point then roll up again form the gravity now maybe this is a theory. Oh yea there is on like that. "Big Crunch"
You're confusing "accelerating" with "decelerating". "Accelerating" is to go faster and faster. As in - keep expanding at an ever increasing rate. It's the opposite of stopping.
  • #35
Are there any physical or mathematical equations to support the big bang?
I'd like to study each step by looking at each equation. Can you hint me with them?I have an idea I'd like to practice with math + physics to prove it.

So far nothing proves that the universe will keep on expanding with no end. What's been proven that it does expand and countless experiments years ago proved it so as recent ones.(Yet I believe all of you would say it won't end because 96% of the universe is energy + matter = both can't be created nor destroyed.)

Energy, matter, the beginning, the end all in all something is related something BIG out of the picture.

You could find what I'm saying is complete non-sense but keep in mind many theories and ideas started this way. Even if I was wrong I'm lift with good answers of what I'm talking about, or possibile better idea on certain things.


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