Distance education MSc. a disadvantage ?

In summary, the conversation discusses the advantages and disadvantages of doing a Master of Science (MSc) in physics through distance education, particularly for those working full-time jobs. There is also a discussion about the importance of direct interaction with professors and lab work in a graduate level science program. Some people share their personal experiences with distance learning and offer advice on how to make the most of it. The conversation also mentions the difficulty of finding a theoretical physics MSc program in India.
  • #1
i'm doing a MSc. physics from an open university( distance education ).
Would that be a major disadvantage in getting an MS from a US university even if I score well in general GRE and possibly subject GRE(physics).
I'm doing MSc. from an open university because I'm doing job and cannot attend a regular course.
Any advice would be helpful.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
How can someone seriously study and learn at the graduate level of a science without direct in-person interaction with a professor and without (especially for a physical science) practical laboratory activities?
  • #3
if its theoretical(proofs,theorems,simulations)...or his lab is at his job(industry MSc)..or direct contact if any could happen over biweekly or monthly.

Those however would also be the disadvantages unless his job is closely tied wiht his studies.
  • #4
I'm with symbolipoint. Neurocomp's point about having your industry lab to work in is a good one, but even then, I would think your Msc would be much more valuable if it included new labwork in an area you weren't familiar with before.

I'm not so big on the "direct in-person interaciton with a professor" outside the laboratory - most of that has turned out pretty useless for me - but labwork is undeniable useful.
  • #5
Make sure your "distnace learning" qualification is from a reputable source; ie. not one that you've only seen advertised on the internet.

Contact with a supervisor's a diffeent issue -- for me, you should have at least weekly contact, if possible daily; even if it's theoretical, the regular contact will keep you motivated. Plus, I think there should be no time to do a normal job when studying towards a higher degree -- MA's or PhD's should not be a part-time hobby.
  • #6
There's nothing at all wrong with distance learning, as long as it's well-done. I'm working on an MSEE from Stanford, and nearly all of my interaction with the university is via the internet. I watch my lectures online, I email or fax my homework, and I ask the TAs questions over email or over the phone (during their office hours).

The only downside to the whole system is that it forces me to work and study in isolation. Most students do their homework in a study group, and get together before exams to review material with other students. I can't do this, so I am at a constant disadvantage compared to the rest of the class. Unfortunately, all of Stanford's classes are curved, so my grades always suffer from this disadvantage, though only slightly. I tend to be just a bit above average in nearly every class I take, but I don't doubt that I work a lot harder to get those grades than do the on-campus students.

If your Master's requires lab work or research, though, you really cannot do the entire degree remotely. You might be able to take all your classes remotely, though, and just stay on-campus for a semester or two if necessary.

In general, getting a degree remotely is a little tougher than being on-campus the entire time, but it might be the right decision for you.

- Warren
  • #7
chroot said:
There's nothing at all wrong with distance learning, as long as it's well-done. I'm working on an MSEE from Stanford, and nearly all of my interaction with the university is via the internet. I watch my lectures online, I email or fax my homework, and I ask the TAs questions over email or over the phone (during their office hours).
What's a MSEE ? Master in electrical engineering ?
I always asumed that you were working in a company.

  • #8
marlon said:
What's a MSEE ? Master in electrical engineering ?

Yep. :cool:

I always asumed that you were working in a company.

Yep. I work full-time, and and working on my master's part-time (hence the online program). This means I have no time to eat, sleep, or bathe myself, unfortunately.

- Warren
  • #9
chroot said:
Yep. I work full-time, and and working on my master's part-time (hence the online program).

Respect man, honestly...

This means I have no time to eat,
or bathe myself
Well, this maybe sucks for the people in your cubicle :wink:

  • #10
i would like to join a theoretical physics msc course. i searched in the net but couldn't find any such course in India. is there anyone who knows about any university providing the course in India?

thank u

Related to Distance education MSc. a disadvantage ?

1. What are the disadvantages of pursuing a Distance Education MSc?

Some potential disadvantages of pursuing a Distance Education MSc include limited access to hands-on learning experiences, less face-to-face interaction with professors and peers, and challenges with time management and self-motivation.

2. How does the quality of education compare between Distance Education MSc programs and traditional on-campus programs?

The quality of education in a Distance Education MSc program can vary depending on the institution and program. Some programs may have the same curriculum and instructors as their on-campus counterparts, while others may have different resources and teaching methods. It is important to research and compare programs to ensure you are receiving a high-quality education.

3. Will a Distance Education MSc hold the same weight as a traditional on-campus MSc?

In most cases, a Distance Education MSc will hold the same weight as a traditional on-campus MSc. The degree earned is the same and does not specify the mode of learning. However, some employers or academic institutions may have a preference for on-campus degrees, so it is important to research their requirements beforehand.

4. Is there a difference in job opportunities for those with a Distance Education MSc compared to on-campus MSc?

In general, there should not be a difference in job opportunities for those with a Distance Education MSc compared to an on-campus MSc. Employers typically value the skills and knowledge gained from the degree rather than the mode of learning. However, as mentioned before, some employers may have a preference for on-campus degrees, so it is important to research their requirements.

5. Can I receive financial aid or scholarships for a Distance Education MSc program?

Yes, many institutions offer financial aid and scholarships for Distance Education MSc programs. It is important to research and apply for these opportunities as early as possible, as they may have specific requirements and deadlines. Additionally, some employers may offer tuition assistance for employees pursuing further education, so it is worth looking into this option as well.

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