Curious About Drunk Behavior? Here Are Some Questions!

  • Thread starter Moses
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In summary: I also find that I'm much more likely to agree to things when I'm drunk, even if it's something that I really don't want to do.
  • #1
Ok ppl,
Just its me, Moses, that i never drink a sip of alcohol, nor i wil try for XYZ reasons..

However, i am very curios to know some stuff abuot drunk issue; and i guess others may be having some questions as well so they can put it here to get more 'expeirenced'

so my first trivial questions that oucld sound silly or stupid since i have almost 00.00 experince i nthe issue, and few knowledge;

Is drunk persons making mistakes or 'un-supposed' stuff just becuase they fee liky 'sleepy', or they really 'lost their minds'? [i know how it is when i feel sleepy :biggrin: . Further, is every thing she/he do in 'drunk' mode could have a very seruios connection with his 'sober mode' [e.g. telling he hatse this person, telling he had bla bla secret, making out/pulling someone becuase he find attractive. Taking 'adventures' like juping from high becuase he feel like it...etc]

Thanks in advance :biggrin: :bugeye:
Physics news on
  • #2
In small doses (Blood Alcohol Concentration - milligrams per decilitre = 50), the effects include mild relaxation, and a slight loss of inhibitions. The user may be more talkative, and have increased confidence. A feeling of wellbeing and warmth often sets in here.

Increased doses (BAC 100) tend to produce impaired judgement and decreased attention. Muscular performance may be slightly impaired, and refleces may slow. At this level, intoxiation shows in most people. A feeling of wellbeing often accompanies this stage.

At higher doses still (BAC 150), intoxication is obvious in all normal people. Motor functions may be moderately impaired, with a loss of muscular coordination. Speech may be slurred, double vision may occur and the user may experience loss of memory.

More booze (BAC 250), and the user may lose some responses to stimuli. Standing becomes difficult, and vomiting is likely. The user becomes very drowsy.

BAC 350, the user will slip into a coma. Little or no response to stimuli occurs, the body temperature drops, the user may become incontinent. Blood pressure drops, and you might well piss yourself.

BAC of 500 and there's a risk of death.

Alcohol isn't usually associated with making people 'lose their minds', but confidence is increased and judgement impaired, which might cause you to do things which you wouldn't do sober. This is why drink driving is dangerous, stupid, and illegal. Common sense is often still present, but your views of what's acceptable and what's not might change.

I'll refer you to my favourite source of information on drugs. It's very unbiased and impartial, and has some user experiences for people to read before they try anything new.
  • #3
I've always felt that people let their "real" personalities slip out when they are drunk. When they are sober, they are able to keep themselves in check, not be social morons, not be rude or violent or obnoxious, but when they drink, they lose the ability to consciously control these behaviors.

I become even more boring when I drink. :redface:
  • #4
I'm not sure that it's right to say that the person you see when drunk is the 'real' person. Perhaps more that they express one side of their personality more when drunk, while repressing another.
  • #5
matthyaouw said:
I'm not sure that it's right to say that the person you see when drunk is the 'real' person. Perhaps more that they express one side of their personality more when drunk, while repressing another.
That might be a better way to look at it. I find that when people get drunk they exhibit the same behavior every time they get drunk. It's not like they might be obnoxious or violent one time then be sweet and loving the next time they get drunk.

One of my girlfriends would get overly emotional and cry about relationships every time she got drunk. Another would get very flirtatious every time. A guy I knew would always try to start fist fights. You always knew what to expect from each person every time they'd drink.
  • #6
I'm not very fun when drunk. I just get sleepy and lose the ability to thermoregulate, so go from being too hot to shivering and back again over a matter of minutes. The only inhibition I seem to lose when drunk is the one that would normally keep me from lying down on a couch in the middle of a party and taking a nap. I'm more fun when sober (it actually drives me nuts when there's good music for dancing and I can't get anyone to dance with me because they want a few more drinks to be able to dance because they are for some reason inhibited about dancing ).
  • #7
I lose the ability to say 'no' when I'm drunk. I find it hard not to tap people on the shoulder, and then crouch down behind them so that when they turn round there's nobody there. My singing improves drastically when I'm drunk, so much so that I can sing along to Sweet Child O' Mine and sound exactly like Axl Rose. After about 7 pints, everyone loves me. Everyone is my friend. Even the bouncers. Especially the bouncers. I can always tell how drunk I am by noting how many random girls look sexier than my girlfriend.

Seriously though, it's quite scary to note just how often urm, certain people have been to that coma state. Getting drunk is one of those self-sustaining processes; when you're twatted it always makes sense to have another drink.
  • #8
I say this with a lot of experience with this issue :biggrin: (fun college days). When you are the right amount of drunk, you feel like a million dollars. Your inhibitions are lowered and you do things that you wouldn't normally do if you weren't drunk like talk to that girl you have a secret crush on, go dancing, etc. Wine supposedly makes you tell the truth, which I really think it does from experience as well. Honestly 95% of people don't like the taste of alcohol, they are just used to it. The reason why so many people drink is because of the way you feel. You become more relaxed and open.
  • #9
So, when we drink, I'm a bore, Moonbear's lethargic and cold, and Brewnog is a fun loving, rock star singer with lust in his heart.
  • #10
Evo said:
So, when we drink, I'm a bore, Moonbear's lethargic and cold, and Brewnog is a fun loving, rock star singer with lust in his heart.

Yep, doesn't seem fair, does it? Just when he gets warmed up, we turn cold and boring. :frown:
  • #11
I'm usually just me but more talkative (I tend to be quiet and shy). Sometimes I get depressed, sometimes really happy, sometimes just sleepy. Often I start to speak with an accent. It's the same every time but it's not an actual accent of any particular country just me trying to make the slur in my speech sound intentional I guess lol.
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  • #12
lol so far i got decent responses, more won't hurt of course :approve:

So let me exam some situiations i saw and you give me your comment wise(wo)men:

My friend last friday was really drunk, i was packing up to go back home after uni. Another friend come to room, told the othe guy to jump on my bed, despite my roomate knows its a red line he did it. The point is not here, but in the next: The other guy from the outside told him to jump and land on his shoulder, and my loser roomate did! ending up breaking his shoulder, we left him to the hospital with the fake ID in his pocket [he is 20 btw] and with the alcoholic perfume out of his mouth, but doctors were nice and don't tell the police...

So so so; i am not mean, but i think even if he was drunk, he won't do such a stupid thing! but it was a stupid thing to do under a cover of [drunk] excuse, or i could be wrong?
  • #13
No, he likely did it because he was drunk enough to be stupid. I don't lose inhibitions about things like that when I'm drunk, but I've known plenty of people who do. The part of your brain that tells you something is a dumb idea is not working normally.
  • #14
So why the government ban weed?

lol, i am really going confused! At my high school in UK. there was 40% of the school smoking weed, and they do many [un-logical] stuff like that [but honestly, if you see magic mushrooms its even much more] but that was weed...not alcohol

I saw people who smoke it get used to yet like alcohol i.e. they have different [level] of weed in their blood in order to get high ...etc and some times they smoke without going high that much. So what is the critical differnce between the effect of alcohol and weed? Is any drunkness from any alcohol kind like beer of Vodka is the same at the end?

i know i might be gion cheesy, but i do really want to know. Off-track already in experience, but want on-track in this science.

[Biology Gurus help won't hurt, its some-how a biological issue as well]
  • #15
Yes, all sources of alcohol are the same, though you need to drink different volumes for the same effect because the concentration of alcohol is different

Many drugs of abuse (including alcohol) work through similar mechanisms in the brain. There are of course ones that are different as well, which leads to different effects (i.e., stimulants vs depressants).

As for why alcohol is legal and weed isn't, it's mostly political reasons.
  • #16
Evo said:
That might be a better way to look at it. I find that when people get drunk they exhibit the same behavior every time they get drunk. It's not like they might be obnoxious or violent one time then be sweet and loving the next time they get drunk.

One of my girlfriends would get overly emotional and cry about relationships every time she got drunk. Another would get very flirtatious every time. A guy I knew would always try to start fist fights. You always knew what to expect from each person every time they'd drink.

I didn't mean to imply that any random personality trait would be exaggerated. You are right in saying that it is normally the same ones- Loudness, violence, emtionalness, promiscuity etc
  • #17
I agree with moonbear that the reason for the legal issues is political. But from personal experience I would like to say that the effects of alcohol, weed and magic mushrooms are extremely different. This is probably because of the different mechanisms within your brain that are affected by the different substances.

Especially the mushrooms are enormously different. They give you some sort of extremely real-feeling experience, I felt the experiences I had were so much more real and clear than any I had ever before. It really felt magical and extremely peaceful (for me personally it also gave a feeling of being connected with nature in every sense possible; I only used it while being in the middle of the woods on nice sunny days with good friends). I do not think such feelings can be clearly described to anyone who has not experienced them. There were times I just did not care whether I were the trees and grasses around me, or just me. It just did not seem to make any difference. The feeling of self seemed to be totally loose, I could attach it to anything I was experiencing, be it my own bodily feelings or the visual input from my surroundings, all seemed equally important, there was no clear distinction between self and other anymore. To me those are the most extreme experiences I have ever had, and I feel they are not in the slightest way comparable to the effects of weed an alcohol.

Weed did gave me a certain intellectual kind of highness, I still wanted to be active, talk about things, process ideas, discuss them with people in my surroundings, look at interesting things etc. It felt stimulating and it seemed to open new directions of thought (it is important I think that it is not mixed with tobacco, and certainly not with alcohol).

Alcohol always seemed to have effects like slowing you down, making you less inhibited in a more animalistic way and specifically to be numbing the senses.
  • #18
(Blood Alcohol Concentration - milligrams per decilitre = 50),

Can u give me a rough guestemite as to how many pints of beer (about 5%) this would be?

And when i get really drunk i don't just sing like axl rose, i dance like him too!
  • #19
Andy said:
Can u give me a rough guestemite as to how many pints of beer (about 5%) this would be?

Come on! As if you don't already know!

The source I got those from suggests that the average human metabolises 8.5g of alcohol per hour (which is just under a pint of beer), although this is obviously very sensitive to a LOT of other factors. It suggests that 2 quickly consumed 'drinks' may produce a BAC of 50mg/dL, which seems to make sense.

Andy said:
And when i get really drunk i don't just sing like axl rose, i dance like him too!

We should go out drinking some time, we'd be quids in! Next time you're in Manchester...
  • #20
Drunk personalities can change. Personal experience. In my youth I was a happy drunk. Some what later after some hard bits of life experience, I got drunk and felt, a angry melancholy drunk coming on. I have not been drunk since (that was 1987). While I still enjoy an occasional pint of a good micro brew or a glass of nice wine, I will not drink to excess as I no longer can be sure who is lurking in the shadows.
  • #21
Moses said:
Is any drunkness from any alcohol kind like beer of Vodka is the same at the end?
Moonbear said:
Yes, all sources of alcohol are the same, though you need to drink different volumes for the same effect because the concentration of alcohol is different
With deference to your superior knowledge of biochemistry, I must disagree as a bartender and alcoholic. All standard, as opposed to overproof, liquors (at least in Canada) are 43% alcohol. A shot of vodka has the same amount as a shot of rye. A 4-oz glass of wine or a bottle of beer is equal to the shot. One thing that might be a point of confusion, and why people think that Yank beer is weaker than ours, is that we measure percentage by volume, while the States lists it by weight.
As for the effects, they vary according to what type of beverage it is. (Not on the cellular level, but in how someone reacts to it.) I couldn't serve one of my friends rye, or he was suddenly 10 feet tall and bulletproof. He can drink beer or vodka all night and be fine. A lot of people around here have that problem with rye. I just don't notice the stuff. I get into a party mood, wanting to dance and able to deal with frivolities, on beer, whereas Scotch just mellows me out and I don't feel like moving. Red wine is about like Scotch, except that I have to drink more than a litre of it to notice any significant intoxication. Can't touch white wine, or instant headache and inebriation. Shooters of various liqueurs and tequila just help the beer do its job. :biggrin:
So Moonbear and Evo, you're just not drinking the right stuff. :-p
  • #22
brewnog said:
I lose the ability to say 'no' when I'm drunk.
Really? :-p Oh wait, you have a girlfriend, oh and you live in the UK.
brewnog said:
I find it hard not to tap people on the shoulder, and then crouch down behind them so that when they turn round there's nobody there.
:smile: Well at least I know this won't work even when I drink.
brewnog said:
My singing improves drastically when I'm drunk, so much so that I can sing along to Sweet Child O' Mine and sound exactly like Axl Rose.
Ah, another affect--A legend in your own mind?
brewnog said:
I can always tell how drunk I am by noting how many random girls look sexier than my girlfriend.
I hope you are sober enough to know not to share this with your girlfriend.
brewnog said:
Getting drunk is one of those self-sustaining processes; when you're twatted it always makes sense to have another drink.
SO true.
  • #23
My girlfriends and I had a rule when we would go out to never have 2 alcoholic drinks in a row. We always would have at least one glass of water after every alcoholic one. It slows down the rate at which you drink, but keeps a glass in your hand.
  • #24
Evo said:
My girlfriends and I had a rule when we would go out to never have 2 alcoholic drinks in a row. We always would have at least one glass of water after every alcoholic one. It slows down the rate at which you drink, but keeps a glass in your hand.
A very good method. I try to eat something too. :biggrin:
  • #25
brewnog said:
BAC 350, the user will slip into a coma. Little or no response to stimuli occurs, the body temperature drops, the user may become incontinent. Blood pressure drops, and you might well piss yourself.

BAC of 500 and there's a risk of death.
WOAH! I didn't know a 500BAC was even possible. Isn't that 5% alcohol in the blood? Someone would have to drink several shots of some pretty strong stuff to make that jump from 350 to 500. Talk about loss of inhibitions.

When I'm drunk I'm still surprisingly aware of the consequences of my actions. Sometimes I just don't care about the consequences like I would when I was sober, but I still never intentionally do anything to hurt or provoke anyone. I go through stages depending on how drunk I am. Usually after I begin to feel a buzz I notice my speech is the first thing to suffer. After a few more I'm leaning on things as I walk to the bathroom and the floor seems to not want to stay still. Its rare when I get this drunk, and I've learned that this is when I need to stop or I will get very sick and unresponsive and sullen. Before that point I'm usually jovial and more outspoken and I lose the volume knob for my voice. I do silly things and everything seems funnier. Its like me in a good mood, but way too much at once.

Smoking marijuana is different. I've only done it a few times. First two times I didn't feel anything at all. Next time it seemed to produce an effect much like being drunk, but it makes your mouth dry up like a bastard. . The last time I overdid it and it was horrible. I lost track of time. I couldn't differentiate between 5 minutes or an hour. I could feel my heartbeat and it felt way, WAY too slow and I started to worry. Then it sounded WAY too fast. I tried to concentrate on something else and I was staring at the cieling and seeing colors and shapes moving around. There was a panicky 'when is this going to end' kind of feeling. Not one bit of fun.
  • #26
hmmm, i have an offer to go to manchester sometime shortly probably in the summer, will give u a shout and let you know when i am.
  • #27
Andy said:
hmmm, i have an offer to go to manchester sometime shortly probably in the summer, will give u a shout and let you know when i am.

Woo woo! :smile:
  • #28
One time I saw my ex at a party and she was, well, getting physical with other guys right in front of me so I got right ruined (I was angry and, yeah, jealous). I think that was my worst night of drinking. I ended up passed out on the bathroom floor in my own vomit and would come in and out of it to vomit. I was on the bathroom floor for around 4-5 hours. Unfortunately I locked the doors and it was an upstairs bathroom so I was forgotten about by friends. Scared the crap out of me afterwards (could have been much worse) so I never let it get near that point again.

Now the most I'll go for is 14-16 beer over a 6 hour period. 16 is even pushing it (that was new years). After a 12, I'll have a 50/50 chance of feeling ill. I won't vomit, but I'll want to curl up in the foetal position heh.

For me, a good time can be had with a 6-pack, some food and movies (and friends who have their own beer)

I'm usually a better person when I drink. More positive and upbeat. Talkative and open. I can look at my life objectively, stand back and confront some issues and understand them :) That could be problematic (it is so enjoyable) so I don't drink enough to make it a habit.

I've consumed four or more drinks six of the past ten days. But that was to celebrate college and a few other celebrations ;) After this upcoming Friday beer night and Saturday BBQ I'll be done drinking for a good couple months (honest).

As for your judgement... mine stays fairly intact. I don't go gushing out "I LOVE YOU" to women. I don't bring out dark secrets. I don't randomly fight. I'd say the worst decision I made (that I wouldn't if sober) was to get into the vehicle of someone who was high off PCP. I got major whiplash when he ran into a dump truck :redface:
  • #29
singleton said:
One time I saw my ex at a party and she was, well, getting physical with other guys right in front of me so I got right ruined (I was angry and, yeah, jealous). I think that was my worst night of drinking. I ended up passed out on the bathroom floor in my own vomit and would come in and out of it to vomit. I was on the bathroom floor for around 4-5 hours. Unfortunately I locked the doors and it was an upstairs bathroom so I was forgotten about by friends. Scared the crap out of me afterwards (could have been much worse) so I never let it get near that point again.
You're really lucky, a girl I went to high school with got really drunk and choked to death on her own vomit.
  • #30
Evo said:
You're really lucky, a girl I went to high school with got really drunk and choked to death on her own vomit.

Yeah... it was quite scary to look back on! :frown:

Luckily I met an angel that night. She told me her name was "moderation" :smile:
  • #31
singleton said:
Now the most I'll go for is 14-16 beer over a 6 hour period.
singleton said:
Luckily I met an angel that night. She told me her name was "moderation"
Ummm... :bugeye: :wink:
  • #32
The first time I drank alcohol I had a very bad experience. I was 17 and staying at a friend's house for the weekend. We went out for chinese food and came back and started drinking beers. I had never drank before and didn't know what to expect. We were shooting beers and I had like 5 of them in about an hour or two. I was surprised that I wasn't feeling any different. They subjected me to tests like laying down and standing up quickly and reciting simple tongue twisters. One of my friends seemed upset because he was already halfway to drunk and I appeared to have no effects from the alcohol yet.

Then they broke out the moonshine that the father of one of my friends made in the basement. We were playing Dungeons and Dragons in the basement and drinking the moonshine and chasing it with sips from a 2liter of Sprite soda. They later told me that they were spitting out most of the moonshine into the Sprite bottle. I drank at least half a pint of moonshine in addition to the 5 beers I had already drank.

I could feel myself becoming dispondent. It was hard to focus on anything. The last thing I remember is opening a door and running into a group of ravenous zombies. Next thing I know I'm waking up on the couch vomiting. They moved a bucket underneath me. One of my friends says "What is that, chicken?"

I did several things that I have no memory of. I guess this is what is called an alcoholic blackout. They said they took me for a walk in the middle of the night and I was singing and yelling and stumbling down the road setting off car alarms.

The next day it felt like my brain had shrunk to the size of a walnut and was rattling around loose in my skull. I had vomitted on my pants so I borrowed a pair of my friend's pants so that my parents wouldn't know that I had been drinking. He drove me home in my car because I was still drunk. As I was walking to the house I vomitted again behind a telephone pole. It was pink.

I went upstairs and threw my clothes in the hamper and went to sleep for almost a full day. At some point my mother had come into the room and taken my hamper to do the laundry. She found my friend's pants and knew they weren't mine. So I had to tell her what happened. She never told my father. I never got in trouble for it. :redface:
  • #33
One of my best nights for drinking was when i went on holiday with a group of friends to newquay. It started off with a shot drinking game, where a board senses how fast u can drink a shot. I was loosing miserably and decided to switch from the vodka to a bottle of sambuca that i had bought. Within about an hour i had managed to drink a litre of sambuca. That was a very rough night after that, i was throwing up within 45mins of stopping drinking. Could'nt see straight and my speech was incomprehensible.

But i did beat the record that a mate set.
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  • #34
I remember sambuca...

...though its quite blurry
  • #35
Fantastic stuff. Almost as good as absynthe.