Angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering

In summary, to calculate the angular size of the comoving horizon at the z=1100 last scattering surface projected onto the current CMB sky, we first need to find the particle horizon at last scattering. This can be done by using the expression for the co-moving horizon scale and incorporating the Friedmann equation with respect to the scale factor. Next, we can calculate the angular diameter distance by integrating over the path of a photon traveling from the time of emission to the present. This will give us the distance to the last scattering surface, which can then be used to calculate the angular size. We also need to take into account the matter density and radiation density in order to properly express the density parameters and calculate the distances accurately.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the angular size of the comoving horizon at the z=1100 last scattering surface, as projected on to the current (CMB) sky. Assume flat FRW cosmology and no cosmological constant. First calculate angular diameter distance to last scattering, then the particle horizon at last scattering.

Homework Equations

Particle horizon dH = a(t) ∫0t dt'/at' = a(η)η

Angular diameter distance dA = R0Sk(χ)/(1 + z) = dL/(1+z)2

The Attempt at a Solution

I have used a = 1/(1+z) to go from z = 1100 to a = 9.08 x 10-4

Looking at the definition of particle horizon, I need to find what t is at z = 1100, so I tried to get this using the first Friedman equation, and rearranging it to get

da/dt = a √(8∏Gρ/3)

1/a da = √(8∏Gρ/3) dt

∫ 1/a da = √(8∏G/3) ∫ρ(t) dt

I don't know how to go any further with this though to find t at some a.

Looking at the angular diameter distance, I have a flat unverse, so Sk(χ) = χ. I think R0 and χ are both just arbitrary measures though, so I have no idea how to do anything useful with that definition!
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  • #2
Regarding the particle horizon scale:

You are right that the expression for the co-moving horizon scale is given by[tex]\eta = \int_0^t \frac{dt^\prime}{a(t^\prime)} [/tex]I do not think that it is necessary to solve for t(a) from the Friedmann equation. Instead, you can use the Friedmann equation to carry out a change of variables that allows you to express the integral with respect to a (or z if you want). You can do that, because you have:[tex]\frac{da}{dt} = a\left[\frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho(t)\right]^{1/2} [/tex]If we play fast and loose with notation, we can basically "solve for dt" in terms of da and substitute the expression for dt into the integral. The trick is figuring out what to do with the density. I'm not sure whether you are meant to consider just matter, or matter + radiation. How does the matter density vary with scale factor? Therefore, how can you express [itex]\rho_m(t)[/itex] as a function of the matter density today and the scale factor? Same question for [itex]\rho_r(t)[/itex] if you're meant to take into account radiation as well. So how would then express these in terms of the corresponding density parameters [itex] \Omega_m[/itex] (and [itex]\Omega_r[/itex] if relevant)?
  • #3
Regarding the angular diameter distance: in a flat universe, if [itex]\chi[/itex] is the co-moving radial distance coordinate, then the angular diameter distance to redshift z is given by [itex]d_A(z) = \chi(z) / (1 + z) [/itex]. You could compute [itex]\chi(z)[/itex] using an integral very similar to the one you wrote above for the horizon scale. The difference is that this time you are integrating over the path of a photon traveling between the time when it was emitted, and now (as opposed to before for the horizon scale, where the integral was over a time interval from the beginning of the universe to time t, representing the largest possible distance light could have traveled up to time t).

Related to Angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering

1. What is the Angular Size of Comoving Horizon at Last Scattering?

The angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering refers to the apparent size of the observable universe at the time of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation being emitted. It is the boundary of the observable universe at the time of recombination, when the universe became transparent to light.

2. How is the Angular Size of Comoving Horizon at Last Scattering calculated?

The angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering is calculated by taking the ratio of the comoving distance to the distance to the CMB, multiplied by the angular diameter distance to the CMB. This gives us the angular size in radians.

3. What is the significance of the Angular Size of Comoving Horizon at Last Scattering?

The angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering is an important measurement in cosmology as it provides a limit to the observable universe. It also gives us information about the size and geometry of the universe at the time of CMB emission.

4. How does the Angular Size of Comoving Horizon at Last Scattering change over time?

The angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering decreases as the universe expands. This is because the comoving distance between objects increases due to the expansion of space, while the distance to the CMB remains constant.

5. Can the Angular Size of Comoving Horizon at Last Scattering be used to determine the age of the universe?

No, the angular size of comoving horizon at last scattering cannot be used to determine the age of the universe. It is only a measure of the observable universe at a specific point in time, and does not take into account the expansion rate of the universe over time.

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