Android vs IOS: Debunking the Debate

  • Thread starter thejosh
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In summary, the conversation discusses the ongoing debate between Android and iOS. The main points mentioned are that Android is more affordable and customizable, while iOS is perceived as a simpler and more expensive option. The value and tradeoffs of each system are also mentioned, with the conclusion that personal preference and individual needs should be the deciding factors in choosing a phone. The conversation also touches on the availability and variety of options for Android devices, as well as the potential for data security issues on both platforms.
  • #1
This topic's been widely debated but I don't think its been satisfyingly concluded.Personally, I believe that Android is by far the superior but I'd love to hear your arguments.
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  • #2
I don't do Mac, cost too much. But I do love that they say "OS", like they have the only operating system.

As for differences, "what works for you?" is the gold standard.
  • #3
In these types of businesses there is only one objective ; to own the phone market there is only room for one winner, you'll see that if you search for stats, the stats always seem to favour IOS but in my opinion IOS is a highly simplified version of what should be termed sophisticated software and I believe its taking away from the value of such software and technology.The reason most people choose IOS is not because of the quality of the software but because of the expensive casing and high "fancy" prices the software requires since all apps have got to be bought.NO- in my opinion IOS is cheap software with expensive casing, whilst android has more substance to it.
  • #4
And for most people, a question about their OS would get a "huh?" in reply.
  • #5
Android is a lot more customisable but due to that it is a lot less stable. When is he last Tim you heard that an app crashed on iOS. Android though let's youbdo a lot more stuff like use controllers not enforced by the company unlike apple which imposes mfi controls on their users
  • #6
Very, very true but I'm pointing out that the system for IOS is very, very simple and that is one of the main reasons apps don't crash on ios.
  • #7
IOS is more expensiveso people assume it is superior. IOS is a lot safer since hacking an iOS devices is a lot harder than doing so on an android due to apples restrictive nature.
  • #8
Summary: Android is better if you're poor
At the risk of sounding clichè, I'll say this: 'It depends.' Because of course it does! Let me pose a logical sequence of thought. Beginning on the assumption that iOS is strictly confined to Apple devices, (I know it is not, but for the sake of argument, let me say that it is), it is an incontrovertible fact that Apple devices are extremely, perhaps even exorbitantly expensive, for, say, a relatively poor teenager in Asia. Take the same devices and put them in front of a richer child in the United States, and you will probably find that the expense is not as large of an issue. In the end, all that matters really is personal preference. Android has very many options; so does Apple. A new Apple device doesn't have as many prices as a new Android one would, though it may be better.
  • #9
thejosh said: my opinion IOS is a highly simplified version of what should be termed sophisticated software and I believe its taking away from the value of such software and technology.

What exactly is the VALUE that you refer to? What does Android do that iOS doesn't? Remember that the shoe needs to fit the foot, not the other way around.

BTW, I have both an android tablet and an iPhone, and I'm frankly struggling to find uses for the tablet. (Can't return it.) Advice would be appreciated.
  • #10
Algr said:
What exactly is the VALUE that you refer to? What does Android do that iOS doesn't? Remember that the shoe needs to fit the foot, not the other way around.

BTW, I have both an android tablet and an iPhone, and I'm frankly struggling to find uses for the tablet. (Can't return it.) Advice would be appreciated.
I agree, what is important is that one finds the phone for their needs. As to what Android does that iOS doesn't...well, it comes in an incomparable amount of variety, and in many cheaper options for [close to] the same performance. The virus and crashing simply comes as a result of the need to slightly reduce performance in order to match costs. However, apps crash on iOS, too, it isn't an impenetrable fortress.
  • #11
Infinity0 said:
The virus and crashing simply comes as a result of the need to slightly reduce performance in order to match costs.

And how many people think that this is a fair tradeoff? Is the money you save worth having your data stolen?
  • #12
Algr said:
And how many people think that this is a fair tradeoff? Is the money you save worth having your data stolen?
I do. For the simple fact that I'm poor. Okay, that was mostly just for humor, but I've never had a problem with Android. Perhaps that is because I don't run graphic-intensive games. I mean, Samsung and Apple are a lot alike, and Samsung can be said to be Apple's counterpart, but what people forget is that there's dozens more companies that use Android, not just Samsung, meaning dozens more options, so even though Apple may be good, you have to admit it doesn't give you a lot of options device or pricewise.
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  • #13
The cost of the service is much more than the cost of the phone, so skimping on the hardware doesn't have much payoff. And Apple products tend to stay in use longer, so I don't think you are saving any money in the long run. Also, what is your time worth? Getting the answer a few seconds faster can be worth a lot in a work setting.
  • #14
True, unless you live in, let's say Africa, then, for the most part, a few glitches won't bother you much. Apple products are generally, generally, stable, but since iOS is purely an Apple thing, it's mostly restricted to America.
  • #15
Let's stick with the shoe analogy. If you could save $200 by always wearing shoes that were two sized too big, would you do it? You can "prove" that the shoes do all the same things.
  • #16
Algr said:
Let's stick with the shoe analogy. If you could save $200 by always wearing shoes that were two sized too big, would you do it? You can "prove" that the shoes do all the same things.
Alright, the shoe analogy. Providing three examples, there's the first, which you have said. But the second is this: Let;s say you could get a nice-fitting, comfortable pair of shoes for a lot of money, but they can only be worn with a pair of really expensive socks, and only that type of sock, while you can choose, perhaps a little worse quality shoes, but with time you can grow comfortable with them, and you can use whatever type of sock you want with them. Or let's say you can buy a very nice-looking pair of black formal shoes, but that are extremely expensive, and stiff, or you could settle for a little leakier, but still nice, shoes, which you could run, jump, relax, program...oh wait..anyway e.t.c.
So if you insist there must be one and only one winner: it's impossible. If there was, Either Apple or the thousa...okay maybe not thousands, but dozens of Android phone manufacturers would be bankrupt. And that's obviously not going to happen soon. Regardless of that fact, if Apple were to reduce their prices and open up iOS to non-Apple devices, it would probably trump Android. No pun intended.
  • #17
What are the "really expensive socks" in your analogy? Software? A case? All the support devices I can think of cost the same for both formats. And who is saying that android shouldn't exist? I just wish it did more useful things.

My iPhone can play back 4K video. The android tablet I got at the same time can't even play 2k files smoothly. This is a BIG difference in performance. And you aren't saving the money you think you are. I get new iOS devices every 4 years on average, and they all still work today.
  • #18
thejosh said:
In these types of businesses there is only one objective ; to own the phone market there is only room for one winner
There are several companies with a reasonable market share, and it has been this way for quite some time. There is clearly room for many winners.
thejosh said:
you'll see that if you search for stats, the stats always seem to favour IOS
Which "stats?
thejosh said:
but in my opinion IOS is a highly simplified version of what should be termed sophisticated software
What does that mean?
thejosh said:
The reason most people choose IOS is not because of the quality of the software but because of the expensive casing and high "fancy" prices the software requires since all apps have got to be bought.
Do you have a reference for that claim?
The second claim is simply wrong. There are many free apps for iOS. In general, things that are free for Android are free for iOS and vice versa, and the big apps are produced for both.
Infinity0 said:
I mean, Samsung and Apple are a lot alike, and Samsung can be said to be Apple's counterpart, but what people forget is that there's dozens more companies that use Android, not just Samsung, meaning dozens more options, so even though Apple may be good, you have to admit it doesn't give you a lot of options device or pricewise.
I don't think that is how you should choose a phone. Don't choose an operating system and then pick a specific phone. Pick phone and operating system at the same time.
Infinity0 said:
True, unless you live in, let's say Africa, then, for the most part, a few glitches won't bother you much. Apple products are generally, generally, stable, but since iOS is purely an Apple thing, it's mostly restricted to America.
Why? In particular, what about Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan?
  • #19
Infinity0 said:
Apple products are generally, generally, stable, but since iOS is purely an Apple thing, it's mostly restricted to America.

Apple has more consumers outside the US than within...

You might want to be careful with all your talk, as you are coming off as a newbie troll.
  • #20
clear stats:
"The way Apple works is through exclusive PR. By owning an iDevice, you're owning something exclusive and luxurious. That's what Apple try to do and do well. Apple haven't gone into many markets. They're in the hand-held music player, phone, tablet, laptops, desktop computer and a few other markets which are all within the personal tech industry. Apple focus on first-world countries because the expensive price is unattainable to developing nations. Like above, Samsung has the edge here "
mfb said:
What does that mean?
It means apple likes to make their software appear so simplified, and they make the general layout of the software so easy to understand that even children are taking to handling apple devices with relative ease, in my opinion its disgusting because it under-appreciates the hard work that a programmer took to make those apps just so they can make it appear easy and simple such that users end up taking applications and software for granted. I've heard of user friendly but apple just takes it past explicitly unacceptable boundaries. The only reason most people buy the gadgets is I quote from my siblings peers and family , "because samsung is just over rated apple is for rich people." Do you know portable computers were originally made for professionals like engineers that needed the extra processing speed on the go and now people are buying ios software with multiple core processors and large rams to do what.To look nice in your hand.And I know that many people will say its they're choice but i believe its giving a false image of the beauty technology holds.I vote android simply because it is way more diverse than any ios devices that require you to constantly buy rather than make or create, ios hinders the diversity that technology should have because many of the new advancements in technology come from different people all over the world but no, ios does not believe in allowing the user to create or upgrade for themselves.
  • #21
I used apple and samsung as examples because they are the leading ios and android companies respectively.
  • #22
thejosh said:
In Q4 2016, Apple sold roughly 77 million iPhones, up from 71.5 million compared to the year before. That growth pushed Apple to 17.9 percent of the smartphone market, a 2 percent increase year-over-year. Samsung, on the other hand, saw shipments fall from 83.4 million to 76.7 million, thus causing its market share to slide from 20.7 percent to 17.8 percent.
Two companies compete over the market share, and they have some fluctuations in how much they sell. What exactly is clear here? Apple tends to release new products in late summer, it is not surprising that they sell more in Q4. The article is not even about operating systems, it is about units sold for two companies.
thejosh said:
It means apple likes to make their software appear so simplified, and they make the general layout of the software so easy to understand that even children are taking to handling apple devices with relative ease, in my opinion its disgusting because it under-appreciates the hard work that a programmer took to make those apps just so they can make it appear easy and simple such that users end up taking applications and software for granted.
That... doesn't make any sense.
  • #23
(First of all I am terribly sorry it is over-sized as i do not know how to resize it and please excuse the statement at the top for the purpose of this post.)
Take a clear look at the two devices and ask yourself this question:
If I was a baby which would I run to?
The answer is pretty obvious is it not?
Well that is exactly what I was going for, you have one operating system design that displays the sophistication of software and another that goes straight for colourfull rainbows and simple to understand directives, if you're still not convinced notice the button arrangement at the bottom of the two phones.

Looks like a familiar pattern does it not?
Then diving into the software itself
check this out:
What i was also trying to point out is that android is more creatively driven than ios. This means android allows you to do WAY more things than ios would ever allow you to do.Now, I know this has some advantages such as increased security but come on people, you cannot do anything other than a fixed set of uses on an iphone- fine, if you only like to use your phone to please the eye and go on instagram then android will never win this battle but once you consider that software is rapidly improving not due to one specific company or individual(s) but due to the combined effort of a multitude of programmers and creative users all over the world- then ,and only then, will you realize android is the way forward.
And that is why I do not understand your question @Algr
Oh and by the way @Fervent Freyja leave infinity0 and let him be- his posts are an excellent example of exactly the type of responses ios (more specifically apple) are encouraging and exactly what we should consider when deeming the better operating system.:wink:
Hay and all you apple fans don't keep quite - bring forth your valid arguments without hinderance keeping in mind that this argument involves both sides of the coin .
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  • #24
mfb said:
Two companies compete over the market share, and they have some fluctuations in how much they sell. What exactly is clear here? Apple tends to release new products in late summer, it is not surprising that they sell more in Q4. The article is not even about operating systems, it is about units sold for two companies.
Those stats were to try and help us understand that the greater public are generally leaning towards ios devices and the percentages clearly show the drop in sales android(samsung) has experienced over the last year, it may be about phone units but the battle between ios and android is often represented using the two leading android and ios companies namely samsung and apple, I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused by explaining afterwards and i greatly appreciate the clarification your question has brought to the argument.
  • #25
thejosh said:
cIt means apple likes to make their software appear so simplified, and they make the general layout of the software so easy to understand that even children are taking to handling apple devices with relative ease, in my opinion its disgusting because it under-appreciates the hard work that a programmer took to make those apps

So... the programmers should make the phone harder to use so that we appreciate the programmers more? Actually Android programming makes me appreciate iOS programmers.

thejosh said:
This means android allows you to do WAY more things than ios would ever allow you to do.

I've asked you before to tell us what these things are that Android can do and iOS can't. Your only response was to go on about how the phones were cheaper. You also ignored my question about what the socks in your analogy were supposed to represent.
  • #26
thejosh said:
If I was a baby which would I run to?
I don't know, the one that is more green? Are you an expert in baby psychology?

Is it really useful to compare different screens? iOS has a news page similar to the Android one.
thejosh said:
Looks like a familiar pattern does it not?
What exactly? That you compare different screens?
thejosh said:
you cannot do anything other than a fixed set of uses on an iphone
What exactly can you not do?

I have the impression you never used iOS.
I have some experience with both iOS and Android.
thejosh said:
Those stats were to try and help us understand that the greater public are generally leaning towards ios devices and the percentages clearly show the drop in sales android(samsung) has experienced over the last year
These statements are both wrong and directly contradicted by the source you posted.
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Likes stoomart
  • #27
thejosh said:
Hay and all you apple fans don't keep quite - bring forth your valid arguments without hinderance keeping in mind that this argument involves both sides of the coin .
There really isn't any argument, picking a phone is just a matter of taste, like picking a car; choose one you like and can afford.
  • #28
@stoomart this string is about comparing the value level between ios and android operating systems we only use the phone companies samsung and apple as examples.
Furthermore you want choices? Then android is for you because ios (apple) only comes in one standard form (with a slight variation here and there) but compare it to the large variety of android phones with many different capabilities; durability,pixel quality, camera quality(shout out to the sony experia) e.t.c
mfb said:
What exactly can you not do?

I have the impression you never used iOS.
I have some experience with both iOS and Android.
Sorry please follow the link that i provided that clearly states and compares why android is more free and open than ios
Yes I have quite a bit of experience with an ios operating system as i own an Ipad and a lot of android gadgets
With that said let me be a bit more specific.
1.With Ios the user is limited to using the software and installing specific programs designed for the ios whereas with android what works on an ios will probably at least have a version that works on an android but the opposite is NOT true.
2.With android you can share apps from different devices, tweak the operating system easily to suit your needs install software that have nothing to do with the App store with relative ease, and through my experience ios devices usually have a very limited range of programs that are compatible all of which are usually created by the ios makers- this to me is a great disadvantage because if you compare the number of programs created for ios as opposed to the number and variety of different programs all over the world you'll be quite suprised to note that ios programs probably are way outnumbered meaning that variety is a challenge with ios devices- if you don't believe me consider this : in the pictures i have used is it not interesting that ios(apple) devices are usually marketed with the standard apps but android(samsung) usually doesn't display the apps because of the wide variety available to android users.
Infinity0 said:
A new Apple device doesn't have as many prices as a new Android one would, though it may be better.

Infinity0 said:
Apple devices are extremely, perhaps even exorbitantly expensive

Although infinity0 has some said some things that i cannot agree with (asian and american references) some of his arguments are actually quite true such as the fact that iphone typically costs a whole lot more than an android device and this is because the larger majority of people buy it because of the marketing value(in other words as a wealth status to display to other people)
4.please read this before you reply:
Android has such a large variety of phones which can have better camera quality, processing speed, pixel quality e.t.c so don't tell me that ios has more desirable choices or has more specific functions for its users.
5.IOS did not have features like sharing and cloud and widgets when android had them way before (check the link in this post) so in actual fact ios is continuously copying android and not the other way around.
6. Ios is extremely user friendly but as i was trying to say this steps over the line as ios now has typical apps that everyone uses like candy crush, subway surfers, instagram,whatsapp,app-store, e.t.c (check this against what you have on your iphone) whereas android users have such a wide variety of applications , yes this makes an iphone extremely user friendly but at the cost of uniqueness, creativity, specifications (just to name a few).
7.(I have said this before and I will say it again) Android is the way forward as more variety means a greater chance for improvement means a better line of OS and technology.
What say you?:bugeye::smile::wink::wink::sat:
  • #29
thejosh said:
@stoomart this string is about comparing the value level between ios and android operating systems we only use the phone companies samsung and apple as examples.
I use Apple and Android and get value from both. Your argument is like saying oranges are better than grapefruits, it's just fanboy nonsense.
  • #30
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  • #31
thejosh said:
You know what oranges are in fact better than grape fruits
So there is always a better side its not about getting value from both its about which has more value this is simple business.
You assumed I meant 'better for you', when I was actually talking about preference and taste, which was my original point about phones in post #27. To argue one phone OS has more "value" than another is a fruitless (pun intended) discussion.
  • #32
thejosh said:
You know what oranges are in fact better than grape fruits
So there is always a better side its not about getting value from both its about which has more value this is simple business.
Better for what/whom? Depending on your needs/wants/present situation one may be better than the other. And this may change. I agree with Stoomart that there is no real way of making a categorical judgement unless you clearly define beforehand many parameters.
  • #33
thejosh said:
Furthermore you want choices? Then android is for you because ios (apple) only comes in one standard form (with a slight variation here and there) but compare it to the large variety of android phones with many different capabilities; durability,pixel quality, camera quality(shout out to the sony experia) e.t.c
You suggest, in the interest of having more choices, to exclude options in the search?
thejosh said:
1.With Ios the user is limited to using the software and installing specific programs designed for the ios whereas with android what works on an ios will probably at least have a version that works on an android but the opposite is NOT true.
With Android the user is limited to software designed for Android.
Android has a larger market share, which means it has a larger number of apps, but there are both Android-only and iOS-only apps. The popular apps are always available for both.
thejosh said:
in the pictures i have used is it not interesting that ios(apple) devices are usually marketed with the standard apps but android(samsung) usually doesn't display the apps because of the wide variety available to android users.
I don't think random pictures of advertisements are a proper way to estimate the range of apps available.
thejosh said:
the fact that iphone typically costs a whole lot more than an android device and this is because the larger majority of people buy it because of the marketing value(in other words as a wealth status to display to other people)
Please give a proper reference for this claim. And yes, I'll ask again if you ignore this.
thejosh said:
Android has such a large variety of phones which can have better camera quality, processing speed, pixel quality e.t.c so don't tell me that ios has more desirable choices or has more specific functions for its users.
That argument makes as much sense as saying "you shouldn't buy [specific Android phone] because other phones have a better camera, processing speed or other nice features". With that argument you cannot buy any phone because none of them will be best in every category.
thejosh said:
5.IOS did not have features like sharing and cloud and widgets when android had them way before (check the link in this post) so in actual fact ios is continuously copying android and not the other way around.
And iOS had features before Android did. They both copy from each other. Is that bad?
thejosh said:
6. Ios is extremely user friendly but as i was trying to say this steps over the line as ios now has typical apps that everyone uses like candy crush, subway surfers, instagram,whatsapp,app-store, e.t.c (check this against what you have on your iphone) whereas android users have such a wide variety of applications , yes this makes an iphone extremely user friendly but at the cost of uniqueness, creativity, specifications (just to name a few).
What exactly is the argument here? "Some iOS apps are very popular, that is bad"? And don't tell me apps like whatsapp are not popular on Android.

Most of the points you listed are just a result of the larger market share of Android. You realize the irony? You highlight variety, and then advertise an action (picking the most popular system) that reduces variety.
  • #34
Getting apps for android from other sources:
1.The three main chargers for iPads, iPhones, and Macbook Pros. Rated an average of 1.5 out of 5 stars by 2,000+ people. I've never seen ratings so low on products coming from a company that focuses so much on their quality. Not to mention, they charge $19 for the 1m Lightning to USB, $29 for the 2m Lightning to USB, and $79 for the MagSafe 2 charger. It's thievery.

mfb said:
That argument makes as much sense as saying "you shouldn't buy [specific Android phone] because other phones have a better camera, processing speed or other nice features". With that argument you cannot buy any phone because none of them will be best in every category.

Like I said, not all Android phones have all these things (some have just a few or none), but the Galaxy S8 has all of the things mentioned (except the IR blaster). The iPhone 7 is the only iPhone to have had any of those things mentioned to this date. The Galaxy S5 had all these things over 2 years ago...

3.On the other hand, it is much easier to submit your Android-built app to the Google Play Store. You don't have to go through half the stuff that you have to go through with Apple. This makes your life less stressful, and I like that. How many people do you actually know that have malware on their phone specifically from an app they downloaded from the app store? I don't know anyone. Besides, has common sense just flown out the window in this day and age? The Internet isn't filtered from malware, so do you go to a website that screams "THIS IS A VIRUS!"? No, it's just common sense. If there's an app that says "Hey! This is a virus, you should probably download it so I can hack you", do you download it? No. Just like if you're buying an item online, if you are debating about buying an item, do you buy the item that is rated 4.5/5 stars by 2,000 people or the item that is rated 1.5/5 stars by 700 people? Use common sense people, and bask in the glory of how easy it is to get your newly created Android app into the Google Play Store for everyone to see.

These points are from the link I begged you to read first before answering and they answer most of your questions.

mfb said:
What exactly is the argument here? "Some iOS apps are very popular, that is bad"? And don't tell me apps like whatsapp are not popular on Android.
Take a look at this:
Now take a look at the explicit language used in this article:,2817,2374865,00.asp
You'll get a straight answer as to which apps ios users commonly use but android has no specific apps because of its large variety-in other words ios(apple) is very limited and android is very, very free.
mfb said:
I don't think random pictures of advertisements are a proper way to estimate the range of apps available.
The study of business will tell you the way a product is marketed, especially by these big shot companies, is almost always intentional.

Iphones 6-7 all have the app screen displayed when selling, check from the first Iphone I assure you you'll get the same pattern no, mfb this is not random.


What parameters?
Which operating system is better regardless of a user's tastes which one is better?
There is no need for parameters here, which operating system is faster, has more features, originality, e.t.c
This is a technical question that does not involve opinions and tastes.That's why we fight with facts and derive any "opinions from there" otherwise anybody can come and say ios or android operating systems are better that does not conclude the discussion to me, it starts it.:wink:
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  • #35
You keep linking articles that do not support your statements, or discuss completely unrelated things.
thejosh said:
No one doubts that iPhones are on the high end in the price range. That is not the point that needs a reference. You claimed "the larger majority of people buy it because of the marketing value(in other words as a wealth status to display to other people)". And I would like to see a reference for that claim. Alternatively I can only conclude that you made that up. And if you just make up whatever you want, I don't see a point in further discussion here.

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