Advice/opinions at the crossroads

  • Thread starter robb_
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In summary, the speaker is at a crossroads in their career and is considering going back to school for a PhD in physics. They originally majored in physics and math in college, but found that they were not passionate about it and struggled with burnout and lack of interest in their graduate program. However, they have found a love for teaching physics and are now considering if they should pursue a PhD and specialize in a specific area of physics. They are also questioning their capabilities and if they can handle the rigors of a PhD program. They are seeking advice and opinions on the matter and are aware that obtaining a PhD could greatly impact their future employment opportunities and salary.
  • #1
I am at a cross roads and wonder if anyone has been here or what you all think. Let me start with some background.

I went into college and picked a major- physics with a math minor. I found the material interesting but I was not absorbed by it. I figured that if i can get a degree in a hard field, I should be able to get a job afterwards. My GPA in physics was a 3.3 or so, 3.8 in math, and about a 4.0 in the electives. I really didn't study too much, pretty much did my homework and figured I was set.

Graduated with my BS and had no idea what I wanted to do. I figured that I would apply to graduate school to eat up some more time and I would figure things out.
I got into an aerospace eng. program at a major university. I was in the program for one semester before switching into the physics department. Eng. is not for me.
I got into the physics program without even taking the physics gre. After entering, I pretty much kept to myself. I basically only learned Q.M. in graduate school since I didnt take a course as an undegrad. My other classes were a complete waste of my time. Seriously. I know a lot of that is my fault as I was burnt out on school and my profs would point me to a solution manual when asked questions during office hours. (Not all of them mind you)Soon, I stopped studying altogether. I received mostly B's in my classes, which I take as saying- "yes you showed up to class." Essentially my conceptual understanding not only stagnated but likely regressed during this interval. I was not happy with school. So I got out with my M.S. after submitting a thesis on semiconductor physics, which I didnt even think was worthy of a thesis.
Somehow or another, I was offered a temporary position to teach the intro undergraduate classes at this school. A few of the profs recommended me for the position. :biggrin: I also started to teach at the local community college.
I found it! I love teaching physics.
Problem is that this school is now is letting me go since I do not have a PHD. (My reviews from students are very good by the way.) It does seem to me that even the community college really wants everyone to have a PHD as well for a full time position. (I have applied for the full time positions there with no luck yet; I do know the dept. head.)
So while teaching physics, I realized how much I really do not know. I still make mistakes in the intro classes although not nearly as much now. Of course this is to be expected, I guess. I also realized that I am fascinated by the subject. I study it now more than I ever have in the past. I am currently going through all of my undergraduate texts and solving a great deal of the problems in them.
Do I go back and get my PHD? I really couldn't pick an area to focus on when in school before and it is still hard now. I like all areas of physics.
Secondly, in the back of my mind I wonder if I am able to do it? I am my own biggest critic and sulk for a week if i make a mistake in front of my students. :cry:
I really felt lost in graduate school. It seemed everyone else had a grasp of what was going on and to me every class was about learning how to calculate this or that integral, etc. Maybe I am too classical minded?? I want to understand why and I was not getting that.
Have you been down this road? I would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks for your time.
Physics news on
  • #2
As someone who worked for a couple of years between BS and going back for PhD, here is my humble opinion:

If you can't pick an area you want to spend several years working in, it isn't time yet. Learn more and find your niche! Liking all areas isn't good enough - something has to grab you.

Having said that, how long are you going to be alive from now? I'm going to guestimate you'll be working at least thirty more years, and possibly forty or more. A PhD will dramatically change your employability for every one of those years, as well as your pay.

What's three years out of the forty?
  • #3
Thanks, yes I am still under 30 at this point.

Related to Advice/opinions at the crossroads

What is the best way to make a decision at a crossroads?

The best way to make a decision at a crossroads is to carefully consider your options, gather information, and listen to your intuition. It's important to weigh the pros and cons and think about the potential consequences of each choice. Ultimately, trust yourself and make the decision that feels right for you.

How do I know if I am making the right decision at a crossroads?

It's natural to feel uncertain when making a decision at a crossroads. However, if you have carefully considered your options and thought about the potential consequences, you can trust that you are making the best decision for yourself. Remember to also listen to your intuition and trust your instincts.

What if I regret my decision at a crossroads?

It's normal to have some regrets about decisions we make, especially at a crossroads. However, it's important to remember that every decision we make teaches us something and helps us grow. If you do regret your decision, try to learn from it and move forward with that knowledge in mind.

Should I seek advice from others when making a decision at a crossroads?

Seeking advice from others can be helpful when making a decision at a crossroads. However, it's important to remember that ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Take into account the opinions and advice of others, but ultimately trust your own judgment and intuition.

What if I feel stuck and can't make a decision at a crossroads?

If you're feeling stuck and unable to make a decision at a crossroads, it may be helpful to take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspective. Try talking to a trusted friend or family member, journaling your thoughts and feelings, or seeking professional guidance. Remember to also trust yourself and your abilities to make the best decision for yourself.

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