What is Undergrad: Definition and 908 Discussions

Undergraduate education is education conducted after secondary education and prior to postgraduate education. It typically includes all postsecondary programs up to the level of a bachelor's degree. For example, in the United States, an entry-level university student is known as an undergraduate, while students of higher degrees are known as graduate students. In some other educational systems, undergraduate education is postsecondary education up to the level of a master's degree; this is the case for some science courses in Britain and some medicine courses in Europe.

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  1. P

    How Can I Build a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope for Under $150?

    Hi Y'all, I would like to demonstrate electron tunneling in my Modern Physics lab class. Does anyone know of how to set such an experiment up? We have a lot of equipment and $$$ available, so that's not a problem. I don't want to ask the prof beforehand because he's kinda dumb.
  2. J

    Math undergrad research experience

    So for undergrads in the natural sciences, there exists a multitude of programs and internships and whatnot for research experience--but are there equivalent programs specifically for undergrads studying pure or applied math? What are they like and where can I find out about them? How important...
  3. S

    Recommended Advanced Undergrad QM Book for Density Matrices and POVM's

    Does anyone have any good suggestions for a QM book at the advanced undergrad level? I am interested in particular about the QM formulation using density matrices as states and POVM's as measurements. I am an engineering student, so my math background isn't too strong beyond the basic linear...
  4. S

    Top Undergrad Engineering (specifically mechanical, electrical, and chemical)

    The top programs AFTER: MIT UC-Berkley Stanford i goofed off my freshman and sophmore years of HS, but have picked it up now, so I'm looking for engineering. I know Vanderbilt stacks up in the top 10, but I'm not sure which other programs are good. If you can, post some of your...
  5. J

    Programs Navigating Career Choices After First Year of Undergrad

    So, I just finished up first FIRST YEAR of undergrad a bit ago, and am at somewhat of a crossroads Basically, I am leaning towards pure math, and was wondering how I could make myself more marketable "just in case". The pure math program is pretty flexible, and I can take a bunch of courses...
  6. 6

    How to approach Prof. for research (undergrad)

    So, I’m wrapping up my junior-ish (looks like I’m on the 4.5 year program) year at UCD majoring in Mech/Aero engineering. I’m starting to think about grad school applications due this November and wanting to get into some research to boost my chances of acceptance. - My question is how do i...
  7. C

    Advice for an Undergrad on Approaching Physics Profs for Summer Work

    I am here at UC Davis for the summer and I would like to work while I am here. Since I am new to the UC system, I am somewhat inexperienced with regards to the proper ettiquette in going about these sorts of matters. What is the appropriate way to approach a professor about summer work? Is...
  8. P

    Is it possible to participate in undergrad research as a freshmen?

    currently, I am a senior in hs and I am going to the university of washington next year. I really want to just dive into the world of scientific research. Is this possible? Or does one have to be in their major first before researching? I have tried emailing some professors, but i have...
  9. Y

    Choose Best Undergrad Physics Program: Rochester vs Texas Austin

    I am trying to decide which college to go to. The University of Rochester or the University of Texas Austin I've been accepted to both as a physics major and was just wondering which ahd the better undergrad physics program. / Research opportunities.
  10. S

    Undergrad Math Research Journals | Global Submission

    Hi, I'm looking for a jornal where undergraduate students can publish what they did as part of a research project(not very advanced). It has to be such that anyone around the world can submit. If anyone knows such journal please reply! Oh, by the way I'm talking about mathematics journal
  11. D

    Best Book to Learn Basics (between undergrad and grad)

    Hello All! I'm very interested in learning about particle physics and am wondering which book you guys recommend as a starting point. I'm looking for something in between undergrad and grad. So far it seems like the two best choices are Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Paticles, and...
  12. S

    Programs Note-taking in undergrad degrees

    To what level do most of you rely on your own handwritten class notes after the fact? I ask because I produce reams of paperwork, but can't imagine any of it ever being useful and am highly tempted to consign most of it to the bin. I would always go to a book on the subject before my notes if I...
  13. U

    Is Providing a Resume a Sign of Interest in Undergrad Research Opportunities?

    Hey everyone, I recently met with a professor who is prominent in research at my university to discuss undergraduate research opportunites. I expressed my interest in conducting research and after talking for a while he told me to bring him a resume. Would you say that shows an interest in...
  14. F

    Looking for a good undergrad mechanics book

    The one we're using is insanely horrible. I just don't like how they approach the concepts and examples. It's called Classical Dynamics by Thorton and Marion. Can anyone recommend some college classical mechanics books?
  15. V

    Schools Need avice picking undergrad school.

    I'm now in te process of looking at schools in which I should apply to after community college, and am having a hard time deteminign what schools are the best for me to apply to. I still have no idea what I want to do as a career, but my high school physics class interested me more than any...
  16. dontdisturbmycircles

    Courses What is covered in a first year undergrad calculus course?

    What is covered in a typical first year undergrad calculus course? Is it just an in depth study of basic limits/integrals/derivatives? Or do they get into multiple integrals/vector calculus and stuff? Thanks.
  17. M

    Top and middle tier physics undergrad programs

    What are the top and middle tier physics undergraduate programs? So far, I have for top tier: Harvard, MIT, Cal Tech, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford and University of Colorado, Boulder Thanks for your input!
  18. T

    Research opportunities (undergrad)?

    Hi, I am currently a undergrad freshmen majoring in Physics. I've been poking around the forums and checking posts. One thing i noticed is that in order to get into good Grad school program, one needs solid research experiences. It seems that i should get started as soon as possible. But...
  19. Q

    What to do for undergrad thesis?

    I'm torn between self interest and forcing myself to learn different things which would be good for me. I'm debating to look at fundamental problems in Quantum Mechanics... like sort of why we look at psi^2 and not some other psi. This is what I'm really interested in. The other project...
  20. S

    Schools Undergrad Schools for Theoretical Physics, Engineering & Math

    What are good undergrad schools for theoretical physics, engineering, and math? I still don't know which one I want to major in but I'm only in 9th grade. Also what are pluses(?) and minuses of each as a study? Thanks
  21. R

    Schools I need advice on undergrad florida schools

    right now i am a freshmen at florida state univeristy and majoring in physics. i know that it is a good school, but i am not sure that this is the right place for me. the school seems to be centered aroud sports. the people seem to be centered around parties. i don't feel that comfortable...
  22. F

    Size of your undergrad phyiscs department

    Just curious what the number of students in other people's undergrad physics departments have been.
  23. P

    Best undergrad choice for transfer student

    i'm currently attending a community college in california, I'm a physics major, and i will apply to transfer to universities this fall. by looking through a lot of the threads here, i realized that prestigious universities probably have bad undergrad programs. so now I'm really looking towards...
  24. E

    Grad School Matters More: Undergrad Choices & Application Worries

    The school taht you go to get your graduate matters more than the school you go to get your undergrad. I'm going to start my undergraduate at Texas A&M this Fall. It's not a very prestigious college, but it's close to home and I like the campus (I didn't want to go to UT and the campus was one...
  25. E

    Schools Colleges with good undergrad engineering programs in CA

    What are some good colleges/universities for undergrad engineering in California. I'm thinking electrical or mechanical engineering, with a double major with physics. Yes, I know Caltech and Harvey-Mudd, etc. are good colleges, but I mean the more realistic choices. How do the UCs compare... I...
  26. M

    Undergrad Research: A Valuable Asset for Grad School Applications?

    I have been given the opportunity to do research this summer. However, since I am an undergraduate, I will not be paid. I'm not going to be starving, so I don't NEED to work, but it's nice to have money. So, if I do research this summer (and possibly the rest of the time I am an undergrad)...
  27. R

    Schools Question on relationship between undergrad school and gradaute school in the UK

    Hi! I am choosing between Theoretical physics at UCL (University College of London) and Durham University. In the future I am hoping to do research in theoretical physics such as string theory. Research at UCL is mostly focused on astronomy and experimental physics while at Durham it is...
  28. M

    Top nuclear physics undergrad programmes?

    Hello: I am interested in attending the best nuclear physics programmes available, regradless of where they are in the English spoken world. I have finished two years at Stanford University which a 3.96 GPA. My SATs were 760 reading, 800 math. I got 5's on both the two math and physics...
  29. E

    Undergrad Frustration: Dealing With Thermal Physics

    Hi, I'm a junior in college right now and I'm getting extremely frustrated with one of my classes this semester - "Thermal Physics". When I read the textbook, I find the material to be interested, however when it comes to problem sets I don't even understand what the questions are asking for...
  30. P

    Schools Undergrad GPA important for Grad school?

    To get into Masters or Phd in phsysics or maths do they look at your combined undergrad GPA or only the average of your third year subjects and honours (4th year) level subjects? Would it matter if they see a couple of fails for some second year nonscience subjects? Which would mean a lowish...
  31. P

    Schools Which Undergrad College Would You Choose for Engineering and Why?

    If you had the choice (ignoring the financial side of the scenario) to attend either MIT, Princeton, or Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for physics with an emphasis on engineering (undergraduate), where would you go and why? Also, If you knew you could go to a prestigous (but not as...
  32. F

    Undergrad: General Astronomy Questions.

    I've been reading over my astronomy coursework and trying some questions, and I'm coming across a few things I'm not sure about, i'd be grateful if you could provide the answers. 1/ Give three possible astrophysical reasons for periodic variations in the observed photometric signal from a...
  33. F

    Undergrad reasearch placement.

    I'm mid-way through my second year (I'm in UK) in physics (not that this stuff makes a whole lot of difference, but it's background) and I'm about to apply for a sponsorship for a short work-placement in the department of a local University over the summer. To apply, I need to hand a CV in and...
  34. N

    Courses What do you consider the hardest undergrad physics courses?

    What do you consider the hardest undergrad physics courses? I'm interested to see what people view on easiest to hardest
  35. R

    Undergrad degree in aerospace engineering

    I was wondering who here went to university to do an undergrad degree in aerospace engineering, where you went and how difficult (ie grades, sat scores etc...) it was to get accepted? I've done my research on the various schools in North America that offer the program and some of them give a...
  36. C

    Which Canadian University for Physics: Small or Large?

    I have the opportunity to go to a small or large University [for physics] here in Canada. The smaller one gives a lot more student-teacher interaction and almost a certain research spot during the summer [some of the kids here have 5 papers accepted already]. The larger one has almost three...
  37. L

    Summer undergrad research position

    I am currently a junior dual major in ACS chemistry and professional physics and I am intererested in picking up an undergraduate research position in the summer. I am just curious what types of positions are in my league. I have a 3.3 GPA, which is kinda weak, but I hope to bring it up to...
  38. P

    Electrical engineering undergrad

    i will be an undergraduate student of electrical engineering this fall. i have some questions about what i may have to expect. for some clarification: i will be studying at ryerson university. i generally want to know how much of what we learned in my final year of high school i will need...
  39. M

    Anyone else not really enjoy undergrad but enjoy engineering as a profession?

    Gday, Im a 2nd yr mech eng student. I am just wondering if how I feel is common amongst ugrads. I find a lot of the subjects boring. For example solid mechanics. I know its important and everything, but I find working out flexure etc to be really boring. I love to have an understanding...
  40. J

    UC Schools: Best Undergrad Physics Departments

    Hi everyone, I'm a transfer student who's just been accepted to all the UC schools in electrical engineering for fall '05. However, I'm thinking of switching majors to physics, so I'm wondering of all the UC schools, which have good undergrad physics departments. I heard that both...
  41. T

    Courses Which Math Course Should I Take Next Year for Theoretical Physics?

    I'm trying to decide what math course to take next year. I am a freshman at an ivy league school who as far as I can tell right now, wants to go into theoretical physics; either GR or String Theory (I'm sure you hear this everday :rolleyes: ). I'm trying to decide on what math course to take...
  42. S

    How to get into undergrad research

    I'm currently an undergrad majoring in applied physics (though I plan to go on to pure physics in grad school). I'll be entering my junior year next year, and I know it's important to get into research so I can get a good reccomendation. But I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. Do I just...
  43. Z

    How's Cornell's undergrad physics?

    I've been rejected everywhere else (well, I'm still pending a decision from Princeton, but I'm not exceptionally optimistic) but I was accepted to Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences today. I'm thrilled to have gotten into an Ivy despite my background (homeschoolers seem despised at top-tier...
  44. S

    Admissions Would I be eligible for physics undergrad admission?

    Hey everyone. I want to apply to University of Toronto for physics undergraduate studies but I think I'm pretty "lacking" :/ It will cost around $180 so it would be wasteful to apply if I have no real chance. (Application deadline was set back to April 1st) My info: I'm 22 years old...
  45. R

    Admissions What Schools Should I Apply for with My Grades and Extracurriculars?

    I am asking the same question that everyone asks. I am a high school junior. - took six APs in sophomore year - got 5 in AP Bio, 4 in Calc BC, 3 in rest. - took SAT average score 1450 - my SAT II scores are average 750 in math, 680 in BIO 570 in writing - taking 3 more APs - Physics B...
  46. A

    Out of State Tuition- Undergrad

    I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL. I am hoping to go into a Chemical Engineering program because I love Chemistry, but I'm not sure if I am looking to get a Ph.D. before I go to work (though I may), and it seems like a good program with fun and useful stuff. That said, there are not schools for...
  47. N

    Recommendations for math textbooks for a physics undergrad

    I'm in the second year and was wondering about which to buy for some mathematical analysis: Apostol or Rudin? And my second subject is linear algebra. We did have a course in the first semester, but it was just too fast to grasp. I would like a few recommendations on what to buy. Both...
  48. Z

    Schools Apply to Good Undergrad Schools for Fall 2005: Colorado Univ, UT-Austin, Tulsa

    I am applying to schools for the fall 2005 semester. I am having difficulties finding the ones I would like to apply to. I am looking at Colorado University in Boulder, University of Texas at Austin, and University of Tulsa. I have mixed feelings of Tulsa because it is my home town. I really...
  49. D

    Programs How much weight does undergrad major have?

    Hey guys, i just started my undergrad studies, and by the end of year one i will need to select my "Major" (this is a danish school so it's not quite the same system as USA, but i think major is about the same). Basicly i can choose from Bio/astro/geo physics, as well as just pure physics and...
  50. C

    Schools Best Cosmology/Astronomy Undergrad schools?

    Well it's time for me to start Collage searching and I was wondering If wanyone knew what the best Undergrad schools for Cosmology and Astronomy are. Thanks Ahead of time