What is Transistor: Definition and 508 Discussions

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. Transistors are one of the basic building blocks of modern electronics. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor can amplify a signal. Today, some transistors are packaged individually, but many more are found embedded in integrated circuits.
Austro-Hungarian physicist Julius Edgar Lilienfeld proposed the concept of a field-effect transistor in 1926, but it was not possible to actually construct a working device at that time. The first working device to be built was a point-contact transistor invented in 1947 by American physicists John Bardeen and Walter Brattain while working under William Shockley at Bell Labs. The three shared the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their achievement. The most widely used type of transistor is the metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), which was invented by Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs in 1959. Transistors revolutionized the field of electronics, and paved the way for smaller and cheaper radios, calculators, and computers, among other things.
Most transistors are made from very pure silicon, and some from germanium, but certain other semiconductor materials are sometimes used. A transistor may have only one kind of charge carrier, in a field-effect transistor, or may have two kinds of charge carriers in bipolar junction transistor devices. Compared with the vacuum tube, transistors are generally smaller and require less power to operate. Certain vacuum tubes have advantages over transistors at very high operating frequencies or high operating voltages. Many types of transistors are made to standardized specifications by multiple manufacturers.

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  1. C

    PNP Transistor - Amateur Question

    I understand that when we apply voltage to the Base of the PNP Transistor (Emitter, Base, Collector), we actually block current from passing from Emitter to Current. If there is no voltage applied to base, then current flows freely. If this is the case... how come when I wire the...
  2. A

    NpN bipolar transistor current gain

    I have been studying npn bipolar transistors and how to apply gain to the current in a circuit, yet i simply do not comprehend how altering the base - emitter current can effect the emitter - collector current, can anyone here explain how altering the base - emitter current effects the emitter...
  3. A

    Actual meaning of transistor transfer the resistance

    what is the actual meaning of transistor transfer the resistance and how? advanced thanks.
  4. I

    How Does Reverse Bias in Transistors Amplify Signals Despite High Resistance?

    Im studying basic electronics and transistor amplification is confusing me. Now I understand the basics of a npn\pnp transistor but here's what I don't get What I've read, says that the amplification occurs because the emitter base jn is forward biased and hence low resistance leading to a...
  5. I

    How Does Reverse Biasing in a Transistor Create High Resistance?

    Sorry this seems to be the wrong forum. I've posted this in the electrical engineering forum.Im studying basic electronics and transistor amplification is confusing me. Now I understand the basics of a npn\pnp transistor but here's what I don't get What I've read, says that the amplification...
  6. M

    How impedence matching is done with any transistor configuration ?

    how impedence matching is done with any transistor configuration ? hello friends...we all know that common collector transistor have higher input impedence and lower o/p impedence ...and this is very good for impedence matching...but i don't know how impedence matching is done by them... can...
  7. W

    Understanding Transistor Function in Control Systems

    in control system, why have so many device like transistor? Wat is them function?
  8. L

    Help Picking Out PNP Transistor for 0-5V Load Control

    Hi, I'm trying to set up a PNP switch that looks like the attached file. However, the only way I can have the load be completely off is if my 'chip output' is >>5v, only if it's = to Vs. I'm new to this, help would be appreciated. What should I look for when picking out a transistor so...
  9. L

    Solve for IB, IC, IE, VB, VC: Figure 7, Bdc=40

    Homework Statement Find IB, IC, IE, VB and VC in Figure 7, where Bdc is 40.The Attempt at a Solution VCC-ICRC-VCE=0 IC=BdcIB VBB-IBRB-VBE=0 IE=IB+IC VBE=VB VCE=VC
  10. G

    How does the transistor work in this circuit

    In the circuit attached, when S1 is down, a sound is emitted from the speaker. When S3 is down(connected) a lower pitched sound is heard. When S3 is up and S1 is up, a high pitched sound is heard. I don't understand why the pitch changes in those settings, and I also don't understand the purpose...
  11. E

    Solve Transistor Trouble: Physics Help

    I need some guidance on this question, and possibly a check over my attempts? I'm not exactly a star Physics student. Help is much appreciated. Homework Statement [PLAIN]http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/8124/ques.jpg 6) Label the above transistor. 7) If switch S is opened, the bulb only...
  12. T

    Transistor beta(dc current gain)

    i am tring to use transistor tip 41c , and i want to calculate Ic ,,, knowing that ( Ic=B*Ib) but when i try to know BETA (B) from the data sheet of the transistor i found that it vary with the collector current (Ic) and the graph show the relation between (Ic) and beta in case Vce=4 volt...
  13. K

    Transistor how to find total amplification

    [PLAIN]http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/9491/47613590.jpg find Aus which is Vout/Vs = Vout/Vi * Vi/Vs where Vi = ib*β*re and Vout = VL in this case also we know that Rc=2kΩ , Rb=430kΩ , Rs=1kΩ, RL=4kΩ, Vcc=10V, β=100. MY ATTEMPT FOR A SOLUTION Vout = ic*rL where rL = RL||Rc also Vi =...
  14. K

    Calculating Re and Ib for Transistor Saturation Region

    [PLAIN]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/2164/transistor.jpg i should find Re so that transistor works in saturation region also i should find Ib in saturation region Rc=2kΩ , R1=2kΩ , EB=5V, Vcc=10V, V1=3V, β=100 im really confused with R1 and V1 i don't know what is their function i...
  15. M

    Understanding Transistor Parallel Configurations

    hello friends. i my book its said that both these transistors are in parallel . but i didnt understand it... how can we say that they are in parallel ? thanks ...hopin for help.
  16. T

    Estimating Vc of transistor (darlington)

    Homework Statement Estimate the collector voltage VC when vin is +1, +2 and +3V. (assume IC/IB = 1000) Homework Equations IC/IB = 1000 The Attempt at a Solution I know that a transistor becomes saturated when VCE and RCE are reduced to 0 and when the maximum IB flows, but in...
  17. N

    Cant understan these bjt transistor graphs

    how to understand each sub grap all those lines inside http://i46.tinypic.com/124j3hd.jpg
  18. K

    I cant understand this transistor

    [PLAIN]http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2164/transistor.jpg is this a pnp transistor? if yes, why does the current go from top to bottom? also, does this transistor work? I mean shouldn't there be 0 current going throuth the two resistors? i can't understand it at all
  19. D

    Gain of an Amplifier: Av & Gv Explained

    I am studying the design of an amplifier in common emitter configuration. I am studying from microelectronic circuits by sedra and smith. the author has described two terms for gain of a amplifier. one is the represented by Av and is called the voltage gain of that amplifier and the other is Gv...
  20. N

    Why Do Bipolar Transistors Use N+PN Configuration for High Current Gain?

    why we over dope one side of the transistor why it lookes like N+ P N why not just N P N ?
  21. L

    Understanding PNP and NPN Transistors

    Homework Statement revered members, in the following attachment, i could work out the path of current in pnp transistor, that is, from base through RB AND THE output is taken across RL. but i can't figure out the path of current in npn transistor. could u please help? Homework Equations...
  22. O

    How Do You Analyze DC/AC Load Lines and Gain in Transistors?

    Homework Statement collector emitter voltage collector current VCE V IB=100μA IB=200μA IB=300μA 400μA 500μA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 7...
  23. D

    Transistor in saturation region problem

    I am having great trouble in understanding the operation of transistor in saturation region. This is how I understand the working of a transistor: In a bipolar junction transistor the width of base is very small therefore very small number of carrier undergo recombination inside base, whereas...
  24. I_am_learning

    Engineering Solving Transistor Circuit: Finding I(b), I(c), and I(e) for Simple Circuit

    Homework Statement I have A transistor Circuit As shown in the figure. I want to find out the current in all branches that is I(b), I(c) and I(e). Homework Equations As far as I know, the equation I(c) = β * I(b) is only valid when I(b) is less than certain critical value called the...
  25. X

    Pnp transistor voltage/current graph

    in pnp transistor after some time on increasing voltage why the current become constant ?
  26. S

    Help Needed on 12 Transistor CMOS SRAM Cell Schematic

    I am looking for help on a schematic for a 12 transistor CMOS SRAM cell shown below. I understand how to implement the inverter and transmission gates and how a tri state inverter works, but I am confused when it comes to inverting the input of the buffer and how to tie it all together. Thanks...
  27. S

    Solving Transistor Doubts with ADS: 2SD2216 from Panasonic

    Hello all, I have been trying to simulate a circuitry involving a transistor for the microphone line. I believe it was used for amplication of the external audio signal (not too sure, maybe can share the circuit). I am using the ADS to simulate my circuit. The problem I faced was the...
  28. C

    How Does a Zener Diode Stabilize Voltage in a Circuit?

    well first i saw this solution of a zener diode problem on net A 5.0v stabilised power supply is required from a 12v d.c. input source. The maximum power rating of the Zener diode is 2W. Load resistance = 1 kiloohm Using the circuit above calculate: circuit ...
  29. M

    Clipping and V supply and Voltage at collector of a transistor

    Hi, I am new here, I'm still in high school here in Melbourne Australia, so please excuse my stupidity. Theres a question come up on a massive project that has a large bearing on our end of year results, its got to do with clipping of an output signal, and relating it to the Supply voltage...
  30. L

    Explaining Transistor Operation in a Signal Cycle

    Would someone be kind enough to explain what happens to the operation of both transistors in both the positive cycle and the negative cycle of the input signal please? I'm having a hard time understanding how this works exactly. What I know is that with no input signal, both transistors have a...
  31. L

    Darlington Transistor Pair Output Resistance: Consider Source R?

    I have a small problem regarding darlington transistor pairs. Lets say a source is connected to the coupling capacitor Ci and this source has an internal resistance of for example 10kOhms. When finding the Output resistance of the darlington, should the internal resistance of the source be...
  32. I

    Quick & easy transistor question

    Hello, Thanks ahead for fielding my amateurish question - I'm a math guy and circuits are new to me. I'm trying to design a quick & dirty (aka need-not-be-linear) RF amplifier circuit and was wondering the following stupid thing: A lot of the circuits I've found are configured for NPN - if...
  33. A

    What is the smallest switching time of a transistor ? :confused:

    What is the smallest switching time of a transistor ? ! :confused:
  34. J

    Optimize 555 Timer Chip Output | Transistor Configuration

    What would be the best configuration for amplifying output from 555 timer chip? No matter what transistor configuration I cannot get it higher than 30 mA (I am shooting for 200 mA). Thanks
  35. M

    Engineering Simple transistor circuit question

    http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/6515/circuitf.jpg Theres the circuit i have. Vdd = 10 V, Vtn = 2 V, Kn = .22 mA/V^2, Rg1 = 1.01 Mohm, Rg2 = 1.06 Mohm, Rd = 6kOhm, Rs = 5kOhm. Im trying to figure out how to compute the drain current Id. As well as the drain voltage Vd and the source voltage...
  36. U

    Transistor operation and characteristics

    I've been doing transistor operation in college and I've got pretty confused in some places...please see if you can help me out... 1. The collector-emitter leakage current flows only in the common emitter configuration,when the base current is zero. Could anyone please tell me why the...
  37. N

    Base current in transistor flows due to recombination of electrons

    base current in transistor flows due to recombination of electrons and holes. Explain
  38. R

    Solving Overheating of NPN Transistor C33840

    Dear Experts, I am using a NPN transistor part number C33840 (i think aka BC338-40). The collector is tied to Vcc @ 12V. The emitter connects directly to the capacitor of 1000uF. The base is supplied with a small current of about 0.9mA (1 LED) from a 1k resistor (in series with the LED)...
  39. C

    Bipolar Junction Transistor - Saturation

    Hello All, I have very basic questions with respect to what we mean when we say a Transistor is in "Saturation". As I have read almost everywhere, we need to Forward bias both the emitter-base junction and Collector-Base Junctions for transistor to go to Saturation. Before I post my...
  40. M

    Can a Diode Protect a Transistor from High Voltage?

    i want to protect my transistor(working in saturation) from high incoming voltage... can a diode be used to protect it from the high voltage?
  41. R

    NPN 2N3904 Transistor Voltage Drop

    Does anybody happen to know what it is, or how to find out the voltage drop of a particular transistor?
  42. R

    Transistor Switching for Driving LEDs - Expert Advice Needed

    Dear Experts, Hope all of you are enjoying the holidays so far. I am newbie dabbling with circuits to make something for myself. recently, i made a pulsing signal go into a NPN transistor trying to amplify the output required to drive some LEDs using the transistor as a switch. I know...
  43. A

    Air's Bipolar Junction Transistor Q&A Thread

    Hi, I'm learning Bipolar Junction Transistor and need help to confusion which arise so I will keep posting questions which I don't understand to this thread. Thank you in advance. So my questions start: When using hybrid pi model and t model, we determine the dc operating point first. In one...
  44. A

    Are These Two BJT Circuits Equivalent?

    I've got these two BJT circuits. I want to know if the result are the same. Are both circuits below same? Can the bottom left resistor be grounded and be same as the second circuit. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2886/bjtt.jpg
  45. R

    Which Transistor Circuit Design is More Effective for Controlling a Nixie Clock?

    I'm designing a circuit for a nixie clock and I seem to have two options for how I want to turn on the nixie. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/9181/circuit3l.th.jpg The circuit on the left is what I originally prototyped and it seems to work fine; however, my friend has suggested that I try...
  46. S

    How Does Electron Flow Explain Voltage Drops in a Transistor Amplifier Circuit?

    Transistor AMPLifier HelP ! could some1 explain it entire circuit in terms of electron movement i.e how the voltage drops in each component in terms of electron flow 1)i can't understand the voltage divider bias i find it extremely difficult please explain it interms of electron movement in...
  47. S

    Solving Current Drop on TIP 31 NPN Transistor in Project

    Im working on a project that involves me making a electrical circuit that will supply initially around .52 amps of current for and then drop the current to at least .40 amps of current to a actuating wire that uses current to cause wire to contract. The way i have my circuit made is that i have...
  48. S

    What is the meaning of Vbe and Vce in a transistor amplifier?

    Transistor AMPLifier HelP ! i will start from the first please clarify my doubts i will post my other doubts as and when i get replies and answers my first doubt is what is meaning of Vbe base emitter voltage and also Vce collector emitter voltage what is the actual meaning of these...
  49. S

    Potientials in npn transistor

    this query was previously in electrical engg; later i found that it actually have to be solved as a solid state physics one. (as in books) In an n-p-n transistor, emitter grounded, electrons enter the emitter from ground , where 90-98% come out of collector, and rest go out of the base. In...
  50. K

    Transistor Amp Amplification: DC vs AC | Frequency Impact

    Homework Statement I'm interested in the difference between the way a transistor amplifier amplifies with DC and with AC. I know that a transistor amplifier connected to a DC voltage source will have a larger gain with a bypass capacitor than without. Is this also the case when connected to...