What is Topology: Definition and 808 Discussions

In mathematics, topology (from the Greek words τόπος, 'place, location', and λόγος, 'study') is concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or passing through itself.
A topological space is a set endowed with a structure, called a topology, which allows defining continuous deformation of subspaces, and, more generally, all kinds of continuity. Euclidean spaces, and, more generally, metric spaces are examples of a topological space, as any distance or metric defines a topology. The deformations that are considered in topology are homeomorphisms and homotopies. A property that is invariant under such deformations is a topological property. Basic examples of topological properties are: the dimension, which allows distinguishing between a line and a surface; compactness, which allows distinguishing between a line and a circle; connectedness, which allows distinguishing a circle from two non-intersecting circles.
The ideas underlying topology go back to Gottfried Leibniz, who in the 17th century envisioned the geometria situs and analysis situs. Leonhard Euler's Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem and polyhedron formula are arguably the field's first theorems. The term topology was introduced by Johann Benedict Listing in the 19th century, although it was not until the first decades of the 20th century that the idea of a topological space was developed.

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  1. Jianphys17

    Best book for undergraduate study algebraic topology

    In your opinion what is the best book for a first approach to algebraic topology, for self studt more properly!
  2. Utilite

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  3. Jianphys17

    Introduction book to Differential Geometry

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  4. beep300

    I General topology: Countability and separation axioms

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  5. L

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  6. J

    Geometry Book on Differential Geometry/Topology with applications

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  7. A

    I Understanding the Energy Gap and Topology in Topological Phase Transitions"

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  8. Narasoma

    A Topology of Spacetime: Can Singularities and Fermions Co-exist?

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  9. B

    Analysis How are Bourbaki's book and Dieudonne's book?

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  10. I

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  11. 1

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  12. B

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  13. K

    What results can be found from point set topology?

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  14. N

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  15. F

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  16. strangerep

    I Weak-* topology & Neighborhoods

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  17. D

    Questions about the topology of the universe

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  18. matt_crouch

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  19. V

    A Why pseudo-Riemannian metric cannot define a topology?

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  20. N

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  21. BiGyElLoWhAt

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  22. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Is There a Flaw in the Symmetry Proof for Homology Classes?

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  23. Z

    Proof: Every convergent sequence is Cauchy

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  24. P

    Is ε closed under countable intersections?

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  25. A

    Graduate course as a UG: Complex Analysis or Topology?

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  26. Avatrin

    Learning Topology: Problem Solving & Book Recommendations

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  27. kade

    What is the intuitive meaning of continuity in topology?

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  28. SrVishi

    Topology Comparing Topology Textbooks: A Scientist's Perspective

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  29. B

    Want a good "Group Theory" book

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  30. J

    Should I retake topology to improve my grad school prospects?

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  31. O

    What is the situation of relational algebra?

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  32. C

    How many topologies exist on 4 points? Any nomenclature?

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  33. Jimster41

    Question about a flat torus topology

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  34. Ahmed Abdullah

    Why topology on a set is defined the way it is?

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  35. K

    Topology: ##\mathscr{T}_{2.5}\Rightarrow\mathscr{T}_2##

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  36. H

    Algebra Abstract Algebra Book: Find the Best Textbook for Rigorous Understanding

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  37. K

    Are Projection Mappings considered Quotient Maps?

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  38. X

    Research in Differential Geometry

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  39. J

    Equivalent Metrics From Clopen Sets

    Homework Statement Prove that if ##(X,d)## is a metric space and ##C## and ##X \setminus C## are nonempty clopen sets, then there is an equivalent metric ##\rho## on ##X## such that ##\forall a \in C, \quad \forall b \in X \setminus C, \quad \rho(a,b) \geq 1##. I know the term "clopen" is not a...
  40. Math Amateur

    MHB Differential Topology Notes - at undergraduate level

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  41. T

    Topology-Semiregular Spaces and Nonhomeomorphic

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  42. Math Amateur

    MHB Finding inverse of F in Munkres' Topology Ch.2 EX 5 pg 106

    In Munkres book "Topology" (Second Edition), Munkres proves that a function F is a homeomorphism ... I need help in determining how to find the inverse of F ... so that I feel I have a full understanding of all aspects of the example ... Example 5 reads as follows:Wishing to understand all...
  43. J

    What Are Some Current Topics in Physics That Interest John Salkeld?

    The title above give my name. I am a pure maths PhD with an interest in physics and geometry. I am currently studying physics for fun and I am very interested in current progress. I am especially interested in quantisation of space time, holographic theories and dualities. Regards John
  44. L

    Signature, boundary conditions and topology

    It is said that the metric tensor in GR is generally covariant and obey diffeomorphism invariance.. but the signature, boundary conditions and topology are not. What would be GR like if these 3 obey GC and DI too? Is it possible?
  45. A

    How to prove a set belongs to Borel sigma-algebra?

    I am working on this problem on measure theory like this: Suppose ##X## is the set of real numbers, ##\mathcal B## is the Borel ##\sigma##-algebra, and ##m## and ##n## are two measures on ##(X, \mathcal B)## such that ##m((a, b))=n((a, b))< \infty## whenever ##−\infty<a<b<\infty##. Prove that...
  46. R

    How difficult is Topology for a pure Physics student?

    Hi, I'm hoping someone here can shed some light, I'm currently in my 3rd year of my Physics degree and have discovered I really don't have the mind to memorise / reproduce paragraphs of text. Even if I understand the concepts it takes me a LONG time for my brain to take text in. Maths however I...
  47. Z

    Fourier Analysis vs Topology: Which is More Useful for Physics?

    Hey guys, long story short. I am completing my Math minor this semester and need to decide on whether Topology or Fourier Analysis. I am an undergraduate physics major and neither one of those classes is required for my B.S. in physics. So what do you guys think, Topology or Fourier Analysis?
  48. M

    Topology of Black Holes: Possible Topologies & Examples

    This might be well known or even discussed here, though I couldn't find a thread about it, but the questions is what are the possible topologies of a black hole i.e. the topology of a spatial slice of the event horizon. I know there is a result of Hawking that says the topology has to be that of...
  49. C

    Easy question regarding the basis for a topology

    Hello, I know that given a set $X$ and a topology $T$ on $X$ that a basis $B$ for $T$ is a collection of open sets of $T$ such that every open set of $T$ is the Union of sets in $B$. My question is: does taking the set of all Unions of sets in $B$ give exactly the topology $T$ ?
  50. X

    Math REU with focus on topology/analysis

    I have been looking through the AMS and NSF websites for REUs. And I have found some in particular that I am interested in(UChicago, Cornell, SMALL, MAPS-REU), but it seems these are the only ones that have projects that deal with topology/analysis. Do any of you have any suggestions for REUs...