What is Software: Definition and 997 Discussions

Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work. In computer science and software engineering, computer software is all information processed by computer systems, including programs and data. Computer software includes computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data, such as online documentation or digital media. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used on its own.
At the lowest programming level, executable code consists of machine language instructions supported by an individual processor—typically a central processing unit (CPU) or a graphics processing unit (GPU). A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular storage location in the computer—an effect that is not directly observable to the user. An instruction may also invoke one of many input or output operations, for example displaying some text on a computer screen; causing state changes which should be visible to the user. The processor executes the instructions in the order they are provided, unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction, or is interrupted by the operating system. As of 2015, most personal computers, smartphone devices and servers have processors with multiple execution units or multiple processors performing computation together, and computing has become a much more concurrent activity than in the past.
The majority of software is written in high-level programming languages. They are easier and more efficient for programmers because they are closer to natural languages than machine languages. High-level languages are translated into machine language using a compiler or an interpreter or a combination of the two. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language, which has strong correspondence to the computer's machine language instructions and is translated into machine language using an assembler.

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  1. S

    What is a good (LINUX) software package for drawing diagrams?

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  2. C

    Need bending machine simulation software and where to start to make it?

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  3. C

    Software for drawing simple diagrams for reports

    I'm looking for some software I can use to draw reasonable technical diagrams- the sort of diagrams you'd find in online lecture notes, or in maths/engineering textbooks, i.e. simple shapes, arrows, curves etc. It's hard to describe what I mean, hence why I've came after nothing on Google...
  4. B

    Software to extract statistics (per month, per year) from a time series

    Hi. I work with rain (precipitation) time series, and would like to extract time statistics: - precipitations per month - precipitations per year - precipitations per month and year - precipitations per hour - precipitations per month and hour - mean precipitation, deviation, ... I...
  5. Z

    DSP on Data Acquired from Agilent Software

    Data available from Agilent Network Analyzer is usually in the form of s-parameters.I want to know how to perform motion detection on s-parameter data which is usually available in frequency domain(from analyzer)? Usually motion detection techniques are available for time-domain data,not...
  6. 0

    Mechanical engineering vs mechatronics vs software engineering

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  7. M

    Linux Graphics Software: Color Rectangular Cells Freely

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  8. C

    Building a PC: All Parts Needed & Software to Install

    can all the parts be bought in hardwares? and if anyone has done this can you please give me all the parts needed, also the software you need to install using windows or linux
  9. D

    What software was used to plot this diagram of morse potential

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  10. N

    Which software is the best for 3D drawing?

    Anyone can recommend me which software is the best for 3D drawing for piping?
  11. P

    Math Software: Solve Complex Linear Equations Easily

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  12. P

    Discover Affordable Mathematics Software for Complex Equations

    Is anybody aware of a free or at least inexpensive mathematics software package which allows the calculation of linear equations involving complex numbers? Hopefully relatively easy to use. Woops - I posted this in the wrong place. Please ignore.
  13. A

    Solving and presenting standard equations (software?)

    Hello General Engineering! I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to solve an equation (F=ma) by entering any two of the three variables, and then present that solution in a way that would be worth of reports/assignments. I'm currently requesting a trial of CSC Tedds, would love to...
  14. P

    Why is my circuit simulation software not working properly?

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  15. A

    Engineering Software Engineers: Advanced Math & Differential Equations in Demand?

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  16. S

    Xilinx software to sketch AND and OR gates

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  17. B

    Thermal Simulation Software (Flixo vs Therm)

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  18. M

    Simple mechanism design software

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  19. B

    CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Software Inquiry

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  20. G

    How to connect function generator software on laptop to breadboard?

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  21. D

    Can Software Optimize Multipliers for Variable Probabilities?

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  22. rhody

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  23. S

    Creating Spacetime Diagrams with Math Software

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  24. A

    Difference in computer science and software engineering

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  25. N

    Looking for 3-d software to aide in design

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  26. N

    Thermal Storage Simulation in TRNSYS Software

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  27. M

    Is There a Software that Can Predict Chemical Reactions?

    Good evening, everyone :) i m mathsTKK, new member od physics forum, nice to know everyone in this forum ;) I have a question regarding chemical software which can help me a lot. I am currently using Accelyrs 3.1 to do some research, but I meet some difficulties in fully using it as some of...
  28. rhody

    Important reason for squashing software bugs accuracy of scientific discoveries

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  29. A

    What Are the Best Free Alternatives to MATLAB for Simulating Equations?

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  30. C

    Find Software to Automate Recognition of 2D Graphs

    Does anyone know if there is a software program that I can find/buy somewhere that can recognize an image of a curve and generate a 2D Cartesian equation for it? In my line of work I am constantly referencing these regular 2d graphs (power vs resistance graphs for thermoelectric modules)...
  31. D

    Recommendation for mechanics software

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  32. Z

    FEM software? Poisson equation: Boundary conditions for a charged boundary

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  33. C

    Whats the best software to calculate very large numbers?

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  34. Pengwuino

    Digital Camera control software?

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  35. rhody

    Samsung software issue with cell phone

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  36. P

    Hardware programmer vs software programmer

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  37. M

    What Software Is Best for Fitting Data Distributions?

    Hi. Which is the best software to use working on data fit distributions from your experience? Regards
  38. R

    Simulation of hydraulic system in any software

    hi, i m an undergraduate student an my final semester project is to develop a simulator for hydraulic system in any software. in simple words i want to model the system and show fluid flow through pipes. anybody can please help me?/
  39. T

    Plotting: Which software do you find best to produce beautiful plots?

    Which mainstream mathematical/scientific software do you think produces the best plots/graphs (aesthetically)? A few choices are: Mathematica, Matlab, Python (Matplotlib), Gnuplot etc. etc.
  40. I

    Software to demonstrate addition of SHO's

    Hi I am looking for a simulation software to demonstrate addition of waves with different amplitudes, frequencies , velocities. So I should be able to define , say , 2 to 3 component waves and the output will give me the addition of these waves. I think showing actual simulation helps...
  41. Y

    Path to becoming software engineer?

    I am one semester away from graduating with an operations research major. I only learned programming when I was in university, but grew to love it very much. Since I am currently considering my future, I realized that I am nowhere qualified for a job in the technology sector, so my first job...
  42. ArcanaNoir

    Can't Figure Out How to Get Adobe Software for iPad?

    I have read that Adobe put out software that can help the ipad with flash, by sort of "translating" it in the browser. My problem is, I can't seem to figure out where/how to get this software on my iPad. I'm not even sure what it's called exactly. Anyone know?
  43. E

    What is the best software for truss buckling analysis?

    Hello everybody! From time to time, I'd like to compute the minimum force that buckles a truss, and hand computations get quickly too complicated. So: could you recommend me a piece of software for that? What I need: - Quickly learned and installed, for Windows, free of nearly (I know...
  44. B

    Software for transient states of circuits

    Hello, So is there any software, that generates the differential equation for the input circuit? I am trying to solve a problem and I want to check if my equation is right. Thanks.
  45. A

    What is the best 3d CAD software?

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  46. J

    Optics software recommendation?

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  47. F

    Number series recognition software?

    Does anybody know if there is any software available that is capable of recognizing patterns in a series of numbers (and possibly predicting the next number to appear)? Here's an example of what I'm looking for...
  48. C

    Choosing a Software Tool for DFT Analysis: Gaussian09 vs VASP

    Hi Everyone, I am a PhD student working on different collector molecules used in flotation process (an important mineral separation process). One of the important part of my project will be to study the reactivity of different types of collectors towards some particular mineral(s) by using...
  49. S

    Have you tried FreeCAD or DraftSight as alternatives to expensive CAD software?

    Currently digging in FreeCAD and I like what I see. Still very much in the development phase with lots of functionality that needs to be implemented. I've heard of DraftSight, not sure how well that works. The reason for this is that commercial CAD software is *wicked* expensive. Hundreds...
  50. M

    Ontario Universities for Software Engineering

    Helloo everyone, I'm in Grade 12, Vancouver, B.C. Actually I'm planning to apply to Universities in Ontario under "Software Engineering" for next year and need your guys help in deciding the best Universities. Apart form Waterloo(UW) and Toronto(UofT) - which i'll be definitely applying to -...