What is Infinity: Definition and 984 Discussions

Infinity represents something that is boundless or endless, or else something that is larger than any real or natural number. It is often denoted by the infinity symbol shown here.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the philosophical nature of infinity was the subject of many discussions among philosophers. In the 17th century, with the introduction of the infinity symbol and the infinitesimal calculus, mathematicians began to work with infinite series and what some mathematicians (including l'Hôpital and Bernoulli) regarded as infinitely small quantities, but infinity continued to be associated with endless processes. As mathematicians struggled with the foundation of calculus, it remained unclear whether infinity could be considered as a number or magnitude and, if so, how this could be done. At the end of the 19th century, Georg Cantor enlarged the mathematical study of infinity by studying infinite sets and infinite numbers, showing that they can be of various sizes. For example, if a line is viewed as the set of all of its points, their infinite number (i.e., the cardinality of the line) is larger than the number of integers. In this usage, infinity is a mathematical concept, and infinite mathematical objects can be studied, manipulated, and used just like any other mathematical object.
The mathematical concept of infinity refines and extends the old philosophical concept, in particular by introducing infinitely many different sizes of infinite sets. Among the axioms of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, on which most of modern mathematics can be developed, is the axiom of infinity, which guarantees the existence of infinite sets. The mathematical concept of infinity and the manipulation of infinite sets are used everywhere in mathematics, even in areas such as combinatorics that may seem to have nothing to do with them. For example, Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem implicitly relies on the existence of very large infinite sets for solving a long-standing problem that is stated in terms of elementary arithmetic.
In physics and cosmology, whether the Universe is infinite is an open question.

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  1. T

    What will a voltmeter read if it is connected between c and infinity?

    [SOLVED] Voltage Query Homework Statement An insulating spherical shell with inner radius 25.0 cm and outer radius 60.0 cm carries a charge of + 150.0 \mu C uniformly distributed over its outer surface. Point a is at the center of the shell, point b is on the inner surface and point c is on...
  2. J

    Can the Value of e Be Found Using the Taylor Series?

    Why does \lim(1+\frac{1}{x})^x = e x->\infty
  3. M

    Evaluating the Limit of a Function at Infinity: [x+1-ln(x+1)]

    Homework Statement \lim x-> \infty [x+1-ln(x+1)] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution How does one evaluate this? I don't know how to use L'Hopital's rule on this and I have infinity- infinity, which is indeterminate. Thanks!
  4. G

    Divergent series and the limit of the nth term as n approaches infinity

    I'm looking for help with my conceptual understanding of part of the following: 1) If a series is convergent it's nth term approaches 0 as n approaches infinity This makes perfect sense to me. 2) If the nth term of a series does not approach 0 as n approaches infinity, the series is...
  5. A

    Do Zero and infinity break laws?

    Does any formula gives invalid results at infinity or zero compared to other values in the formula? I tried as an example some calculus at normal values gives answers and at infity and zeros the rule is broken... I think it is a must to formulate 0 with infinity and i don't know how...
  6. K

    Cardinality of infinity (3)

    Homework Statement 1) Find the cardnality of the set of constructible angles whose cosine is a) irrational b) rational 2. The attempt at a solution For the other questions I have posted my attempt, but for this one I really have no clue... Could someone please give me some general...
  7. K

    How Is Cardinality of Infinite Sets Defined in Mathematics?

    I am still struggling with the topic of cardinality, it would be nice if someone could help: 1) http://www.geocities.com/asdfasdf23135/absmath2.jpg In the solutions , they said that{y=ax+b|a,b E R} <-> R2. But I am wondering...what is the actual mapping that gives one-to-one...
  8. K

    How Many Constructible Points Exist on the X-Axis?

    1) Consider the xy-plane. Find the cardinality of the set of constructible points on the x-axis. Attempt: Every constructible number is algebraic (i.e. Let A=set of algebraic numbers, C=set of constructible nubmers, then C is a subset of A) and A is countable. => |C|<|A|=|N|...
  9. M

    Proving the Limit of 1/f(x) When f(x) Goes to Infinity

    [b]1. Homework Statement [/bProve Prove: If the limit as x goes to a of f(x)=infinity, then lim as x goes to a of 1/(f(x) =0 Homework Equations Need to show with a delta-epsilon proof The Attempt at a Solution using the definition, lim as x goes to a f(x)=infinity means that for any...
  10. S

    Finding the Limit of F(s) as s Goes to Infinity: Exploring Exponential Order

    Say a function f and its derivative are everywhere continuous and of exponential order at infinity. F(s) is the Laplace transform of f(x). I need to find the limit of F as s goes to infinity. I use the integral definition of the Laplace transform and the fact that f is of exponential order...
  11. U

    A charge falls from infinity to within r of another charge, find velocity.

    Homework Statement Velocity of an electron that falls to r from infinity? An electron falls from infinity to r=10^-8m from a charge q1=4.8x10^-19C. What is the velocity of the electron? Homework Equations U=q1V V=kq2/r The Attempt at a Solution Potential energy change U...
  12. pellman

    Limits, infinity, and cardinality (oh, and integrals too)

    These are some related questions in my mind, though I am rather confused about them. 1. What does \infty at the "end" of the real number line have to do with \aleph_0, the cardinality of the integers, and C, the cardinality of the continuum? Is \infty equal to one or the other (if such a...
  13. J

    Is the derivative of infinity zero?

    i got into a minor argument with a buddy of mine, he said the derivative of infinity is zero, and i argued that you can't take the derivative of infinity. my argument was that by definition of derivative there isn't a function that can equal infinity, so you can't take the derivative of it...
  14. D

    Fnd the limit of sqrt(x^2 + 4x) - x as x goes to infinity

    Homework Statement I'm a bit puzzled with a limit, as is my teacher. We came across a question that could be both factored or rationalized, but when factored, the answer is different. Perhaps someone has an explanation? Here it is. lim ((√x^2+4x)-x) x->∞ I'm not going to rationalize...
  15. T

    Limit of Arcsin Approaching Infinity

    Homework Statement limit approaching infinity: (arcsin(x))/(x) = 0 Question is: Why? The 'Sandwich Theorem' 0=[(arcsinx)/x]=0 gives this solution, but looking at the graph of (arcsinx)/x , this appears impossible. Homework Equations lim x->OO [arcsin(x)] - {DNE) lim x->OO...
  16. M

    Proving lim (1-1/n)^n=1/e as n Approaches Infinity

    Show that: lim (1-1/n)^n=1/e n->infinity I don't really know where to begin...
  17. D

    Limits of polynomials at infinity

    Help, I am infinitly confused :) When solving the limit for this type and factoring the largest power of a variable in the polynomial in order to make its coefficient become a limit multiplied by another limit of Infinity I get lost. I just do not understand how (Infinity)(5 + Infinity +...
  18. E

    Finding Limits at Infinity: x^4 + x^5

    lim as x goes closer to minus infinity. x^4 + x^5 now visibly the answer is minus infinity since the equation are simple. But aside from saying x^5 is bigger then x^4 could there be anything else to do ?
  19. G

    Limiting x^2-x as x Approaches Infinity

    lim (x^2 - x) as x---> inf. I thought it was in indeterminate form inf. - inf. but my friend said that it's just inf. please help
  20. J

    Change in Electric Potential from the Surface of a Conducting Sphere to Infinity

    Let me preface this as this is my first post on this forum. I'm a physics major at Virginia Tech and I've lurked the forum for a while to help understand concepts that may not be intuitive initially. I'm stuck on this one concept, so I decided to give posting a shot. Without further ado...
  21. K

    What is infinity mathematically?

    What is infinity mathematically? What type of number is infinity, i.e., which number system does it belong to? Is there any good books/text books on infinity and its weirdness? I am hoping for a book that has no philosophy, mathematics of infinity Thanks,
  22. P

    Find the imit of 2x + 1 - sqrt(4x^2 + 5) as x--> infinity

    Homework Statement \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} 2x+1-\sqrt{4x^2+5} The Attempt at a Solution i am wondering if this method that i used is correct. i get the correct answer but i ahaven't see it in the textbook or on the net. am i doing something that shouldn't be done? using...
  23. D

    What is the Limit as n Approaches Infinity of a Rational Function?

    Homework Statement Find limit as n -> infinity [ (n+1)^2 ] / [ \sqrt{}3+5n^2+4n^4 ] Homework Equations L'Hopital won't do the job, I think. The Attempt at a Solution It's something really small I'm just completely missing.
  24. H

    Infinity subtracted from infinity is undefined.

    Let n be any number. infinity + n = infinity n = infinity - infinity n = undefined !...?
  25. H

    Infinity and reliving the past

    I have just starting getting into this stuff over the last few years and I recently read an article about the newest theory on the creation of our universe. If our Universe was created by the colliding of two branes in another dimension and eventually once all the energy in our Universe has...
  26. P

    Can Infinity Be a Limit in Vector Integral Calculations?

    Homework Statement Consider the function, {{\vec{F}}(r)} = {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}}{{\vec{f}}(r)}{\times}{d{\vec{r}}} Is the following true?, {\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}}{{\vec{f}}(r)}{\times}{d{\vec{r}}} = {2}{\int_{0}^{\infty}}{{\vec{f}}(r)}{\times}{d{\vec{r}}} Homework...
  27. P

    Integral from 1 to infinity of 1 / xln(third root of x)

    Homework Statement Integral from 1 to infinity of 1 / xln(third root of x) 2. Homework Equations n/a 3. The Attempt at a Solution I tried to find if it diverged and then got lost after that Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  28. M

    Understanding the Limit of xn as n Tends to Infinity

    Homework Statement Find the limit as n tends to infinity of xn = (n^2 + exp(n))^(1/n) Homework Equations maybe use ( 1 + c/n )^n tends to exp(c) The Attempt at a Solution I know that inside the barckets are both inceasing and the 1/n makes it decrease but how do i find out which...
  29. M

    Finding xn as n Tends to Infinity: Q1 & Q2

    Homework Statement 2 Questions, both find xn as n tends to infinity. http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/5154/scan0002un5.th.jpg Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Have attempted question one but am unsure if (1/n)log(n^2) tends to 0, and if it does do i need to prove it? I don't...
  30. S

    ∑ C An =C ∑ An (n from 1 to infinity) ... why?

    If ∑ C An (n from 1 to infinity) converges, and C in Real, then ∑ C An is convergent with : ∑ C An =C ∑ An (n from 1 to infinity) .. why?
  31. S

    Lim of sqrt(x) * sine(1/sqrt(x)): Solving for x --> infinity

    I am doing a question that goes like this Lim of sqrt(x) * sine(1/sqrt(x)) as x --> infinity = ? what i determined was as x --> infinity 1/sqrt(x) would approach zero there for sine of 1/sqrt(x) would approach 1 there fore 1 * sqrt(infinity) would be infinity. however the answer says it is 1...
  32. R

    Help Needed: Analyzing Limit as x Approaches Positive Infinity

    The problem is The limit as x approaches pos infinity ln(square root of x + 5) divided by ln(x) In the numerator only x is under the square root. I'm having trouble getting to this answer. If someone can take a look I would really appreciate it.
  33. M

    Find the Limit as n Approaches Infinity

    Please help, i take out n^2 top and bottom so end up with 0 as demominator... Find lim (n to infinity) xn xn = (n^2 + log n)/(2n^3 - 1)^(1/2) ...?
  34. J

    Is There an Infinite Number of Universes in Infinity Itself?

    Here's an idea that I have been working on for the past few months. After weeks of writing out idea after idea about the universe and other universes I have reason to believe that there is an infinite number of universes contained in infinity itself. Here's the idea broken up: There is one...
  35. K

    Infinity in Mathematics (Calculus and Series)

    Could some one please explain to me 2 things 1) I have seen integrals that are between 0 and ∞ and also between -∞ and ∞. What does this mean 2) I have also seen sigma series (∑) between n=1 and ∞. What doe this mean Thanks heaps
  36. M

    Circle & Infinity: Why Is a Line?

    Why is it that a circle with an infinitly large radius is a line?
  37. C

    What is the Method for Determining Infinity Limits in a Rational Function?

    ok I am confused when x->negative infinity or positive infinity. for example lim (5x^3+27)/(20x^2 + 10x + 9) x-> negative infinty heres what i think, i want to know if i have the right idea or not. - so since the top exponent is larger then the denominator the lim DNE and so i...
  38. L

    Can Two Infinitely Sized Objects Exist in an Infinite Space?

    Spare me the ridicule for asking a stupid question, I'm just your average guy trying to comprehend his environment. I do my best to understand the origins and workings of the universe but no matter what path I take I will end up facing an infinity of one form or other. Ok here goes. I have...
  39. J

    Approaching Infinity: Simplifying Radical Expressions

    Homework Statement \lim_{\substack{x\rightarrow \infty}}f(x)=\sqrt{3x^2+8x+6}-\sqrt{3x^2+3x+1} Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I truly have no idea how to solve this. I know I need to get x in some rational form like 5/x but I'm not sure how to do this with the...
  40. J

    Find all the different limits in + infinity

    Homework Statement f(x) = sqroot(ax^2 + 1 ) - x find all the different limits in + infinity that f can have with all the different "a" values Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i don't know if i did something wrong here : - if a = 0 then f = 1 - x, limit : -...
  41. Z

    How Big is Infinity? | Endless Possibilities

    How big is Infinity ? like eletron is considered the samllest thing ever, wouldn't that be the lowest value of negative inifinty in teh size of things but overall how big or small is infinity ?
  42. J

    Can Infinity Minus X Ever Be Larger?

    I understand that infinity - X = infinity. However, what I don't understand is this. If I have: infinity - 1 = infinity, AND infinity - 5 = infinity, is the first infinity larger than the second? If so, how can that be? Because they are infinite, how can one really be larger than the...
  43. M

    Infinity: A Concept Beyond Measure?

    If infinity were to be possible, it would seem that nothing in it's surrounding environments could be segmented or finite. How do we record segments of something that is infinite like for example time? It's almost as if infinity is really points of end, causing new beginnings. Thus causing an...
  44. R

    Exploring the Concepts of Zero & Infinity

    We know that anything divided by zero is 'undefined' or equal to infinity. Is it not possible to define in anyway such indeterminate quantities? The concept of zero basically refers to 'nothingness' or 'void', but that indeed has utmost importance in writing numbers. If you consider a general...
  45. I

    How to Evaluate a Limit at Infinity with Exponential Functions

    Can someone give me a hint on how to evaluate the following limit? \stackrel{lim}{T\rightarrow\infty} (Texp(c/T) - T) I tried multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate (because that sometimes helps) and got: (T^2exp(2c/T) - T^2) / (Texp(c/T) + T) But I'm not sure what I...
  46. phoenixthoth

    What is (the nature of) infinity?

    Perhaps some consensus can be arrived at in regard to what infinity is. After that, perhaps its nature can then be discussed. One approach to defining infinity is to first define what finite means and then say something is infinite if it is not finite. Rather than define infinity by what it...
  47. K

    Square integrable/vanish at infinity?

    Let f be a differentiable complex valued function on R. If f is square integrable, then it is not the case that f(x) must approach zero at infinity. counterexample: f(x)=x^2 exp(-x^8 sin^2(20x)). If I also require that the derivative of f be square integrable, is that enough to guarantee that...
  48. B

    Finding the Average Number of Packets Needed to Complete the Word SPARK

    I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me with the point below! It relates to a real philosophical problem but I'm baffled by the maths. Assuming no other variables apply, if there is infinite space in which a substance *could* exist, let's call it x, and there are not limits to how...
  49. U

    What Are the Different Orders of Infinity and How Do They Compare?

    I wasn't sure where to post this, so I'll post it here. Depending on your answers, I may have a few more questions. What's greater: \infty^2 or 2^\infty? Why?
  50. C

    Black holes and entropy: energy with respect to infinity

    G'day! In the paper "Black holes and entropy" (JD Bekenstein, Phys Rev D 7 2333, 1973), in the section on Geroch's perpetual motion* machine, I'm trying to understand why they can state "its energy as measured from infinity vanishes"? What they mean is that the work extracted by lowering...