What is Important: Definition and 506 Discussions

An Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) is an area identified using an internationally agreed set of criteria as being globally important for the conservation of bird populations.
IBA was developed and sites are identified by BirdLife International. Currently there are over 13,000 IBAs worldwide. These sites are small enough to be entirely conserved and differ in their character, habitat or ornithological importance from the surrounding habitat. In the United States the Program is administered by the National Audubon Society.Often IBAs form part of a country's existing protected area network, and so are protected under national legislation. Legal recognition and protection of IBAs that are not within existing protected areas varies within different countries. Some countries have a National IBA Conservation Strategy, whereas in others protection is completely lacking.

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  1. A

    How important is an internship, or vacation work for an aspiring programmer

    I'm 2nd year of 3 into my CompSci degree, and just (!) starting to think about employment after I graduate. I've been ... lost ... shall we say for a good long time, back at uni after a long break, enjoying it, working hard etc ... but I have no idea what I want to do when I finish, except that...
  2. edpell

    News Is Overpopulation an Important Issue? Examining Solutions

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  3. E

    Help needed with 3d geometry problem: important

    help needed with 3d geometry problem: important! Homework Statement find the equations of the two planes through the origin which are parallel to the line (x - 1)/2 = (-y-3) = (-z-1)/2 and at a distance of 5/3 from it. also, show that the planes are perpendicular Homework Equations...
  4. marcus

    Our picks for second quarter 2011 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these twelve candidates, please choose the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Since multiple choices are possible in the poll, you may select several papers. Abstract summaries follow in the next post. Holonomy...
  5. A

    I need the solution for the 3 important problems

    Question 1: A pressure gauge has accuracy equal +/-2% of full scale. The gauge range is from 0 to 100 kg/cm2. When the gauge indicate 50 kg/cm2 What is the tolerance of this indication? a) +/- 2 kg/cm2 b) +/- 10 kg/cm2 c) +/- 1 kg/cm2 Question 2: An instrument system consists of...
  6. D

    Importance of Education: A Personal Perspective and the Cost of Pursuing It

    I consider it important, but I would not like such importance is abused for different purposes than educating one to be a good human for a small community, at least and education costs too much. I would like to decline and completely quit "high" school. If I turn out to be your problem, then...
  7. M

    How important is where I get my B.S?

    I've got one more semester left finishing up the periphery work before I transfer to a school with an EE degree to begin the core work of a program. I'm right at Georgia Tech's doorstep (although I wouldn't be able to live at home with the parents), but I don't know if paying for GT is a...
  8. K

    Magnetism more important than electricity

    Hi, I had a question in my exam at my college that I did not quite know how to answer. Why is the study of magnetism more important than of electricity in technology ? (I can't remember exactly the question)
  9. N

    How important is a solid understanding of Logic

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  10. vhbelvadi

    How important is chemistry in physics?

    I really need your opinions on this, quick! I want to complete my PhD in Astrophysics and enter into research in the field. I still have a long way to go (my undergrad classes only start after two months!) but I want to be prepared. Frankly, I have absolutely no interest in chemistry, and I...
  11. J

    Are ODE's Necessary for Physics Courses?

    Awhatup, I'm currently doing an honors specialization in physics at a Canadian university. However, I initially came to university to study biology and medical sciences. Because of this I didn't enroll in the linear algebra course that is needed for my program, and will therefore have to do...
  12. H

    Why is high exciton binding energy in ZnO important?

    The title says it all. I'm doing a presentation on ZnO nanoflowers, and one article says that the bandgap of 3.3eV in combination with the high exciton binding energy of 60meV makes ZnO promising for optoelectronic applications. The bandgap I understand, what property does the exciton binding...
  13. S

    When did statistical studies become important for the study of physics?

    When did statistical studies become important for the study of physics? Could someone cite something for me to read which would put this question in a historical context? I’m doing research on Arpad Elo (1903-1992). He did a master’s degree in physics (I assume before 1926), and then...
  14. T

    Change in momentum problem. BASIC, IMPORTANT, but i don not know help?

    Homework Statement A 0.2 baseball if pitched with a velocity of 40 m/s and is then batted to the pitcher with a velocity of 60 m/s. What is the magnitude of change in the ball’s momentum? A. 4 kg*m/s B. 8 kg*m/s C. 2 kg*m/s D. 20 kg*m/s Homework Equations change in momentum =...
  15. Z

    Why does coninuity of f important when changing variables from (x,y) -> (u,v))

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  16. S

    Why is the Carnot Cycle so Important?

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  17. M

    Maple Which software is better for engineering students: Maple or Mathematica?

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  18. C

    So, I know that spin is very important in quantum mechanics/elementary

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  19. H

    Very important question in switched cap integrator

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  20. E

    How important is Calculus for Pure Maths?

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  21. marcus

    Our picks for first quarter 2011 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Multiple choices are possible in the poll, so please select several papers if you wish. Of these twenty candidates, choose the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Abstract summaries follow in the next post. Diffeomorphisms in...
  22. D

    How to get enough strength to leave a job where you feel important

    A friend of mine has a job interview tomorrow with a prestigious company. She is almost guaranteed the job because she's good friends with one of the hiring managers. Her current job has no room to grow, pays below average and has no benefits but she has pretty much made the owner stress free...
  23. D

    How important are publications for grad schol acceptance?

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  24. M

    Transistor - an important concept of invention?

    Greetings, I had an argument with my substitute Physics teacher about the use of the transistor and how important it is/was. Basically, we were debating whether or not it is important because of the invention or whether it was purely the concept that made it so important. His argument was...
  25. M

    Maths for EE: Important Topics to Focus On Before University

    Hi all I have applied to University to study EE in September. Are there any specific areas of maths that you would recommend concentrating on over the summer? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks Mark
  26. D

    Does Hitting an Object at the Corner Affect Its Speed Compared to the Center?

    I've just watched this vid about rotations and torque: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-01-physics-i-classical-mechanics-fall-1999/video-lectures/lecture-21/ and they say that if u hit or pull something for a corner for example.. it will have the same speed like if u hit it in center...
  27. C

    How important is interest in learning physics?

    If i find interest in it, would it make it easier to understand? If so, what are some ways of forming interest? I usually just study so as to pass a test.Which hasnt worked well for me. I just do enough to so that i can solve problems that will be similar to tests
  28. Greg Bernhardt

    Is fixing car alignment important?

    My car currently veers to the right pretty heavily. I need to have the wheel turned very slightly to the left at all times for it not to run off the road. It's been that way for several months now and I'm not too bothered by it. However I just saw my shop has a deal to fix front and rear...
  29. D

    Enjoyment vs fascination: which is more important?

    I'm trying to decide whether i should dedicate my studies to math or to physics. I find that physics is utterly fascinating and tends to excite me more than math. But when I'm studying, i actually enjoy doing mathematics more than doing physics. So I've narrowed my decision down to the...
  30. E

    Is Gravitomagnetism attractive does it have important long range attraction?

    Gravity is important over long ranges as it is always attractive. Gravity has an analogue to magnetism called gravitomagnetism. Is it always attractive? Could "dark matter" or MOND be explained as gravitomagnetism? i.e if gravitomagnetism is always attractive and additive, what is its...
  31. mugaliens

    No, not more important. But at the moment, more imperative.

    Line from the movie Airport, circa 1:20:40. I used to fly planes, so I understand getting the mission done is more important, but on rare occasion, saving lives was more imperative. I'm concerned about these copycat killings/terrorist actions, but what to do? 99% of most ideas aren't...
  32. M

    Breaking Down Degrees: Is It Important?

    Homework Statement The first chapter is talking about how they brake up a degree into minutes and minutes into seconds... Is this concept important to understand. And how will it help me with other harder trig problems? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  33. L

    Math Becoming a mathematician - how important is IQ?

    Hello - I am a 16 year old danish boy. I'm in what is equivalent in denmark to the 10th grade in the US, and i simply love math. It's funny though, since before i attended 10th grade, i dreaded math due to it being so boring - but i think that was due to the simple arithmetics we did in my...
  34. Z

    Is it important that I use crystal sugar from the same source in my experiment?

    Is it at all possible for the crystal sugar from one package to be qualitatively different from crystal sugar from another package (brand, etc.)? In other words, if I need sucrose for an experiment, could it affect the results if I use crystal sugar from different packages or of different...
  35. George Jones

    Important and/or Interesting Spacetimes

    What spacetimes do you consider to be important or interesting? Important or interesting as solutions to the Einstein field equation, or important or interesting geometrically. I'll start the list. Minkowski Schwarzschild (including extended) Kerr(-Newman)...
  36. P

    Very important unnamed phenomena.

    In particle physics if you take a "elementary particle" and collide it with another specific elementary particle it produces a set of elementary particles, but if you take those same two particles and increase their speed or the amount of energy behind them they become productive and produce...
  37. marcus

    Our picks for fourth quarter 2010 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these fifteen candidates, please select the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Multiple choice is possible in the poll, so please choose several if you wish. The papers' abstract summaries follow in the next post. Big Bounce...
  38. J

    Question of consciousness how do we start to figure it out and why is it important?

    Hello I am new to this forum and was not sure where to post some thoughts I have. First of all let me compose why I even care to consider the question of consciousness. I want to first stress I do not have an education in Mathematics or physics. Also am not a good typer. Thank you ahead time for...
  39. I

    Why Is Real Analysis Critical in Science and Engineering?

    i like limit, continuity,differentiation in real analysis, they are interesting, but i don't know what is their importance? And about lebesgue integration, i don't think it is interesting, and it seems it is useless
  40. G

    Finding the most 'important' variable

    I am trying to analyze a junk of landslide data (landslide @ different locations) to see which factor has the most effect on landslide, that includes slope angle, rainfall intensity etc etc, which sums up to 7 to 8 of them. I am wondering which kind of analysis I should adapt in order to do...
  41. G

    Finding the most 'important' variable

    I am trying to analyze a junk of landslide data (landslide @ different locations) to see which factor has the most effect on landslide, that includes slope angle, rainfall intensity etc etc, which sums up to 7 to 8 of them. I am wondering which kind of analysis I should adapt in order to do...
  42. C

    What is it that makes antenna length so important?

    Why is it that an antenna length must be somehow proportional to the wavelength of the frequency
  43. P

    Why are critical phenomena important in physics?

    As someone who has studied little about this subject, I'm posting a naive question. Given that most natural phenomena occurs far away from phase transition, why are people so interested in the tiny region around phase transition? Why are critical phenomena considered so important and...
  44. Y

    What types of jobs in the solar and nuclear industries require a PhD?

    Pretty much what the thread name is asking. How important is a PhD for a career in Physics? Also, are physicists employed in the solar or nuclear industries? What are the prospects of getting a job in these industries like, and is a PhD vital for these careers? Thanks, Justin.
  45. A

    When do quantum effects become important?

    At what length scale do quantum effects become important in gravitational calculations??
  46. F

    Order of systems/signal classes important?

    So I'm a physics student interested in taking some systems/signals classes through the EE department at my school. There are 3-4 separate classes I'm interested in taking: continuous systems/signals discrete systems/signals digital signal processing digital signal processing lab I'm not...
  47. G

    Can Drunken Physics Unravel the Mysteries of the Universe?

    Homework Statement After todays exams, I'm having a few well deserved beers with a friend. We are pondering about some things we're not competent enough to comprehend (I'm a journalist and he is an architect). 1. e = m*c² -- how does lightspeed come into this equation, and why is it squared...
  48. D

    Was Galileo, Kepler, or Newton more important?

    Hi, I have to pick one of these great scientists to write a middterm item on, so basically I'm curious about what you personally think would be the easiest answer to argue to this question: Which out of Galileo, Kepler or Newton was of the greatest significance in changing the scientific...
  49. marcus

    Our picks for third quarter 2010 MIP (most important QG paper)

    Of these twelve candidates, please select the paper or papers which you think will contribute most significantly to future quantum gravity research. Multiple choice is possible in the poll, so please choose several if you wish. Tennie Wohlfarth Consistent matter couplings for Plebanski gravity...