What is Human: Definition and 893 Discussions

Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primates, characterized by bipedality and large complex brains enabling the development of advanced tools, culture and language. Humans are highly social beings and tend to live in large complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other fields of knowledge.
Humans evolved from other hominins in Africa several million years ago. Although some scientists equate humans with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member. H. sapiens emerged around 300,000 years ago, evolving from Homo erectus and migrating out of Africa, gradually replacing local populations of archaic humans. Early humans were hunter-gatherers, before settling in the Fertile Crescent and other parts of the Old World. Access to food surpluses led to the formation of permanent human settlements and the domestication of animals. As populations became larger and denser, forms of governance developed within and between communities and a number of civilizations rose and fell. Humans have continued to expand, with over 7.8 billion humans occupying almost all regions of the world in 2021.
Genes and the environment influence human biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size and life span. Though humans vary in many traits (such as genetic predispositions and physical features), two humans on average are over 99% similar, with the most genetically diverse populations from Africa. The greatest degree of genetic variation exists between males and females. On average, men have greater body strength and women generally have a higher body fat percentage. Females undergo menopause and become infertile decades before the end of their lives. They also have a longer life span in almost every population around the world. The division into male and female gender roles has varied historically, and challenges to predominant gender norms have recurred in many societies.
Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of plant and animal material, and have used fire to prepare and cook food since the time of H. erectus. They can survive for up to eight weeks without food, and three or four days without water. Humans are generally diurnal, sleeping on average seven to nine hours per day. Childbirth is dangerous, with a high risk of complications and death. Both the mother and the father provide care for human offspring who are helpless at birth.
Humans have a large and highly developed prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain associated with higher cognition. They are intelligent beings, capable of episodic memory, flexible facial expressions, self-awareness and a theory of mind. The human mind is capable of introspection, private thought, imagination, volition and forming views on existence. This has allowed great technological advancements and complex tool development possible through reason and the transmission of knowledge to future generations. Language, art and trade are defining characteristics of humans. Long-distance trade routes might have led to cultural explosions and resource distribution that gave humans an advantage over other similar species.

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  1. S

    Calculate the surface temperature of a human body

    I am unsure about some of my formulae and answers I would be very grateful if someone could clarify these please Q1 The insulating layer on the inner wall of a building is made from a compound layer of laminated board (inner) and styrofoam (outer). The thickness of the board is 0.02 m and...
  2. Greg Bernhardt

    The Psychology of Human Sexuality

    Author: Dr. Donald Luttermoser of East Tennessee State University
  3. cronxeh

    Can you take a non human gene and implant it?

    Rattlesnakes have infrared cavity sensors, and I was wondering if it was possible to, ahem, take their Pax6? Pax7? genes and clone them into human embryos, creating a super baby human that can see IR waves
  4. P

    Human contributions less than previously described

    Human contributions "less than previously described" I chose that title because someone on Politics made the claim that human contributions were less than previously thought, but I never saw a reference provided for the claim (although I asked for one). I believe I was the recipient of a...
  5. E

    What Defines Humanity: A Philosophical Exploration

    So, may I ask you guys, What Does it Mean to Be Human? After all the studying of different philosophies, what makes Human Human? How does one become Human? What is the philosophy of Being Human?
  6. 1

    Power and focal length of human eye

    I am extremely stuck on this question and do not know how to go about it. Could somebody help me? 1. (a) If the human eyeball is 4cm from lens to retina, what is the range of the power and focal length of the eye lens when focussing an object an infinite distance away and one at the normal...
  7. N

    Pictures of female human albinos

    I really want to see a picture/pictures of female human albinos...could somebody provide one or two? I think when I was in primary school one of my teachers said she taught one (or more?) and that they were really pretty thanks
  8. B

    Human Eye Resolution: Megapixels

    *What is the resolution (in megapixels) of the human eye?
  9. S

    Can Artificial Intelligence ever reach Human Intelligence?

    1st time post here... thought i'd post up something that causes much debate over... but a good topic. ;-) (please keep it level-minded and not a heated argument) Question: Can Artificial Intelligence ever reach Human Intelligence? please give your thoughts... i vote no.
  10. J

    Assignment on human karyotypes

    Hi, I'm currently working on a bio assignment on human karyotypes and I've come across two questions that I've been researching on, but had no luck so far. 1) Why in some karyotype charts is the X chromosome(s) placed at the end of row 3 while the Y chromosome at the end of row 4? my guess is...
  11. M

    How would the human body function at reduced sizes?

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  12. S

    Medical Is the Human Brain Still Evolving?

    Breaking news; see this NY Times story. Two separate genes for brain size have been shown to have developed rapidly in recent times under selection, one since -37,000 (Cro-Magnon era), the other since only -5300 (neolithic, just before writing invented). The papers describing the research are...
  13. T

    What is your view on the concept of a human subject?

    An unusual proposal for the concept of a human subject is proposed in the thread about Gregg Rosenberg’s book (chapter 12 and chapter 13). I want to discuss it independent of the context of Rosenberg. It is proposed that a (human) subject is: “a thing that experiences a bounded unit of...
  14. Ivan Seeking

    Talking to things that are not human

    Do you talk to your dog or cat as if they were a person? Do you think that they understand you; to what extent? How about the bird or hamster...or the goldfish? :rolleyes: Plants? The computer? The cars? Paint cans? Centerfolds?
  15. P

    Ongoing human evolution (Myers quote)

    I recall there being several past topics where we debated whether evolution is still ongoing for humans. I just found & wanted to share http://pharyngula.org/index/weblog/comments/or_maybe_its_an_example_of_absurdist_british_humor/" ...
  16. F

    What is the Closest We Have to AI (within normal human g range)?

    What is the Closest We Have to AI (within normal human "g" range)? Requesting info. please, thanks. Also, second question: I heard something about scientists mapping every human synapses and neurons in the brain and then somehow transforming these into artificial neural nets. How do they do...
  17. A

    Extrapolating Human Population to 5000 B.C

    The Earth's current Human population is 6 Billion. Some time in 1940 the world population was 3 billion and around 1750 the population was about 500 million. Is there a scientific method to extrapolate the Human population for the date 5000 b.c? Thanks.
  18. Les Sleeth

    The Most Fertile Path of Human Evolution: Intellect or Feeling?

    I’d guess the majority of people participating at this site would say intellect. After all, isn’t that what most of us believe sets us apart from other animals? In fact, I am fairly certain there are those here who would say the ability to reason entirely distinguishes human consciousness...
  19. S

    Verifying Sizes of Human Pituitary Proteins

    Can anyone please help me to find the sizes (Da) for these human pituitary proteins? i have looked for them in Entrez and other bioinformatic sites, but am really not sure if they are right. Please, recheck them for me. Thanks a bunch! 1. Glycoprotein hormones alpha chain i have a vERY...
  20. M

    Human Pituitary proteins-how to find them?

    i am looking for some human pituitary proteins for example glucocorticoid receptor. the problem is i get only the answer for human glucocorticoid receptor and not glucocorticoid receptor from human pituitary. as i know glucocorticoid receptor is different in different human locations, then how...
  21. Y

    Divination: The end of the human

    Divination: The end of the human ------------------------------------------------ From the two Chinese ancient famous divination book, Ming dynasty "Jin-ling-ta" and the Tang dynasty "Cang-tou-shi", they predicted the end of the human and the world would be several centuries later the "Chicken...
  22. S

    Purification of proteins from human tissue, SDS_PAGE

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  23. Ivan Seeking

    Human Chimerism: A Rare Phenomenon

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_%28animal%29 DHC [Discovery Health Channel] ran a special called "I am my own twin", which is about two women who are both chimeras. One of these nearly lost her two children through the courts because she couldn't prove that she was the mother - the DNA...
  24. Chronos

    Exploring Human Nature & Scientific Inquiry: A Scary Thought

    Due to a peculiar combination of events, I've been thinking about human nature and the nature of scientific inquiry... a scary thought. For example, how does a scientist answer the question 'why is the universe exactly the size it is [feel free to insert the gravitational constant, speed of...
  25. M

    News Discourse on the Human Condition

    The past must never be forgiven, or forgotton. Years gone by are not simply a blurb in a textbook but a living record that repeats again and again in the present among the swarming multitudes who all too easily ignore or forget the lessons of history, doomed to repeat them all over tomorrow and...
  26. wolram

    Feeling Human Again: Monthly Habits to Improve Health

    Ok, i have had a long hot shower, cut my toe nails, finger nails, shaved, pulled out thoughs pesky nose hairs, pulled out the irritating ear hairs, brushed my teeth, and hair, rubed of the hard skin on the bottom of my feet. and now i feel human again, so what do you have to do once a month?
  27. wasteofo2

    How is it that alcohol affects the human body?

    What is it about 2 carbons, 5 hydrogens and a hydroxyl that causes people to become intoxicated when they drink alcohol? Also, why does alcohol have a degenerative effect on the liver, kidney, heart, brain etc.? Thanks, Jacob
  28. C

    Good Books about the Human Brain?

    This isn't a book review, so forgive me if I'm posting it in the wrong place. o:) Anyways, I am looking for some reccomendations on books about how the human brain works... consciousness, subconciousness, dreams, memories, telekenesis, recent research findings, etc. I don't want anything...
  29. B

    When in the course of human events

    Well a minute ago I was singing a few lines of a song to myself--"California Babylon." It's a song that grows on you. But anyway, I looked it up on Google so I could post the lyrics here. But a funny thing happened... I was singing "Three men standing and they love what they do. You won't...
  30. D

    Can We Predict the Evolution of Future Humans?

    From http://www.whatwemaybe.org/ His new book is free to download from http://www.whatwemaybe.org/
  31. M

    Can Technology Save Us from Environmental Destruction?

    I wonder how will we become after a certain long duration that our environment gets completely destroyed ? Are there any theories supporting the truth that we develop only within our own environment ? Anything I guess against it is also fine. Thanks a lot,
  32. S

    Injected human growth hormone into the brain

    If you injected human growth hormone, or something like that, into the brain, would it grow
  33. Pengwuino

    Is time a thing or human concept?

    So what do you people think? What are the arguments for each?
  34. Ivan Seeking

    History The greatest tragedy in human history

    This idea came up in another thread and I thought it might make for an interesting discussion. So, what are your thoughts? I have always believed that the loss of the library at Alexandria may be one of the greatest tragedies of all time. Of course we can't know what we are missing, but there is...
  35. J

    Calculate Blood Pressure in Brain 30cm Above Heart - Help Please!

    Human Pressure! Help Please! I'm having a difficult time getting this blood pressure problem to work out. Here is the question: Neglecting the pressure drop due to resistance, calculate the blood pressure in mmHg in an artery in the brain 30 cm above the heart. The pressure at the heartis...
  36. Pengwuino

    How Many Daily Calories Does an Average Adult Male Burn?

    So hwo many calories does the average adult male use up in a day? And no heaving lifting or really tough work but no sitting around at a desk all day or anything. And how many calories would you need to use up to get rid of a pound.
  37. J

    Nature vs Nurture: Exploring the Complexity of Human Development

    does nature or nurture shape us? isn't it just both?
  38. P

    HUMAN LIFE:Who has the final Word?

    Human Life is Purportedly Pricelss! When should life supporting machines be turned off? What are the actual deciding factors for turning off life supporting machines? Who decides when to be born? Ultimately, who decides who lives and who dies...who has the final word??
  39. H

    Pros and cons of the Human Genome Project

    i'm now preparing a presentation on the human genome project and get stuck when reaching the part of pros and cons. I've searched on the web for hours and still can't find some useful points for the cons section. frustrated. can you guys help me in this cons section?? luv ya~
  40. A

    Calculating Speed of Human Eye Lens: f-stop = 4

    A human eyeball is about 2 cm long and the pupil has a maximum diameter of about 5 mm. What is the speed of this lens? f-stop = 2 cm / .5 cm f-stop = 4 is this it? I'm not sure if I found the right formula in my book thanks
  41. J

    Help Solve Human Energy Problem - 50 kg Hiker Climbs 1000m Mountain

    human energy problem! okay...i have this assignment that's due tomorrow morning so I'm begging for some help. There is only one problem that I'm totally lost on. A 50 kg hiker climbs a mountain 1000m high in 3 hrs. Assuming the average O2 consumption during his climb was 2x10^-3 m^3/min(2...
  42. C

    Medical Limits of infinity , The simulaion of human brain

    Human brain is an observer , and the problem of this idea is observing himself the brain will observe an observer observe an observer observe an observer ... to infinity. the real problem appears to people who work in computional simulation of brain ( infinite loop ) can this cycle have any...
  43. P

    News Guantánamo: The War on Human Rights

    An http://inteldump.powerblogs.com/archives/archive_2005_02_20-2005_02_26.shtml#1109378141 of the recently released book Guantánamo: The War on Human Rights by David Rose.
  44. Z

    What Impact Will the Completion of the Human Genome Mapping Have on Humanity?

    With the completion of mapping the human genome what consequences will this have on humanity. Will we be able to engineer humans before birth or be able to look at several candidates and pick the best one? I am really curious about this subject. Sorry for my ignorance in biology.
  45. C

    Exploring Development of Human Nervous System

    I have some questions : :smile: 1> Would you please tell me what slows down the development of human nervous system ? 2> A situation: A very cute two year old baby was playing with his toys: I let him see a pink ball, ten times. Then let him see a blue ball. I tried to observe his actions and...
  46. L

    Magnetism and human exposure limit

    Hey this is more of a general question than a problem... What happens to a human body after it has reached its magnetic exposure limit (.2 Telsa)? Does the magnetism pull iron out of the blood stream, or cause any severe or fatal health issues? Something must happen, or else there would be no...
  47. B

    Superior Being and Human Morality

    If a superior being is as advanced compared to us as we are to a fruit fly, would there be any immorality if that being swatted us like a bunch of fruit flies?
  48. S

    Human adaptation to the climate

    Why mongoloid people have slanted eyes or blacks big lips etc.Is that the adaptation to the climate ?
  49. R

    Exploring the Quirky Idea of a Gyroscopic Effect on Human Mass and the Soul

    mass of the human soul... quirky sounding title so sorry. I have heard somewhere that human mass reduces by a few grammes or so when they die and some people say that this is the soul leaving. Ok - so I'm pretty sure that is not the case. If you consider the flow of blood around the...