What is Human: Definition and 893 Discussions

Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primates, characterized by bipedality and large complex brains enabling the development of advanced tools, culture and language. Humans are highly social beings and tend to live in large complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, religion, and other fields of knowledge.
Humans evolved from other hominins in Africa several million years ago. Although some scientists equate humans with all members of the genus Homo, in common usage it generally refers to Homo sapiens, the only extant member. H. sapiens emerged around 300,000 years ago, evolving from Homo erectus and migrating out of Africa, gradually replacing local populations of archaic humans. Early humans were hunter-gatherers, before settling in the Fertile Crescent and other parts of the Old World. Access to food surpluses led to the formation of permanent human settlements and the domestication of animals. As populations became larger and denser, forms of governance developed within and between communities and a number of civilizations rose and fell. Humans have continued to expand, with over 7.8 billion humans occupying almost all regions of the world in 2021.
Genes and the environment influence human biological variation in visible characteristics, physiology, disease susceptibility, mental abilities, body size and life span. Though humans vary in many traits (such as genetic predispositions and physical features), two humans on average are over 99% similar, with the most genetically diverse populations from Africa. The greatest degree of genetic variation exists between males and females. On average, men have greater body strength and women generally have a higher body fat percentage. Females undergo menopause and become infertile decades before the end of their lives. They also have a longer life span in almost every population around the world. The division into male and female gender roles has varied historically, and challenges to predominant gender norms have recurred in many societies.
Humans are omnivorous, capable of consuming a wide variety of plant and animal material, and have used fire to prepare and cook food since the time of H. erectus. They can survive for up to eight weeks without food, and three or four days without water. Humans are generally diurnal, sleeping on average seven to nine hours per day. Childbirth is dangerous, with a high risk of complications and death. Both the mother and the father provide care for human offspring who are helpless at birth.
Humans have a large and highly developed prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain associated with higher cognition. They are intelligent beings, capable of episodic memory, flexible facial expressions, self-awareness and a theory of mind. The human mind is capable of introspection, private thought, imagination, volition and forming views on existence. This has allowed great technological advancements and complex tool development possible through reason and the transmission of knowledge to future generations. Language, art and trade are defining characteristics of humans. Long-distance trade routes might have led to cultural explosions and resource distribution that gave humans an advantage over other similar species.

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  1. Ivan Seeking

    This is not a 2012 prophesies discussion - Institute for Human Continuity.

    Discussion of 2012 prophesies has been closed, as per the general posting guidelines. https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=2269439#post2269439 This is about a commercial that I just saw on tv for the "Institute for Human Continuity", which claims to be "preparing us for the world...
  2. Loren Booda

    Can a human survive on a diet without fat?

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  3. H

    Design a Human Touch Sensor Device | Get Help Now

    hi there I'm up to design a device which switches on when human body touches it. I have a rough idea to use IR, Electrical phenomenas of body. But don't know how to start and where to start. help pleasez
  4. GRB 080319B

    What type of surface were human feet originally adapted to

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  5. K

    Biology Careers & Benefits with a BSc Human Biology Degree

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  6. F

    RF testing: Balistics Gel for human analog?

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  7. R

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  8. M

    Why does electrical current passing through the human body hurt?

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  9. R

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  10. P

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  11. L

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  12. P

    Human Population: Fact or Fiction?

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  13. T

    What if the swine flu turns out to be the worst pandemic in human history?

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  14. Mentallic

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  15. B

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  16. djeitnstine

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  17. P

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  18. M

    Projectile Motion and Human Cannonball

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  19. K

    Is there Gravity inside the human body?

    Is there Gravity inside the human body?
  20. H

    Medical I'm looking for some general information on human acoustic perception

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  21. rootX

    Human rights and the police (misconduct)

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  22. D

    Human Genome Project: Discoveries Beyond Textbooks

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  23. T

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  24. M

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  25. Loren Booda

    The most genetically diverse human

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  26. T

    Medical Could a supervirus cause the total extinction of the human species?

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  27. S

    Human fetus development inside an egg

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  28. Y

    How Does the Human Eye Detect the Dimmest Starlight?

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  29. A

    Can the Human Body Create EM Fields to Affect Electronics?

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  30. B

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  31. A

    Exploring Human Body Wave Lengths: What Does It Mean?

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  32. E

    Medical Searching for the Human Connection -Physics and Music.

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  33. F

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  34. Z

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  35. T

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  36. M

    Biology Exploring the Genetics Behind Human Diversity

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  37. wirefree

    Human voice: Wavelength to frequency

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  38. S

    What produces human radiation?

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  39. Fra

    Medical How Well Is the Human Interferon Pathway Understood in the Immune System?

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  40. F

    Number of chromosomes in each step of mitosis in human

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  41. M

    Air pressure caused by wind on human being

    Hi Folks- Is there a way to determine the air pressure caused by wind at a given mph on a human being? Thanks! MD
  42. F

    Pushing capacity of a human being

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  43. F

    Pushing capacity of a human being

    Homework Statement What is the average pushing force a human can exert? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I did some research online but didn't come up with anything.
  44. P

    Genes that Cause Human Aging: Telomeres, Klotho & Methuselah

    What genes cause aging, most people think shortening of telomeres is the main reason of aging, but I know there are more than that, like Klotho, Methuselah. But which fews are more important than others, and what else are there?
  45. A

    Artificially Controlling Human Emotion

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  46. P

    Are Human Nature and Human Instincts Distinct Concepts?

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  47. K

    General Relativity and the Human Body

    In SPH 4U1, (Ontario Grade 12 Physics) we learn the attempts to stop the affects that the human body experiences when in prolonged periods of time in space; such as muscle decay, loss of bone density, etc. So we learn of the attempts to use centripetal force and angular motion to cause a 9.8...
  48. Loren Booda

    What Causes the Range of Eye Colors in Humans?

    What biological reasoning explains the panoply of eye color in humans?
  49. B

    Medical What determines the amount of force a human muscle can exert?

    For any given human muscle (the bicep for example), are there any other factors that determine the amount of force it can exert besides the amount of muscle and the "type" (red vs white, or slow-twitch vs fast-twitch)? Say, if you had a person who had .5 kg of muscle in his bicept that was 60%...
  50. fluidistic

    Most sensitive part of the human body

    Hello, I've been taught in high school that the most sensitive part of the human body was the index finger. However recently I've read that it is the clitoris... But I've a doubt if it is true. I'd like to know the sensitivity of the human eye. I don't have any anatomy book nor medical...