What is Hamiltonian: Definition and 895 Discussions

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a Hamiltonian path (or traceable path) is a path in an undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex exactly once. A Hamiltonian cycle (or Hamiltonian circuit) is a Hamiltonian path that is a cycle. Determining whether such paths and cycles exist in graphs is the Hamiltonian path problem, which is NP-complete.
Hamiltonian paths and cycles are named after William Rowan Hamilton who invented the icosian game, now also known as Hamilton's puzzle, which involves finding a Hamiltonian cycle in the edge graph of the dodecahedron. Hamilton solved this problem using the icosian calculus, an algebraic structure based on roots of unity with many similarities to the quaternions (also invented by Hamilton). This solution does not generalize to arbitrary graphs.
Despite being named after Hamilton, Hamiltonian cycles in polyhedra had also been studied a year earlier by Thomas Kirkman, who, in particular, gave an example of a polyhedron without Hamiltonian cycles. Even earlier, Hamiltonian cycles and paths in the knight's graph of the chessboard, the knight's tour, had been studied in the 9th century in Indian mathematics by Rudrata, and around the same time in Islamic mathematics by al-Adli ar-Rumi. In 18th century Europe, knight's tours were published by Abraham de Moivre and Leonhard Euler.

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  1. N

    Wave mechanics: the adjoint of a hamiltonian

    Homework Statement The operator Q satisfies the two equations Q^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger}=0 , QQ^{\dagger}+Q^{\dagger}Q=1 The hamiltonian for a system is H= \alpha*QQ^{\dagger}, Show that H is self-adjoint b) find an expression for H^2 , the square of H , in terms of H. c)Find the...
  2. T

    Deriving a Hamiltonian from dimensionless equations

    Hey all, (As I mentioned in my previous post) I am trying to derive the Hamiltonian for a aeroelastic system, where the dynamical equations of motion (determined by Newtonian Mechanics) are known. My process has been to 1. "guess" a form of the Lagrangian, check that it recreates the...
  3. T

    Deriving Hamiltonian for 2-DoF Aero-Elastic System

    Hi all, I am in a bit of a dilly of a pickle of a rhubarb of a jam with determining the Hamiltonian of a specific system. For background information it is an 2-DoF aero-elastic system where I am (temporarily) neglecting the aerodynamic lift and moment terms. Being an intrinsically...
  4. Z

    Hamiltonian function of undamped spring (ODE)

    Homework Statement Derive the Hamiltonian function H(A,B) such that A'=HB and B'=-HA. Plot the contours of this function in the range -0.005 =< H =< 0.01. Identify the approximate position an type of each of the three critical points which occur. We can look for solutions of the form x =...
  5. N

    Hamiltonian problem concerning the simple harmonic oscillator

    Homework Statement use the hamiltonian equation H=H_x+H_y+H_z to show that wave functions of the form \varphi(r)=\phii(x)\phij(y)\phik(z) where the functions phi_i(x) are the energy eigenfunctions for a 1-d SHM , satisfy H*phi=E*phi , and find the followed values of E for the 3-d...
  6. W

    How to establish the hamiltonian matrix as soon as possible?

    in the bose-hubbard model, we need to enumerate all the possible basis usually, the basis vectors are taken as the fock states The problem is that, how to arrange the basis and how to establish the matrix of the hamiltonian as soon as possible It is apparent the the matrix will be very...
  7. S

    Simplified Heisenberg Hamiltonian; Linear combinations of basis states

    So, I'm doing some undergraduate research in quantum spin systems, looking at the ground states of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian, H=\sum{J_{ij}\textbf{S}_{i}\textbf{S}_{j}}. But I think I have a critical misunderstanding of some fundamental quantum mechanics concepts. (I'm a math major, only had...
  8. jfizzix

    Time Evolution Operator & Classical Hamiltonian: Relating the Two

    I have been studying the theoretical framework of quantum mechanics in an attempt to have a working understanding of the subject, if not a comprehensive one, and I have hit upon the following stumbling block. Now, given that the orthogonality of states is preserved with time, it is easily...
  9. M

    How does the substitution in equations 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 work?

    I am not posting this in the homework section because it is not really a homework problem. Its from the schaum outline and I am stumped in this: http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/688/67356569.jpg I have NO idea about 3.2.4 and 3.2.5. Its black magic! How the hell does that substitution work...
  10. C

    Ehrenfest theorem and Hamiltonian operator

    Homework Statement Use the generalized Ehrenfest theorem to show that any free particle with the one-dimensional Hamiltonian operator H= p^2/2m obeys d^2<x^2> / dt^2 = (2/m)<p^2>, Homework Equations The commutation relation xp - px = ih(bar) The Attempt at a Solution...
  11. maverick280857

    Expressing the Klein Gordon Hamiltonian in terms of ladder operators

    Hi everyone I'm trying to express each term of the Hamiltonian H = \int d^{3}x \frac{1}{2}\left[\Pi^2 + (\nabla \Phi)^2 + m^2\Phi^2\right][/tex] in terms of the ladder operators a(p) and [itex]a^{\dagger}(p). This is what I get for the first term \int d^{3}x...
  12. Rasalhague

    Definitions of the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian

    I've just encountered the terms Hamiltonian and Lagrangian. I've read that the Hamiltonian is the total energy H = T + U, while the Lagrangian L = T - U, where T is kinetic energy, and U potential energy. In the case of Newtonian gravitational potential energy, U = -G\frac{Mm}{r}. So am I...
  13. M

    The hamiltonian of a half spin particle

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian for a spin-half particle is H = 2a/ħ (Sx + Sy) where a is a positive constant and Sx , Sy are the x and y components of the spin. Initially (at time t=0) the particle is in the state |ψ> = (1/√2) (|↑>+|↓>) where up and down arrows denote...
  14. T

    How Do You Derive the Hyperfine Hamiltonian from Magnetic Moments and Fields?

    Homework Statement Derive the hyperfine Hamiltonian starting from \hat{H}_H_F = -\hat{\mu}_N \cdot \hat{B_L} . Where \hat{\mu}_N is the magnetic moment of the nucleus and \hat{B_L} is the magnetic field created by the pion’s motion around the nucleon. Write down the Hamiltonian in the...
  15. P

    Finding eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian involving Sz, Sz^2 and Sx

    I have the Hamiltonian for an S=5/2 particle given by: H= a.Sz + b.Sz^2 +c.Sx where Sz and Sx are the spins in z and x directions respectively. The resulting matrix is tridiagonal symmetric but I can't find the eigenvalues..Any idea how to diagonalise it. N.B: a is a variable and must be...
  16. K

    Uncertainty principle for position and hamiltonian

    I found the uncertainty between delta x (position) and delta H (Hamiltonian) to be greater or equal to (h_bar*<p>)/ 2m. Does this mean for stationary states, where <p>=0, the uncertainty can be zero? ie we can precisely measure the position and energy?
  17. S

    Unlocking a 1956 Article: Pitaevskii's Hamiltonian Transformation

    Homework Statement I'm following an article by Pitaevskii from 1956, and there's one mathematical transition which I don't understand. The Hamiltonian is given first in coordinate space, and then the density operator is transformed to its Fourier components. The continuity equation is also...
  18. C

    Solving Hamiltonian Operator Homework: 1D Harmonic Oscillator

    Homework Statement One dimensional harmonic oscillator has the Hamiltonian H(hat)=p(hat)/2m +0.5mw^2x(hat)^2 Show that the eigenvalue spectrum of H(hat) is En=(n+0.5)h(bar)w n=0,1,2... I've managed to show this Suppose the real constant C is added to the Hamiltonian H(hat) to give the...
  19. E

    How to Diagonalize a Hamiltonian with Fermion Operators?

    Homework Statement I am trying to solve a problem of 1D electron system. Given a,a^\dagger,b,b^\dagger annihilation and creation operator which satisfy the fermion commutation relations diagonalize the following hamiltonian...
  20. S

    Switching to a Matrix Hamiltonian - Conceptual Issues

    Switching to a Matrix Hamiltonian -- Conceptual Issues It's probably very clear and well-established for those who rigorously studied Quantum Mechanics but I don't think what I am going to ask is easily 'google'-able but if it is so - please send me to the correct source before spending time...
  21. B

    When is a hamiltonian separable and when isnt it?

    So if you have a 3D Shrodinger Equation problem, what allows you so assume that the wave function solution is going to be a product of 3 wave functions where each wave function is for a different independent variable? And also is it true that in general in these cases the eigen-energies are...
  22. E

    A question about solving the energy eigenvalue of a given Hamiltonian operator

    The problem is A particle of mass m and electric charges q can move only in one dimension and is subject to a harmonic force and a homogeneous electrostatic field. The Hamiltonian operator for the system is H= p2/2m +mw2/2*x2 - qεx a. solve the energy eigenvalue problem b. if the...
  23. L

    Non hermiticity of Hamiltonian

    Hallo everyone, I have a question, how can I see that the hamiltonian H=p^2-x^4 is not hermitian, with p the momentum operator and x the position operator.
  24. L

    Hamiltonian Principle: Uncovering Physics Beyond Euler-Lagrange Eq.s

    Hi there! After some years of physics studies I'm accustomed to the Hamiltonian principle but I sometimes still wonder why physicists tacitly assume that the eq.s of motion of any physical theory (no matter if quantized or not, relativistic or not, strings etc.) can be obtained as...
  25. P

    Finding the hamiltonian of a projectile

    Homework Statement Using cartesian coordinates, find the Hamiltonian for a projectile of mass m moving under uniform gravity. Obtain Hamiltonian's equation and identify any cyclic coordinates. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I will just have trouble...
  26. D

    2-band, 3-band, 6-band Hamiltonian

    Can anybody tell me what they mean by 2, 3, 6 or any band hamiltonians. What does it even mean?
  27. N

    QM: Splitting up the Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement Hi all. I have a Hamiltonian given by: H = H_x + H_y = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}(d^2/dx^2 + d^2/dy^2). Now I have a stationary state on the form \psi(x,y)=f(x)g(y). According to my teacher, then the Hamiltonian can be split up, i.e. we have the two equations: H_x...
  28. haushofer

    Poisson brackets for Hamiltonian descriptions

    Hi, I have a (maybe rather technical) question about the Hamiltonian formulation of gauge theories, which I don't get. With an infinitesimal symmetry on your space-time M one can look at the corresponding transformation of the canonical variables in phase-space PS. This can be done by a phase...
  29. G

    Correspondence between Hamiltonian mechanics and QM

    To which entitity (operators, wavefunctions etc) in quantum mechanics do the dynamical variables and the hamiltonian vector fields that they generate (through Symplectic structure of classical mechanics) correspond to?
  30. N

    QM: Commuting the Hamiltonian with position

    Homework Statement Hi all. I am commuting the Hamiltonian (H = p2/(2m) + V(x)) with position. This is what I get: [H,x] = -\frac{i\hbar}{m}p, where p is the momentum operator. But here's my question: The momentum-operator contains d/dx, so does this mean that the commutator is zero, or do...
  31. K

    Solve Hamiltonian Problem: Have Ideas on q2=Acos(q2)+Bsin(q2)+C?

    Have you got any clues how to prove q2=Acos(q2)+Bsin(q2)+C using hamiltonian H =(1/2)*(p12 q14 + p22 q22 - 2aq1) , where a,A,B,C=const. I've tried to solve hamiltonian eqations what let me to equations which I can't solved. How you got any ideas solving this problem?
  32. A

    Hamiltonian for non-conservative forces?

    We know if a force is conservative we can use a potential function. Assume there are non-conservative forces in our problem. For example the air resistance force exerting on a oscillating mass-spring system. How should we write the hamiltonian for this case?
  33. T

    How Do You Quantize the Hamiltonian for a Particle on a Unit Circle?

    Homework Statement The Lagrangian of a non-relativistic particle propagating on a unit circle is L=\frac{1}{2}\dot{\phi}^{2} where ϕ is an angle 0 ≤ ϕ < 2π. (i) Give the Hamiltonian of the theory, and the Poisson brackets of the ca- nonical variables. Quantize the theory by promoting...
  34. R

    How to Label Spin Hamiltonian by Ms in EPR Experiments?

    dear members, My problem is... suppose take the spin Hamiltonian Hham=D[Sz2 -S(S+1)/3 +(E/D)(Sy2-Sy2)] +Hi\vec{S} (most often in EPR experiments, etc). here external magnetic field Hamiltonian Hi = \betagiBiext and i =x, y and z. Also gx=gy=gz=2 and the external magnetic field is...
  35. C

    Time Reversal Invariance Of Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement Suppose that the Hamiltonian is invariant under time reversal: [H,T] = 0. Show that, nevertheless, an eigenvalue of T is not a conserved quantity. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Using Kramer's Theorem. Consider the energy eigenvalue...
  36. K

    Classical Hamiltonian: Energy Conservation?

    If the classical Hamiltonian is define as H = f(q, p) p, q is generalized coordinates and they are time-dependent. But H does not explicitly depend on time. Can I conclude that the energy is conserved (even q, p are time-dependent implicitly)? Namely, if no matter if p, q are time-dependent or...
  37. diegzumillo

    Pauli Hamiltonian & Electron Mass/Charge/Spin: Show Equivalence

    Homework Statement The Hamiltonian of an electron with mass m, electric charge q and spin of \frac{\hbar }{2}\vec{\sigma} in a magnetic field described by the potential vector \vec{A}\left( \vec{r},t\right) and a scalar potential U\left( \vec{r},t\right) is given by...
  38. D

    Energy Spectrum for Hamiltonian

    Homework Statement Find the energy spectrum of a system whose Hamiltonian is H=Ho+H'=[-(planks const)^2/2m][d^2/dx^2]+.5m(omega)^2x^2+ax^3+bx^4 I gues my big question to begin is what exactly makes up the energy spectrum. I know the equation to the first and second order perturbations...
  39. M

    Find the hamiltonian and lagrangian of a chained system

    Homework Statement N points at distance a each other -> chain length L=Na. q_{}n is the n-point shift. Homework Equations q\stackrel{}{}.._{}n=\Omega^{}2(q_{}n+1+q_{}n-1-2q_{}n I must find the hamiltonian and lagrangian of the system. The Attempt at a Solution
  40. N

    What Is the Dimension of the Coefficient b(k) in Quantum Mechanics?

    Homework Statement if we have the particle ins free its hamiltonian has a continuous spectrum of eigen enegies and superposition of arbitrary initial state in eigenstates φ_k of H( hamiltonian oprator) becomes ∫_(-∞)^∞▒〖b(k) φ_k dk〗,what is the dimemension of b(k) (lb(k)l^2 is a...
  41. P

    What can be done when eigenvalues of a Non Hermitian Hamiltonian are complex?

    I have a question..I am trying to solve a differential equation that arises in my research problem. Because the differential equation has no solution in terms of well known functions, I had to construct a series solution for the differential equation which is physical and agrees with the...
  42. N

    [QM] Finding probability current from Hamiltonian and continuity equation

    Homework Statement Given the Hamiltonian H=\vec{\alpha} \cdot \vec{p} c + mc^2 = -i \hbar c \vec{\alpha} \cdot \nabla + mc^2 in which \vec{\alpha} is a constant vector. Derive from the Schrödinger equation and the continuity equation what the current is belonging to the density \rho...
  43. S

    Proving Mutual Unknowns in a Room: Hamiltonian Walks

    Homework Statement There are (m-1)n+1 people in the room. Show that there are at least n people who mutually do not know each other, or there is a person who knows at least n people Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think this has to do with hamiltonian walks...
  44. M

    Ground state of Hamiltonian describing fermions

    Homework Statement I have been given the Hamiltonian H = \sum_{k} (\epsilon_k - \mu) c^{\dag} c_k where c_k and c^{\dag}_k are fermion annihilation and creation operators respectively. I need to calculate the ground state, the energy of the ground state E_0 and the derivative...
  45. B

    Hamiltonian: The Key to Understanding Total Energy in Quantum Mechanics

    Hello! I've just finished a discussion with my peers and lecturer on some of the postulates of QM, My lecturer said that "the total energy of any quantum mechanical system is always given by the Hamiltonian, which may be obtained by appropraite application of the classical Hamiltonian"...
  46. M

    Quantum Physics - Hamiltonian operator

    Hi, Can you help me with this, I don't know how to go about solving this. Question:
  47. L

    Constructing Hamiltonian Matrix from Sz Basis States for Quantum Spin Chains

    Hallo! My question relates to the use of basis states to form operator matrices... In the context of quantum spin chains, where the Hamiltonian on a chain of N sites is defined periodically as:H = sumk=0N-1[ S(k) dot S(k+1) ] (apologies for the notation) so there is a sum over k=0 to N-1...
  48. I

    Proving Hamiltonian Invariance with Goldstein Problems

    Homework Statement I'm solving Goldstein's problems. I have proved by direct substitution that Lagrange equations of motion are not effected by gauge transformation of the Lagrangian: L' = L + \frac{dF(q_i,t)}{dt} Now I'm trying to prove that Hamilton equations of motion are not affected...
  49. J

    Understanding the Total Energy of a Hamiltonian

    I have a question on the Hamiltonian from a classical viewpoint. I understand that the Hamiltonian, H, is conserved if it has no explicit time dependence, in other words: \frac{\partial H}{\partial t} = 0 What I am not clear on is how one can determine whether a given Hamiltonian...