What is Ground: Definition and 941 Discussions

In electrical engineering, ground or earth is the reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the earth.
Electrical circuits may be connected to ground for several reasons. Exposed conductive parts of electrical equipment are connected to ground, so that failures of internal insulation which create dangerous voltages on the parts which could be a shock hazard will trigger protective mechanisms in the circuit such as fuses or circuit breakers which turn off the power. In electric power distribution systems, a protective earth (PE) conductor is an essential part of the safety provided by the earthing system.
Connection to ground also limits the build-up of static electricity when handling flammable products or electrostatic-sensitive devices. In some telegraph and power transmission circuits, the ground itself can be used as one conductor of the circuit, saving the cost of installing a separate return conductor (see single-wire earth return).
For measurement purposes, the Earth serves as a (reasonably) constant potential reference against which other potentials can be measured. An electrical ground system should have an appropriate current-carrying capability to serve as an adequate zero-voltage reference level. In electronic circuit theory, a "ground" is usually idealized as an infinite source or sink for charge, which can absorb an unlimited amount of current without changing its potential. Where a real ground connection has a significant resistance, the approximation of zero potential is no longer valid. Stray voltages or earth potential rise effects will occur, which may create noise in signals or produce an electric shock hazard if large enough.
The use of the term ground (or earth) is so common in electrical and electronics applications that circuits in portable electronic devices such as cell phones and media players as well as circuits in vehicles may be spoken of as having a "ground" connection without any actual connection to the Earth, despite "common" being a more appropriate term for such a connection. This is usually a large conductor attached to one side of the power supply (such as the "ground plane" on a printed circuit board) which serves as the common return path for current from many different components in the circuit.

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  1. B

    Ground Source Heat Pump Questions

    I am researching ground source heat pumps, however I do not completely understand how they work. I understand that a pump uses a small amount of electricity to pump heated ground water or an antifreeze solution through the a system of piping in the ground to transfer heat from the ground to a...
  2. B

    Momentum graph given, find the launch angle, level ground

    Calculus based course, this is from the "linear momentum of a system of particles" section. I've attached a rough sketch of the graph from my textbook. The main points of the graph are this, it's a parabola, at T=0 and T = 4.5, P(momentum) = 6. At T= 2.25 (maybe) it bottoms out. I say maybe...
  3. neduet

    Understanding the Difference between Ground and Neutral in Electrical Systems

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  4. Pattonias

    News Navigating War: Do We Have Too Comfortable a Middle Ground?

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  5. T

    Calculating Velocity of Ball at Impact with Ground

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  6. T

    Experimental determination of ground state configuration

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  7. L

    Ground Loop Q: Connect Signal Source to Circuit?

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  8. S

    Probability of finding a particle in the ground state

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  9. D

    Ground state hydrogen parallel to the double slit experiment?

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  10. P

    If gate (NMOS) is connected to Ground how is current able to flow

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  11. M

    Find flux of CO2: convert (μmolCO2 (mol air)^-1) to (mgC)(m^-2 of ground hr^–1)

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  12. S

    Potential ground and electric charge

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  13. A

    Momentum four vector for ground state.

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  14. L

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  15. R

    Mass Defect of Hydrogen-2 Electron Binding Energy

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  16. S

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  17. M

    Perturbation Theory & the Ground State in a 1-D Potential Box

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  18. L

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  19. G

    Determining Ground State of an Atom: Pauli, Hunds, Coloumb's Rules

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  20. V

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  21. P

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  22. J

    Quantum mechanics ground state

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  23. C

    I accidentally dropped a 1 kg object on the ground

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  24. J

    Why is the ground state always symmetric?

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  25. Oddbio

    What is the ground state wave function of ortho-helium and its degeneracy?

    I want to construct the ground state wave function of orthohelium. Here is my reasoning, please let me know if I am correct or not. I forgot to add that for this post I am ignoring the electron-electron interactions. Orthohelium has the triplet spin state which is symmetric. Because the total...
  26. S

    Ground state wavefunction & energy for 2 electrons

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  27. J

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  28. R

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  29. S

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  30. S

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  31. R

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  32. A

    Finding time and speed at which skydiver hits the ground

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  33. C

    Accelerometer's angle from ground to sky

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  34. E

    Ground or excited states.Please check.

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  35. M

    RF reflection from ground through dense snow

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  36. T

    Hydrogen Ground State Energies - Question

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  37. A

    Spinning ball bounces off ground, following curved trajectory

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  38. A

    Finding speed of an object when it hits the ground, after free fall.

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  39. G

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  40. S

    Definition of electrical ground

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  41. C

    In a typical lightning strike, 2.5 C flows from cloud to ground in 0.20 ms.

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  42. S

    Grounding Considerations for Portable Radio Devices

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  43. A

    You shoot them straight into the air, which one hits the ground first?

    Assume 2 bullets-- Exactly the same outside size and dimensions, Exactly the same velocity in OUR atmosphere. One Bullet weighs more than the other-- You shoot them straight into the air-- which one hits the ground first? How about if you shot them horizontally? Is there any webiste...
  44. C

    Is the Ground State Quantum Number n Equal to 0 or 1?

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  45. L

    Finding max height and speed before it hits the ground of a rocket

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  46. G

    A canister is dropped from a helicopter 500m above the ground

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  47. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Calculating Speed of Falling Banana - Just Before it Hits Ground?

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  48. Q

    Ground state energy of a two particle gravitational atom

    Homework Statement Two neutral spinless particles of mass m are gravitationally bound to one another. What is the ground state energy of this two-particle gravitational atom? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So, it's a two particle system, but H_{total} = H_1 +...
  49. P

    Forces in pole leaning over ground

    Homework Statement hello:D I have a pole (no associations!) and I am leaning it over ground that it stands making a angle of \phi between ground and pole length. What are the forces working in down finish of this pole, the one who is going vertically down, and going horizontally? thanks for...
  50. S

    Estimate ground state energy with HU

    Hi, i worked through several examples where the ground state energy of a particle in an arbitrary potential V(r) is estimated with Heisenberg's uncertainty relation. In these examples they prepare the Hamiltonian for the particle. For example the Hamiltonian for a particle in a harmonic...