What is Future: Definition and 784 Discussions

The future is the time after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist forever, or temporary, meaning that it will end. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected timeline that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone.In the philosophy of time, presentism is the belief that only the present exists and the future and the past are unreal. Religions consider the future when they address issues such as karma, life after death, and eschatologies that study what the end of time and the end of the world will be. Religious figures such as prophets and diviners have claimed to see into the future.
Future studies, or futurology, is the science, art, and practice of postulating possible futures. Modern practitioners stress the importance of alternative and plural futures, rather than one monolithic future, and the limitations of prediction and probability, versus the creation of possible and preferable futures. Predeterminism is the belief that the past, present, and future have been already decided.
The concept of the future has been explored extensively in cultural production, including art movements and genres devoted entirely to its elucidation, such as the 20th-century movement futurism.

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  1. davidbenari

    Other Is BigData/MachineLearning/DeepLearning really the future?

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  2. V

    Can Photon Entanglement Revolutionize Aerospace Sensor Technology?

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  3. Vivan Vatsa

    What is going to be the future of computer industry?

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  4. kolleamm

    Where is the future of computing heading?

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  5. raphalbatros

    B Predicting the future of a deterministic universe

    I was discussing with some friends the other day. We were philosophizing about a hypothetical universe which is governed by the principles of causal determinism. (Go look at the Wikipedia page on determinism for more details about causal determinism.) Our first concern was: Could a computer...
  6. Docscientist

    How do you visualise your future self?

    I read this somewhere "what you think you become" said by Buddha. I'm convinced that how you visualise yourself to be is how you really are.That must apply to your future self too. I'd be glad to see your worthy answers.
  7. Dakota

    Time Travel to Future: Is There a Minimum Speed?

    Theoretically you can travel back in time by moving faster than the speed of light, or the universal speed limit. Is there a minimum speed? 0. But with gravity you would be moving, so if you move against gravity relative to yourself you are moving. So if there was a place in the universe free of...
  8. D

    How to study future and previous subjects over the summer.

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  9. A

    Time reversal of gravity and Richard Feynman lecture on past and future

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  10. J

    Will tilt-rotors replace helicopters in the future?

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  11. S

    Direction for Future: I'm Finishing High School & Want to be a Physicist

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  12. BTBlueSkies

    SpaceTime... Why can we access past but not future events

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  13. heartshapedbox

    Finding future x position with changing velocity

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  14. T

    More math/science prodigies in the future?

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  15. Iconoclast

    Is Our Future Already Determined by the Laws of Physics?

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  16. zAbso

    The Slowing of Light: Exploring New Possibilities

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  17. G

    Future Professions: What Will We Do in the Automated Economy?

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  18. A

    Abt seeing the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye in future

    According to what I've read, the andromeda galaxy is approaching the milky way galaxy. Also, I've just recently discovered (on the net) that andromeda has a much larger subtended angle than the moon or sun. Hence, as it approaches it's angle subtended will keep increasing. I've also known that...
  19. jmex

    Drafting: Exploring the Future of Piping Design

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  20. S

    Career in astrophysics or math

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  21. Dishsoap

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  22. Aero_Arnendu

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  23. S

    Is the future undetermined or simply undeterminable?

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  24. H

    Possible fusion power plants of the future

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  25. mykamakiri

    Total mass and/or future of dark energy = cyclic universe?

    In an article called "From big bang to big bounce" published in New Scientist in 2008, author Anil Ananthaswamy outlines two different theories that lead to our universe being cyclic. 1: "Cosmologists are still very much in the dark about dark energy. Some theoretical models speculate that the...
  26. T

    The Science Behind Back to the Future Day

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  27. TMECLT

    Programs What Major Is Best For My Future?

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  28. PhysicsKid0123

    Insights on future prospects: Applied vs Computational Math

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  29. H

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  30. S

    Few Bad grades and your future

    Hi, I am an italian physics student. I know that this is a recurrent topic but I want some specific advice. This year I am completing my third year of university to get my bachelor degree. Then I have to get my master. In these three years I got a lot of very good-top grade, and 2 average-bad...
  31. magi

    Automotive How Will Future Flying Car Technology Overcome Turbulence?

    -- Hello. When people started flying it was quite bumpy because of turbulence below 10000 meter. So todays air travel is mostly above 10000 meter to avoid a bumping turbulent ride. To develop a future flying car this must be dealt with because people don't want to be thrown around in the...
  32. Borek

    Hoverboard - the future is now ;)

    But just before you rush to order one, watch this:
  33. C

    Future time measurement units for a tidal locked exoplanet

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  34. Monsterboy

    Future possibilities of Planetary society's solar sail idea.

    I don't know how long this solar sail idea has been here , the Planetary society's second solar sail failed to achieve its objective right ? I am interested in the applications of this technique. 1) Is it possible to use them to deflect large asteroids and comets away from the Earth ? 2) Is...
  35. H

    Medical Physics Job Market and Future Outlook

    Hello Everyone, I hope that you all are well, I'm a new user here at Physics Forums and one who plans on studying medical physics in graduate school, and hopes to pursue a residency. My question is regarding the job market for those medical physicists who have been able to complete a medical...
  36. GiantSheeps

    Can We Combine Solar Sails and Ion Thrusters for Faster Space Travel?

    I've heard a lot of people talk about solar sails versus things like Ion thrusters, and it seems that both have their advantages and disadvantages. So I was wondering whether or not it's possible to use both on a single spacecraft ? That way you could get the speed of an ion thruster along with...
  37. J

    Can future events affect the past?

    In a new experiment done,an Australian team of physicists have said they have said they had a particle in the future affect the past. https://cosmosmagazine.com/physical-sciences/time-travel-and-single-atom
  38. A

    The Future of Gravitational Lensing: What Physicists Expect in 15 Years

    What do physicists expect to do or find with lensing in the next fifteen years? Is there some specific object(s) they are looking for, or a concept?
  39. A

    Job vs Academic Experience for MS&E PhD & Future Career

    Hi all again. I had received very good advice from my previous posts on PhysicsForum. Those advices certainly have helped me to navigate through all the confusions I have for my future career path. So I really appreciate the help from all of you. As I become more informed, I have more specific...
  40. C

    What Political System Best Suits a Rebuilding Society on a Distant Planet?

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  41. FocusMiah

    Questions about future employment

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  42. L

    Optimizing High Speed Transit for Comfort and Safety: A Scientific Approach

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  43. Zeedr

    Is this idea remotely possible in the distant future?

    Hello, I was just brainstorming for futuristic inventions with context for a sci-fi, high fidelity game (because I'm too cool to revise for exams) - and I thought of one, but my physics and engineering knowledge is at best sketchy when it comes to gravity and nuclear fusion combinations, I was...
  44. C

    Schools Concerned about my grades this term and future grad school

    I go to a university that operates on a three quarter per year system, with 10 weeks per quarter. This quarter started out fine, but my dad's condition suddenly deteriorated and he passed away (I was led to believe he had at least 2 years left from doctor expectations about the development of...
  45. T

    Need advice on Academic Future

    Hey guys, I would really, really like to go to graduate school for PhD in either Electrical Engineering or condensed matter/semiconductor physics. I will be graduating in December with two degrees from two different universities (yes, simultaneously), one a BS in Electrical engineering and the...
  46. B

    What career choice after poor grades?

    So... I cannot choose a career path. So let's start with the basics i am ok at math and science poor at english. In GCSE i received B in science, C in maths and C in english. I was disappointed as this meant that i could not do A-Level Chem and Bio on college. So now i am doing applied science...
  47. N

    High Schooler confused for future career

    First off I would like to thank you for your time for clicking on this thread and reading it. Thank you! To begin, I'm a 17 year old in High School in 11th grade in Northern New Jersey. To give a little background in my schooling life, just like pretty much everyone else I did great in all...
  48. S

    High School Student Thinking About Future Careers

    Hey! I'm a Grade 11 (entering Grade 12) high school student living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and I was wondering if I could come here and ask a question on if anyone could give me any advice on what I should do with my life? More specifically, which one of these careers do you think would be...
  49. A

    A puzzling dilemma between a safe future job and physics

    Hello there, I am looking for possible advice from people more versed than I about my current situation. A bit of overview of where I am currently standing: I am 18 and recently started serving in the army - that is, mandatory army. I got accepted to a good computing & security unit after...
  50. M

    Is this credible: can the future affect the past

    http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2012/aug/03/can-the-future-affect-the-past Is this article credible? If it is credible can somebody simplify it a little?