What is Freshman: Definition and 138 Discussions

A freshman, first year, or frosh, is a person in the first year at an educational institution, usually a secondary or post-secondary school.

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  1. B

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I could use some help. I'm a freshman

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I could use some help. I'm a freshman in high school and for a school project, we have to make a magazine. My group and I are doing a tech and general science magazine. I'm writing a feature story on metamaterials, and a future where they are abundant. We need...
  2. A

    This Freshman Math Class at Harvard Looks Insane

    If this is the wrong forum for this, I apologize. I tried to narrow this question to the right section. I somehow ended up on a Harvard undergraduate maths webpage for incoming freshman. The first two courses I read were pretty gnarly but I have read enough posts on this website throughout...
  3. M

    How important is freshman mechanics for junior level mechanics?

    I've taken freshman physics I and II about a year ago (I don't remember too much from it..) and I was wondering how important they are to the junior year classical mechanics? I've noticed that a lot of learning resources online for physics starts at the junior year classical mechanics and it...
  4. D

    How do you specify your intererests in physics when you're a freshman

    Hello, I'm interested in research and development of either fusion power generation or graphene based nanoelectronics. One of the things I like about these areas is that they are in the imminent stages of development and I will probably see them developed in my lifetime. My issue is that...
  5. W

    Words of Wisdom for a Stressed out High-School Freshman?

    Hello, and as you can probably tell I'm a stressed out high school freshman. I understand that I'm a freshman and I should enjoy my high school years, blah blah blah, but high school is only four years of your life, so yes I'm worrying about which schools I get into as they will decide my...
  6. Ascendant78

    Schools What to do over summer? (College freshman physics major)

    I'm in my first year of college as a physics major and I am not taking any courses this summer. I only have to work part-time, so I will have some spare time on my hands to do some extra studies. Since I am going to a small and affordable college for my AA, they have no research programs...
  7. L

    Freshman year GPA (not horrible, but not brilliant)

    My freshman year GPA wasn't horrible - I got between a 3.6 and a 3.7, but I had a very difficult time adjusting to college for a variety of reasons. I've just finished my second semester of my sophomore year, and things have settled down a lot, and my semester GPA was in the mid 3.9s (and I was...
  8. H

    Schools Freshman at my local community college

    Let me start this off by informing you a little about myself. I am a Freshman at my local community college. I am majoring in Biological Science (that's the only science major of study here; kind of covers it all.) I am majoring in Physics as my field of study, however. Physics has always...
  9. A

    Do Freshman Grades Really Matter?

    So I got As Bs Cs in my freshman courses. Pretty bad compared to how I did in school, but I got carried away with all the college stuff. So far I've only taken intro courses, and the real physics starts next term. So every intro course I did bad on I have a chance to do good on the advanced...
  10. K

    I'm a freshman with sophomore knowledge. Should I join research?

    I'm a pHysics major freshman and I know lots of college physics and math, lots of which I don't get to skip in college.
  11. K

    Is it a good idea to join undergraduate research in freshman year or sophomore year?

    Is it a good idea to join undergraduate research in freshman year or sophomore year and why?
  12. D

    Is Freshman Physics Too Difficult for Non-Calculus Students?

    Hi everyone. I am currently attending the University of Washington, and after talking to a few advisers it has become apparent to me that Physics 121 (first course in the calculus based physics series) is not recommended to people that haven't taken the entire calculus series yet. They explained...
  13. F

    Management Trainee Position: A good start for freshman ?

    I am about to graduate with a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering with three possible paths: - A confirmed offer as Design Engineering Trainee at a small design company which takes outsourced design projects related to industrial design and automotive - A prospective offer from a...
  14. D

    Does This Schedule Look Too Heavy For A Freshman EE Student?

    I am an incoming electrical engineering freshman. Integral Calculus (4) Modern Physics: Waves, Optics, Quantum and Classical Mechanics (4) Physics Lab (1) EE 101 and Lab (2) Intro To Programming and Lab (4) Sculptural Ceramics (2) Freshman Year Experience (1) Programming is an...
  15. O

    Honors Freshman Mechanics Book?

    I'm a freshman Physics major, currently studying intro Electromagnetism. I've recently started trying to get ahead of my school curriculum, so I'm working my way through Purcell instead of Giancoli, which my class uses. Anyway, I'm loving Purcell. It pushes me, since I'm not used to problems of...
  16. S

    Schools Average GPA for Engineering Freshman in College?

    Hey, I attend Georgia Tech and I am completing my freshman year here. I am probably going to end up with a 3.1 - 3.3 GPA this year. I was wondering whether this is poor, average, or good. Keep in mind that my major is Electrical Engineering which is considered to be one of the hardest majors at...
  17. E

    Facing the Challenge:My Freshman Year Majoring Mathematics

    I am in my freshman year majoring mathematics,which I chose independently right after the entrance examination.I really admire the well-constructed logic and symbolic system in math,and I hope to have a good graps of it. During the first year, I take the mathematical analysis and advanced...
  18. O

    Freshman Looking for a Project

    So I'm in the first year of my Physics major, having just finished my first class. I'm looking for projects to do at home. I'm not too picky about whether it's an genuine experiment or just a fun project. I just want to do something with my hands that relates to what we're doing in class. I got...
  19. B

    Programs Advice to a freshman physics major

    Hey I've been browsing these forums for some insight into the field I'll be currently majoring in. But I feel I may as a well ask myself and get some firsthand advice. Being a physics major, it's only natural that the course load will be quite heavy compared to others. I'm taking five...
  20. Q

    Is it ok for the freshman year?

    Ok, thank everyone. Here are my result in freshman year: Semester 1: Practice in General Physics: 9/10 French A1: 9.3/10 Mechanics 1: 6.7/10 :( Linear Algebra: 6.6/10:( Calculus1: 6.8/10:( Semester 2: French A2: 9.5/10 CS1: 9.6/10 Thermodynamics and molecular physics: 7.9/10 Calculus...
  21. A

    Quantum Mechanics help for a freshman undergrad

    Hey all. I've recently graduated high school and will be entering college this fall. I managed to get my hands on an inexpensive copy of of Griffith's Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and thought I'd jump on the opportunity to teach myself something I have immense interest in. I started reading...
  22. J

    Engineering I just finished my freshman year at UT majoring in aerospace engineering

    My gpa was a 2.9. I'm already nervous about finding a job later or getting an internship or getting into grad school. Should I be?
  23. L

    Schools Astrophysics during Summer Vacations and Freshman College

    Hi, I am currently enjoying my vacations and joining my UG course late this July. The institute I am joining doesn't offer any Astronomy and Astrophysics course but I am pretty much interested in it. So, I want some guidance and materials on how to start Astronomy and Astrophysics self...
  24. G

    Should I take physics as a freshman?

    I am pretty good at algebra and all, and i like real complicated math that makes me think really deeply... next year i would be going to brooklyn tech high school and i am not sure whether to take physics as a freshman. I took a class on physics in my middle school and really liked it and...
  25. W

    Is it really that bad not being productive the summer after freshman year?

    I'll explain what I mean by that. I'm a mechanical engineering major and did really well grade wise my first year but as I expected I couldn't get an internship this summer but even beyond that I couldn't even get a job at a mall or in fast food. I mean at this point I guess I recognize the...
  26. S

    Courses How hard are upper division physics courses compared to freshman physics?

    I just took a first semester of a first year physics course for scientists and engineers. Even though I thought that course work was rather rigorous, I did well and got an A in the course. I'm thinking about going into biophysics, but need to have a GPA in the range of 4.0-3.9 since I plan to...
  27. S

    Terrible Freshman year and uncertainty

    Hi, (this is my first post! : D ) I'm a freshman in college. I came in wanting to major in physics and English. I soon tossed english aside and immersed myself in the sciences(during like the first month). I took Physics 1(general overview course touched upon all topics of physics from...
  28. O

    Schools Chances of grad school with terrible freshman grades?

    I think I'm in a pretty rough situation. I struggle with depression off and on, and it's put me in a really bad place academically over the past two years. First, I'd like to say that I've been doing much better lately. I had straight As last quarter and will probably get As this quarter...
  29. A

    Schools Incoming Freshman in CS Major Needs Help With Graduate School

    Hi, I'm going to UCI next year as a Computer Science major, and I was wondering about some stuff regarding graduate school. I know its kinda early, but I learned from high school that I should definitely plan things earlier :] So, just cause I'm going to UCI, does that mean I can't get...
  30. D

    HiI'm a freshman at IIT,Kanpur and wish to intern/work on a

    Hi! I'm a freshman at IIT,Kanpur and wish to intern/work on a research project this summer.I'm a metallurgical engineering major but want to work on something related to computer vision(Real time object modelling,maybe),or swarm robotics,and/or neural networks this summer.I've learned about...
  31. F

    What's the point of freshman physics

    It's not like a freshman who knows ODEs and Multivariable Calculus couldn't comprehend Classical Mechanics.
  32. M

    Freshman project in astrophysics

    hi, i am a first year student in an under-graduate inst. i have a lot of interest in astronomy and physics and wish to pursue research work in this field. however i have limited tools in terms of knowledge as this is only my first year. So can you suggest me some research project topics that...
  33. F

    Schools College freshman, interested in theoretical neuroscience

    So I'm currently a freshman at UPenn. I came in wanting to major in physics & math and go on to grad school in particle physics. However I've been a bit disillusioned since, by how esoteric the math required for it was and by the fact that there are barely any positions in academia for it. And...
  34. A

    Freshman Scientific Journalism - Physics

    I need some topic ideas within the realm of physics that might captivate the interest of fellow Freshman engineers when presented as a powerpoint. Something along the lines of Entropy Death, Carbon Nanotubing, Time Travel and causality, etc within two weeks. Some links to articles would be...
  35. A

    Courses Freshman Year Second Semester Course Selection

    Hey everyone, I am a first year physics student and just signed up for my second semester classes around a week ago. This is what I am taking: General Chemistry II - 4 credits Calculus II - 4 credits Physics I (Mechanics) - 4 credits German I - 4 credits Freshman Composition...
  36. W

    Schools I'm a college freshman and looking for some REUs that I would have a

    I'm a college freshman and looking for some REUs that I would have a decent chance to get accepted into. I know it is really hard to get accepted as a freshman but I was wondering if anyone here knew anything or had any suggestions. I'm looking for astrophysics or particle physics mainly but I...
  37. N

    The summer after freshman year

    I plan on taking an economics course through my local community college and working at a 4-H camp. I kind of want to have at least one more summer just chilling at home before I do any internships, since I'd have to live at least an hour and a half away from home. I'm a chemE major in a state...
  38. S

    Schools Help undergrad freshman with GRE Physics, Mathematics, Graduate school plans

    Please read the essay it is relevant. I just finished high school.. I am going to start Electrical and Electronics Engineering course in a crap university, I neither like the university nor the subject, but this is the best I can get as there is no other option in my country and I don't have...
  39. C

    Freshman Year Update/ Smart Scholarship

    I'm only about a month into freshman year at college, but everything has been going great so far. I resurrected SPS at my school and am about to start some research with my professor on scientific reasoning and optics, which will hopefully get published when we finish. My classes are going good...
  40. E

    Schools College freshman (pre-med) Chem advice needed

    Alright. I'm a pre-med so my science classes are really important. Unfortunately for me, I'm taking 18 credits and Bio + Chem. I'm not really used to the college system and the whole taking notes thing. Especially for a math based science like Chem. I feel like words aren't that important. So I...
  41. C

    Math I am a freshman majoring in Applied Physics and minoring in Math. In

    I am a freshman majoring in Applied Physics and minoring in Math. In my spare time I sometimes browse job listings on monster. My question is if one of the requirements is a BS in engineering would a BS in Applied Physics be equal
  42. E

    Freshman in College Looking for Advice on Electrical Engineering

    Hi, I am a freshman in college trying to decide what to study, and what sort of long-term plans I should have. I like math and love physics, and for a long time I thought I would become a physicist. But lately I've been thinking that I would rather do something more practical and that has...
  43. N

    Schools Starting freshman year and aiming for MIT grad school

    It's a big goal, I know. I'm going to a top-20 in its field undergrad school (for chemical engineering). It's a state school in my state, but a solid school nonetheless. I wasn't the best student in high school. I say that after graduating 3rd in my class, but in all honesty, I didn't...
  44. W

    Schools Rising college freshman, physics major?

    Hello. I'm a recently graduated high school senior who is attending an Ivy next fall (I don't know if there's a forum decorum issue about naming which one). I need advice on what career path to take. I'm currently planning on majoring in physics, since I feel that physics and chemistry are...
  45. E

    Courses Courses for freshman year in physics

    1. My school's divided into 4 terms per year. 2. I decided to rack up on math completely for the first year. To begin with, I'm told that no one can decide for me what's the best way to arrange my schedule, I just know I'd hate taking a physics course and its prerequisite concurrently. Also...
  46. D

    Freshman Year Grades: Achieving a 3.5 GPA at Top 10 College

    Hello all Next year I will be attending college for engineering (top 10 nationally). At the orientation they said that the average GPA of the freshman class at the end of the first year is a 2.9 (this is quite alarming to someone who is used to getting A's). When I asked the peer advisors how...
  47. D

    Class order of Physics freshman

    Should I take Calc I concurrently with Physics I or take only Calc I my first semester(then stagger the Physics/Calc curriculum for future semesters)? I've heard posters mention that taking Calc I then starting Physics a semester late is better for E&M later on. Any advice? Thanks.
  48. J

    Remmendation of book for a freshman

    Hi. I am a freshman in college. I am planning to do double major: computer engineering and physics. I used to spend a lot of times thinking about physics, and how to derivatie mathematics formulas. I need some recommendations of physics books that will allow me to expand my horizon in...
  49. U

    Should Freshmen Take Calc III? Advice for Math Majors

    hey guys, i need some advice as to which math class to enroll in. i just got accepted to college and will be starting first semester of freshman year in september. i will be a math major, and i am really comfortable with math. So right now, i am in ap calc BC and i am confident that i can get...
  50. O

    Freshman Calculus [Easy, yet long]

    Homework Statement http://i.imgur.com/ks0WZ.png Homework Equations A lot of them. The Attempt at a Solution I've got all the right answers up until part four, where you have to solve for C. -5000 is incorrect. I need help setting up to solve C! Please ^_^.