What is Entanglement: Definition and 870 Discussions

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance. The topic of quantum entanglement is at the heart of the disparity between classical and quantum physics: entanglement is a primary feature of quantum mechanics lacking in classical mechanics.
Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization performed on entangled particles can, in some cases, be found to be perfectly correlated. For example, if a pair of entangled particles is generated such that their total spin is known to be zero, and one particle is found to have clockwise spin on a first axis, then the spin of the other particle, measured on the same axis, is found to be counterclockwise. However, this behavior gives rise to seemingly paradoxical effects: any measurement of a particle's properties results in an irreversible wave function collapse of that particle and changes the original quantum state. With entangled particles, such measurements affect the entangled system as a whole.
Such phenomena were the subject of a 1935 paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen, and several papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter, describing what came to be known as the EPR paradox. Einstein and others considered such behavior impossible, as it violated the local realism view of causality (Einstein referring to it as "spooky action at a distance") and argued that the accepted formulation of quantum mechanics must therefore be incomplete.
Later, however, the counterintuitive predictions of quantum mechanics were verified in tests where polarization or spin of entangled particles was measured at separate locations, statistically violating Bell's inequality. In earlier tests, it couldn't be ruled out that the result at one point could have been subtly transmitted to the remote point, affecting the outcome at the second location. However, so-called "loophole-free" Bell tests have been performed where the locations were sufficiently separated that communications at the speed of light would have taken longer—in one case, 10,000 times longer—than the interval between the measurements.According to some interpretations of quantum mechanics, the effect of one measurement occurs instantly. Other interpretations which don't recognize wavefunction collapse dispute that there is any "effect" at all. However, all interpretations agree that entanglement produces correlation between the measurements and that the mutual information between the entangled particles can be exploited, but that any transmission of information at faster-than-light speeds is impossible.Quantum entanglement has been demonstrated experimentally with photons, neutrinos, electrons, molecules as large as buckyballs, and even small diamonds. The utilization of entanglement in communication, computation and quantum radar is a very active area of research and development.

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  1. Dhammika

    I What is the common & connection of quantum entanglement and entropy?

    Many people talking about there are similarities and common positions in quantum entaglement and superposition with entropy. I need to know about this phenomenon
  2. microsansfil

    I Does quantum entanglement depend on the chosen basis?

    Hi, In this presentation about quantum optics it is mentioned that the same quantum state |Ψ> has different expressions in different mode bases : factorized state or entangled state. This presentation is related to this video : In some way entanglement isn't intrinsic. It depend on the...
  3. B

    I What happens to entanglement inside a polarizer?

    Suppose you prepare two polarization-entangled horizontally polarized photons. Scenario 1: After the first photon passes through a linear polarizer oriented at 45 degrees, it will have later a 50% probability of being measured as horizontally polarized and 50% as vertically polarized. The...
  4. nomadreid

    I ER=EPR baby steps: causation or not?

    The questions concern the extension of the holographic principle to the identification of a wormhole between two black holes with negative cosmological constant and an entangled pair on its boundary, included in the conjecture known as EPR=ER ( Maldacena, Susskind). I refer to...
  5. S

    I How Would Electron Entanglement Affect Photon Emission

    Suppose you have a pair of electrons in the same quantum state, and are thus spin entangled, and they absorb a pair of photons and release them at the same time. How would this affect the photons? Would the photons be entangled? Would it affect the photon spin, and if so, how would it affect the...
  6. R

    A Causal Nonseparability: Quantum Mechanics & Causal Principles

    Are timelike entanglement and experiments demonstrating causal non-separability by quantum superposition of causal orders an indication that causal principles may not be applicable to quantum mechanics?
  7. R

    I Exploring the Mysteries of Entanglement and Non-Locality in Quantum Mechanics

    I’m reading in the lay literature that experiments on Bells inequality have shown that 2 entangled particles pass information simultaneously and therefore break the special relativity rule of c and therefore indicate a break from the concept of locality. I’m sure I didn’t phrase that sentence...
  8. N

    A QFT & Entanglement: NRQT vs. PCT Transform

    Why is it that nonrelativistic quantum theory (NRQT) does not have PCT, whereas QFT does? How would you characterize the collapse of the wave function in terms of PCT? What is its PCT transform? How does QFT address EPR? Many physicists universally accept the Copenhagen interpretation and...
  9. Hawkingo

    I Want some suggestions for research papers on quantum entanglement

    I want to know more about quantum entanglement and I am a undergrad student in physics.Can someone suggest some research journals or articles to easily understand the concept deeply?
  10. T

    B Quantum Entanglement: Explaining the Logic Behind It

    Hi, I read some about quantum entanglement but I don't really understand the logic behind it. If you quantum entangle 2 particles by for example colliding them and then separate them by a long distance they are both in superposition and you do not know the spin of them. Then you separate them...
  11. DrChinese

    A Novel entangled photon source with heralding

    Just saw this article from a highly respected research team, and thought some might enjoy seeing how the state of the art continues to develop rapidly: 12-photon entanglement and scalable scattershot boson sampling with optimal entangled-photon pairs from parametric down-conversion Han-Sen...
  12. nomadreid

    I Validity of a paper on the standard conclusions from Bell, etc

    In most popular explanations of entanglement, the quantum information of an entangled two-particle system changes without regard to the distance between the two particles. The following paper seems (to my unprofessional eye) to be questioning this interpretation...
  13. K

    B Is entanglement severed after the first interaction?

    Do we know if entanglement between two entangled particles is completely severed after the particles interact? By interact I am generally thinking of interacting with the measurement device. Maybe another way of asking my question: In an EPR like experiment, if you put one of the entangled...
  14. J

    B Is this a "fair" description of entanglement for a student?

    I'd like to have a simple way of describing quantum entanglement for high school students and would appreciate feedback on whether the following is accurate (enough): "One type of entanglement involves spin, where two entangled particles will always have opposite spin (coming from conservation...
  15. Alex Torres

    B Entanglement and delayed choice measurements

    A laser gun pumps one photon at a time that goes thru an SPDC process and two entangled photons are generated...photon A and photon B... Photon A is sent to Bob who has a standard DS setup located a couple of meters away from the laser pump... since the photon is in superposition of states he...
  16. M

    B Quantum Entanglement: Hidden Information vs. Time

    So let me preface this by saving, I am a computer programmer, not a physicist, and the main reason I became interested in quantum mechanics has a lot to do with the recent developments in quantum computing and quantum entanglement in general, although I do have a lot of curiosity about the inner...
  17. TheQuestionGuy14

    B Time emergent from entanglement

    [Moderator's note: Spin off from a previous thread since this topic belongs in the QM forum.] https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/423835/is-time-emergent-from-quantum-entanglement It is the first answer.
  18. entropy1

    I World selection in case of entanglement measurement

    Suppose we have a pair of spin entangled electrons, measured by resp. Alice and Bob. The basises of Alice and Bob make an angle of α=10°. If Alice and Bob wind up in a joint world where Alice measures ##|u\rangle##, then the probability that, in that world, Bob measures ##|d\rangle## is...
  19. J

    B Ways to understand the delayed entanglement swapping

    Hi everyone! Sorry for the bad English! Please, is entanglement swapping "understood" in the most famous QM interpretations? To me, it seems that any of the interpretations really helps much... Even more: I guess this event would even show that those interpretations are wrong. But of course...
  20. Dhruv007

    B What is quantum entanglement and how it effects the space-time

    Can anyone explain me ; - What is quantum entanglement and how it effects the space-time and matter in our universe??
  21. platosuniverse

    B How long does it take to detect entanglement?

    I was just curious. Does it take a few minutes, hours or days? Has anyone here carried out an entanglement experiment? From what I understand, the results of the measurement of entangled particles go to a coincidence counter and that's where they check the results. How long is the period before...
  22. N

    I Can Quantum Entanglement Be Used to Transfer Information?

    We've just gone over the EPR paradox in class and I'm not really satisfied by the explanation of the professor and TA. Firstly, with the example of the two spins, I still don't see why measuring one spin and then knowing the other one doesn't count as information traveling faster than light...
  23. entropy1

    I Do macro objects get entangled?

    If we consider the Unitary evolution of the wavefunction, and interpret measurements as becoming in superposition, taking it that the measurement device gets in a superposition of spin up and spin down, do two measurement devices that each measure one particle of an entangled pair become...
  24. J

    B Library of Babel quantum state

    Hello! If the Library of Babel has 10^(2,000,000) books, does anyone think that it is possible to create a quantum state (with a quantum computer) that represents this Library? I think that in a classical way it is impossible, but in a quantum way? I find it quite interesting! What about you? :)
  25. J

    B The setup of "2012 entanglement between photons that (....)"

    Hi all! Sorry for the bad english! Please, can someone help me understand the setup from "entanglement between photons that never coexisted "? So, we start with a bean from a laser, that hits a bbo crystal, makes two entangled photons (1 and 2), 1 gets measured (lets say its vertically...
  26. K

    B Quantum entanglement and special relativity

    There are a pair of entangled particles moving in opposite directions. A measurement is done on particle A, the wavefunction collapses randomly, you observe either spin up or spin down, A does an action at a distance on B, particle B instantly collapses to the opposite spin state, a measurement...
  27. Danny Boy

    A Measurements of multipartite entanglement

    Hi I am interested in finding a good measure of multipartite entanglement for pure quantum states represented in the Dicke state basis. Any recommendations of notes or texts in this regard would be appreciated. I am looking to start with the most basic measure of entanglement for states...
  28. X

    I Can someone please explain quantum entanglement to me?

    Can someone please explain how the author, Domino Valdano, derives the percentages explaining quantum entanglement? The original post is by Thomas Ulrich. Any help would be greatly appreciated. first click on my link posted here, then once in it just scroll to the bottom of the post and...
  29. I

    I Entanglement: which properties are entangled?

    Hi, So far I understand that when two particles are entangled measuring the state will provide the same result for both particles. But what I can't figure out: a particle has multiple properties like spin and momentum etc, are all these properties the same (or opposite), or only the one...
  30. jfizzix

    A Bohr's complementarity is completed with entanglement?

    Earlier this week, I found a very interesting paper pop up on the arXiv headed by Joseph Eberly, a notable figure in quantum optics and entanglement. https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.04611 In it, they look at the common treatment of wave-particle duality as a tradeoff between which-slit...
  31. Z

    B Hawking radiation and entanglement

    I have been considering Hawkin radiation and I am puzzled about the capture of a virtual photon. Given that the escaped photon is entangled with the captured photon I do not see how the escaped photon can shed the entanglement. Can anyone help with this?
  32. Arik Salehi

    B Explanation of Quantum Entanglement Please

    Hello, I am 12 years old in 6th grade and love physics and Quantum Physics, I would love an explanation of Quantum Physics and Topological Quantum Matter.
  33. Allen_Wolf

    B Can Entanglement be Used for Faster-than-Light Communication?

    Let us say we have an entangled pair of photons with opposite spin, which we want to use to transmit information at a speed greater than the speed of light. One of the spins could be assigned as YES (1) and the other as NO (0). We keep one photon and send the other to the receiver. In case out...
  34. Mentz114

    I Beam splitter in an entanglement swapping experiment

    I have a misunderstanding about the beam splitter in this experiment High fidelity entanglement swapping with fully independent sources Rainer Kaltenbaek, Robert Prevedel, Markus Aspelmeyer,Anton Zeilinger http://arxiv.org/pdf/0809.3991.pdf Part of the diagram is reproduced here Two photons...
  35. B

    A Entanglement in Ultracold Chemistry and Physics

    I'm looking for work published discussing the relationship between von Neumann entropy as well as entanglement with regard to chemical reactivity in the ultracold temperature scales. An article published under the title "Ultracold chemistry and its reaction kinematics" discussed this...
  36. H

    B Entanglement and pair-production and annihilation

    I am confused about entanglement, but I am not a physicist. The concept sounds cool and I want to understand in a way so that it is familiar with what I already know. I want to know if I am interpreting this right: 1) If we have a photon that produces a pair of electron and positron, the...
  37. S

    I Quantum nonlocality and entanglement

    Wikipedia says https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality#Differences_between_nonlocality_and_entanglement But isn't wave function collapse nonlocal without any quantum entanglement?
  38. F

    I Two particle system, products and entanglement

    Hello everyone and happy new year. I have a quick dilemma on the concept of entanglement for a two-particle system and I am looking for some clarity: Say we have particle ##A## and particle ##B##. Both particles can be in either of the two states that we call ##|\Phi>## and ## |\beta>## or in...
  39. Isaac0427

    B Two Confusing Entanglement Scenarios

    Hi, There are two particular scenarios involving entanglement that are confusing me. For both of these, assume we have an electron-positron pair created from a spin-0 particle, in which all components of spin must be opposite in order to conserve angular momentum. The electron and positron are...
  40. D

    I Quantum Entanglement: Particle Connection Effects

    Are all particles entangled or connected to another? Lets say we have 2 particles that are entangled . one falls into a black hole what happens to its partner?
  41. .Scott

    I Entangled Clocks: Exploring Possibilities

    I just overheard an engineer saying "There are no two clocks in the world that tell identical time". She was describing a time syncing mechanism to another engineer, but it made me think... In theory, can something large enough to be used as a clock become fully entangled with a copy of...
  42. Dadface

    I QM Assumptions Regarding Entanglement Properties

    In a nutshell I think that in local realistic theories it is assumed that: Each entangled object has definite properties at all times, even when not observed. I know the assumption is proved to be incorrect but is that an assumption actually made in such theories?But what assumptions about...
  43. T

    I Quantum entanglement, wave-function collapse

    I have 2 questions i would really like to find an answer to: if we have a quantum pair, we can determine whether 2 quanta are entangled or not assuming that we have access to the information of both of them. so if we have a quantum "trio" instead of a quantum pair, does the information about 2...
  44. davidge

    I Explaining quantum entanglement

    Usually, people trying to explain quantum entanglement, uses the scenario where two particles were created and one of them ends up very far away from the other, and then a measurement is made, etc. The problem I see is that they seem to assume the two particles are classical particles, like two...
  45. T

    I When does superposition collapse or entanglement take place

    When two quantum objects interact, when does this interaction destroy their superposition and when does this interaction causes them to be entangled and allow the superposition to remain.
  46. S

    B Quantum entanglement and potential wells

    I've read that two electrons can become entangled in a "potential well," which is a point where potential energy is lowest compared to its surroundings. Is this correct? What does this have to do with entangling particles?
  47. Ken G

    A Interpretation of a state in quantum entanglement

    I have never heard a challenge by quantum entanglement to the concept that a state is a "property" of a particle, which I don't understand. I cannot see any way someone can interpret a state as a property of a system, rather than as a means of treating information about the system, given how...
  48. N

    B Entanglement: How Does it Work and Its Implications in Everyday Life?

    I don't have much of a background in quantum physics so be patient with my questions please. Basically I want to know how does entanglement actually work? Is information being transferred faster than we can detect it or is there some invisible link between particles that causes the phenomenon we...
  49. F

    I How does quantum entanglement communication work?

    Specifically do we know how the two parties (photons) involved communicate ? how does the state information transferred. Is it transferred by some waves similar to radio waves ? I somehow still can not believe that its real.
  50. F

    I Is all correlation related to quantum entanglement?

    In other words, it seems that if you have entanglement, then you have correlation (of measured properties). But is it true that if you have correlation, then you have quantum entanglement? Classically, correlation is between macro-events. But macro-events are made of micro-events. So is...