What is Difference: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A finite difference is a mathematical expression of the form f (x + b) − f (x + a). If a finite difference is divided by b − a, one gets a difference quotient. The approximation of derivatives by finite differences plays a central role in finite difference methods for the numerical solution of differential equations, especially boundary value problems.
Certain recurrence relations can be written as difference equations by replacing iteration notation with finite differences.
Today, the term "finite difference" is often taken as synonymous with finite difference approximations of derivatives, especially in the context of numerical methods. Finite difference approximations are finite difference quotients in the terminology employed above.
Finite differences were introduced by Brook Taylor in 1715 and have also been studied as abstract self-standing mathematical objects in works by George Boole (1860), L. M. Milne-Thomson (1933), and Károly Jordan (1939). Finite differences trace their origins back to one of Jost Bürgi's algorithms (c. 1592) and work by others including Isaac Newton. The formal calculus of finite differences can be viewed as an alternative to the calculus of infinitesimals.

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  1. A

    A 2D Finite Difference Convergence Rate Issues

    I have completed a 2D finite difference code in MATLAB that has a domain of (0,1)x(0,1) and has Dirichlet Boundary Conditions of value zero along the boundary. I get convergence rates of 2 for second order and 4 for fourth order. My issue now is that I'm now wanting to change the domain to a...
  2. O

    Difference between instantaneous velocity and acceleration

    Hi, I'm just beginning to learn physics on my own. It seems that instantaneous velocity and acceleration are the same thing. Is it reasonable for me to be confused about the two? If acceleration = final velocity - initial velocity / change in time ... then how this any different from...
  3. S

    Difference between probability waves & electromagnetic waves?

    What I know: A ripple/wave in a field gives rise to a particle. For example, a ripple in electric field creates a photon. Question: Is this the same principle as probability wave which when observed reveals a particle?
  4. Kuzon

    What is the difference btwn positive and negative electrodes

    I'm so confused, is the voltage reading of the meter gathered by: positive electrode charge - negative electrode charge = potential difference I don't get why there is a positive and negative electrode and what they do
  5. H

    MHB Pinewood derby with a slight difference

    I am currently in the process of building a pinewood derby car for a pinewood related project with a slight difference. The winner is not the fastest car but instead the car that overcomes friction and travels the longest distance. I need to predict how far my car will go using the usual motion...
  6. L

    Potential difference between two points

    Homework Statement Question from OCR A Level Physics Exam 2014 (i) and (ii) = definitions (iii) = explanation (iv) = P.d. at 6Ohm Resistor = 0.48V (v) Suggest why the p.d. between X and Z is zeroHomework Equations I don't think there are any The Attempt at a Solution I couldn't understand...
  7. TheBigDig

    Engineering Finding Phase Difference in an RC circuit

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ##V = ZI## ##Z_R = R## ##Z_C = -\frac{j}{\omega C}## ##Z = \sqrt{R^2 + (\frac{1}{\omega C})^2}## ##P_{av} = \frac{1}{2}V_m I_m cos(\phi)## ##\phi = arctan(\frac{-1/\omega C}{R})## ##\Delta \phi = \phi _1 -\phi _2## The Attempt at a Solution I've found...
  8. chandrahas

    Difference between a tokamak and a spherical tokamak

    The title question is quite self-explanatory. Despite the fact that Spherical tokamaks are more spherical in shape, what else differentiates the ST from the conventional tokamak. I've heard that ST's use reverse field configurations from a website but I am skeptical about this since the rest...
  9. P

    MHB Can Anyone Solve This Difference Equation Using Generating Functions?

    Can anyone help me solve this? Text goes: solve the difference equation first directly, then with generating functions I've been stuck with it for hours. I have no idea what to do with "2n+3". We don't have anything about this special case in my textbook, and I can't seem to find anything...
  10. D

    Finding the transfer function for a difference amplifier

    Homework Statement I need to find the transfer function of the attached circuit (this isn't a homework question so I don't know if there's even a solution, but last time I posted this type of question on the EE forum, it was redirected here)Homework Equations I know it needs to be eventually...
  11. Ned Taylor

    Difference between products and reactants? Equilibrium

    Homework Statement Given the reaction, at equilibrium, it was found that [C] = 0.20 mol/L, [D] = 0.55 mol/L, [A] = 0.30 mol/L and [ B] = 0.48 mol/L. Calculate the value of Keq. Reaction: C + D <--> A + B Homework Equations K=products/reactants The Attempt at a Solution [/B] If we assume that...
  12. D

    I Time Difference on a quantum level

    As we know from special theory of relativity, time flows slower for a moving observer. But also, thanks to gravity, time ticks slower and faster depending on whether the gravitational force is stronger or weaker. This f.ex. means that time will flow slower for a person living on the 10th floor...
  13. haushofer

    A Chaos: difference vs differential equation

    Dear all, I have a question concerning chaos. As you may well know, the logistic mapping $$x_{n+1} = rx_n (1-x_n) $$ exhibits chaos, depending on the value of r. This logistic mapping is a reparametrized version of the difference equation $$x_{n+1} = x_n + k x_n (1 - \frac{x_n}{M}) $$...
  14. qnach

    I Chirality/Helicity difference?

    I think these two words is most often used in high-energy physics. However, what are the differences between Chirality and Helicity The clock always turns "clockwisely", if you look in front of the clock. Is that chirality or helicity?
  15. F

    Difference in formulas of magnetic force and magnetic flux

    The magnetic force is defined as ## \rm F_e = Bqvsin\theta## and the magentic flux is defined as## \rm \phi = BAcos\theta## My question is since we are multiplying the two vectors, why is ##sin\theta## used in one equation and ##cos\theta## in second given that ##\theta## is the angle between...
  16. T

    I Difference of resonant and non-resonant neutrino oscillation

    Hello Just wondering what the difference is between resonant and non-resonant neutrino oscillations. Are resonant neutrino oscillations called Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein? Thank you
  17. Archie Medes

    Transform difference equation into continuous function?

    Homework Statement My question: Can I turn this difference equation for R below, into a continuous function R(t)? I have no idea if, or how, I can. And I'd like to. Equation derived from the following manufacturer statement on the thermal response of a thermistor to a fixed temperature: The...
  18. M

    MHB Which method is easier and why?

    I found the following problem in Section 1.3 of my Precalculus textbook by David Cohen. Factor x^6 - y^6 as a difference of squares and then as a difference of cubes. 1. Which method is easier and why? 2. Can someone get me started?
  19. Vitani11

    Difference b/t equilibrium and unstretched length of spring?

    Homework Statement Consider a mass attached to four identical springs, as shown in the figure. Each spring has a force constant k and an unstretched length lo, and the length of each spring when the mass is at equilibrium at the origin is a (not necessarily the same as lo). When the mass is...
  20. N

    I Classical v. quantum dynamics: Is spin the key difference?

    I'm interested in understanding the key physical differences between classical and quantum dynamics. I understand that spin (intrinsic angular momentum) is one major physical difference.* So I wonder whether all else flows from this? Or are there other major (unrelated) physical differences...
  21. E

    The difference between the first wall and plasma-facing

    I have read an article talking about material research in fusion. One part in the context is divided into three aspects about the material capable of using in a fusion power reactor. Material selection in the first wall and plasma-facing components are two of the aspects. But it does not mention...
  22. R

    What is the difference between monohybrid and dihybrid cross

    and if I have two plants the first one with a genotype of YyTT and the second one with a genotype of yyTT fertilise them this would be a monohybrid or dihybrid cross.
  23. thenewmans

    B What’s the difference between TIQM and Time Symmetric QM? (a

    I have a few questions about interpretations that use retrocausality. I only know of 2. 1. TIQM - Transactional Interpretation of QM by John Cramer 1986 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transactional_interpretation 2. TSQM - Time Symmetric QM by Huw Price...
  24. Irfan Nafi

    Difference between reverse bias and forward bias for a photodiode

    I'm creating a project where the motors have to be triggered by a photodiode. A light provides a steady stream of current to the photodiode and when that incident light is scattered, the motors move. But in reverse bias a photodiode needs to have a dark environment to provide 'infinite...
  25. Riverbirdy

    Finite difference Method of Wave Equation

    Hi, Physics forum! Just a little push of my doubts I hope somebody could help me with my confusion of one of our home works. I know that all boundary conditions are zero. My doubt is how do I interpret (x,y,0)=0.01 source in the figure? Where is it located in the grid. I am hoping someone...
  26. M

    I GR for a mathematician and a physicist? What's the difference?

    Have members of the community had the experience of being taught GR both from a mathematical and physics perspective? I am a trained mathematician ( whatever that means - I still struggle with integral equations :) ) but I have always been drawn to applied mathematical physics subjects and much...
  27. Tyler R

    Non-Complex Capacitor Potential Difference question

    Homework Statement Three capacitors, with capacitances C1 = 4.0 μF, C2 = 3.0 μF, and C3 = 2.0 μF, are connected to a 24 -V voltage source, as shown in the figure. What is the charge on capacitor C2? http://imgur.com/x4LpU3t http://imgur.com/x4LpU3t a) What is the equivalent capacitance of the...
  28. Theudius

    B Wavelength, Path Difference, Phase Difference

    Hi, would it be possible to explain to me how does wave length, phase difference and path difference all link as I'm struggling with calculations involving these three things.
  29. Shardul Khare

    What is the difference between Kinetic Energy and Speed?

    I know the formulae,but really don't understand the difference
  30. A

    B Difference between binding and bonding energy

    Hello, I am not sure whether it is the right place to post this but I am a bit confused about the bonding in chemistry and the binding energy in physics. From what I have read, in a nuclear fusion reaction, the released energy due to mass defect is converted to the kinetic energy of the product...
  31. Y

    MHB Is the Symmetric Difference Problem Solved?

    Hello all, For each of the following statements, I need to say if it is true or not, to prove if it is true or to contradict if not. 1) \[A\bigtriangleup (B\cap C)=(A\bigtriangleup B)\cap (A\bigtriangleup C)\] 2) \[A\cup (B\bigtriangleup C)=(A\cup B)\bigtriangleup (A\cup C)\] Where...
  32. Vitani11

    I Difference between tensor and vector?

    δij is the Kronecker delta - is this considered a tensor or vector? I know it means the identity when i=j so I'm going to guess tensor because it's a matrix rather than just a vector but I want to make sure. A matrix is a rank 2 tensor and a vector is a rank 1 and a scalar is a rank 0? How does...
  33. G

    Neutral potential ground difference

    Im studying a application where multiple 12V input voltage are coming into a circuit board, i was told that optocouplers are use to neutral the potential ground difference of the input 12V from various appliances. can someone explain to me how does the potential ground of each appliances varies...
  34. D

    A Difference Between Outer and Tensor

    Say, we have two Hilbert spaces ##U## and ##V## and their duals ##U^*, V^*##. Then, we say, ##u\otimes v~ \epsilon~ U\otimes V##, where ##'\otimes'## is defined as the tensor product of the two spaces, ##U\times V \rightarrow U\otimes V##. In Dirac's Bra-Ket notation, this is written as...
  35. J

    I Difference between statistical and dynamical properties

    Hi All, What are the main differences between statistical and dynamics properties in physics? Could you please explain the difference for problems in both classical and quantum mechanics. For instance, path integral molecular dynamics is supposed to give statistical properties of a quantum...
  36. F

    Newton interpolary difference formula

    Homework Statement I don't understand the meaning of the formula... For the circled part in the first photo , what is the meaning of f(x1 ,x2 ) ? and also f(x0 , x1 ) ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I used the highlighted formula to find the second divided difference . But ...
  37. Adgorn

    Expressing difference product using Vandermonde determinant.

    Homework Statement Show that ##g=g(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=(-1)^{n}V_{n-1}(x)## where ##g(x_i)=\prod_{i<j} (x_i-x_j)##, ##x=x_n## and ##V_{n-1}## is the Vandermonde determinant defined by ##V_{n-1}(x)=\begin{vmatrix} 1 & 1 & ... & 1 & 1 \\ x_1 & x_2 & ... & x_{n-1} & x_n \\ {x_1}^2 & {x_2}^2 & ... &...
  38. D.B.SriHridai

    Difference between a propeller and a fan

    Good evening to all...I am troubling with a doubt that how a propeller differs from a fan regarding jet engines..
  39. ElPimiento

    Puzzled by an equation for relativistic time difference....

    Homework Statement Suppose that A', B', and C' are at rest in frame S', which moves with respect to S at speed v in the +x direction. Let B' be located exactly midway between A' and C'. At t' = 0, a light flash occurs at B' and expands outward as a spherical wave. (A', B', and C' are all on...
  40. R

    Difference between vibrational, rotational and electron temperature

    I am trying to explain the following statement in my own words... Would it be correct to say that.. I am unsure if a vibrational state is simply a different energy state or something more specific? Do the electron temperature, vibrational temperature and rotational temperature all...
  41. M

    Difference Electric Field Strength Point Charges vs. Plates

    Why does the electric field strength on a straight line (E = k.(Q1/d12+Q2/d22). D1,2 = distance with respect to Q1,Q2) between two point charges vary with the location on this line while the field strength between two parallel plates which remains the same anywhere between the plates...
  42. T

    Why's Potential Difference Different in Series Capacitors?

    My book says "the magnitude of charge on all plates in a series connection is the same." It then says "potential differences of the individual capacitors are not the same unless their individual capacitances are the same." If the plates were all the same size, given that they all have equal...
  43. Farang

    Calculating pressure / energy difference confusion

    Homework Statement The electron density per area, ##N## for a gas layer of thickness 10 cm can be determined $$n = k \times p \times 2.47 \times 10^{19}$$ For each adjacent sets of pressure data using Matlab, calculate the average energy in keV, the pressure difference in hPa, the energy...
  44. ItsTheSebbe

    I Difference Analysis and Calculus

    I'm a bit torn on what the difference between analysis and calculus is, I read somewhere that calculus is pretty much analysis without proofs? Either way, I see a lot of people mention problems being on calculus 1 or 2 level. I have finished Analysis 1 and 2 and covered stuff like (series, ODE...
  45. G

    I Difference between "realistic" and "predetermined"

    Hi. A while ago, I apparently had a wrong idea about the meaning of realism. I stood corrected: I'm still struggling with those subtleties. Would following formulation be more appropriate: "Realism means, that every observable ##x## is attributed a probability distribution ##p_P(x)## that...
  46. S

    Why is Newton's Ring Dark in the Center? Exploring Path Difference Theory

    Why the center of Newton's ring is dark? though I am thinking the path difference in the center is zero between two reflected rays... so,I will be glad if you give the correct information about that...
  47. S

    What's the difference between series an parallel components in the pictures

    hi; When I study - if we want to connect impedance in the case of: - we connect the R4 and (R1+(R2||R3)) as parallels but when we want the get impedance of C and R of the right: - we connect that as series: Z(of C)+R .. why the different? please help!
  48. jlmccart03

    How Does Charge Movement Affect Electric Potential and Kinetic Energy?

    Homework Statement Two charged rods, each with net charge -Q0 are held in place as shown in the top view diagram below. a. A small test charge -q0 travels from point X to point Y along the circular arc shown. i. Draw an arrow on the diagram at each point to show the direction of the electric...
  49. theideasmith

    Difference in potential energy of two charge configurations

    Chapter 24, Question 61 Given two configurations, ##C_1##, ##C_2## of ##N## point charges each, determine the smallest value of ##N## s.t. ##V_1>V_2##. ##C_1##: ##N## point charges are uniformly distributed on a ring s.t. the distance between adjacent electrons is constant ##C_2##: ##N-1##...
  50. M

    Heat Transfer, Finite difference, Curved geometry

    Homework Statement Homework Equations I could really use a push on how to approach this problem. My primary problem is it asks for the heat flux into the page, which makes no sense to me as that is the z direction and this is in the x/y plane. If anyone could explain this problem and maybe...