What is Dark matter: Definition and 930 Discussions

Dark matter is believed to be a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about 27% of its total mass–energy density or about 2.241×10−27 kg/m3. Its presence is implied in a variety of astrophysical observations, including gravitational effects that cannot be explained by accepted theories of gravity unless more matter is present than can be seen. For this reason, most experts think that dark matter is abundant in the universe and that it has had a strong influence on its structure and evolution. Dark matter is called dark because it does not appear to interact with the electromagnetic field, which means it does not absorb, reflect or emit electromagnetic radiation, and is therefore difficult to detect.Primary evidence for dark matter comes from calculations showing that many galaxies would fly apart, or that they would not have formed or would not move as they do, if they did not contain a large amount of unseen matter. Other lines of evidence include observations in gravitational lensing and in the cosmic microwave background, along with astronomical observations of the observable universe's current structure, the formation and evolution of galaxies, mass location during galactic collisions, and the motion of galaxies within galaxy clusters. In the standard Lambda-CDM model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the universe contains 5% ordinary matter and energy, 27% dark matter and 68% of a form of energy known as dark energy. Thus, dark matter constitutes 85% of total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95% of total mass–energy content.Because dark matter has not yet been observed directly, if it exists, it must barely interact with ordinary baryonic matter and radiation, except through gravity. Most dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature; it may be composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles. The primary candidate for dark matter is some new kind of elementary particle that has not yet been discovered, in particular, weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Many experiments to directly detect and study dark matter particles are being actively undertaken, but none have yet succeeded. Dark matter is classified as "cold", "warm", or "hot" according to its velocity (more precisely, its free streaming length). Current models favor a cold dark matter scenario, in which structures emerge by gradual accumulation of particles.
Although the existence of dark matter is generally accepted by the scientific community, some astrophysicists, intrigued by certain observations which are not well-explained by standard dark matter, argue for various modifications of the standard laws of general relativity, such as modified Newtonian dynamics, tensor–vector–scalar gravity, or entropic gravity. These models attempt to account for all observations without invoking supplemental non-baryonic matter.

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  1. R

    Dark Matter Distribution Around Galaxies

    I saw an interesting video that showed the dark matter halo that exists around the milky way galaxy, the scientist described it as having a squashed beached ball sort of shape, which got me thinking. Is there any reason why galactic black holes might have something to do with dark matter...
  2. D

    Exploring the Relationship Between Dark Matter and Black Holes in Cosmology

    Hello fellow Cosmology fans and professionals! Does Dark Matter form into Black Holes, and do regular Black Holes attract and trap Dark Matter? Thanks!
  3. C

    Without Dark Matter and Dark Energy

    What would a cosmological model without dark matter and dark energy look like? This requires imagining that the observational evidence for dark matter and dark energy are explainable by other means. In other words, absent of the idea that the universe is filled with 25%DM and 70%DE, but...
  4. K

    Could 'Dark Matter' be Nutrinoes?

    I was thinking about this and simply don't know enough about it all to answer my own question so was hoping someone could help me, is it possible that the dark matter we are searching so hard for are actually Nutrinoes, since they do indeed have mass, with their sheer numbers could it explain...
  5. N

    Journal papers on dark matter?

    Hello all, I'm trying to do some research on dark matter and its effect on globular structures for my undergrad research project. I'm having difficulties gettin the ball rolling and need some help on where to look for journal papers on the topic. Unfortunately the professor that I will...
  6. N

    Non-baryonic Dark Matter: Is There Electromagnetic-Only Matter?

    The way I understand it, non-baryonic dark matter can be thought of as matter that interacts gravitationally but not electromagnetically with other matter. Is there a dual type of matter that interacts electromagnetically but not gravitationally? And if there is, or can be, such matter, can it...
  7. S

    Exploring the Link Between Quantum Mechanics and Dark Matter

    Could quantum mechanics be related to dark matter? As in new 'stuff" is being made therefore pushing the time space in between galaxies apart. Which to me makes sense as time and space is created (The Big Bang) wouldn't it be created on the quantum level? Couldnt this still be going on in the...
  8. A

    Dark Matter Missing Mass Really too Much Gravity

    Photons must have a certain amount of energy to be absorbed by an electron. A photon with a little too much energy to be absorbed by one electron and not enough to be absorbed by another would be invisible to all electrons and everything else. However such photons still have energy so they would...
  9. B

    Dark matter, is it composed of

    Dark matter, is it composed of... How can we be sure dark matter is matter, if it is, is it composed of Atoms? I thought if something was composed of Atoms it had to react to a magnetic field, which astrophysicists say it does not. Does it have a gravitational effect on other masses? Please...
  10. N

    Do black holes swallow dark matter?

    What do we know about black holes swallowing dark matter? Dark matter exhibits gravitational effects, right [lensing and keeping star orbital speeds about galactic centers rouighly independent of their distance from a galactic center]? So it seems black holes should consume both normal and dark...
  11. N

    What happens to dark matter in galactic collisions?

    The science series currently on TV in the US called WORMSHOLES, narrated by Morgan Freeman (the actor) has a number of recent some new ideas. (Very worthwhile series, by the way.) The show last night discussed dark matter and dark energy and referred to a distant pair of galaxies colliding...
  12. O

    Dark Matter and the Uncertainty Principle

    I hope a pointer to a speculative post on a blog is OK in this group. But as the posting rules at https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=5374 reference a dead page, I was unable to check ;-) (It would be easy to copy and paste that article here, if that is considered desirable to...
  13. E

    How much dark matter is in the Sun, and does it have any

    How much dark matter is in the Sun, and does it have any effect on any process in the Sun? What percent of the total mass and volume of the Sun is DM by weight, and by volume? Does the high density of the Sun impede movement of DM? Is there a lot of DM trapped by the Sun's gravitational...
  14. D

    Negative Gravity (not dark matter)

    This theory just dawned upon as i feel asleep- In the same sense matter bends spacetime fabric to create the force of gravity (matter and light are attracted to it), is it possible for spacetime fabric to be inverted, so matter and light flow (repel) away from this 'negative gravity'? Instead...
  15. P

    How Do We Discern Dark Matter from Dark Energy in the Universe?

    How it's possible to discern dark matter from dark energy? Why do we need both things? How we can tell so accuratelly that the universe is made up 71.3% of dark energy and 27.4% of a combination of dark matter and baryonic matter. Thanks for answer.
  16. L

    Exploring the Mystery of Dark Matter and Energy

    im having a hard time understanding just what it actually is. I've heard about WIMPs and now quirks. But i know we can't see it, but how dose it affect us? Why does it emit no light? I've also heard about the big crunch saying that if there is too much matter in the universe it would...
  17. B

    Is Dark Matter and Dark Energy Present on Earth?

    If Dark Matter and Dark Energy are so abundant wasn't to be expected that they should be found on Earth? We can find elements such as uranium on our planet, which is one of the rarest elements fused on Stars, Dark Matter being estimated to account for roughly 20% of the total mass of the...
  18. K

    Exploring Universe Expansion, Dark Matter and Gravity

    I have some questions that I have been wondering about for a while. I'm not a physicist, and I don't know the math behind anything. Just a guy who is thinking up some questions. Just think of me as a student asking some questions. I know these questions can be answered and have been thought of...
  19. F

    Dark Matter and the vacuum energy

    I wonder if there is any correlation between the weak coupling of a quantum field in the path integral and how it adds to or cancels out vacuum energy. If so, then how would weakly interacting dark matter effect the vacuum energy? Thanks.
  20. E

    What if all Dark Matter searches like CDMS II remain negative?

    A couple of decades ago, there were searches for proton decay basically looking at pure water over time, and these ruled out simplest non-SUSY GUT like SU(5) and SO(10). There are a variety of direct Dark Matter search experiments including CDMS II CRESST, EDELWEISS, and EURECA, DRIFT, MIMAC...
  21. F

    Is Dark Matter Actually Neutral Mass?

    we all know of positive / negative mass, could the theorized "Dark Matter" actually be "Neutral" Mass? just a thought:)
  22. R

    Does Einstein's Theory of Relativity Predict Dark Matter?

    I know that Newtonian mechanics predicts dark matter due the the fact that the sun (and other stars) is orbiting around the centre of the galaxy much faster than expected But i was just wondering if Einstiens general theory of relativity predicted this aswell? Does it "say" there is as much...
  23. C

    Is Dark Matter a Cop-Out in Cosmology?

    I have no quantitative understanding of current cosmology, so go easy. The intent of this post is to promote civil debate, not critisize current science. So basically, I look at astrophysicists and I think of them as saying "oh, because there are observations we don't understand, there...
  24. E

    If Dark Matter does not exist, would string/SUSY/GUT be falsified?

    I'm looking at this thread, https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=403472 Dark Matter, On the Ropes? If there is no dark matter, could the neutralino of MSSM, SUSY and string theory, or the axion of GUT's exist? IF there is no dark matter, doesn't this imply there are no neutralinos...
  25. S

    Is the Dark Matter Hypothesis Failing to Explain Galaxy Formation?

    What comes next if the dark matter hypothesis fails? A hypothesis that is fundamentally incorrect blocks any progress. The entire effort is trying to make a round peg fit in a square hole as opposed to looking for the correct mechanism. What theorist and modeler do is try to change the free...
  26. K

    Where Can I Find a Paper on Dark Matter Density Percentages in the Universe?

    Hi... Wikipedia says that only five percent of the universe is matter that we know... Can anyone tell me a paper where the percentages of visible matter, dark matter and dark energy in the universe are given?
  27. M

    Curvature of space and dark matter

    Assuming gravity is matter curving space as Einstein says, isn't our theory of dark matter just an assumption that because more gravity is required to explain galaxy formation that it must be caused by unseen matter? Why do we assume that the curvature of space required must be caused by matter...
  28. I

    Exploring Dark Matter: Gravity, ST, QM and GR

    The thing we call dark matter its really just dark gravity. we don't know if its matter or something else, for example: -in ST it could have something to do with parallel universe -in QM maybe some quantum fluctuation in the higgs field -in GR it some matter that doesn't interact with...
  29. E

    First Dark Matter Results from the XENON100 Experiment

    are null to 90% If, as in searches for proton decay, the results continue to be null for experiments in the next several decades, as they have been for proton decay, at what point does the SUSY-neutralino space, or GUT axion, or other cold DM candidates, becomes constrained? Obviously a...
  30. S

    SMB Feeding Problem Dark Matter Problems

    There are multiple fundamental problems with the explaining or the explaining away of observations related to the mass evolution with redshift of the super massive object that is believed to be found in almost all galaxies. Weight Gain Problem - Early Universe Fast Gain Problem SMB's at...
  31. S

    The Clumping of Dark Matter: A Question of Friction?

    Dark Matter interacts only gravitationally. Stars and planets form by gravitational clumping. Clumping of whatever is there: gas and dust and presumably dark matter. By the cosmological principal we are at a typical generic location within the universe. Whenever the sun and Earth clumped...
  32. PhanthomJay

    Dark Matter and Its Relation to Energy

    If ordinary matter is related to energy per E=mc^2, then can dark matter also be similarly related, and if so, is there a name for this energy? I understand that "dark energy" (the cosmological constant in the expanding universe) and "dark matter" bear no relationship, so I'm wondering that if...
  33. N

    Could dark matter be linked to parallel universes?

    Could dark matter be the other universes posited by MWI. there has been speculation that the parallel universes remain weakly coupled by gravity after diverging, but we can't observe or communicate with them any other way. that sounds similar to the properties of dark matter, can't observe it...
  34. F

    Collapse of Dark Matter into Black Holes

    If Dark Matter is made of particles, then wouldn't it be possible to have clumps of it collapse into a black hole? Would there be any radiation from that collapse that we could see? Would that radiation be distinct from the formation of normal black holes? Shouldn't we be able to measure the...
  35. B

    Mark Whittaker says the dark matter cant cool

    I'm just watching a lecture series with Mark Whittaker in and he states (while talking about primordial roughness and sachs-wolfe effect) "the property that atomic matter has dark matter does not, is that it can cool" but he leaves it at that and provides no further clarification,and I am...
  36. inflector

    Dark Matter, Cluster Dynamics and The Bullet

    Everyone points to the Bullet Cluster as the best proof of Dark Matter. But I have a few questions about the rationale. There are aspects of the proof I don't understand. 1) What is the mechanism which makes the interstellar gas visible at such a distance in this particular case? Is all...
  37. D

    Density of dark matter in milky way

    Does anyone happen to know the average density of dark matter per unit volume in the milky way? I've seen at least one formula, but I'm not sure I fully comprehend it. Here is the equation I found: ρ0 = 4.5 × 10−2(r0/kpc) − (2/3)2x10^30kg pc−3 The only part of this equation that I can't...
  38. C

    Dark Matter and The Eather: What's the Difference?

    Hi All, First question so please go easy on me. I'm currently reading 'Why Does E=mc2? at the moment and in an early chapter, Brian Cox referers to The Eather and how daft the concept was because it would cause drag in the universe and planets would lose orbital momentum etc, etc. Now...
  39. DaTario

    What Is Dark Matter?

    Hi All, I would like to know what is dark matter. Thanks DaTario
  40. P

    Dark matter on a different brane

    If brane theory says that gravity is weak because it extends into another spatial dimension, is it also saying that the gravity attributed to dark matter might be due to matter in another spatial dimension?
  41. rhody

    Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Dark Flow ohh

    From National Geographic: Daily News, by John Roach, March 22, 2010 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100322-dark-flow-matter-outside-universe-multiverse/" As if Dark Matter and Dark Energy aren't weird enough, now it seems we have verified proof of "Dark Flow". From the...
  42. N

    Notice an interest correlation between hydrogen, helium, dark matter and dark energy

    matter in The universe is thought to be made up of 75 percent hydrogen and helium is thought to make up 25 percent of helium; Dark matter is thought to make up 25 percent of the universe and 75 percent dark energy; that's an interesting coincidence. , and currently physicists are not certain...
  43. Ranku

    Distribution and proportion of dark matter in galaxies

    I read that the distribution and proportion of dark matter to regular matter is different for regular-size galaxies and dwarf galaxies. Could you guys elaborate on that?
  44. V

    Could Gravitons Be the Missing Link to Understanding Dark Matter?

    Hey guys, I was just pondering the idea of dark matter and a thought crossed my mind. I may be entirely off, but a few connections can be made between gravitons and dark matter. Neither can be detected directly with any classical methods (EM, pressure, etc..), and dark matter has no apparent...
  45. R

    Could Dark Energy be Dark Matter cooling?

    Hi Clever People, I've been watching an amazing program about dark matter, dark energy and dark flow. I thought there were questions that should have been asked, but then I'm a website designer - what do I know! So... as an interested non-physicist, my apologies if this question is...
  46. J

    Explaining Dark Matter: A Cooling Theory for the Missing Mass

    Dark matter: The invisible force The temperature of space may hold the key to solve problem of missing matter Dark matter, the "invisible" mass that scientists believe makes up a large part of the universe, can be explained as being mass that is at one end of a cooling process that all matter...
  47. FeDeX_LaTeX

    What is Dark Matter? - Learn Its Properties & Particles

    Hello; What is dark matter? I have been told from numerous sources that it is simply an invisible form of matter that is undetectable by its electromagnetic radiation. However, that does not explain what it is, that just tells me that I can't see it. What particles does dark matter consist...
  48. H

    Dark matter: galaxy vs. super-cluster evidence

    I was wondering if studies of individual galaxies predict the same amount and distribution of dark matter as do studies of galactic super-clusters.
  49. C

    Dark Matter Particles: Not Atoms? Strings? Bubbles?

    if dark matter they believe is not made of atoms it must be made of some substence. is it made of basicly a big bubble of some kind of bubble of particles? and how can this be are the particles made of string also like atoms , according to string theory that is
  50. D

    State of knowledge of dark matter distribution vs Fermi Paradox:Zoo

    A question for those of you who know about the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy: Do we know how "clumpy" dark matter is? Can we tell yet whether dark matter is distributed about as densly as a gas or whether it's possible that there are the equivalent mass distributions that might...